I work next to a haunted house, and other tales of Halloween by Alison Green on October 31, 2022 Here’s a round-up of Halloween posts from the past. I can’t escape Halloween Town my company wants me to work Halloween and I’m a Halloween fanatic (and the update) I live where I work, and now there’s a haunted house next to me our office may be haunted — how do I keep it from distracting from our work? my employee sent a memo to management about ghosts in the building I’m in trouble for being too tired to work the day after Halloween my employee got fired for wearing a Halloween costume to work … and trick-or-treating in an important meeting my piece for Slate on Halloween do’s and don’ts a special Halloween episode of the Ask a Manager podcast (from 2018 — with stories of people’s spooky experiences at work, including voices when no one is there, a creepily laughing doll, a fired guy’s ghostly revenge, and more) You may also like:my company wants me to work Halloween and I'm a Halloween fanaticmy favorite posts of 2022the grisly Halloween decorations, wearing a costume to an interview, and more { 7 comments }
Jean Pargetter Hardcastle* October 31, 2022 at 2:21 pm Low-stakes, but with update season coming, I want to know if the director in “My employee got fired for wearing a Halloween costume…” ever got over it or just kept asking forever!
calvin blick* October 31, 2022 at 3:01 pm I will be honest…the commenters on that thread seemed to think the director needed to get over it, but if I was in their place I would not be able to stop asking either. I wish we could get an update on that one because that is one of the stranger stories I’ve read on here. Even in the craziest AAM stories I can usually at least follow the line of thought, but not that one.
KoiFeeder* October 31, 2022 at 3:05 pm I understand why the director couldn’t let it go, but it’s also not really useful to keep pestering the employee’s manager when they don’t understand what the train of thought involved in that decision was either.
Mallory Janis Ian* October 31, 2022 at 5:59 pm I think the director kept asking because she was so embarrassed. Probably the c-suite execs keep talking about it and keeping the embarrassment fresh for her. It’s not productive, but probably just defensive.
Modesty Poncho* October 31, 2022 at 2:55 pm I still very much want to know what happened to Halloween Town
learnedthehardway* October 31, 2022 at 3:19 pm WRT to the manager who had the team member reporting ghost sightings to senior management, perhaps they should have pointed out that the employee was correct to bring customer concerns the management’s attention. I mean, regardless of how ridiculous it is, if multiple customers are concerned, then management should presumably be made aware. (I still love that the employee flagged the ghost sightings as an “action item”.)
That'sNotMyName* November 3, 2022 at 11:31 am Even if other offices do dress up for Halloween, no one is trick or treating in meetings. While I’ll happily hand candy to anyone who shows up at my door, isn’t the rough cutoff age for that around 12?