February 2023

I had to stay in a horrible hotel on a team-building trip

A reader writes: I work for a large company and my team is spread over four offices in different cities. We do a yearly employee satisfaction survey and our scores last year were quite low. In an attempt to improve our scores, our manager and director arranged a team-building trip to their home city. The […]

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my team doesn’t want managers to hang out with them

A reader writes: I manage a small tight-knit team. The people I’ve hired in the last two years socialize together quite a bit, which is great. The downside is they don’t invite me or the other managers; the junior members will hang out together and not invite the managers. The disappointing part of this is […]

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people are stealing the bathroom items I bought for shared use, how much mental health support should managers provide, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. How much direct mental health support should managers provide? You get a lot of questions about how employees can deal with managers who overstep the mark in the name of mental health, pushing employees to be vulnerable and share details about the mental health. I […]

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weekend open thread – February 11-12, 2023

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Here are the rules for the weekend posts. Book recommendation of the week: Silver Sparrow, by Tayari Jones, in which a man has two daughters — one in his public family and one in his secret […]

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it’s your Friday good news

It’s your Friday good news: 1.  “I’ve never written in, but I read the site every single day. I’ve been at my current company for over 12 years, and just last year I finally landed in a role that I love. My company merged with another one about a year ago, so I went from […]

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