Ask a Manager in the media by Alison Green on November 17, 2022 Here’s some coverage of Ask a Manager in the media recently: I talked with Bloomberg about the rocky start to the new New York City law requiring pay transparency in job ads — and told them that some employers’ attitudes toward the new law seem like “a deliberate f-you to the law, and thus to workers.” I talked with Newsweek about being fired for being “unhappy at work.” I talked with the Huffington Post about what to say when you catch a coworker staring at your chest. The Verge covered the AAM letter earlier this week from a Twitter employee. (That letter-writer updated in the comments, by the way.) You may also like:my new employee keeps tagging us in negative social media posts after we've told her to stophow should I navigate social media connections during a job search?how risky is it to post about politics on social media? { 49 comments }
Moose* November 17, 2022 at 12:35 pm I assume the Twitter employee’s letter was from before the email Elon sent out to the whole company, laying out a new work environment and saying anyone who failed to agree would automatically be laid off and receive 3 months of severance. What are your thoughts on that email? Does that change your advice to the LW to stick it out?
Moose* November 17, 2022 at 12:36 pm context for those who haven’t seen it:
That'sNotMyName* November 17, 2022 at 12:56 pm I’m guessing that it would change things. Three months severance would hopefully buy enough time to find a new job. Since everything happening at Twitter is so very public, even beyond the industry-level gossip, I don’t think they’re going to be judged at all for leaving. Personally, I think it shows good judgment but others may be more neutral.
tamarack etc.* November 17, 2022 at 5:01 pm I came here to say this. (Just back from business travel and catching up w/ AAM.) If I got this email, asking me to commit to what is a dumpster fire of a workplace, or get 3 months severance, and I’m not desperate, I would not agree and walk away. (Frankly, at this stage I judge people – the ones who are ok with this attitude, the Elon-bros – for staying. Not desperate people with few options, big debt, medical issues, visa issues of course.)
Falling Diphthong* November 17, 2022 at 1:42 pm Three months’ severance in the hand is better than most of us thought she could do. I’d take it while the company still has the money to pay. (Assuming that that whole thing doesn’t go the way of so many other bold announcements.)
BasketcaseNZ* November 17, 2022 at 4:03 pm If I were LW, I would be jumping on that and running far far away. LW is immediately who I thought of when I saw that news too.
Pam Adams* November 17, 2022 at 12:41 pm This should be on a t-shirt. “a deliberate f-you to the law, and thus to workers.”
Wilbur* November 17, 2022 at 12:43 pm It seems so absurd to flagrantly violate the salary transparency law when it’d be much easier to make it a little bit too big.
ThatGirl* November 17, 2022 at 1:14 pm I saw an ad yesterday where the pay was listed between $40 and $87/hr which is not quite $0 to $2 million but is still a really big range.
WellRed* November 17, 2022 at 1:20 pm That 0 to $2 million is such a flagrant fk you to employees. Is that the first impression CitiCorp really wants to give? How bad do they treat you after you’re hired?
Warrior Princess Xena* November 17, 2022 at 1:33 pm To me that sounds more like the hiring ad equivalent of leaving the Lorem Ipsum on your website when it goes live. Still unprofessional, still needs to be fixed, but I’d give them the benefit of the doubt when they say ‘that was an error, sorry’. It does show that they procrastinated in getting ready for the regulation which isn’t necessarily the best look but I’ve worked with quite a few companies professionally and I can count on one hand the number of companies that I’ve worked with that really effectively get ready for regulations that they know are coming, even up to 5 years out.
Anon for this* November 17, 2022 at 4:00 pm I’m skeptical this was an error. In finance laws and regulations change frequently, and there is no “whoopsie” for failure to comply after the deadline passes. Citigroup has long been openly hostile to the idea of pay transparency, and vocal about it, so this fits the pattern. I actually worked for a Citigroup subsidiary for several years, and this commitment to a opacity was clear even for internal job postings. I was interested in transferring to a new and growing department, which required a host of licensing and education. When asked (at an internal group lunch meeting, trying to recruit candidates) about the compensation, the presenter sniffed and said “it’s grade 12”. I contacted HR to find out what this meant. Initially I was told they did not even USE grades. After much back and forth, someone at HR said it corresponded to between $12,000 and $90,000 (this was in 200o or so). Not zero to two million, but equally unhelpful. I would be tempted to bat the same figure back to them during interviews to see how they respond. “What are your salary expectations?” “Oh, between zero and two million dollars, depending”. Likewise if asked for salary history.
Warrior Princess Xena* November 17, 2022 at 4:16 pm That’s fair – though I work in financial audit and have had to write companies up before for being out of compliance with regs long after they knew they had passed because they’d made errors/had inexperience people/bad software. At a certain point, even if it’s not a deliberate fraud, you should be able to operate at a certain standard of operations & not operating to that standard of operations is going to be just as harmful to everyone around you as being malicious is.
Warrior Princess Xena* November 17, 2022 at 1:29 pm I know that for a company my cousin worked for, the employees had options to progress either through levels of management or by becoming increasingly specialized and skilled in their existing roles – ie, everyone would be a Llama groomer, but you would begin to specialize in just Llama neck fur or just Llama foot care, not general Llama grooming. Experienced hires did not have a title change, and they would hire both new people and experienced hires, but the pay amounts for those would be vastly different. That said, if you do have a position like that, you should probably still set up different hiring ads since the job duties for ‘Llama groomer – will train’ and ‘Llama groomer with a specialty in Llama fur braiding’ are probably going to be pretty different, even if they nominally have the same title. And even if you do have one ad for whatever reason (something like “we are always hiring llama groomers at any level of experience”) you should indicate pretty clearly in your ad that specific salary is going to be dependent on the level of specialized skill brought to the table.
Water Snake* November 17, 2022 at 5:04 pm That’s a typical range for a mid – senior engineering position, say, bachelor’s + 6 years exp.
NotRealAnonforThis* November 17, 2022 at 1:20 pm “Eyes up here, my chest isn’t going to answer you” has been a semi-sarcastic go to since I was about 16 years of age.
Nobody in particular* November 17, 2022 at 1:29 pm When I read yesterday that Musk was essentially offering 3 months tenure to anyone who wanted it, my first thought was the be happy for the LW who wrote in from Twitter this week. Be free!
kiki* November 17, 2022 at 3:30 pm Same! My only concern is that the severance may not actually be paid out since Twitter is veering towards bankruptcy. So if LW needs the cash to pay rent/mortgage/expenses, this may not be the right call.
coffee* November 17, 2022 at 10:09 pm Yeah, you’d want to get paid sooner rather than later on the severance.
Falling Diphthong* November 17, 2022 at 1:44 pm Since taking over Twitter, Musk’s choices have been indistinguishable from what Kendall Roy on Succession would do if some banks bought him a social media app.
VeggieBubba* November 17, 2022 at 1:46 pm Well, there was that co-worker of mine at an old job who had very large breasts that I wouldn’t have normally stared at except when she came into one of our small weekly meetings she would sort of lift them, rest them on the table, and sigh, “my girls need a break.” I reconnected with an old high school friend at this job, we attended those same meetings, and now we’ve been together for over 25 years now. We still laugh about this even though we haven’t worked there in ages.
1-800-BrownCow* November 17, 2022 at 2:20 pm Thanks for the Huffington Post article. Although I wish it was as easy as all that. As a woman in a highly male dominant career, I’ve run into issues with addressing someone staring at my breasts. Problem is, if I try to speak up to the person, it usually does no good. And making a complaint to HR makes it worse. Even if I skipped addressing it with the person, once HR speaks to the person, it’s usually pretty obvious to them who made the complaint. Then you have those who make sure to only stare when no one else is around to be a witness, so it’s “your imagination” against their word. I had one manager that I used to have a problem with. I complained to their manager and afterwards, suddenly any project work he had to assist me with took longer or was done incorrectly or had some other problem. When I brought it up that I felt like he was doing those things on purpose as I’d never had the issues previously and others did not have the same problems, he had all sorts of excuses. And since I had no actual proof, there was nothing that was done. And I had no choice but to continue to go to him for certain work. This same manager would also stare at my chest with a big grin on his face anytime I had one-on-one conversations with him. I knew that if I complained, things would get worse for me. Most women within the company did not interact with him, so there was no other complaints. And the few other women who did interact with him were in positions that he was smart enough to not behave inappropriately around. Essentially it would have been my word against his. I hated that I didn’t feel like I was safe speaking up against him. It would have been an uphill battle and I, unfortunately, did not choose that battle.
Aggretsuko* November 17, 2022 at 5:20 pm Frankly, a lot of the time it’s not worth the battle and you’re highly likely to lose. Especially doesn’t sound like you would have gotten anywhere in this situation. I think doing a lot of personal calculation as to the lack of results you’re likely to get versus the near-guaranteed amount of poop emojis you probably will get is a fair calculus to make. I wouldn’t have bothered either. Frequently it’s just not worth it. Signed, I Remember The Time When I Got Interviewed By The World’s Longest Ogler.
ArtsNerd* November 17, 2022 at 2:27 pm I’m going to be That Person: the (not-Alison) advice to request direct eye contact ignores the fact that eye contact isn’t natural, and indeed frequently uncomfortable, to many people with neurodivergence. The other advice — pointedly crossing arms, “oh is there something on my shirt?”, “your looking at my chest makes me uncomfortable” etc. is all good. I’m not saying that people with breasts should tolerate or tiptoe around staring. My own, indeed, are ample and I spent far more energy than I ever should managing the fact that they exist in the workplace. Just that there are many ways to indicate that you’re listening to someone, and there are better options than the “my eyes are up here” response.
Roland* November 17, 2022 at 3:42 pm The advice to ask for eye contact was specifically in the case where people are staring at your chest. If someone is staring at my chest that’s on them and they don’t get to complain that I didn’t consider their preferences when I call them out. If someone doesn’t like making eye contact they are welcome to look in all sorts of other directions that are not my chest
Warrior Princess Xena* November 17, 2022 at 4:22 pm Thanks for putting into words what I was feeling! I sympathize with people for whom eye contact is uncomfortable but if you’ve gotten to the age of 18+ without realizing that the breasts are an unacceptable alternative to eye contact then it’s time you learn and I’m not going to feel sympathetic when I have to ask you to not sexually harass me.
Sebastian* November 17, 2022 at 5:10 pm But it only works as a response to someone staring at your chest if you accept the presumption that it’s reasonable to expect someone to comply with a preference for making eye contact. There’s no shortage of people who object to my staring over their shoulder when I’m speaking to them, and advice like this encourages them to believe that’s okay.
Roland* November 17, 2022 at 5:35 pm > But it only works as a response to someone staring at your chest if you accept the presumption that it’s reasonable to expect someone to comply with a preference for making eye contact. Well good news, I do think it’s reasonable to expect someone to look into my eyes instead of MY CHEST. Both of you are ignoring the context that this advice was given in. No one said, tell everyone in the world to look into your eyes. We are saying look into my eyes because currently you are looking at my chest. If you are looking at my chest then I do not care how much you dislike eye contact, looking at my eyes is preferable to looking at my chest and we wouldn’t be having this conversation if you weren’t looking at my chest. If other people also ignore context and use this as ammo to demand eye contact from non-chest-starers then that’s because they suck and frankly has nothing to do with me.
Twix* November 17, 2022 at 6:26 pm Yup, gotta agree with this. Context-specific advice is not only valid if you accept the advice as true without that context. “It’s okay to hurt another person in self-defense” is not only valid if we assume it’s okay to hurt other people in general. I see the point about normalizing not looking someone in the eye while speaking, but in this situation the point is to call attention to where the other person is looking, not to where they aren’t.
Zorak* November 17, 2022 at 8:21 pm Exactly, “My eyes are up here” is a time-honored way to ask someone to stop goggling at your chest without having to specifically say something.
a raging ball of distinction* November 17, 2022 at 3:03 pm Wow. As someone who’s been unexpectedly let go for not seeming happy with my job, that Newsweek article was the validation I needed but never expected to receive. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alison, for being a voice of reason in the wilderness.
Aggretsuko* November 17, 2022 at 5:22 pm I haven’t been, but I was told I HAVE to be happy at my work–either fake or real–in February 2020. I was out sick for a week after that, I think my body just didn’t want to go back. (No, it wasn’t covid.) I was trying to not be obviously pouting, but not fitting what they want out of you is inherently stressful. I think not being seen as much IRL has probably helped there.
Veryanon* November 17, 2022 at 3:15 pm Nominating EM for Worst Boss of the Year, in case no one has yet.
irene adler* November 17, 2022 at 3:49 pm He belongs in a category all its own. Something beyond worst boss of the year.
Aggretsuko* November 17, 2022 at 6:07 pm Worst boss for all eternity? Well, he and Trump might end up in a tie on that one.
Veryanon* November 17, 2022 at 3:22 pm Staring at someone’s breasts: I recently had to investigate a complaint against an employee who, among other things, had a terrible habit of staring at other employees’ breasts. When I asked him about it, he said something to the effect of “Well, the breasts are there, am I supposed to act like I just don’t notice them?” My answer: Yes. You’re here to work, not to ogle people and make them feel uncomfortable. He never did get the message and we ended up firing him not too long after that conversation.
kiki* November 17, 2022 at 3:33 pm I’m kind of obsessed with how delusional that answer was. This person completely missed the boat on societal and professional norms. Yes! You are supposed to act like you don’t notice them! Being professional actually means pretending not to notice all sorts of things about coworkers.
Warrior Princess Xena* November 17, 2022 at 4:34 pm At least if he ever made an unemployment claim whichever person assigned to his case would have an unusually clear cut chain of evidence denouncing him as a sleazeball? Would break up the monotony a bit.
Unkempt Flatware* November 17, 2022 at 5:22 pm hooo boy! I’d have probably fired him right then if able.
Happily Retired* November 17, 2022 at 3:29 pm Re: the LW from Twitter Links to updates never work on my phone. For anyone else looking for it, it was posted 11/15/22 @1:06pm (Eastern, I imagine.) Username is “The OP (a Tweep)”. I clicked on the time stamp, and here’s the link, but even this one doesn’t work properly – again, on my phone.
Falling Diphthong* November 17, 2022 at 5:47 pm According to Bloomberg, far more employees than anticipated chose 3 months’ severance over the pledge of hardcoreness. No one could have seen this coming.
Aggretsuko* November 17, 2022 at 6:13 pm What, that it’d be smarter to bail now and get severance than get fired/lose it when they run out of money? This is a great way to lay off 75% of people without technically doing so!
coffee* November 17, 2022 at 10:03 pm I got the impression he wanted the validation of people choosing to stay and was surprised when they left.
gsa* November 17, 2022 at 7:51 pm Why are people talking about a post that was a few post ago in this one? Alison, Congrats on the publicity. Bravo! gsa
AA Baby Boomer* November 18, 2022 at 10:12 am Alison, I’m wanting to say that the word “felt” isn’t firm enough when discussing the “looker” with HR. The “I felt” leaves it up to someone stating that the OP isn’t sure and they may not follow through on the complaint. “I felt that they were staring at my breasts the entire time”
Josephine* November 21, 2022 at 9:04 am I’ve been fired too for seeming unhappy! They said that when I started working there I was like the “fresh wind” they needed. But I didn’t seem happy to be working there anymore. The truth is management was the reason I wasn’t happy. They were horrible. They sucked the happiness out of me. They didn’t ask why I seemed unhappy or if I was okay.