June 2023

coworker talks about religion all the time, HR director won’t stop asking me to go kayaking, and more

It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go… 1. Coworker talks about his religion all the time I have a coworker who talks about his religion frequently and loudly in our open-concept space. Currently I’m far enough away that, while I can tell that these (one-sided) conversations are happening, I blessedly cannot hear every […]

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can I ask interviewers to get back to me either way?

A reader writes: I have recently re-entered the job search market at the ripe old age of 60. It’s been years, if not decades, since I last interviewed for a job. I’ve had five interviews so far that have gone nowhere. One thing I’ve noticed is that even after having an in-person interview, I am […]

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how do I start off on the right foot in a fully remote job?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I recently starting working remotely at a medium-large size company after working at a smaller company for several years. I am glad for the change and everything is going well, but I am finding it harder than I thought it would to get to know […]

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interview with a household manager for rich people

I recently talked with a reader who used to work as a household manager for a rich family — a job I have always wanted to hear the logistics of. Here’s our conversation. How did you end up in this job? I was working as a nanny, but I was already in a place where […]

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