February 2022

why is this interview question stumping our candidates?

A reader writes: I’m wondering why a particular interview question that we ask our candidates is so fraught. Something we commonly ask candidates at the very end of our process is quite simple but is for some reason astonishingly difficult and unexpectedly challenging for a lot of candidates. It is just this: “Is there anything […]

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I interviewed a candidate who didn’t know what was on his resume

A reader writes: For several years now, my company has outsourced a particular function to contractors, who use a well-known model, which I’ll call Model A. I oversee these contractors so have some level of familiarity with Model A. We recently decided that we want to bring this function in-house, so we are looking to […]

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my boss is coming back after going AWOL for 2 years

A reader writes: Since the start of the pandemic my boss has worked remotely. This isn’t a big issue except for two things. First, my team works in a lab as new product development. Due to the nature of our jobs, it’s nearly impossible to work from home full-time. Minus my boss, we’ve been in […]

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my coworker passes me messages “from the CEO” … that I think are really from her

A reader writes: I’ve worked for an 80-person organization for two years in an outward-facing, sales-like role. I come with 20+ years experience. The organization has one HR employee coordinating interviews, terminations, and benefits paperwork. Most of my colleagues work in roles that require casual clothing (a branded t-shirt and jeans). My role, however, requires […]

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