February 2023

open thread – February 10-11, 2023

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on any work-related questions that you want to talk about (that includes school). If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to take your questions to […]

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what’s up with this rude and entitled networker?

A reader writes: A friend of mine works in community development and occasionally comes across young people who she thinks would do well to learn more about my field. She recently asked permission to put me in touch with a college sophomore. Mine is a high paying, prestigious, and extremely interesting field that most college […]

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my employee missed work after a night of drinking

A reader writes: An employee I manage called out today due to being hospitalized over the weekend for alcohol poisoning. They went out to celebrate their birthday over the weekend and overdid it on the partying. I realize this is out of work conduct; however, it is affecting the employee’s job because they couldn’t come […]

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office coffee wars: share your stories

One of my favorite “ask the readers” posts ever was one five years ago about office coffee wars (or tea/milk/etc. wars). It produced some amazing stories, including these: “LastJob had a coffee club. I was not a member. There was one coffee maker. There were coffee wars over caffeinated vs. decaf coffee. Regular coffee vs. flavored […]

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my employee has absolutely no attention to detail

A reader writes: One of the junior attorneys who works for me and I are pretty friendly. Jessie is a genuinely lovely person — friendly, kind, and we have a good working relationship. The one thing she struggles with is attention to detail. This comes out in two key ways — first, typos and misspellings […]

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