May 2022

interviews with a prison librarian, a brothel receptionist, an Arctic Circle lab worker, and other interesting jobs

Do you know this site has a whole section of interviews with people with interesting jobs? Here’s the complete list: a former receptionist at a legal brothel a lab worker at the Arctic Circle an incredibly diplomatic person … or how to agreeably disagree a former professional matchmaker a prison librarian a children’s entertainer a […]

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should I let my parents help me network?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: My question is about networking and family. My parents and I are in the same field, and I definitely was helped from the very beginning of my career by their experience and connections. Now that I’m finishing graduate school however, I feel that I want […]

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our receptionist is rude to people

A reader asks: The receptionist in my office is the first to answer the phone, and she is the first one clients see when they walk in the door. A big part of her job is customer service, but lately I’ve received complaints about her interactions with people — two from other employees and two […]

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