updates: asking for a raise when your company doesn’t do raises, crawling at work, and more by Alison Green on March 16, 2023 Here are three updates from past letter-writers. 1. Should I ask for a raise at a company that doesn’t do raises? (#2 at the link) I have a GREAT update! I took your advice and decided to ask for a raise anyway, after some calculated thought and planning, and it worked! Just today I got my annual letter of employment that includes our salary for next year and it included a 6% merit raise! It also had the 4% across the board raise for everyone, bringing my total yearly raise to 10%! I started in October with our (1-person) Human Resources department to inquire about the best time of year to ask for a raise, and after she told me that unless I changed job titles it wasn’t likely, she gave me the answer I needed (just after the winter holidays but before our annual salary letters came out) and the correct person with whom I would have to speak. I also talked to my department supervisor in December and let her know I was planning to ask for a 2-3% raise; she encouraged me to ask for more like 8% because the worst they could say is no (here’s to having women in your corner!!). Two weeks ago, after reading the advice on your site like making a list of reasons I deserve a raise, having a plan for what I was going to say in the meeting, and remembering that it’s TOTALLY normal to ask for a raise, I went and made my case to the boss over all the departments. I started with the good work I’ve done since I’ve been at the company, the new types of work I’m doing and succeeding at, and the positive feedback from my clients. I made my 8% ask at the end of the conversation. Big boss was very nice, gave me some positive reinforcement, and said he couldn’t promise anything but would see what he could do. Obviously it worked because I got at least some of the raise I asked for! The biggest lesson for me here, is to advocate for yourself – especially as a woman. I was surprised that 3 people, all women and one being my therapist, to whom I mentioned that I was going to ask for a raise cautioned me against it because they were afraid I might be asking too much or would jeopardize my job. My company still doesn’t do yearly evaluations for raises, but as I learned here, never underestimate the power of the ask! 2. Annoying ring tones (#4 at the link) Thank you so much for answering my question. I’m not sure what kind of response I was looking for other than actually using my words to talk to the coworker with the annoying ringtone. There was a part of me wondering if noisy ringtones were becoming more acceptable in the workplace. Shortly after getting to work yesterday, her phone went off and it was LOUD! She was not at her desk so I offered to grab her phone or silence it for her. She explained that she would love to silence her phone, but there were some extenuating circumstances which makes putting her phone on silent potentially problematic because of the nature of the calls she can might miss. It made perfect sense to me when she explained her situation. I’ve missed calls and messages when my phone was vibrating right next to me. I asked her if it would be possible to keep her phone on a lower volume, and she happily agreed. I’m so glad I understand her situation better. It does make the ridiculous noise more tolerable. Her phone is set to a much lower volume which makes the tones much less distracting and more tolerable. This is a great example that we should not only speak up when there is a problem, but we also have to be willing to listen. 3. Crawling on the floor at work (#2 at the link) I have an update on this. It took a little longer than expected because the pandemic surged and we ended up going back to the office in fall of 2022 instead of fall of 2021. The main thing that happened was that my illness got worse, so that I get dizzy spells more often and sometimes they also affect my speech. However, the greater frequency provided more data, do I was able to identify some triggers, especially certain sounds and motion (like walking down a connecting hallway with background music after getting off the bus). I avoid what triggers I can and wear noise cancelling headphones in the hallway with music, but still have dizzy spells at the building fairly often. I carry a card on my phone so I can explain what’s going on quickly, even if I can’t speak clearly. I have had one spell bad enough to need to crawl. I was in the hallway with the music before the start of the day with perhaps five people around, none of whom I knew. I was walking erratically, the bystanders came to help, I showed them my card. Then just became unable to stand and had to crawl out of said musical hallway, which is between the bus stop and my desk. Nobody freaked out, but two people did walk along next to me to be sure I got out okay. That was the turning point for me in terms of being “disabled enough.” Acting on a commenter’s suggestion, I went out and bought collapsible trekking poles. It may look a little weird or over-athletic as opposed to an actual mobility aid, but they do the job. This far, no one has commented on them and I feel much more comfortable in my in-between space. Thank you. You may also like:I asked for a raise but instead they're doing small cost-of-living increases for everyoneshould our raises be late just because our performance reviews are late?my new job doesn't give raises -- ever { 77 comments }
ZSD* March 16, 2023 at 12:50 pm #3 Is this hallway with music part of your workplace? If so, could you submit an accommodation request to have them turn off the music? That would seem like a very reasonable accommodation to me.
Gust of wind* March 16, 2023 at 1:07 pm I came here to ask/say the same. Turning of the music sounds like a reasonable request. I don’t have a disability and I am not happy with music allways being played everywhere. Some silence is very enjoyable and often lacking. So you might even be doing other colleagues a favor too. Of course you being in pain is a good reason on it’s own, even if other people loved the music. Just wanted to point out that it might not even be a compromise for some people.
Observer* March 16, 2023 at 1:15 pm Yes, this was my first thought. It’s not even about whether people like the music or not, and I wouldn’t even go there. It’s that whether people like the music or not, there are very dew places where you could make the argument that music in the hallways is truly important for the business.
migraines* March 16, 2023 at 5:15 pm LW# 3, your doctor can also help you figure out what kind of accommodations would be helpful and appropriate to ask for, beyond walking sticks. Neurologists often field that kind of request and can talk through how it might benefit you to have, say, a quiet dark room in the office to retreat to that is closer to the bathroom (an accommodation I have) or access to the elevator, if those are things you need. You can make an accommodation appointment with your neuro if you have one and they will be able to brainstorm things with you.
Fleur-de-List* March 16, 2023 at 7:53 pm Another strong agreement here – it doesn’t sound like this hallway with the music is doing anything for anyone that’s positive. If it is the main way that you get to work each day, they should be able to make this reasonable accommodation for your safety!
LW3* March 16, 2023 at 8:51 pm I am working with Accommodations Management with HR, but just beginning the process so I don’t really know what accommodations are available. With regards to the hallway itself, it’s not really workspace. It connects the non-work (cafeteria, gym) areas of the building and a couple of entrances ( the closest one to the bus stop) to the wings with actual offices.
WantonSeedStitch* March 17, 2023 at 9:05 am But if it’s still part of a building that is owned by your company, it seems like turning off the music would still be something within their power. If your company is only one of the companies using the building, that could be different.
sometimeswhy* March 17, 2023 at 11:55 am And even if the company doesn’t own the building, the employer would be obliged to engage with the employee AND the building management/owners as a part of the process.
Frequent reader, infrequent commenter* March 16, 2023 at 12:54 pm #3, if the walking poles help you should use them whenever you feel like they would help. If someone comments negatively about them, that’s a problem for THEM, not you. Best of luck.
Observer* March 16, 2023 at 1:23 pm I totally agree. From an employer POV, it’s the perfect item. It’s non-intrusive, provided by the employee, non-damaging and doesn’t require anyone to make any changes. How much better does it get? As for anyone else, who cares? Why should anyone care that you use them? And honestly, why should you care if they have Opinions? I wouldn’t waste the energy.
Elle* March 16, 2023 at 1:39 pm This. Trekking poles are so helpful for such a variety of situations, I wish they were more commonly used/not seen as so weird. I have mobility issues that started in my twenties and I began to use them to help me hike without needing multiple rest days after, but now I make sure I have them any time walking more than a block or two is a possibility.
WantonSeedStitch* March 17, 2023 at 9:07 am I’ve just urged my mother to buy some! She’s older, and while she’s in good physical shape, she tends to fall frequently (just clumsy, really). I’ve encouraged her to get some poles for whenever she’s walking on uneven ground to minimize that, because I worry that more injuries could decrease her mobility at her age, and that tends to be a slippery slope to decreased health.
yala* March 17, 2023 at 10:59 am I wonder if we could convince my Granny to use these. She’s 94 and has some balance issues, but doesn’t want to use a cane or a walker. She doesn’t even like the better shoes my mom and aunt got her because they make her “look old.”
Pam Adams* March 16, 2023 at 4:32 pm Yay, #3! I use a cane pretty frequently- having that third leg to help my balance works.
Thin Mints didn't make me thin* March 16, 2023 at 5:08 pm If the poles work for you, that’s great! If you find you’re still not able to stay balanced, you might consider a rollator — a rolling walker with a seat, so you can always sit down. I have a disability that makes it useful for me to use one in the house, and it’s also a handy way to transport objects so I can keep my hands free for navigating/balancing. There’s also a certain perception factor — if I’m seen to be using a mobility device, people are much more willing to get out of my way, hold doors for me, or generally accept that I have a disability.
lilsheba* March 16, 2023 at 9:12 pm I am one who uses a rollator, for the same reasons. Easy chair to sit on, it is an excellent way to transport items around the house and it makes walking easier. I hadn’t thought of trekking poles though, I use a strong arm cane for shorter distances/smaller spaces. I haven’t had to use a mobility aid at work in an office because I got disabled after I started working from home, but if I did work in an office it would be essential, I couldn’t be without it.
Reluctant Mezzo* March 16, 2023 at 10:53 pm My husband adored his rollator, especially when we couldn’t find a parking spot close to the door of the store (or even if we did). He used it everywhere around the house till he lost his mobility entirely.
lilsheba* March 16, 2023 at 12:55 pm On the ringtone issue, it IS possible to put a phone on do not disturb and still allow specific people to ring through with sound. That way the important calls are not missed.
Dovasary Balitang* March 16, 2023 at 1:09 pm There are also smart watches that can sync up with phones and vibrate if you get a call, but I understand that’s a bit of a bougie solution and not accessible to everyone.
moonwalk* March 16, 2023 at 4:40 pm Maybe not as inaccessible as it seems – I got an Amazfit smartwatch that does this new for $40.
Properlike* March 16, 2023 at 1:19 pm That usually requires loading “cleared” phone numbers – not helpful when getting calls from a place with multiple extensions. I’ve waited for calls from small doctor offices that haven’t ring through even with my phone in my hand.
Ginger Baker* March 16, 2023 at 1:29 pm ^this. And depending on the nature of the situation, you might not know who/what number The Important Call will be coming from. (That said, I’m a bit surprised then that she leaves her phone ever – I actually cried (more than once!) when I realized the first time after my mom died that I could actually leave my phone at the desk when I went to the bathroom. I just…kept it on my at literally all times for many many months.)
Alpaca Bag* March 16, 2023 at 1:40 pm Wow, this hits home. Thank you for helping some stuff break free for me!
Ginger Baker* March 16, 2023 at 4:35 pm :virtual hugs: Glad I could offer some insight that helped you, tho it means you share some aspect of an experience I know is super crappy.
Observer* March 16, 2023 at 1:29 pm True, so it would depend on who the calls were coming from. But I do know that there are services that do make sure that all of their calls to clients show up as the same number. I’m thinking of the company that does the tracker / fall detection pendant that my mom wears as an example.
Kara* March 16, 2023 at 1:30 pm It is, but it depends on the nature of the potentially missed calls. For family or the daycare this would work quite well, but any type of complex medical issues can result in a slew of seemingly random numbers that they don’t give you in advance.
Kate* March 16, 2023 at 7:22 pm One way I’ve gotten around this if I’m expecting an important call (this is for iPhones) – turn on the feature that makes your phone ring if you get two calls within 3 minutes from the same number. That way I can put my phone in “do not disturb” and choose which people the phone will ring through, AND anyone that calls me twice like that. Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and switch on Repeated Calls.
Ginger Baker* March 16, 2023 at 8:23 pm Helpful, but not a solution for every situation (I can rely on my sister to call me repeatedly if the house is on fire; the cardiologist I urgently needed to speak to about my mom would leave a voicemail and expect me to call back [but wasn’t always available when I did – even if it was in the next ten minutes]). When these workarounds work, great! But sometimes they don’t.
AM* March 16, 2023 at 4:53 pm Yes, you are absolutely correct. There are a couple of people in my office who do this.
SJ (they/them)* March 17, 2023 at 7:35 am Not absolutely correct, though — for example my son’s school and afterschool programs both come through to my cell as “Private Number” and there’s no way to greenlight that in the do not disturb function, so I have to leave my phone on. Just FYI!
disabled and happy* March 16, 2023 at 12:59 pm Finally bringing a mobility aid to work when I’d needed it for months already was honestly such a relief. A few people asked nosy questions, sure, but also people started holding the door for me and helping me carry things when I wasn’t up to doing it myself. It also prompted my boss to take me off of mail-sorting duty. And it let me save some of my energy for the end of the day and allowed me to enjoy more of my evenings. I think it’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made.
Thin Mints didn't make me thin* March 16, 2023 at 5:09 pm I hear you. I spent way too many years trying to pretend I didn’t need mobility help when I did.
Eldritch Office Worker* March 16, 2023 at 1:06 pm #3 I know exactly how that “disabled enough” moment feels. Mine was sitting on a train platform unable to stand and not knowing how I was going to get home. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I’m glad you found a mobility solution that works for you, and wish you a lot of luck.
VI Guy* March 16, 2023 at 5:03 pm I keep having to remind myself that I’m already disabled (visual impairment) so using aides and getting help makes me more productive rather than more disabled. And often I think that I don’t deserve the help because my vision’s not that bad, really, right? We are often our own worst enemies! I wish you a lot of luck too, as well as OP3.
Falling Diphthong* March 16, 2023 at 1:13 pm Trekking poles are great for balance issues–it’s like carrying a railing with you. In the US, you can fly with them if you actually use them for mobility–if you want them just for rigorous hiking then they need to go in checked luggage, but if you use them to get through the airport they count as a cane.
ItBetterNotBeACactus* March 16, 2023 at 5:42 pm Yes!! My parent has Parkinson’s. They don’t normally need a walker and one cane doesn’t help even things out. Two poles helps them maintain an even and more stable gate. The poles have been great for their confidence (and mine in their balance). I bought them the carbon fiber ones from REI as a gift (at their request) — worth every penny!
I'm Just Here for the Cats!!* March 17, 2023 at 10:45 am I’m curious how the TSA would know if you are using the cane as a possible mobility aid or if you are going to use them to hike and don’t want to check your luggage? Can they ask or do you have to show a document from the doctor? Or do you have to be using it at the airport? I’ve heard horror stories from disabled people and TSA. I could totally see someone like the OP who carries the canes *in case* she needs them but doesn’t when she gets to the airport. Going through security I can see some jerk hassling her about the canes and making her put them in checked luggage. Does anyone have experience with this? I’m just curious
Observer* March 16, 2023 at 1:19 pm #1 = I am somewhat stunned that *your THERAPIST* cautioned you against asking for a raise. Is she usually this negative about your prospects? Honestly, I have to wonder if she’s a good match for you. I get that a good therapist will give you tough honesty when you need it. But this doesn’t sound like that kind of situation, at all.
Not Tom, Just Petty* March 16, 2023 at 1:41 pm Came to comment on this and read through till I found a thread. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? My therapist inspired my to apply to grad school. I understand if you are happy with her, but she is not in your corner if she thinks speaking up for yourself is not worth the risk.
Expelliarmus* March 16, 2023 at 1:49 pm To be fair, the company isn’t known for doing raises, so I’m not surprised that OP was cautioned against asking for a raise.
Observer* March 16, 2023 at 4:50 pm Why? Just because a company is not known for doing something, that does not mean that you MUST NEVER *ask* for that thing to be done. Coming from a therapist? Because the person “might be asking too much” (!) or might jeopardize her job (which sounds like straight up catastrophizing)? That really does not add up.
Hex Code* March 16, 2023 at 6:21 pm Sometimes therapists aren’t well positioned to give job advice — they work in a very particular environment that doesn’t translate to other professions and may not have any experience outside of that.
Perplexed Pigeon* March 16, 2023 at 7:42 pm Op #1 here: I think this last comment is spot on. I get my care through the Veteran’s Administration and she mentioned that in her job (gov’t) she doesn’t get raises unless she changes positions. I think it was more a caution about making sure my position wasn’t like that as well. She’s great in other areas, but job advice maybe not so much.
TeaCoziesRUs* March 17, 2023 at 10:20 am I’ve been in and around the US government as an employer my entire adult life, and can confirm what your therapist said. I have heard of a GS (aka Civil Service / Civilian in military circles) getting a step promotion, but it’s incredibly rare AND still within the overall rung of the position. For example, she’s probably either a GS-11 or GS-12 as a therapist. You typically receive a step promotion every year until you max out. If you come into civil service with corporate experience, they can sometimes offer GS-11 Step 5 (or something akin) to reflect your years of experience in the”outside.” The only time I jumped grades (GS-7 to 9) was as a non-competitive promotion as part of an internship program OR when they temporarily promoted me to Team Chief (GS-9 to 11) while waiting for the new hire to begin. One of the primary reasons I started to read AAM was to have even a vague idea of what life is like outside my military / GS bubble. I wouldn’t begin to offer job advice to someone not in the military bubble! (And I’d hesitate to offer any advice other than “read AAM – AND the comments!” to someone transitioning out of the military.)
MM* March 16, 2023 at 7:44 pm And a good therapist would understand that. Mine doesn’t really give me /advice/ at all. They will ask me questions about the way I’m talking about the thing, or encourage me to explore another way to think about it, but they would never suggest that I do or not do anything in particular. (I understand that for some people in therapy, this may be less avoidable–e.g., “think twice before you walk out on your spouse to go raise sheep in the Faroe Islands” to someone with a disorder that causes impulsiveness–but “don’t use the information HR gave you about asking for raises to ask for a raise” doesn’t fall under that kind of situation.)
Roland* March 16, 2023 at 7:45 pm I don’t see the cause for alarm from this one daya point. Being a therapist isn’t the same skillset as being an Alison Green. It’s almost certainly the case that the therapist thought that there would/could be blowback which would be damaging to OP. It’s not dishonest or non-supportive to be wrong about the exact risks at OP’s employer.
Observer* March 17, 2023 at 12:29 am It’s not dishonest. But it IS either non-supportive, or it’s someone who doesn’t know where their expertise ends.
Free Meerkats* March 16, 2023 at 1:23 pm For #2, this line really annoyed me, the boss saying, ““Oh wow, that startled me.” I believe she was hoping that would be a clue to turn it down.” Bosses shouldn’t be that indirect.
Properlike* March 16, 2023 at 1:26 pm I also get migraines, but nowhere near as debilitating as LW3. However, in hearing your triggers, I’m also hearing a lot of overlap with sensory processing disorder and traumatic brain injury issues. Dropping that here in case it’s something you haven’t yet explored, or would want to. I’ve gotten so much insight from the commentariat on a couple different (medicalish) things that I would feel remiss not raising it.
LW3* March 16, 2023 at 8:46 pm Thank you for the tip. I have been exploring it more medically and it’s actually inner-ear mechanical that makes that a trigger for me, even though the reaction (migraine) can be neurological. I have semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome. Basically, there’s a hole in one of the bones around my ear, so vibrations that all should be headed to my cochlea so I hear sounds get diverted to my semicircular canals, where I sense head position. Then my brain, noticing that my canals are vibrating, becomes convinced that my head is my head is moving around a lot. Fun stuff
ArtsNerd* March 17, 2023 at 6:15 pm LW3 I’m navigating vestibular migraine hell myself right now. Do not wish it on anyone. I’m glad you figured out what’s happening! Are you going to need surgery?
Properlike* March 18, 2023 at 2:04 am I know someone who had that! Had surgery to fix it, doing so much better now… but it was a lot of detective work and misery leading up to it. Brains are funny things. Honestly, had I remembered what the name was, would’ve mentioned it, but didn’t want to get too deep into diagnosing against the rules. Sorry you’re going through this. I put my email here in case you’d like the connection – they had good resources.
Happy meal with extra happy* March 16, 2023 at 1:45 pm I really appreciate the update for #2 because I think it highlights a good solution for mentally removing a coworker from BEC status by connecting with them as a person. At an old job, a woman in another department sat outside my office and was so loud throughout the day. Talking loudly to herself, singing(!), you name it. A couple months in, I started working directly with her and her department, and just knowing her as a person made her less annoying. Also, I felt more comfortable asking her to cut it out when she got really bad. Obviously, this won’t always work, but it is interesting how we can potentially change how we think and feel about others.
Quinalla* March 17, 2023 at 8:36 am Agreed so much with this comment! I was so glad OP2 was able to connect personally with her coworker on it as reframing it from her side and coworker lowering the volume on their side makes it so much better for everyone. You won’t always know the why, but when you can, wow does it help.
migraines* March 16, 2023 at 4:37 pm OP #3, have you escalated this with your doctor? I know you mentioned in the previous letter that this is a migraine issue, so if you haven’t already, bring this up to a neurologist. As a fellow migraineur, what you’re describing is on the fairly extreme end of symptoms and if it is an escalation in terms of your migraines it should be checked out. Muscle weakness is a normal symptom but regularly outright losing the ability to walk is, per my neuro, red flag territory. Plus, your doctor can write you an accommodations letter for things like the music or lighting that trigger your dizzy spells. Best of luck and I hope things keep getting better for you.
ItBetterNotBeACactus* March 16, 2023 at 5:52 pm I find that you have to be really specific on how negative something really is or it’s easy for a busy (or mediocore) doctor to dismiss you. “I feel dizzy” vs “Once a week for the past 5 months, I had to crawl on the floor in public and people freak out so I had to make this special card so they wouldn’t call an ambulance.”
migraines* March 16, 2023 at 8:39 pm Yeah, I mentioned doctor and then neurologist in my comment, so I realize I should clarify. If you have migraines, see a neurologist, ideally a headache specialist. Not just any doctor, a brain doctor. Neurologists are the best suited to help you, and the specificity issue, in my experience, becomes less of a problem because they tend to ask you clarifying questions (this is particularly true of headache doctors–my last doctor called me out for being “too vague”). But yes, in general, be as specific as possible about what your problem is. That’s a good rule of thumb with all doctors. I write down a list of things to mention in my notes app before going in, and will put quantitative measurements there for reference (useful for migraine appointments because they want numbers, but also helpful for other stuff).
LW3* March 16, 2023 at 8:53 pm I’m working on it with both my Neuro and an ENT, since we’ve found it that the dizziness part of it is inner-ear related.
Clueingforlooks724* March 17, 2023 at 10:00 am I’m very sorry for doing this because I absolutely hate it when you mention something medical and someone goes “did you try this?” super simple thing. For the headphones you are wearing, did you try the bond conduction headphones and see if that ‘hits’ differently for you?
Not A Raccoon Keeper* March 16, 2023 at 5:01 pm Here to celebrate the commenter(s) who encouraged LW3 to get poles, and the importance that disabled folks have had in my own ownership of needing accommodations and aids. My disabilities are invisible until they aren’t, and super dynamic, and it’s hard to reckon “skate skied 15 km on Saturday” with “can’t stand long enough to make cereal on Tuesday, I need an aid”. I’ll never forget the person on the bus with a scooter and a cane, who gave me The Talk about how I was allowed to keep my seat even if I didn’t look like I needed it (I needed it big time that day). I hope, LW3, that you don’t worry for too long about what looks weird. People might not understand your need, but I bet they’re not judging you for it, and who cares if they are – you’re doing what keeps you safe and healthy, and that matters far more. I hope your spells are rare and not too severe!
Holly* March 17, 2023 at 6:29 am UK here. We have badges which say “Please offer me a seat” which you can wear on public transport if you have an invisible disability, which is really useful. (TfL provide them for free. Also “Baby on Board” badges. And separately the sunflower lanyards are really useful.)
AM* March 16, 2023 at 5:08 pm #1 Congratulations on your raise!! That is really great and hopefully it is the first of many. I asked for a 10% raise in July and got it, but it made me question if I could have gotten more since it was such an easy conversation. However, two months later we had some changes in our office which prompted my boss to give to me a promotion (really just a title change) and an additional 8% raise. I know this was to discourage me from looking for another job. To be honest, it worked. I feel like I am paid what I am worth and believe there is room for growth in the company.
ItBetterNotBeACactus* March 16, 2023 at 5:48 pm The music hallway sounds terrible all around. I was in an airport passport control area a couple of years ago and it had this blue light around the perimeter and there was something about it that was just bad to me and I had to carefully look away. I was really worried it was going to insta-trigger a migraine or something. I still wonder if it was a decorative light or if it was special purpose — similar to a black light (normally a blue colored light doesn’t bother me). Anyway OP3, very smart on the card so others can know what to do and highly recommend trekking poles.
Almost There Don't Know Where* March 16, 2023 at 9:08 pm RE: #1 I’m happy for OP, but sad for less assertive, non-ask a manager readers at their company. The company should stop lying that they don’t give merit raises when they got one. What a way to promote salary inequity particularly among minorities who may not want to rock the boat. I’m not surprised at the timidity OP encountered when discussing this with other women. Go along get along has been our way to survive in the workplace for so long, that doing otherwise can seem more dangerous than it is.
rebelwithmouseyhair* March 19, 2023 at 5:52 am Yeah, OP you should talk about the fact that you got a raise to anyone and everyone who deserves one at your company, to shatter that myth and encourage everyone. I’m imagining some place rather like my previous company, where the guy in charge only ever hired young impressionable women fresh from uni who needed to prove themselves and were too afraid to ask for more money. Most of them didn’t last all that long because they just couldn’t take his bullying. (I was the only one who ever stood up to him, so he hated my guts, and the day he was fired by the guy who bought him out remains a day of pure Schadenfreude delight for me. )
LJ* March 17, 2023 at 12:05 am #3 this is a tangent but I have to ask – do noise-cancelling headphones actually block out outside music for people? When I wear them, they cancel out noises like fuzzy background noise (like a plane engine), but not people talking or playing music around me
Clueingforlooks724* March 17, 2023 at 10:02 am Mine have a different setting in their app that completely blocks sound and lets in ambient noise. I can’t hear my phone audio at 100% in front of me in the jetted tub, with regular headphones in, maybe 30% of the sound I can make out. With the noise cancellation I can hear it completely clearly.
Anecdata* March 17, 2023 at 11:52 am LW1 — would you be interested in, and would your parents be open to, a job that provides housing in the summer? Many of these are also mostly going to be 18+ but maybe a summer camp?
gnomic heresy* March 17, 2023 at 3:08 pm OP3: I also have vestibular migraine, and I got a LOT of benefit out of physical therapy. Turned out the link for me was eye movements, and with a vestibular therapy specialist I was able to stabilize my gaze so that my eyes don’t trigger the dizzy episodes. I now work 100% remotely, which avoids the concerns I had about driving, but subjects me to a lot more screen time, so the eye exercises really help. I don’t remember if you said if you’re doing any kind of physical therapy, but if not I hope you ask your doctor about it. I’m glad your adaptations so far are helping you in the workplace.
mmiiggrraaiinnee* March 17, 2023 at 6:18 pm Random question but since we’re talking vestibular migraine: do you ever get monocular diplopia?
Anon Moose* March 18, 2023 at 2:09 am I’m starting to get that, I think. Getting eye therapy to overcome a lazy eye that has decided to trek out on its own, but now my strong “good” eye is seeing double sometimes. Also migraine sufferer, but that’s not really related as far as I can tell.