open thread – September 29-30, 2023 by Alison Green on September 29, 2023 It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on any work-related questions that you want to talk about (that includes school). If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to take your questions to other readers. * If you submitted a question to me recently, please do not repost it here, as it may be in my queue to answer. You may also like:my coworker passes me messages "from the CEO" ... that I think are really from herour new phones have fewer speed dial buttons and everyone is freaking outhere's a bunch of help finding a new job { 1,091 comments }
Ask a Manager* Post authorSeptember 29, 2023 at 11:01 am Hi! A few people have asked about the “you may also like” related links that appear at the bottom of posts, because they’re no longer appearing on the home page. The links are still there if you click through to the individual post. But they’re not currently displaying on the home page, so the only way to see them is to click on the post itself. (The plugin that provides those got updated, and the update broke the home page part. I’ve got to hire someone to fix it.) Meanwhile, though, you might also like the Surprise Me button in the top menu, which will take you to a random post!
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:04 am thanks, alison! i noticed this the other day, but wasn’t sure if it was something on my end. thank you for the clarification! also i am a hige fan of the “surprise me!” feature. :)
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:05 am Ooh I love the random page feature of TVTropes, and I’m sure people will spend many happy hours with “surprise me” here!
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:06 am can confirm, have spent many happy hours with the “surprise me!” feature. :D
Koala Tea* September 29, 2023 at 11:19 am I do love the “Surprise Me” button especially when it takes me to a post with an update or two and down the rabbit hole I happily go! :D
Seeking Second Childhood* September 29, 2023 at 12:53 pm I got a laugh recently when I was nodding along with a comment before I realized it was one of my first comments!
too many dogs* September 29, 2023 at 11:48 am Thank you for letting us know. I really enjoy the links to related posts, and either find a new problem & solution you gave, or re-read ones I’ve seen before and get a refresher course. I just tried the “Surprise Me” button. This might be my new favorite thing.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:03 am Hi y’all. This isn’t the update I wanted to give. Yesterday I (31/F/Chicago) got placed on my second strike for my performance review (strike 1 happened the literal day after I god a decent mid year review). I was getting better in terms of errors (and thanks to my new trainer), but in terms of mastering basic concepts of the job, I am apparently not doing so great in that area (I think it’s partially due to initial training and lack of support I got when I was first moved to this team). My boss gave me today off so I can do some “soul searching” and decide if this is the right job for me (she wants to touch base next week). Option A: stay in this job until I find something new. It gives me benefits and I can afford rent, but it’s soul sucking. And I’m not good at it, and it’s really affecting my mental health. And I’m also pretty sure management wants me out. Option B: quit, rely on savings, hope I find something soon. I feel like, when I’m applying for other jobs, explaining that I quit because I wasn’t a good fit is a better look than explaining that I was terminated. My coworkers say I should stick it out because it’s a paycheck, and if I quit I won’t get unemployment. (They also say I deserve better and to not cry at my desk a few times a week.) And if my boss didn’t want to do a checkin next week, I’d probably feel better about doing that. But she’s gonna want an answer, and I’m thinking we’ll talk on Monday. Mostly up until this week, I genuinely thought all I had to do was get my errors down and I’d be okay. And I’ve been trying really hard. But now, apparently, it’s errors down + the understanding. Is there a professional way of saying “yeah no I’m absolutely not a good fit buuuuuuut I need the paycheck and benefits until I find something else”? I can almost guarantee she won’t let me stay and job hunt on the side, but I am hoping she’d let me stay two weeks until the next pay period (I have a decent amount of savings but I’ll take what I can get). I’ve never been one of those people who could find a job in a week. But I’m not planning on doing a total field switch this time so hopefully it won’t take as long. I do plan on reaching out to a few staffing agencies (which, in hindsight I should have done all along but I truly thought things were getting better); but if anyone has one to recommend, or jobs to look for. I really love the regularity of an office job and I thrive on routine. But mostly, this is a really sucky situation to be in. I’ve truly never been in trouble like this – personally, but also professionally. It’s also embarrassing that things are this bad, although I do think leadership played a huge role in this. I cried all through the meeting yesterday.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:08 am Aww, I’m sorry, that sucks. And it sucks to have to launch a new job search when you’re beaten down and feeling crappy – been there. I wonder if you could negotiate some severance if you agree to quit. I don’t know how much the unemployment insurance matters to you, hopefully others can advise. My fingers are crossed that if you activate your network a new opportunity will open up for you quickly. (I agree that hoping to stick it out there doesn’t seem reasonable at this point).
Cinnamon Hair* September 29, 2023 at 11:09 am Option A is probably the more logical choice… …but I would recommend Option B. I know how bad a soul-sucking job that ruins your mental health is. I left one a few months ago. I was well-paid, but that was the only perk and it didn’t matter. I was drowning. Option B can be really scary, of course, as you won’t know how fast you’ll find something else. So, I would try to plan for the worst-case scenario. Say you run out of savings and you haven’t found another job yet, what would/could you do? Could you stay with family or friends for a little bit until you find something?
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am luckily i have enough savings to last me a few months if i need. but hopefully it won’t take a few months to find something else…. i agree that i should go with option b, even if a is the more logical choice. the thought of quitting is terrifying BUT honestly going to a job i don’t like and am not doing well in is also not a solid option either.
Justin* September 29, 2023 at 11:37 am I was sort of in your situation and with a small child I had no choice but to stay as long as I could. I actually did manage to keep my job by, uh, sacrificing time with my baby (not ideal) to cut down errors. But if you don’t have to feed a child or whatever, your mental health is probably not worth feeling that bad.
m2* September 29, 2023 at 1:32 pm Might you ask if you could try to fix the issues and stay another 2-4 weeks and then speak to your manager again? Maybe ask for weekly meetings to discuss your work for that week? If it isn’t feasible use your vacation/sick time so you can keep insurance. That way you could really start applying to jobs and will still be on insurance while you look. Does your insurance cover the entire month? If so, maybe you can leave early and just have to find something by November (Cobra is $$). Or negotiate it as a layoff (in writing) or negotiate in WRITING what your reference will say. How long were you there? Because if short period maybe this doesn’t matter, but I would get in writing about a reference so if someone does a background check only positive things come up. This might mean they can only confirm employment dates, but it is better than having them talk about issues. Do you have vacation or sick leave left? IL pays out vacation I believe but if you have sick leave left, use it. Call out early next week and apply for jobs. If not I would use it before you leave so you have more $ and insurance. I wish you luck! Sending positive vibes.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 1:52 pm unfortunately the issues i am having are kind of key to being able to do my job. we already have weekly meetings and things are not getting better. and honestly this job is stressing me tf out and i don’t want to stay here. i was already job hunting, but was hoping things were getting better enough so i could stay and find something before leaving. but unfortunately that’s not how things are playing out. however! i will look into negotiating a layoff and make sure to get it in writing – which is key.
Random Dice* October 1, 2023 at 3:01 pm The manager is hinting as hard as possible for you to quit. Take the hint, you’re going to get fired. They really don’t want to fire you, they want you to leave.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:16 am I’ve been following your journey every week, and unfortunately I’m not surprised. Sometimes a bad start + a bad fit = you just can’t get up to speed in a reasonable timeline, no matter how smart you are or how hard you work. I’ve been there- it’s awful and it does a number on your psyche. I just want to reaffirm that that initial training is crucial. I have visibility into all onboardings at my company, and when someone doesn’t get that foundational training and support, it sets them up for long-term failure. I have seen very bright, very hard working people go on PIPs or let go because their managers failed to give them a half-decent onboarding. Even when the problem was discovered, it was very difficult (if not impossible) to come back from it. I know you feel embarrassed, but you are not the one that should be. The system failed you, and your onboarding manager failed you. You can’t groom a llama when your only tool is a rock- it’s on your onboarding manager to ensure you have sheers so you have a fighting chance. You need to leave this job. Staying is no longer an option- management is telling you pretty clearly that they are giving you a chance to set the terms of your exit, but you won’t be staying much longer. Don’t spend you energy fighting this- instead, invest your energy in the future. A few thoughts: – Is there an internal transfer you can make? You may be able to tell your manager that you are aware that this role isn’t a good fit, but you did really well in your last role and would love to stay at the company and do something similar. – Are they willing to turn this into a layoff? I was once let go as a one-person layoff. My manager insisted it was a firing because I made errors (literally 3 errors in one month- that was all she could find), but HR filed it as a layoff because they didn’t repost my role (they also knew my manager’s logic was faulty). I got unemployment, and it didn’t hurt as much in my job search. -If you haven’t started looking for other jobs, update your resume and cover letter this weekend. Get that first job application out. The mental battle is very real, and you’ve just used a lot of mental energy in trying to keep this job. Let the job go, and refocus that energy. Jump those first hurdles to give yourself a running start. It will also help you mentally start thinking of this job as being in the past and looking at new opportunities for the future. Good luck!!
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:33 am you know, i don’t think i’m surprised, either, but i so badly wanted to make this work. i tried really, really hard, but its been rough from the very beginning. thank you for this, i needed to hear it (or read it). i do feel like i had really insufficent training. once i started working with my coworker/new trainer, i felt a world of difference. it meant nothing, i guess, but i at least felt like i had a handle on the work, you know? and apparently people move through this training in a couple months, and i can’t help but wonder why nobody did anything sooner, once it bacame clear that something was not working? maybe i could have moved then, or done something different had i known. i also know that a lot of people have left this team in the last year or so, in large part because of the team leader. make of that what you will. i did ask about moving to a new team, and they said that the team i am on is pretty “entry-level” and if i can’t master that, i won’t be successful on other teams, because they’re pretty gray. i tried explaining that something more black and white might be a better fit, but it’s a no-go. (i think they were thinking only of options on the unbrella of teams they are on, but i would have been willing to move to a totally different team.) anyway, regardless, moving is not an option. luckily i’ve spent the morning applying for jobs. nothing more than a couple, but even just looking at possible options is a help. thank you for this comment, it was really comforting to read. i take responsibility, but it’s not all 100% my fault.
Nesta* September 29, 2023 at 11:43 am It definitely isn’t 100% your fault. I would say it isn’t even something you are to blame for at all. When a brand new employee, who is working hard and is committed to the work, isn’t doing well the organization has failed somewhere along the way. Either their on-boarding and training process is failing, or their interview process failed, or they failed to produce a good job description. If you were not given the tools to succeed and people have been fleeing this team because of the leadership… it sounds like the problem is most entirely on them. Don’t let them rob you of your confidence when they are the ones who did the worst job.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:59 am so the thing is…. i was moved to this team a few months after i got hired. the original job i was hired for was more research-based, and more in line with the job experience i had. apparently that team did not have enough work (???) so i was moved to this team by my boss’ boss (who is yet another reason why people are leaving). it was a purely “business” move and i had no say. not related to my job performance on the research team, i specifically asked about that when i got moved. but i don’t think they considered anything beyond “ok, this team needs help, let’s move (my name)!” anyway. yes, ultimately i would say leadership is the problem.
My Brain is Exploding* September 29, 2023 at 12:40 pm so there’s your answer whether you quit or are fired! You were hired to do one job and moved to a different job; in sure Alison has good wording for that.
aiya* September 29, 2023 at 2:20 pm exactly!!! you were hired to do job A, but then they pulled a switcharoo on you without your input and placed with in job B – a job that 1) you did not ask for and more importantly 2) did not align with your expertise. It’s no surprise that job B didn’t work out! I wouldn’t worry about potential employers betting an eye on firing since you’re able to provide a valid reason.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 5:24 pm It’s like hiring a llama groomer and then going oh, wait, we actually need you to feed and polish this basilisk. It’s ridiculous to just assume everybody has the same skill sets, especially when they were clearly hired for Job A, not B, in the first place!
Weaponized Pumpkin* September 29, 2023 at 2:40 pm I am totally in the same boat and it sucks. I was transferred to a new role because my old one didn’t have enough work and I am NOT a fit for this one. No one is available to train me — there’s no one even responsible for training me up. My boss means well but can’t help me develop these skills. She is super positive about my abilities and thinks I can do it — but every month it’s more and more clear to me that my skills are not transferrable and what I can do doesn’t line up with what needs to be done. It’s absolutely killing me, I’m crying all the time. It’s time to start the exit strategy conversations.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 3:08 pm heyyyyyy. i get that, 10000%. i’ve cried at and because of work more in the last few months than i have in the last several years. it sucks and i’m sorry. anyway, i wish i would have realized (or been explicitly told) how bad things really were for me, that things were not going well and wouldn’t be getting better. i’d have started job searching (or asked about moving again) literal months ago and might have left on better terms than i’ll be leaving on. bc even if i quit/get laid off/fired, it’s still not the way i want to go out. again, i’m so sorry. sending you all the good vibes.
kalli* September 30, 2023 at 9:59 am this is what you say when you talk about why you left: ‘I was hired for A, a research role, but my previous employer redeployed me to B, a non-research role, and it ended up not working out as well as the research role. Unfortunately they ended up not having any research work for me to do, so I’m looking for something that’s more aligned with my expertise.’ And then highlight how the role you’re looking for is something you know you would be good at.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 11:16 am Oh man, I am so sorry to hear this. It’s truly sucky. I remember feeling much the same in my old job, ages ago. I did end up quitting and doing temp work/relying on savings for a bit until I found something permanent. It was scary and I barely had enough to get me through until I got a job, but then again, I was also in my mid-20s and at an entry level job that had never paid very much. One thing that helped was that I also got paid out for my unused vacation time at the end of my employment there. I’d been unaware that happened, and I was relieved when I saw the size of my final paycheck. Maybe doing some budgeting would help you make a decision?
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:45 am i know our vacation is a “use it or lose it” kind of thing, but maybe that’s different if you leave? anyway, maybe i’ll aask about this!
whimsy* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am Building on @WantonSeedStitch’s comment, temp work can be very liberating after a bad job. It is often quite repetitive and low responsibility so there’s less pressure you can put on yourself. Plus, somehow it doesn’t seem too bad if you ask questions. In fact, people often seem to like the temp asking questions as it makes them feel like experts. If you hate the work, you can tell yourself it’s just temporary. I was so relieved and grateful to do audiotyping all day after leaving a bad job with nothing lined up. Sending you all good wishes. Sounds as though you were set up to fail by people who were paid to do much better.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm honestly low responsibility and repetitive work sounds truly amazing right now. how did you get into audiotyping? or temp work in general, like, is there an agency or job board?
Seeking Second Childhood* September 29, 2023 at 1:03 pm Dozens of agencies across the country for everything from factory line workers & entry level office staff to accountants and IT and software engineers. Do a local to you websearch and interview them. Ask if they offer insurance to ongoing temos and what the threshold is for being able to buy in.
whimsy* October 2, 2023 at 10:59 am I got the temping through a recruitment agency. I’d never done autdiotyping before but I guess I scrubbed up OK because I was placed with a law firm that needed someone to type up letters and reports. I’ve seen specialist audiotyping agencies on line. Might be worth a look. One surprise benefit of the job was reading about the legal fixes the clients had got into. Whatever questionable decisions I had made, they were small fry compared to those of the firm’s clients. This was strangely good for my self esteem.
ThatGirl* September 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm In Illinois there is a law that accrued, unused vacation time must be paid out. So yes, you should get a lump sum for that if/when you leave.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am i honestly had not considered negotiating it as a layoff, but i’ll look into this! suggestions on how to do this are welcome. :)
Mztery1* September 29, 2023 at 11:41 am I was in a similar position years ago, and explained that I understood it was not a good fit, and I hadn’t written to the challenge, but I did not consider it a firing for Cars. It kind of stopped them in their tracks and I was able to get unemployment. I don’t know where you live but at least you’re in California firing for cause is very specific and just the fact that you weren’t doing a good job doesn’t necessarily bother you from getting unemployment, but I would try to negotiate it before you leave and if you think it would make sense, that would be a larger fight than just laying you off maybe that would work. But you know your manager, and other people better than I obviously am – if you think the soft touch is better than I would just ask for their “mercy” to make it as painless for you as possible.
NewJobNewGal* September 29, 2023 at 11:21 am If your boss hasn’t been hostile, then they would likely welcome a negotiation for departure. It’s always a risk, but since your boss gave you the ‘soul searching’ speech, it sounds like they are looking for you to open that conversation. I was pushed out of a job and I felt destroyed, but I survived. My next job actually launched me on my current career. If I wasn’t pushed out, I never would have gotten that job that led to the fabulous job that I have now. Not that everything turns into rainbows, but sometimes the universe pushes you where you need to be. Good Luck!
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:49 am agreed @ the universe. :) obviously i do not love the position i am in, but there is some relief? like, i’ve been struggling hard for a really long time – longer than i realized – and idk, it’s just weirdly nice that there’s some resolution, even if that means i quit (or negotiate a layoff) and rely on savings/temp work.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 11:21 am I’ll also add: I got the job that started me on my current career path (which I love and am good at) through a temp position. I can’t remember the name of the staffing group I was with at the time (early 2000s), but I do remember they had an arrangement where if they didn’t have an open position for you, they’d send you to work with volunteers at a local nonprofit for the day and pay you the staffing firm’s base hourly wage, so at least you’d have something coming in. I guess they got to write that off in their taxes or something.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 12:04 pm that’s awesome! :) i’ll look into temp work, it might be a good mental break, which i think i need right now. especially if there’s an option to make it permanent. i love work that is low-stakes and repetitive.
Majestic Cackling Hen* September 29, 2023 at 2:47 pm It can also be a good way to find workplaces you like, or learn about new fields that you might not have thought of. I never thought about prospect research before, because I didn’t know it existed. But temping as an admin for a fundraiser was the gateway to a job in the prospect research office there, and that was the first step in a great career that suits me SO MUCH BETTER than admin work.
Tammy 2* September 29, 2023 at 3:00 pm I am not sure if your screen name means you are currently in libraries, but I just wanted to share that I left a library job due to a family situation in 2007 when the library job market was really tough and I didn’t have any location flexibility due to the family situation. I took a temp job working on a client record digitization project at a private services firm, was hired permanently there as the records manager there when the former person retired, and now I run the records program for a large organization. I am much happier (I don’t have the patron stress or take my work home in the same way) and I think I am better compensated than I would be if I’d stayed on the library track I was on. If this is striking a chord and you think you might want to look into an information governance path, you might want to connect with your local ARMA chapter. This path is a really good fit for people with an affinity for library work.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 3:15 pm thank you so much for this! i did actually used to be an adult services librarian but left a year ago because of patron/admin stress. your job, and the path to it, sounds awesome and like something i would be into. thank you so much for the suggestion! :D
I'm just here for the cats!!* September 29, 2023 at 11:24 am I feel for you as I’ve been in a similar situation. Personally, I would choose option A. Have you talked with your boss about the lack of training and that you think that’s a (major?) contributing factor? Are there any other openings in the company that you could move to that would be better for you? Even if you are fired it’s not the end of your career. You don’t have to volunteer that you were fired or anything. Obviously don’t lie. But you can say a very bland general statement. I think there’s probably a post or 2 here on AAM that give good wording for when you’ve been fired.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am can’t move, i wish. and i’d love to talk about my training, but my boss plays “favorites” and i think my original trainer is one of her favorites. which means she won’t take feedback.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 5:29 pm If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this site, it’s that some managers are devoted, fanatically, to shooting themselves in both feet. If your boss refuses to hear feedback about her favorite, it’s not on you. I might feel bad for her next victim, but sometimes you can say, hey, HEY, YOUR SLEEVE IS ON FIRE and they insist that it’s just toasting their marshmallows, y’know?
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 7:05 pm Oooo that’s a fantastic analogy!!
JSPA* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am First step: when time is limited, assigning blame (or causality) is effort and attention wasted. Functionally, it changes nothing (except how you feel about yourself, which of course is a big thing…but it isn’t something you can work out in the context of your employment). Plus, any “I was hard done by” vibes will likely set your boss’ teeth on edge, especially if she’s bending over backwards to make this as non-traumatic for you as possible. Which it seems like she is (?). Next step: Check in with your boss on the timeline. If they’re ready boot you out in a month regardless, the calculus is different from if they’d be happy with you agreeing to leave in 3 months. Or you might be able to agree on modest severance and a neutral-good reference if you leave in 8 weeks. I’d be honest with them as far as agreeing that you’re not a good fit. But perhaps, if the company is large enough, you could add that the company has been a pleasure to work for (whether or not it’s true) and that you wonder if there might be some other role you could be shifted to, that might be a better fit. (If you’re not fully perceiving the misfit, it’s no shame to lean on the perceptions of someone who might have a clearer picture.) Next…are you financially in a place where you could (say) temp for a while and stay afloat? If (for example) you’re someone who doesn’t tend to near-automatically notice and grasp basic concepts, and equally, evaluation parameters (which often involves the same sorts of awareness) then trying multiple jobs on for size until you find one that does fit your expectations and understanding can be a solid way to deal with that. The negative of temping is that you’re always on the entry or the steep parts of the learning curve, which gets tiring. But on the other hand, if you’re the new person, you get cut slack. Plus a job that becomes mind-numbingly routine at 9 months may be comfortingly routine for 5 or 6 months.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 am yeahhhhhh i don’t think she’s bending over backwards. i mean, giving me the day off, paid, is really nice, but at this point, it doesn’t change the lack of support or communication issues that have been going on for months. moving to another position is not an option, i did ask. and i get the impression if i do quit, i’d be expected to leave in a week or two, if not sooner. i also will look into temp work if needed! i’m hoping that won’t be a thing i need, just because i’m going to look for permanent work first. but i would be open to it, thanks for the suggestion!
somehow* September 29, 2023 at 12:53 pm Also, if you have health-related benefits, get your exams. Teeth cleaning/cavity-fixing, an updated eye exam and new glasses if you need them, updated med. prescriptions, a full physical, etc. I’m sorry this has happened to you.
JSPA* September 30, 2023 at 11:05 am “Being an effective manager to Hypoglycemic Rage” and “trying to handle a parting of ways as clearly and untraumatically as possible” are two very different things. You can of course continue to litigate inside your own head, “what my boss should have given me to help me succeed.” (Some people chew over a single bad fit and firing for years, or a lifetime.) But your boss and your company have both moved on from that question. You’ll be a much more effective advocate for yourself if you can do the same, and work with them (and negotiate with them) to make the decoupling process work for everyone. Basically, good routine or bad, it still pays to stick the dismount. And to do that, you need to focus on the dismount, not on the previous X months.
Hypoglycemic rage* September 30, 2023 at 2:40 pm you’re completely right! it’s just…. like yes, i am going to leave – hopefully i can negotiate stuff when i leave. but either way, i’ll still be leaving. it just really sucks because this is not how i wanted to go out, you know? but you’re right, now i gotta focus on the dismount as much as possible!
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 5:31 pm And many a time a good temp is requested on continual basis, or offered a permanent position! So if you do find a field or company that suits you, it’s something to watch for.
Hypoglycemic rage* September 29, 2023 at 5:36 pm great to know! and like, if i find there’s something i enjoy, maybe i could look for long-term perm positions, even if that specific temp job doesn’t work out. i’ll see what i can do next week. i’ve sent in a lot of applications today and that, combined with the overall stress of all of this makes me want a glass of wine and a good book and my burrito blanket. :’)
Potatoes* September 29, 2023 at 11:28 am Projecting my own feelings but I would stay so I could collect unemployment afterwards.
Not Tom, Just Petty* September 29, 2023 at 11:31 am Option 3: Discuss leaving and ask about unemployment. Quitting doesn’t mean you are forbidden from claiming or receiving it. If you are simply a bad fit, leaving is the best for everyone and good companies recognize that. They won’t challenge your unemployment claim, so you can still have some income while you look for a better job for you. This happened to me. It was the best thing for everyone. They hired someone who could do the job and I found a new career path.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am we love additional options! :) i didn’t know i could even try and negotiate this, but i welcome feedback on how to do it. i don’t know if i could be like “so can we consider this a layoff” or something like that, i’ve never negotiated anything at work.
MigraineMonth* September 29, 2023 at 12:21 pm When I was in a job that wasn’t a good fit and got the “soul searching” conversation, I also decided that it was time to move on. I suggested an end-date a couple of months out instead of the standard two weeks, and my manager accepted it. On the one hand, I gave up access to unemployment. On the other hand, I had a few months of salary and benefits while I did the minimum at work and concentrated my energy on my job search.
LA* September 29, 2023 at 1:05 pm I’ve known quite a few people who’ve done this. Probably more than thirty. I’m in CA and there’s a lot (A. LOT.) of hiring in law, entertainment, and tech that doesn’t work out. The reasons are usually the same – poor interviewing (picking people from certain schools/backgrounds, but not looking at skills), poor training because of turnover, the companies are not set up for actual training – it’s all trial by fire and that doesn’t work for everyone, and, and…. All that said, the company/firm is happy to know the ‘problem’ will be solved. They can move on to hiring, which takes a while anyway, and they knew there was an end date for the employee they wanted to let go. Usually two or three months. Basically, the employee didn’t have to ‘work,’ but got paid. So the person could job search nearly full time. It was a win/win? Do you think they’d be open to something like that? This was usually the next conversation after the soul-searching three day weeekend.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 1:13 pm i am not sure they’d be open to something like this, just because of the nature of the job – if they can’t train me on new stuff, that slows the team down, etc. but i will look into negotiating a layoff, not quitting or being fired. also i – weirdly – love that other people have ALSO had the “soul-searching three day weekend.” :’) just nice to know i am not alone.
LA* September 29, 2023 at 1:33 pm SO, not alone. It happens all the time. People, I think, just don’t talk about it. If I know more than a couple dozen in just my close friends network, I have to imagine, it’s far more common. That said, I hope you can negotiate something. Just think of it as mature adults coming together to solve a problem in the most compassionate way possible.
Office Gumby* October 2, 2023 at 12:18 am I’m also in the camp “Negotiate a Layoff”. You were originally hired for one thing, got moved (against your will?) into another area. That’s on them. I’d use that as part of your justification for laying off–skill mismatch on their part. It’s not like you misrepresented yourself or anything. And you actively tried to meet expectations. It wasn’t your fault you ended up where you are.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 11:41 am Look, this is not the economy you want to quit and rely on savings in. I am really sorry you’re in a sucky situation, but it just isn’t. I had a fantastic resume and a list of glowing recommendations as long as my arm, and it has taken me a *full year* of odd freelance and temp jobs to find a permanent role. It is always easier to find a job when you already have a job, because you don’t have the stench of desperation on you. I’d advise you to go to the check in and tell your supervisor that you have done some soul searching and appreciate her giving you the opportunity to consider the things you’re struggling with, and you want to continue to try to improve. Because — insert platitude here about how challenges are good and healthy, overcoming obstacles is growth, etc. Lots of thanking her for support and asking advice on what she’s like to see you do differently. In other words, I’d advise riding it out while you job search but not saying so. You don’t have to share everything you’re thinking. Good luck!
Cruciatus* September 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm I’ve been in soul sucking places but I would still go with Option A. I know it sucks, BUT, at least for me, when I am applying to other things I feel like I have a level of control about life, and can remind myself that my current state is temporary and better things are out there. It makes staying until I can leave slightly better (not great. Not even good, but slightly better). I know it’s not impossible to get another job when you’re unemployed, but I think looking while you do have one makes it easier and that is the trade-off. Plus, you’re still getting paid/benefits. But only you can really know what’s best.
NewJobNewGal* September 29, 2023 at 3:23 pm I’d also mention that choosing to leave puts you in a good mindset. Own it. Be confident about your decision. I’m sure it feels scary to NEGOTIATE (aaaahhhh!!!), but once you believe that this is what you want, hopefully you will gain your power. Also, it’s not like HR has never done this before. They likely have a standard proposal ready to go. You just need to say what will and won’t work from it. “I have 3 doctors appointments scheduled, I’d like to make sure my insurance will remain active for them.” That sort of thing.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 4:46 pm yeah, that’s another fair point, i would much rather leave on my own terms, especially bc i do not see this getting any better. i do see it getting worse, and i already am stressed enough, i don’t know if i could handle it getting any worse…..
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 5:34 pm Think of your negotiations as picking up a ring of power. It’s scary and intimidating before you do it, but being seen beaming rays of brilliance is going to totally change the footing of your exit, for you AND your soon to be ex employers.
Double A* September 29, 2023 at 12:35 pm Oof this sucks, but I think once you leave and get through this you’ll have a huge weight lifted off you!! I want to also second the idea of looking into temp work. It doesn’t usually have benefits, but it’s income and it’s usually quite low stress. I temped a lot in my 20s between jobs and I found that being pleasant and promptly doing what I was asked really impressed people. It can also sometimes open up permanent job possibilities. I lived near a big public university that actually had its own temp agency, so the jobs we exclusively within the university and medical centers. I’m not sure if that’s normal for big colleges to have something like that, but if you have one near you I’d check into it. Otherwise, I’d just start googling temp agencies near you. Sometimes it can take a little to get into their system.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 1:16 pm you know, it does kind of feel like a weight is gonna be lifted soon! as much as i really don’t want to leave a job without something else lined up, the writing is on the wall. if it were just a job i didn’t love, i’d stick it out. but clearly, it’s waaaay more than that at this point. i’ll look into temp agencies, though! something low-stress sounds awesome.
Daisy-dog* September 29, 2023 at 2:11 pm I quit my last role without a new job lined up a year ago! It ultimately came down to the fact that Oct-Dec are my favorite months of the year and I didn’t want to spend them suffering at work & job searching. It was 100% a worthwhile decision. Staffing agencies have been vital for me in multiple job searches.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 2:16 pm did you reach out to them via phone or email? this is my first time working with staffing agencies and i am not sure what the best approach is. i don’t want to cold call but i also would like to make sure i can get hte ball rolling, if that makes sense?
Daisy-dog* September 29, 2023 at 2:29 pm With the first 2 agencies that I worked with, I applied online through their job postings. And then I had an in-person interview to meet with them and discuss my goals. Those were both for more entry level, administrative type roles. And I worked with 2 because I moved to the other side of DFW. I met the most recent agency at a conference. They specialize is HR & finance roles. They helped me get my current role which is pretty specialized.
Velociraptor Attack* September 29, 2023 at 2:40 pm My husband got laid off at the beginning of June when his company laid off his entire department org-wide. He’s got almost 20 years in the industry, great references, the whole thing. He just got a job offer. It’s a rough time right now and I’d be nervous about the possibility of running entirely through my savings. I don’t know if they’ll be willing to classify you as a layoff, especially if they need to rehire the position, but there is a lot to be said about having unemployment as a cushion while you’re job searching. I think the fact that you were moved from one job for another also makes it easier to say when asked something about how your role was changed to a different one than you were hired for and ultimately it was clear that it mutually wasn’t a good fit.
thelettermegan* September 29, 2023 at 4:00 pm so my 2 cents of advice are for today: reach out to friends, family, random acquitances, tell them you’re looking, and that you’re open for anything. Then take the weekend off. Grab whatever comfort food/friends/activities and just do that. Whatever it takes to remind yourself that you are loved and valued not for the work you do but because you are a human being who touches others in vital ways just by being alive. Come Monday, go in, and put your nose to the grindstone. Be serious, be quiet, and if anyone talks to you, mention you’ve been having some tooth pain. Why tooth pain? I’ll tell you why. Emergency dental appointments. You will have a few of these ‘appointments’ over the next week or so, and anyone who figures it out will probably be happy for you, even your boss. Nobody likes to fire anyone, and she probably feels awful about the poor fit and experience you’re having. As long as you are serenely productive for the time you are there, you should be fine. If she’s weird about it, that’s her problem.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 4:29 pm this is so nice, thank you. :’) i am more than my job and the failures in it. i don’t think my boss feels bad, though. when we talked yesterday, i mentioned that this move felt, to me, on a whim, that (before i was told i couldn’t be moved) i’d like to go to something that’s more black and white. my feelings weren’t really acknowledged? like she talked about how my company moves people all the time, that it doesn’t happen on a whim, etc. i don’t think her moving me was her call, i think it was her boss’ decision, but i don’t think she feels bad about how this all went down.
Just a thought…* September 29, 2023 at 4:06 pm Check your state laws, but we have an option called “resignation in lieu of termination” that enables you to resign, but if they put that as the reason for employment separation on your paperwork with the state, you still get unemployment. Just make sure that they only put that on your paperwork and aren’t going to give it out as your reason for leaving if a future employer verifies your employment. That can be better than a negotiated layoff in some industries or for some kinds of positions.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 4:26 pm Ah, man, that sucks. My advice is: picture this. You magically become perfect at the job and all this crap and bad management and misfitting goes away. Everything about the actual job and your coworkers/management stays the same. Do you want the job? Even under these hypothetical circumstances? Speaking for myself I don’t know if I could forgive and forget enough to actually enjoy my work, or move on in this workplace. You aren’t wrong, bad, inept or stupid for not being able to fit yourself into this particular job, and staying seems to be draining the energy you could use to find a much better one.
Hypoglycemic rage (hopeful ex librarian)* September 29, 2023 at 4:38 pm …..dang this is a solid point! no, i wouldn’t – and frankly, couldn’t – stay here even if everything went away. i was bitter about the move long before all the Bad Stuff started happening, and then that made it worse and i became more bitter. so like you, i can’t just forgive and forget. thank you for this, i’ve decided that i’ll be leaving in some form, some way or another – i’ll see if i can get it to be a layoff, or something so i can collect unemployment or whatever, but. yeah. i can’t stay.
Pivot Time* September 29, 2023 at 4:53 pm As a long-time librarian, I have to say that the initial training and the help of your higher-ups is so important when in a new position. It sounds like you weren’t given what you needed to be successful at this job or in your department and the bait and switch they did on you sure didn’t help. You are trying your best but the fact that your supervisor or leadership won’t even look at how you could be better placed in the organization is a red flag for me. It’s not your fault that they’re being crappy. This job is making you miserable and that’s not ok. To me, if you can give your two weeks, get in with an agency, heal from this traumatic time and then get on with something that will work for you, I’d say that’s the better option. I wish you the best in your future.
Hypoglycemic rage* September 29, 2023 at 5:06 pm sorry for the confusion, i am not in libraries anymore. the username was from when i was applying to jobs hoping to get out of libraries. i’ll change it going forward haha. regardless, this is another nice comment. i’m relieved to know that management actually does have some – or a lot – of responsibility for how things are playing out. it’s not just a “me” problem, you know?
No Deadline No Resolution* September 29, 2023 at 11:03 am Please help me, I am struggling with what seems like the most basic office product: how do we get a document “done” ?? Our current process is that someone will ask me to write a draft report or a memo, which I will do, and then share it with the leadership team. Then my boss will go through it and insert comments that are questions, like “should this be in the present tense?” – which, I mean, I wrote it and I thought past tense made more sense, but if you tell me to change it, I’m happy to. Or, “maybe we could reference X thing here” when I don’t know anything about X thing and don’t really see how it makes sense. The other leadership who might know about X thing will either have no edits (although they should), or make a few grammatical changes – but nobody answers boss’s questions and the document floats in a state of semi-doneness for infinity. Do I need to call a meeting now about all these “question comments” ? I can’t just unilaterally reject my bosses’ suggestions as she’s my boss. How can we move things along? Can I talk to her about this in some nice way?
Cinnamon Hair* September 29, 2023 at 11:11 am Sounds like an “ask your boss” situation to me. I would phrase it kind of like you did here–and ask her what she wants you to do when the other leaders don’t answer her questions, etc.
No Deadline No Resolution* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am I wish I could tell the boss to either make edits, or don’t make edits, but don’t put questions to nobody in the document. We’re also not really a large enough organization for her to send the document back to me for her revisions – and I’m not a mind reader. Make the edit you want to see, boss!! Just do it!!
I'm just here for the cats!!* September 29, 2023 at 11:31 am Could you make that as a suggestion, but in a more diplomatic way? Like Hey boss since documents aren’t being finished because questions aren’t being asked could you either assign the other person who knows the information to add it or could you add the info yourself? The other thing could be do you have the standing to push the other people to add the information or to give you the information to add yourself?
JSPA* September 29, 2023 at 11:35 am Writing is not her job, though, right? It is yours. She wants you to consider whether present tense might be more correct (and maybe check Elements of Style or some grammar program). But ideally, if she wants you to add something about X thing, and you have no idea what, you’d immediately fire back, “Hi boss, I’ve racked my brains, and I don’t know what aspect of X thing you’re talking about. Give me more to go on…or tell me to send it out as is.” As for the grammar thing, you write three options: Original: following the fire, we were faced with rebuilding. Ongoing present: following the fire, we are faced with rebuilding. Combined: following the fire, we were faced with rebuilding, and that process is still underway. The first is correct; the second is correct, and emphasizes the current ongoing need; the third is wordier, nevertheless correct, gives more context, emphasizing that rebuilding started immediately, yet there is much yet to do. Which is to say, this isn’t necessarily a correction of grammar for grammar’s sake, but a style tweak that affects the reader’s perception of the situation.
OP* September 29, 2023 at 12:00 pm We are too small to say that writing is my job, but it’s true that I was tasked to produce this document and am trying to produce it.
Random Dice* October 1, 2023 at 3:05 pm I think your boss IS giving you direction, but isn’t comfortable with giving orders so they’re phrasing it indirectly. It took me awhile as a manager to get comfortable with giving direction directly – especially because I’m female. I thought I had to soften it, to make it seem collaborative… But really I wanted them to do it my way. So I’d recommend you look at the question as an indirectly stated order. “Should this be subjunctive?” translates to “Please make this subjunctive.”
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 11:12 am So I have 3 suggestions. 1) Ask your boss flat-out what she means by those comments – are those just how she thinks through things? Is she asking for opinions from others? Is she telling you to look at that point and then use your own judgement to change or not? You say “I thought about it and decided it should be in the past tense” – but perhaps she doesn’t know that you did that consciously; maybe she’s used to reviewing stuff from sloppier writers. 2) Put a deadline in. “Here’s the draft of the new Llama Policy document. We need comments and edits by COB Tuesday.” 3) Forestall the open-ended questions by putting out some metadata/description and asking for specific feedback. “Here’s the draft of the new Llama Policy document. We are redoing this policy in order to meet the new federal organic wool standards, so please read that section carefully. Nancy and Bob, please especially verify that we have the references to the US Code and Federal Acquisition Regulation paragraphs correct. We have a copy-editor engaged for the final edits, so you don’t need to proofread for spelling, punctuation, or grammar.”
Toxic Workplace Survivor* September 29, 2023 at 2:03 pm Yes, yes, yes to these. This sounds very much to me a situation where the way you and your boss approach document edits is quite different from each other so you should have a conversation to get aligned about where they are coming from. Some people throw out suggestions and are happy for the author to decide while others mean it in a more directed way. After talking to the boss, try implementing the process the way that was discussed, and adjust as needed if your boss responds differently than you anticipated.
Quinalla* September 29, 2023 at 3:56 pm Agreed, you need to get on the same page as your boss on how to approach the questions. Does she want you to give an answer if you don’t make the change being suggested? Does she want you to make a judgement call as the writer and not involve boss further? Something else? Get on the same page here as we can give you advice all day, but what matters is how your boss wants it to work. On things like “Should we add something about subject X here?” and you don’t know what X is or how it could relate, those you should ask your boss to clarify. And yes, you should have a deadline for edits/suggestions and even send out a reminder a day or two before if that makes sense. Make sure to give yourself enough time to pick up edits, have any back and forths on suggestions/questions and then either send out the final or send for one final approval before sending it out. Also, maybe talk to your boss. If boss is the only one giving feedback, would it make more sense for boss to read your first go, you edit and then send to the bigger group for final approval or whatever? That way if they are bothering to read, it’s basically the final version?
amoeba* September 29, 2023 at 11:15 am In my case, I’ll just adapt the thing that make sense to me (and quietly drop the ones that don’t, ahem). Depends on your boss though, mine was generally fine with that – if not, you might want to insert a comment on why you don’t take the recommendation. Then either send around one more time “for final review” or, if there’s no more open comments/questions, just send it around again with “hi all, thanks for the suggestions – I adapted accordingly, here’s the final document!”. If you did do a second, final review round, send the final version after that. TBH, with most documents I don’t bother with two rounds, but for some things (external manuscripts, for instance) it makes sense.
I edit everything* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm This would be my approach as well. Things like “Should this be present tense?” can be considered and either acted upon or not, as you deem appropriate. If referencing “X thing” seems relevant, but you don’t know enough about it to do an informed reference, then you can follow up with your boss for specifics. Do your final version and send it around. You can add a note to the effect of “Boss suggested adding a reference to X thing on page 3. Alonzo, since you’re the X thing director, could you see if that makes sense and if so, add something appropriate?”
Hell naw* September 29, 2023 at 5:48 pm This is my suggestion for you too, OP. Your boss sounds like my current manager, a young, inexperienced, not especially talented guy who likes to make comments just to sound smart (or because he thinks they are smart? They’re not, most of the time). At first I engaged with the pedantic edits or open-ended questions that added nothing, but over time, I’ve learnt to ignore the ones that really add nothing or aren’t answerable in the scope of the doc, for instance, “we call this a strategy, but should it really be strategic framework?” or similar non-specific thought that goes nowhere. I’ll make the changes that are relevant, then close the loop and submit to whomever. If he were to come back to me with questions about what I changed or not, I’d have answers, but I promise you that most of the time people just want docs finished and sent off. So yes to the suggestions above: big picture discussion of what boss wants, steer to make them do their own edits (it’s a time saver!), and for the rest, learn to let the tiny pedantic comments go. Good luck – I feel you!!
Prickly Hedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 11:19 am If you’re working in a shared document, one thing that can help is tagging people—either with a question (e.g. “Person A does this paragraph capture your department’s stance?”) or to flag that you think you’ve addressed it (to your example, “Boss, I added a few lines referencing X. Let me know if you have additional feedback!”) Deadlines are also the best! Ask for feedback by a set date and even say that you’ll incorporate feedback by a later date and send around a final version for review x days after that (more or fewer rounds as makes sense for your organization and the level of polish / sign-off needed). This gives a lot of clarity to the process.
S* September 29, 2023 at 11:21 am I think what you need here is what we’ll call a Document Review Process. The “nice way” to handle this is to go to her with this as a proposal, and ask for her to approve it. I’d suggest it look something like this: 1 – you get a request for a document 2 – you clarify the request with the original requestor, including who should review and approve (google RACI), when it’s due, and *why* it’s due then – best if it’s tied to some real requirement, like if so-and-so needs it for whatever. 3 – you draft it 4 – it goes to a group of people (either a standard group, or an ad hoc group defined in step 2) for feedback. Give them a polite deadline for feedback (before it’s due, to give yourself time to implement their feedback) and the why 5 – a day or two before the deadline, re-send the request and note the deadline and the why 6 – you implement feedback. 7 – you go to a single person for approval (again, either a standard person like your boss, or a specific person defined in step 2). Helpful to summarize the process at this point, like “I implemented the feedback I got from these people, these other people did not get back to me.” 8 – you might have to implement further feedback from the approver, but then you go back and ask for final approval, politely but with an air to marking it as complete. The “why” is your friend here. Good luck!
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 11:26 am First and foremost: deadlines are your friend. When sending a draft, always include a “please provide feedback by end of business XXX XX, 2023.” If you don’t receive enough feedback or answers, you can either research it offline with the person who made the comment, or make the obvious revisions and send a second draft with a note calling out “There is a question about X, can (department) please assist? ” And finally, I take “should this be present tense?” as “convert this to present tense.” Do it and send it out for a second draft. If they dislike it, they’ll tell you. The bigger picture on this part is: when writing for a corporate setting, it is vital to remove one’s ego from the equation. Boss wants in present tense, boss gets it in present tense. Many new writers treat edits like someone is operating on their children. It’s ephemera. On stuff of that scale, do your best and let go of the need to be right.
No Deadline No Resolution* September 29, 2023 at 11:32 am I just wish she would write the comment “make it present tense.” I’m not married to my draft and this wasn’t my idea in the first place, but the question element of it confounds me. “Should it be” – I don’t know, like, morally?? It feel like a big picture question rather than a simple instruction. But you’re right, I think I’ll just try to mentally revise (heh!) what she writes in the comments.
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am Learning to read your editor can be frustrating, no doubt. And unless you have a solid, trained editor who marks it in official style, it part of the nature of the beast. Good luck!
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 am Is your boss wishy-washy in how she expresses other things too? Maybe this is just a people-pleasing, low-confrontation style that she has.
Feral Humanist* September 29, 2023 at 12:22 pm As a writer, I consider “should this be…” to leave the answer up to my discretion. But I would probably ask my boss directly at least once to make sure that it wasn’ta conflict OF communication styles (I am accustomed to BRUTALLY THOROUGH editing from a previous position lol).
Mill Miker* September 29, 2023 at 1:26 pm I don’t do a lot of editing, but I do review code, and one of the biggest challenges I’ve had is asking someone “Why did you use approach Y here instead of our standard X”, and having them come back with “Fixed it.” and they’ve changed to X. And, like, I know they knew X was standard, and I’m assuming they picked Y for a reason. So then I have to ask if there’s going to be any problems with changing to X. To which they’ll either change back to Y or do something else, or say they don’t understand what action I want them to take. And all I wanted was a sentence or so answering the question.
DrSalty* September 29, 2023 at 2:06 pm Reviewing documents for my direct reports is a huge part of my job. I phrase comments as questions when I don’t know the answer and want them to look into it further. If you think it’s right as written and have double checked, then I wouldn’t change it. Especially for grammatical/minor editorial comments. For content issues you don’t know how to address, then you need to follow up with your boss for more details
Beth** October 1, 2023 at 4:52 am This. I know I often write comments on my direct reports’ written work as questions. This tends to be when my reaction is that it needs to be changed but I am open to convincing that it could stay as it is. If something definitely needs changing I will write the comment less equivocally e.g. “please use active voice here”. But I don’t see it as my job to re-write things for my direct reports. That’s their job. I am very open to push back on my comments as a manager if someone has a good reason for doing something a particular way, but I need them to tell me that or write it down or something, not just ignore what I wrote.
Cyborg Llama Horde* September 29, 2023 at 3:41 pm I agree to ask your boss. I can tell you what *I* would mean if I wrote that, but only your boss can tell you whether her “Should this be present tense?” means “I want this to be present tense; please change it” or “I might make this present tense but it’s your call.”
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 11:44 am If it is a thing you can do like change tense, do it. If it is a thing you can’t do on your own like fill in the mystery meaning of thing X, meet with your boss to get clarification on why, or what she would want to say, and mention that none of the leaders who know about X seemed to think it was necessary. Pin her down so you can either get info to complete it, or discard it with her.
fine tipped pen aficionado* September 29, 2023 at 12:00 pm Well hm. I’ve been in your position and it never occurred to me that I shouldn’t answer a question that was left on a document I drafted. For this particular comment I would explain why I thought third person was a better choice then ask if they wanted me to change it. For things that were outside my authority to decide (should we reference X here) I would reply “I’m not familiar with that project. @LeaderA @LeaderB, thoughts?” Now I wonder if folks at previous jobs where I was in that kind of role thought I was overstepping. Anyway, everyone else has crafted a much more diplomatic response but just replying to ask for what you need is still an option.
DrSalty* September 29, 2023 at 2:10 pm No, this is the right way to do it unless you work with truly unreasonable people.
Shirley Keeldar* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm Ugh, this sounds maddening. Three thoughts: Some editors do edit by questions and it’s very confusing until you figure that that’s what they’re doing. Try a bit of detective work to see if this is what your boss is doing. If he says “What about past tense?” and you say, “Well, I did consider that but I think present tense works better because reasons,” and he says, “No, really, what about past tense?” then he is an Edit By Questions guy. Treat questions as edits and roll eyes. Ask your boss to indicate who each question is for. Explain that you can’t always tell which question is an action item for you and which is for somebody else. So it should be like this–OP: What about past tense? Gregory: Do we need something about trout tap dancing here? Annika: Is this part about the flounder regulations necessary? Then, as has been suggested elsewhere, do your best with the edits as you understand them, send it out as “revised, please comment by DATE HERE or we’re rolling with this!” and you may actually get to that blissful stage of It’s Done.
mdv* September 29, 2023 at 1:17 pm I have recently had to make edits to VERY IMPORTANT documents together with contributions from multiple other departments and outside agency. When people make a comment I’m not sure about, I just put clarification questions in a reply to the comment and tag that person, so they know to look at it.
Buffy* September 29, 2023 at 3:38 pm In my experience of taking edits, “should this be X” means “I think it should be but am open to be convinced otherwise.” Personally, I’d generally go with the edit unless I really felt strongly about it, but it’s up to you to know how much your boss is looking for your writing expertise vs. wanting to have things her way. It’ll vary a lot by person. When I get feedback on a piece like this from a group, I’ll make the updates or not as I choose and then recirculate with notes, ie: “Here’s an updated draft of the document – boss, I left that segment in past tense for XYZ reason but I’ll switch it if you prefer. I corrected the grammar tweaks and added ABC. I’m not familiar with X – @Leader, do you have additional clarity on that? Let me know if there are additional tweaks or if we’re good to go.” Also strongly agree on including deadlines – I say “Let me know if you have edits by EOD, otherwise I’ll plan to send tomorrow morning.” a lot bc then if they don’t get their thoughts in on time, that’s their problem.
Heather* September 29, 2023 at 8:04 pm this is the way. OP, if you’ve been tasked with creating the document I would assume you’re responsible for implementing comments and edits (including soft edits like “should this be changed?”) and shepherd the process of obtaining whatever information is needed. if you think you were just asked to draft it and get the ball rolling and it’s just up to a committee of people including your boss, that might be the way your firm does things but I think you might risk people looking at it as you having dropped the ball if you don’t verify that with someone.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:17 pm Can you do a meeting, and go through quickly, showing every area you’d think there would be an edit? “our competitors usually put abc here and I didn’t but nobody flagged that, are we sure that is OK?” “I mentions our silver line here, but didn’t mention platinum that we are launching next year, should I add it in, or is it too soon?” Stuff like that. Some people are lazy but some are just too busy to catch everything. I was pulled in 100 directions this week as a director and could easily miss huge things in a document or miss the entire email chain
Cinnamon Hair* September 29, 2023 at 11:05 am I’m a receptionist, and I just need to get this off my chest (even though it’s not directed at any of you). For goodness sake, please stop dropping by unannounced to see if the CEO “has a few minutes to chat to see how we can help each other,” and then getting annoyed at me when I say he is not available because he is not going to drop whatever he is doing or come out of his meeting to come and listen to your sales pitch right that second. If you must come by, please call and schedule something or make an appointment first. That is all.
Corky's wife Bonnie* September 29, 2023 at 11:17 am I used to get that in my prior receptionist job and after a while I just got amused by it. No matter what they couldn’t get past me. I even got to blow off a state senator on the Executive’s behalf, that was fun, he even came out after he was gone to ask, how did it feel to blow off a senator?” Tee-heee
Stuckinacrazyjob* September 29, 2023 at 11:18 am The actual CEO? of the company. Wish I had that misplaced confidence.
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 11:28 am The line “Grant me the self confidence of a mediocre white guy” has a reason for existence.
I'm just here for the cats!!* September 29, 2023 at 11:39 am you would be so surprised. I used to work at as student support for an online professional development school. A few times a month I would get someone saying they had “an important meeting with Andrew” or “returning a call from Andrew” and to send transfer them to him. Andrew was the CEO and anyone who worked with him for a minute knew he went by Andy. These sales people would call Student Support because that was the only number they could get. Like they expected the lowly phone rep to be able to get them in touch with the CEO! And when we told them no they would get IRATE! I loved saying “well if you did have an appointment you would already have his personal phone number. I’d try that or his assistant’s email.” and then HANG UP!
Call Sign: Shenanigans* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am I kind of have that in fundraising – people want us to come out to speak to their teams for 15-min or 30-min every week. We’re busy. We can’t just wander around town popping into the Crate & Barrel or a gym to share our story when you can get it online or come out a volunteer. Your CEO appreciates your gatekeeping.
I'm A Little Teapot* September 29, 2023 at 11:23 am This is hilarious if I imagine that you’re talking about the CEO of a BIG company – the kind where there’s private security and escorts, etc. Like, actual employees can’t get a meeting with the CEO, never mind a random sales person. More practically, sales people do this. It’s literally their job (sometimes). Yes its annoying, but they’re going to latch on to whomever they can to try to sell something. I get all sorts of sales emails and I am not the person.
Cinnamon Hair* September 29, 2023 at 11:34 am It’s a small company, like less than 30 people, but in a very big and well-known industry (legal). I know the sales people are just doing their jobs, but I’m also doing mine by stopping them. Like, my boss has literally told me that part of my job is to keep people like that from getting through because they just waste valuable time. I’m not trying to be difficult by not letting them see someone, but if I do then I get in trouble.
Slow Gin Lizz* September 29, 2023 at 1:07 pm Ooh, you could use that to your advantage. “I’m sorry, but CEO told me that if I let one more unannounced visitor in to see him he would fire me.” And still there will be some salesperson on which that won’t work and you’ll have to call the police or something.
I'm A Little Teapot* September 29, 2023 at 4:44 pm A salesperson who is reasonable will understand. The ones who are not reasonable have earned what they get. Do not feel bad being the gatekeeper. Start polite, but if they won’t take no for an answer, that’s why we can hang up the phone or call security/police.
Richard Hershberger* September 29, 2023 at 11:26 am I work in a very small law office. I sometimes answer the phones. I am endlessly fascinated by the ways sales people try to get past me. My favorites are the ones where they outright lie to me to make me think this is a different sort of call that my boss wants to take. Do they not realize that I give him a summary of what the call is about before he picks up?
EvilQueenRegina* September 29, 2023 at 11:34 am I had one sales person once claiming he needed to contact “Fergus Smith” about something or other. Unfortunately for him, he had out of date info, because Fergus Smith had been arrested and fired about seven years earlier. If you’re going to lie, scammers, try doing your research first.
The Prettiest Curse* September 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm We would sometimes have salespeople call and ask for someone who had never worked for the organisation. And then get surprised when we didn’t put them through to anyone. I’m sure making cold calls by phone is a terrible thing to do for a living and therefore they don’t have a huge talent pool for staff, but I sometimes wondered if they ever sold anything to anyone!
Dead Guy* September 29, 2023 at 12:16 pm Small family owned company. People would call and ask for Sam. I would ask which one, the would pick and I would be like I am sorry he died. Then they would ask for the second one, and I would get to say he’s dead too. Granted one of them died 7 years before the other one and the second even left a year before his death. I also love the calls about how they need to talk to the owner and I keep trying to explain that they actually need me for X activity, but insist on waiting to talk the owner…. and never get to.
Elsewise* September 29, 2023 at 12:55 pm Oh man, I’ve gotten that a few times in various jobs. Even if you did get in touch with the owner/president/ceo, most of the time they’d just send you back to the peon you were originally talking to, because that peon is the one who took your call for a reason!
mdv* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm It is AMAZING how often people ask for our director, not realizing that I, the person answering the phone, am the person who will actually do the thing they are asking for, not the director. I’ve been there 25+ years, and the director has actually authorized almost everyone in the office to make their own decisions on certain topics… but also, I’m the only person doing a whole list of tasks (I know, that is bad), so I’m THE PERSON anyway!
The Prettiest Curse* September 29, 2023 at 11:38 am The sales people that always fascinated me were the printer toner scammers who would get abusive when we told them that we had a contract to buy toner elsewhere. (Luckily, I never had to deal directly with these idiots, but the ops director would periodically send out email alerts about them.) Straightforward scamming didn’t work so you think that threats will? WTF, toner guys?
Cinnamon Hair* September 29, 2023 at 11:44 am Are you me? No, really, I thought I typed this for a second lol. People outright lie to me too. I’ve had people tell me that the manager just called them and they were just returning the call (he didn’t), or that someone from our company requested more information from the website (no one did), or that they have already been in contact with so-and-so (they have not). Ugh.
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 11:47 am Yeah, I don’t understand the thinking. How does lying about who you are, what your agenda is get you anywhere. My favorite was years ago when someone wanted me to give them the names and contact info for all the people who worked in engineering, because she was planning a birthday party for the company’s CEO and wanted to send invites. The CEO …. who is married to my sister. Me (very curious, knowing BIL is not a big ‘yay! a party!’ kind of guy): “oh, how fun! What’s your name? How do you know him?” Her: “Oh” she says “I’m Jeanine … I’m his sister-in-law” Me: “It’s funny I’ve never heard of you, Jeanine … because I’m his sister-in-law too” Her: Dead silence … then Click as she hangs up
Richard Hershberger* September 29, 2023 at 12:38 pm The one that sticks in my mind is the guy calling from California claiming to be a lawyer needing local counsel in my state. This is a perfectly plausible claim, and definitely one my boss would want to take, so I told my boss what it was and passed the call over to him. The guy was actually pitching a referral service. These outfits are not necessarily bogus, but they are (in our experience) of only marginal value. Had he told me the truth, I would have told my boss and asked if he wanted to talk to them? But my boss certainly wasn’t going to do business with this outfit given the lying. This was the most clear cut example where lying got him past me, but nixed any chance of a sale. These guys seem to focus on the first part more than the second. Does this ever work?
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 3:49 pm Not in my experience. It’s a knock out move anywhere I’ve ever worked You lied on the approach? Yeah, you’re not someone I ever want to do business with. Sometimes even if it’s a service/product I’d otherwise consider, there are other companies out there. And I’ll use that filter with people who repeatedly show up without scheduled … not the first time, but by the second, third time I’m like “if you’re not willing to listen to what I’m saying and respect my time for something as basic as “please contact me to schedule something instead of just popping in” after I’ve asked you to do that more than once? There is no way you’re going to be able to be a partner in defining a product/service that works for my company or working with us for the long haul. I’ve got one 401 plan design guy (from a respectable company) who does that last one, invariably showing up when I’m having lunch …why does he always drop by mid day? Which means I have to stop what I’m doing, swallow whatever I’m chewing at the moment, leave the lunch room, go answer the door, try to remember who he is again (while I’m thinking “did I totally space a meeting on my calendar?” which is stressful) explain to him … yet again … that he should call to schedule something. 3 months ago I was thinking of having him and his company review our current plan to see if they might offer a good alternative one. Now? Nope, not going to happen.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 6:06 pm That’s what gets me–in what universe to lying and threats make the CEO go oh, I cannot wait to give you money!?
Random Bystander* September 29, 2023 at 10:35 pm That reminds me of a long time ago, when I was working as a temp, and I had one position which was as a receptionist for some kind of non-profit (very small organization, but they were involved in planning some sort of seasonal festival at the time I was doing this assignment). So, at one point, they were wanting to do some very intensive planning on their festival, and I was told that day that I was to hold *all* calls and take messages, and they would get the messages when they took lunch/at the end of the day. So, one guy calls and asks to speak to the head of the organization (I forget what his title was … this was when Bush41 was President). So I explain that boss is unavailable, but I can take a message, and ask for the name and number, and that boss will call back. Guy very sarcastically says his name is “George Bush”. I tried very hard to get his number, but the guy just says that boss would “know who it is”. Later, when the boss did come out to get messages, I mentioned the ‘George Bush’ and he said he had no idea who it might have really been.
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am Ugh I get email versions of those — I manage a volunteer board of extremely important people in the medical field for my nonprofit and there are pharma industry people who will try to go through me to get to them because they know the VIPs will just ignore a cold call, but if they can claim my org connected them they are more likely to get a response. They know that ethically they can’t ask us to make that connection so they just fish around and see if we will volunteer to connect them (some of them even hint around about wanting us to just send them our contact list which is a hard no). I finally made an internal policy with my boss’s blessing to tell them that I get so many requests that I can only schedule meetings if they have a specific project to discuss. That usually gets rid of the people who are just fishing.
Filthy Vulgar Mercenary* September 29, 2023 at 11:38 am Oh wow. I used to work in a job where everyone wanted to partner with us/sell us their stuff, and I would ask people to send me a meeting agenda with their discussion points and outcomes they were looking for.
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am Cinnamon Hair – We see you and here you. You are absolutely just doing your job. So never hesitate to gatekeep for CEO exactly how you are doing. And please try to not take it personally or let it ruin your mood. As someone who has worked as a receptionist, and who now works at a small company where the front office staff consists of 3 people: the Operations Manager/CFO (me), the President, and the CEO, where any one of us could answer the door and none of us see people without an appointment: IME most people dropping in at THEIR convenience aren’t selling anything your company wants (except maybe the person dropping off a flyer for the new pizza place/coffee shop that just opened around the corner) And ANY person who is acting rude or annoyed when dealing with whoever is greeting them is someone who has NO legitimate business with the company and is someone the company would want nothing to do with even if their company did offer a product or service we might consider. They are trying to bully you into letting them in for one of 2 reasons 1) they are really bad at their jobs and think this is a good idea or 2) their product / service is junk/overpriced/not necessary and they know they would never get an appointment if they tried to set one up. So a bland “sorry, no, we only see people by appointment here” is all the response they should get. Followed by “do you have a brochure/line card you want drop off before you leave?” Feel free to toss anything the rude ones leave.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:45 am Also, sales takes an inordinate amount of confidence and you have to be inured to rejection. They are getting nos all day long and have to just keep on ticking; that’s the mindset. It’s not personal to them, although it can feel so to you (nobody has any excuse to be abusive, mind you). But it works for them just often enough that they have to keep pushing.
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 11:49 am Confidence … sure. But going door to door demanding to be let in? Hounding receptionists and being rude is not anything anyone “has to have to” keep doing.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:58 am Not to excuse rude behavior. But pushyness, yes, because sometimes it works. Getting face time with decision makers is how sales happen, and it’s probably happened for these people before. And all sales have to convince themselves “you’re really doing them a favor by introducing them to X wonderful product!!” I think about this all the time because I’m the fundraiser in my current role. A lot of the trainings I’ve been attending are about inculcating this mindset in yourself. It’s been a weird ride. And because of the Board Email letter earlier this week where people were saying the best way to motivate volunteers is to stop people directly in person and ask them “when” they want to sign up, because of course they’re enthusiastic about supporting your cause. But again, not excusing anyone being rude to desk staff, or trying to make light of OP’s concern. It sucks for sure.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 11:49 am If they get visibly annoyed, tell them, “You should know, my job is to protect his time, and he does listen to me about who is worth meeting with. You can try calling to make an appointment if you want. Have a good day.” Teacher voice is your friend here. Salespeople who are rude to the receptionist are idiots and bad at their job.
ZSD* September 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm The last time I was at the optometrist, a salesperson dropped by to chat with the optometrist about their product. The receptionist was doing everything she could to be a gatekeeper, but the salesperson was pushy enough to get through to the optometrist. Who was supposed to be, you know, *examining people’s eyes.*
Nightengale* September 30, 2023 at 12:25 pm what’s really sad is how often this works, the health care providers willing to leave patient care to meet with reps. Or one time my mother had a medical appointment and there was a rep IN THE VISIT with the doctor. I am a doctor who doesn’t talk to reps because usually this would more likely bias me against their product than towards it. I get so angry at the money spent on pharmaceutical marketing that then increases the cost of medications and the branded items everywhere. Sometimes representatives drop off material with our nurse and I look over anything written although of course I know the studies cited were all funded by the company. I accidentally walked in on one last week and told him to stop coming. The medication he represents is newish and doesn’t have a generic and so is not covered by insurance unless a patient has tried many other things first. I would love to prescribe it more often because it has a lot of benefits over other options and I have had some good results with the few patients that have tried it. The limitation is insurance. There is nothing I can do about that. There is nothing the rep talking to me or giving me more shiny brochures can do about that. I have all the scientific information that I need. But they think that the stumbling block is not having a personal relationship with the rep, not having enough shiny brochures or not having enough cookies or whatever treats they are still legally aloud to give us?
HonorBox* September 29, 2023 at 12:40 pm I’m really sorry this continues to happen to you. How freaking rude and presumptuous of people. That said, HUGE KUDOS to you for being awesome at your job. I really hope your CEO understands what you’re doing to allow them to do their job!
Jezebella* September 29, 2023 at 12:54 pm We have a “no soliciting” sign at the front door. You have to be buzzed in to even get in the door. And yet…. people keep dropping by. I don’t even open the door to people without an appointment any more.
Jo* September 29, 2023 at 1:03 pm I was in an outwardly facing role who also met frequently with our CEO. So vendors often saw me as a conduit to her. OR – and more often – they’d claim a relationship with her to get some preferred treatment like a spot on a panel or admittance to something already full. So many “close friends”. Then again, she DID have some close contacts that warranted extra care. I had jokingly told her one day that she must spend an awful lot on postage considering the number of Christmas cards she must mail out each year with so many close friends! That later became our code phrase: “Is X on your Christmas card list, because they want….?”
ScruffyInternHerder* September 29, 2023 at 1:39 pm I’m 100% sure that the clowns who think that this work do not read this website. Source: have worked for a clown like this, and frequently shot down his brilliant ideas with “that’s not how this works. That is not how ANY of this works. No.” because sometimes said brilliant ideas could have had federal charges brought!
anon for this* September 29, 2023 at 2:25 pm I work in admin at a large med school. All of our education folks are in a different building than the dean, and I think the applications folks are kept even further back from public access, because no one is determined like someone who thinks they deserve to be in med school (except their parents, occasionally). And yet! Just last week I spent 10 minutes telling two people that they could not just walk in to talk to the dean (I’m working on one of the dean’s special initiatives, and it still takes me a couple weeks to get a meeting!). They were so uninterested in listening to me that I eventually had to ask them to leave reception, and after a few more minutes where they hung around outside, I closed a locked door in their faces. What do people think leaders’ days look like? Just quietly staring at an empty screen until people walk into their offices???
Some Dude* September 29, 2023 at 2:38 pm I love the cold calls where they are like, “I’m going to be in town tuesday so I’d like to meet with madam executive” as if she should be delighted that a rando she doesn’t know is taking time to meet with her in order to sell her something she doesn’t want to buy.
Mark This Confidential And Leave It Laying Around* September 29, 2023 at 3:16 pm I used to do this job, and yes: sales people and real estate brokers do this. Saunter in and “take me to your leader!”
Elspeth McGillicuddy* September 29, 2023 at 3:29 pm I once heard that sort of role referred to as a Door Dragon. Envisioning myself as The Dragon, Guardian of Access to my Boss, amuses me enough that I actually enjoy that part of my job. (I’m still polite, of course. But you aren’t getting past me.). Rude people are still awful though.
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 29, 2023 at 4:33 pm They should show gumption and bring you chocolate as an inducement :->
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 5:40 pm OMGAHD, I get those calls at work and no matter how many times I say I just take orders, I have no connection to the owner, at all, they do not listen! They want his direct line and his email and everything else I would be fired for handing over.
Knighthope* September 29, 2023 at 6:56 pm Our family business was named after my great-grandfather. When callers would demand to speak to him, my uncle would reply, “You’ll have to go to Parkwood Cemetary!”
Any old username* September 30, 2023 at 1:25 pm I used to sit across from the CEO’s secretary. She once took a call where the guy said he was a personal friend of her boss – she didn’t put him through but did take his name/number. The CEO rang him back and said your name doesn’t sound familiar – how do we know each other? The guy said “oh you don’t know me I just said that so your secretary would pass on the message. I have a business proposal I think you’d be interested in”. The CEO said “why would I do business with someone whose first interaction with me was achieved by lying” and hung up. Made his secretary’s week.
W* September 29, 2023 at 11:06 am I’m starting a new role as a health care manager. Any advice? Helpful books, tools or blogs?
Koala Tea* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am I’m currently reading Dare to Lead by Brene Brown and would highly recommend it for anyone in leadership or just life management in general. She took a lot of the tips, tricks, data, how to’s from her previous books and distilled them down into better verbiage with direct action items. It has given me a lot of perspective as well as tools am so glad to have in my toolbox now. The format is also easy to read and absorb in small doses like during one’s 15 min breaks. Best wishes in your new role!
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* September 29, 2023 at 3:14 pm Who are you primarily managing – clinical or administrative?
rose* September 29, 2023 at 11:06 am Wondering how honest I should be with my boss and would appreciate some advice. I’m currently overwhelmed in my job. I’ve made changes to help and management has also done some things to make things easier. But while I feel less overwhelmed than I once was, the problem hasn’t gone away. I’ve stopped telling my manager that I feel overwhelmed because his instinct is going to be to give advice and I don’t really want it. At this point I know my current role and I are a mismatch. I’m actively job hunting. The issue is that I think I’ll start lagging behind soon- and if I do, it might come as a surprise to my manager since I haven’t told them anything. I can be honest with them now, but I don’t know how that conversation wouldn’t just end up hitting “I’m not a good fit for this role” unless I smile and nod at suggestions we’ve already been over. And to be honest, I’m also embarrassed that I can’t keep up with the workload. So many Americans have it worse than me but I’ve tried to do more and my body just starts shutting down. I’ll also say that my manager does truly care about me as a person. All the managers on our team have been known to be deeply empathetic. But I honestly don’t know how he would react to me essentially telling him I don’t want this job anymore, it almost feels unprofessional.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:10 am Woof that’s tough for sure. Good luck finding a new job soon. Can you tell him you need to take a specific task off your plate permanently? (ideally the thing that will make it most obvious soonest that you are falling behind). Don’t frame it as a whole discussion of your stress and future plans for the role, just explain that you’re not able to get Y Task done and need to create a new plan for that because you’re focused on Z and X task. So then at least if he sees Y task slip, he’s been forewarned about it.
rose* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am The issue is that I have A, B, and C on my plate and if I ask him about removing C, I know his response will be that my workload is in line with expectations for the team. He won’t be able to remove C from my plate without overloading someone else and frankly I have the easiest load on the team right now.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 1:43 pm If you did tell him you were behind on C, what do you think his response would be? Is there a scenario where you could not get behind? I’d take a couple PTO days if you have them, get a doctor’s exam just in case there’s something you might not know about that could be affecting your performance health-wise, and use the additional time to job hunt and rest. I don’t think you being behind on tasks when you have the lightest workload and it’s a reasonable workload is going to be sustainable for long, unfortunately.
Elle* September 29, 2023 at 11:12 am I’ve been waiting for this thread all week. Last week I posted about a poor performing employee applying for a promotion. This week they formally applied and it is truly the worst resume and cover letter I’ve seen. The resume is a list of tasks from an old job description with no further embellishment. Just copied and pasted into the resume. They have never performed some of the tasks listed because we don’t do them any more. The cover letter is full of errors. It takes a lot of chutzpah (or cluelessness) to submit something like this and expect a promotion. Wish me luck as I move forward with dealing with this!
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:16 am I’m guessing this was intended to be a standalone post rather than a reply to rose?
NameRequired* September 29, 2023 at 11:15 am I personally would not tell your manager that you are preparing to leave, but I do wonder if you could have a conversation with him about the unsustainable nature of your workload. You don’t need to tell him that you feel overwhelmed because he has shown that his response is to give advice and not try to fix the workload, but you can come at it from the angle of “I have too many items on my plate and I would like to problem solve with you about it” Also, your body doesn’t know what other people are doing or how bad they have it, it just knows what its limits are! Please try not to feel bad about knowing your limits
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am Don’t use the word “overwhelmed”. Talk in terms of bandwidth- “Hey boss, I’ve found that X task takes me 3 hours. I can only get 2.5 Xs done each day, but I’m assigned to do 5 each day. How do you want me to handle this?” Pose it as a math problem that you need your boss to solve, because your boss is the person in charge of the variables. The problem with the word “overwhelmed” is that a lot of people see that as a mental hurdle that you need to get over. “Overwhelmed” becomes a reflection on you – “bandwidth” is a statement about the physics of time. It’s not your fault you have physical limitations. That’s part of having a human body. You’re smart to recognize that this role isn’t a good match for you. But your boss is only focused on how the work is getting done, so only address that in your conversation. Good luck!
MacGillicuddy* September 29, 2023 at 3:03 pm Agree with this. Don’t say overwhelmed, that’s about your feelings. And I would also avoid the term “burnout “. Your boss does not care, boss just wants stuff to get done. So here is another approach: what level of “perfection” is required to consider each task to be done? There is a wide range between “sloppy and with errors” and “absolutely as perfect as possible”. Figure out the level of “good enough” that is acceptable. Striving for absolute perfection will take a huge toll on you when the workload is too big but your boss won’t reduce it. There’s a saying “Fast, Cheap, Good – pick two”. Your management has chosen Fast (get all of this done, period!) and Cheap (we aren’t hiring more people to reduce workloads). So figure out when each task is Good Enough and move on to the next thing. And don’t feel guilty about it, because you’re giving the boss exactly what boss requires, which is Just Get It Done.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 3:39 pm I agree with the “get it done good enough” in general, but above they mention they have the lightest workload of the team and the workload is in line with team expectations. I don’t think this is necessarily the company choosing to refuse to hire an appropriate amount of people or trying to get things done too fast, just a mismatch in roles.
JSPA* September 29, 2023 at 11:45 am “I wanted to give you a heads-up that I’m still often feeling more than a bit underwater and risking burnout. I’m actively looking at ways to address it, so I don’t think a pep talk or suggestions will help. I’m holding it together for the moment, thanks to the help you’ve already given me. I wanted to discuss how and when to tell you, if I realize that one of the many, many balls that I have in the air might be about to drop, because having an agreed plan will reduce my anxiety, and make it easier to keep going.” OK, I’m wordy…so…edit. But the message is, “how and when do you want to hear about it, if and when anything is going to get dropped.” At least once I was surprised and relieved to have a boss say, “dropped balls happen. When your options come down to dropping the ball, or going home by 7 PM, shoot me an email about it being unfinished, and go home!”
Anastasia Beaverhousen* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm I think it is important to assess is this a process and procedure problem (e.g. the system is not designed to work in a way that makes things manageable) or is this a personal ability thing (e.g. not having the appropriate training etc). If it’s the first this is workable as process can change, if it’s number two this is also workable as training is available.
rose* September 29, 2023 at 12:51 pm I didn’t want to mention too much in my original post for anonymity but it’s work based on billable hours. There’s a certain number I need to get done. Training won’t help because how quickly I get things done isn’t relevant.
Quinalla* September 29, 2023 at 5:45 pm This is hard if you just can’t put in the billable hours expected. If you take more breaks, can you put in the time or is your body just like nope, X hours is my max per day or whatever? I have billable hours expectations at my job, but also have flexibility, so when my body or brain needs a break, I can take 30 m to exercise or 10 min for a walk or do something else less thinking intensive and then I’m able to work the billable hours expected by spreading it out a bit. Sorry if you’ve already tried this, if that’s a no go, then maybe just tell your boss you cannot do X billable hours a week/day, but you can do Y. Would it be possible to reset expectations to that level with a proportionally reduced salary? Maybe that isn’t a conversation you can have or you know the answer is already no. I wouldn’t want to just not do stuff and boss finds out when work isn’t getting done, I’d want to give some kind of heads up and that you are working on trying to improve, but this is what you can do right now? And even if you aren’t trying to improve, at least he’ll have reasonable expectations. Ugh, so tough, hope you find something new soon!
I edit everything* September 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm You mention your body shutting down. Have you seen (or are you able to see) a doctor? It’s possible there’s something physical going on that affecting your energy levels, causing brain fog, or whatever. If so, it’s worth finding out for your own well-being, outside the whole job situation, but also could result in either treatment to resolve or improve it or accommodations at work, current or future.
rose* September 29, 2023 at 12:55 pm It’s not at the level that a doctor would take seriously honestly. I just start feeling sick if I work too much without enough breaks.
m2* September 29, 2023 at 1:50 pm I am sorry this is tough. Can you use sick time/ vacation time? Are you able to take walks around your office or stretch breaks after a certain period of time? A person close to me ended up going on FMLA for two months (she had banked up sick time so it was paid) because of a similar situation, she was able to recharge and now can work again. She is actively looking for a new role, but because she had that time she now can handle work better. That being said she thought she would have a new job after her FMLA, but basically didn’t accomplish anything during her FMLA. Make sure you have support, seeing therapist, friends, etc, because she found that time pretty isolating since everyone was working and she was alone most days. It was a good recharge for work, but caused stress in other ways. Can you speak to your manager about switching roles or teams? Could you cut hours and they hire a temp temporarily but you keep benefits? Sending positives energy your way
SomeWords* September 29, 2023 at 1:16 pm Your letter resonates with me so hard as I was in the same position. I was very fortunate in that I was a long time employee with a decent track record. I had a medical episode that left me feeling like I’d lost about 25 IQ points. I couldn’t do my job anymore but wanted to stay with the company. Meeting with my manager led to them speaking with their fellow managers and they were able to shift me to a less demanding position. It’s been about 10 years now. I’m still with the company. If your management team is as empathetic as you believe them to be they could help you in a similar way.
EA* September 29, 2023 at 2:30 pm If you truly don’t want him to make suggestions or try to adjust your workload and just want out, I say don’t have the conversation and focus on job searching instead. If management has already made changes for you and you have the smallest workload, I don’t think he’ll be as surprised as you think if you start lagging. And there’s really nothing positive that he can do with the info that you want to leave your job.
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 29, 2023 at 4:41 pm You say your body shuts down. Is this because of the speed you have to work at, or do you have to work too many hours, or is the work difficult or a bit beyond your skillset? Can you tell you manager that the structure of the job is causing you health issues (genuinely the case) which your doctors have not been able to help so far. That could give you breathing space while you are job-hunting.
Firefighter (Metaphorical)* September 29, 2023 at 10:49 pm I am so pleased you are job hunting – good luck and I hope you find a better fit soon. Honestly, I think you have handled/are handling this exactly right. You negotiated for what you needed, you’re now in a position to know for sure the job isn’t for you, you’re looking for a new job while protecting your health and giving everything you can to your current employer. The piece you’re asking about… I’m not sure whether there’s a practical element to it or whether you’re taking on the responsibility of managing your boss’s emotions (this is something I do a lot, so it might make me more attuned at spotting it in others… or it might be projection ;-)). You say you’re worried that your manager might be “surprised” if/when you fall behind, but… maybe that’s okay? What would happen if they were surprised? Maybe thinking that through and doing some scenario planning will help you figure out what you want to do.
WheresMyPen* September 29, 2023 at 11:08 am Not sure if this is anything you can advise on but if you have any tips or comments please share! I’ve noticed a few times at work I struggle to give critical feedback, and will adopt the ‘everything will work out in the end’ attitude. For want of a better phrase I ‘roll over’ and accept things that aren’t quite right. I work in a creative and project management role (though quite junior) and often have to give creative feedback on things like videos. Recently one video had a problem with sound that I was told would be fixed, but by the final version it was still not the quality we wanted. With prompting from my manager I did query it and it was fixed, but I should have caught it earlier and insisted myself that it was fixed instead of having to be prompted at the last minute. I think part of it is I hate being negative or criticising people’s work for fear of being considered difficult, harsh or critical, and think that they’ll fix it themselves and if they don’t it can’t be done anyway so no point in insisting and rocking the boat. I realise I need to be more aware of this going forward but any tips in particular for giving critical feedback and not just accepting when people don’t do something properly, or is this something I just need to learn as I gain more experience?
kiki* September 29, 2023 at 11:12 am Instead of seeing it as criticism, see it as helping them get to a great final product as soon as possible. Also, you don’t need to start in on the issue by treating it as an edict– you can have a conversation. “I notice the sound is not good here– can it be fixed? Is it reasonable to have that done before the week is over? Oh, it’s not because of X– how about within two weeks? Perfect! Send that to me for review in two weeks! Thank you!”
JSPA* September 29, 2023 at 11:47 am This. Be upbeat and complementary about the people, but ruthless and clear about the needs of the product.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 6:27 pm This. People want their project to be as good as possible–if there’s a problem, ask about a timeline to fix it! Reasonable people can tell the difference between “X needs a tweak” and “YOU SUCK.”
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 11:16 am Read Radical Candor :) But yes, it does also get better with experience. After seeing the consequences of being too nice and indirect, I’ve definitely adapted my style. One very important thing to remember – you’re actually doing people a disservice by not giving them accurate, direct feedback. You’re not allowing them understand how to improve, you’re letting the mistakes get bigger, which will only make them feel worse later, etc.
WheresMyPen* September 29, 2023 at 12:46 pm Ooh thanks for the recommendation, adding it to my reading list :D Very true on your last point. It’s in the contractor’s interest to produce the best product they can too to boost their portfolios
Firefighter (Metaphorical)* September 29, 2023 at 10:53 pm Yes, seconding Radical Candor (the author says she should have called it Compassionate Candor but worried it would sound too “soft” and hit her credibility, but that title actually gives a better sense of the book’s vibe). A phrase that has helped me too is Brene Brown “clear is kind, unclear is unkind” – the kindness is in giving clear, actionable, accurate info, not in the content of that info. I also suuuuuck at critical feedback btw so solidarity, commiserations, & good luck!
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:17 am Ughh no advice just commiseration. I am terrible at this still and also hope that things will work out in a way that is often counterproductive.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 11:41 am You’re looking at it as being critical, but what does avoiding giving that feedback do in the long run? Because they’re going to have to change it, and now they’ve just lost the time an opportunity to change it to something they can take ownership and be proud of. The sound still needed to be fixed, so you didn’t avoid them having the problem, just made it your problem to fix instead. Also – it reads like you did ask them to fix it and they didn’t? If there’s some fixes like that that need to be done, you can ask them to send you the fixes earlier than when you’re showing it to other people; I think that’s what your boss is getting at. As for people fixing things themselves – if they presented you a product at a certain level, and you don’t give them very clear feedback about what is expected, they’re going to think it’s fine. You need to be specific, especially in a creative field. The client dislikes certain colors. You’ve done it in pastels but they want something bold. The music drowns out the dialogue, it needs to be reduced. There’s static in the sound clips that needs to be pulled out or redone. Tell them what kind of things you need so they have actual direction on where to go. It’s not mean, it helps them get to the product they need to deliver faster.
WheresMyPen* September 29, 2023 at 12:42 pm They fixed it a little but it still wasn’t great, but I’d kind of assumed they’d done the best they could, until I was prompted to push back and then they found a complete fix. I do wonder why they didn’t just do that in the first place, and I guess highlights the importance of not settling. I think I just like to assume they’ve done the best they can when often they do need more pushing to get it done right
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 1:45 pm This is where more clear direction (aka feedback) would be helpful – maybe they didn’t do the best they could, but did what they thought was acceptable. There are plenty of people where you need to be very clear about the expectations and standards or they just won’t hit it (and some who won’t even if you are, but that’s another can of worms).
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 3:28 pm Partly I think this happens because if someone complained to *you* about something, you would probably fix it as best as it could possibly be fixed the first time. But a lot of people aren’t so conscientious. Do give yourself a break though, it’s possible your boss knew from experience that a better solution was possible or knew this vendor needs to be pushed.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am Perhaps if you frame it that they already know about the problem, and you are asking to hear their plan for addressing it. Like, “so about the sound quality — what is involved with cleaning that up?” Then they tell you the steps, and you say, “Okay, great. Let’s do that, because we need it to be very clear in the final.”
Shirley Keeldar* September 29, 2023 at 12:07 pm I got some good advice early in my editorial career: your loyalty is to the book, not the author. Maybe this will help a bit. Think of it (and frame it to others) as wanting to do right by the project. “It’s looking so good but I think the sound quality is not where it need to be and that’s detracting from the impact. Can we do X to get the sound to the same amazing level as the rest of the project?”
WheresMyPen* September 30, 2023 at 9:07 am I also work in editorial so this is a very good lesson to live by! Thanks :)
Mill Miker* September 29, 2023 at 1:49 pm Most artists would tell you that they’re their own harshest critic. The team producing the work is always going to see more problems than you will, and in a deadline-driven environment, they’re relying on you to draw the line for what’s “Good enough”. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re listening to the sound and thinking “This isn’t great, but WheresMyPen seems to think its good enough, so we can’t really justify spending more time on this when there’s other things to do” They know they’re working with compromises. As long as you avoid criticizing their skills or their efforts (ie. “Can’t you tell this sounds bad” “can you actually try and fix this”), they should welcome direction on what to improve. Also, if you show you can accept a “no” gracefully, and are reasonable with timelines, you can get a way with asking for a lot more.
Not Your Trauma Bucket* September 29, 2023 at 2:10 pm To build on what others have said, try to reframe it in your mind as collaborative development rather than effectively grading the submission. You’re not looking for what they did “wrong”, you’re looking for ways to improve the current product.
Loreli* September 29, 2023 at 3:33 pm The entire purpose of a review cycle is to catch errors and make improvements before a product is shipped/finalized. So don’t think of your comments as badmouthing the product or being overly critical. Making comments and pointing out discrepancies is the whole point of a review cycle. Of course you want to be diplomatic and not accusatory when pointing out problems. But avoiding mentioning problems because you think “it will all work out in the end” is magical thinking, and shirking your responsibility of contributing to a complete and honest review. Reviewing is part of your job The result of not saying anything is having a final product with defects or errors. Or waiting to the last minute to point out errors means a mad scramble to ship/release on time.
Friday Person* September 29, 2023 at 4:14 pm Ultimately, your role isn’t adversarial – everyone has the same goal of getting things right, and they’re actually relying on you to chime in when needed about fixes, even if it’s annoying. That’s still going to occasionally necessitate some awkward feeling conversations, but you can smooth over a lot by building a strong working relationship in general, acknowledging positives, asking questions/inviting their input about the best way of addressing issues and occasionally commiserating when a needed fix is likely to be a huge pain.
Dreaming Koala* September 29, 2023 at 4:49 pm Agree, good points! I tell myself regularly “I was hired to voice my opinions and share my experience, not just be nice to everyone”. It is a struggle everyday, but if you combine it with positive feedback (“this part of your work was particularly good, because of something-something”), you will feel a bit better. Commiserating part is also quite important!
How to bounce back after being fired?* September 29, 2023 at 11:08 am Does anyone have advice for getting a new job after being fired? My partner has been really struggling at work and was let go this week. He is honestly relieved that he’s done with the job– the type of organization really just wasn’t a good fit– but he’s very stressed about finding something new. He has held jobs he was good at before this role, but they were all in a completely different industry (think school teacher who transitioned to software development). He’d like to stay in this industry, though he’d like to work at a different type of organization (he was at a small start-up before and would like to work a more corporate job going forward– we both think a corporate culture will be a much better fit for his disposition). He’s really worried his firing will be a huge black mark on his record and he’ll really struggle to find something. Does anyone have advice? Especially interested if you’ve been in a similar boat or have hired somebody who had previously been fired.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:14 am Can’t speak to the mental part but practically, the typical advise is to have a concise explanation about what didn’t work about the last role, which is ideally something irrelevant to your likely success in the new role. This shows you’ve thought about it, you’re approaching it directly and without bitterness, and you’re well positioned to be successful next time. “Old job turned out to really need someone with more experience in X, while I’m much better suited to focus on Y tasks. That’s why I’m really excited about this opportunity with Z company that is Y oriented and wouldn’t have to handle X.” This may not be the actual narrative if the issue was that his boss was an arse or something, but try to come up with a version that sounds more like this (and that won’t get blown out of the water in a reference check, of course).
How to bounce back after being fired?** September 29, 2023 at 2:12 pm Thank you! The issue boiled down to my partner not being able to do well with extremely long hours under high pressure. When he interviewed there, the folks he interviewed with said the work-life balance was very good, but I think their idea of good work-life balance skews much more heavily on the work. They said there’d be occasional long nights, which my partner took to mean staying until 9 or 10 once a month or so. But this company definitely meant near-all-nighters for a week straight every time a project is about to close. He definitely learned to clarify what good work-life balance means going forward! Hopefully most companies will understand his explanation. Thank you for your help!
MaryLoo* September 29, 2023 at 3:44 pm Startups are notorious for having no work-life balance and expecting everyone to be on board with this. The founders of the startup are striving to make it work because it their baby. They often think their employees should feel the same way.
40HourWeeksUsuallyArentReal* September 29, 2023 at 7:07 pm I’ve never worked at any company that truly had good work-life balance and even those places that made promises like “we’ll hire additional people if the work gets overwhelming” don’t follow through. I had a job where I accepted a pay cut for a 37.5 hour week and a promise that I wouldn’t need to put in overtime only to be working 48-55 hour weeks all the time and infrequently considerably more. Unless you’re hourly and they’d have to pay overtime it’s just part of working life. I would be careful about telling prospective employers this was why he was fired and would take anything anyone said about work-life balance with a grain of salt. Even if true at the time, it can change at any moment.
Just a Manager* September 29, 2023 at 3:39 pm I was fired from a high-level position. It wasn’t a good fit and that’s what I told people when they asked. It took me about seven months to find something and that was at a lower position. It took a couple years but I am now back and beyond where I was when I was fired.
SansaStark* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am It’s not going to be this awful black mark that follows him around forever. As someone who’s been fired before, the hardest job to get will be the next one. As long as he stays there a reasonable amount of time, he won’t have to really worry about this again so that’s the good news. The trickiest part is going to be talking about this particular job in an interview and he should be prepared to talk a little bit in a matter-of-fact way about the cultural mismatch, what he’s looking for, etc. As a hiring manager, I wouldn’t have any issues hiring someone who had been fired as long as it seemed like they reflected on why and what would need to be different in a new position (as long as those differences were a match to this job, obviously).
SansaStark* September 29, 2023 at 11:23 am Also, 10+ years later, I can honestly say that the day I got fired from a terrible mismatch job was one of the best things that’s happened to me.
Keeley Jones, The Independent Woman* September 29, 2023 at 1:16 pm I remember being panicked about getting a new job but at the same time, when I walked out of these horrible place for the last time it felt like such a relief. And it was the best thing to ever happen to me because I learned a lot about what to look for in my next job so I didn’t get stuck in a bad fit job/company again.
SansaStark* September 29, 2023 at 1:19 pm That’s such a good point about knowing what to look for. I had a weird feeling during the interview of that job and I have always trusted my gut since then.
Johanna Cabal* September 29, 2023 at 2:52 pm The one job I got fired from I had the same gut feeling not only during the interview but also when I accepted the offer and on my first day. Of course, this was 2009 and I’d been laid off and was desperate for anything.
ThatGirl* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am The key is to work out how you (he) talks about his firing. I got fired in 2007 and when the first interview asked me about it I froze up and babbled awhile. Firings are not the end of the world, they are not fatal to finding a new job, but you have to be willing to talk about it in a way that is a) not lying but b) makes you sound reasonable. So saying that it ultimately wasn’t a good fit and you decided to part ways or something like that. He should workshop it a bit and say it out loud a bunch so it feels more comfortable.
Anecdata* September 29, 2023 at 7:43 pm And to add to this : “we were doing multiple allnighters, before every release, and that wasn’t a fit for me” is so outside of normal, most interviewers aren’t going to dig into it!
NewJobNewGal* September 29, 2023 at 11:27 am I agree with Sloanicota about being honest and concise about why the last job didn’t work out. It’s not a deal breaker to be fired, there are many legit reasons why there is a mismatch in a role. I’d look into a staffing service if he is concerned about gaps in income. He can get a temp gig to rebuild confidence and make connections.
Sally Rhubarb* September 29, 2023 at 11:47 am If it is any consolation, my friend was fired from a “bad fit” job, was able to take a 6 m sabbatical & then found a new job he really excels at
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 12:23 pm The dream!! It just sucks that most people, even if they do have the savings to get through a short period of unemployment, probably wouldn’t be able to relax and enjoy it since they don’t know when the period will end. At least that was my experience. I finally had the time off, but I couldn’t really enjoy it because I was too worried about how I’d get another income, even though in retrospect it worked out fine.
Some Dude* September 29, 2023 at 2:50 pm I was fired. I just glossed over it and was able to get a new job fairly quickly. I was technically laid off which helped. He should be succinct and dispassionate: “well, the role demanded working 80 hours a day plus weekends, and while I am willing to work hard and put in overtime when needed, I really need more work life balance and so I parted ways with that job.” Don’t trash the work or his boss, just be real matter of fact, this is what happened, and I need to work 40-50 hours a week not 80-100. The hardest thing for me was the psychological aspects. I talked to a therapist and it took me years to get over it. I really felt like a failure and was convinced I was constantly going to get fired. So have him seek mental health help if he can afford it.
Johanna Cabal* September 29, 2023 at 3:26 pm It might not also hurt for him to reach back to old company’s HR and see if an arrangement can be worked out he is classified as “technically laid off” as well. Or at least see what they’ll say when called for a reference. In hindsight, if I had pushed back at fired job regarding how it was classified, I think I could’ve worked something out.
Velociraptor Attack* September 29, 2023 at 2:53 pm I think the biggest thing he needs to hone in on is to describe why it was the environment and not the industry itself that was a poor fit. I’m sure someone hiring will have questions about how he can be sure it wasn’t a mismatch with the industry as a whole if this was his first position in it (and he’ll want to do some digging to be sure that it isn’t.)
Potatoes* September 29, 2023 at 11:10 am Gut check? I’ve been hospitalized for a total of 9+ days now (separate times including emergency surgery and going back for complications). I’ve blown through my PTO and in the negative now. I’ve been going back and forth via email with our controller/HR re short term disability. I think I have a solid understanding of the process. (it takes me forever to process and understand everything) but it’s also super complicated to me. I’m wrong for being annoyed that every single email is copying my boss? Whenever I plan to be out, he’s always the first person I email for something like this. But for PTO/benefits I’m not sure I like it – I could be wrong or irrational about this hence the gut check
Not Tom, Just Petty* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am Yeah, I think this is weird. HR is the info hub for a reason. They just need to share the final facts. “Potatoes will be out from X to Y.”
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am Ehhhh, I kinda come down on the other side. If there’s nothing very personal Potatoes would not want the boss to know, it makes way more sense to me to have the boss in copy than leave them in the dark for days or relay separate updates every time they talk to P. The boss needs to plan workload around absences like these, it’s not like he’s not going to get the information?
FashionablyEvil* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am I would say it isn’t wrong, but it is unnecessary. Your boss needs to know when and how long you’ll be out for/when you’ll reassess to see if you can come back. They really don’t need to be cc’d on all the back and forth about the “Could you please explain the elimination period for the disability policy and how that will affect my PTO balance” type discussion.
I'm just here for the cats!!* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 am I can see how it does seem a bit odd. But on the other hand, maybe the boss has asked to be kept in the loop. For example, we’ve had some new folx in HR and it’s been …. difficult to put it mildly. So our department head has asked that if we have problems with HR that they be CC’d on emails. Or maybe there is some other type of policy that you’re not aware of.
different seudonym* September 29, 2023 at 11:49 am Better to have as much communication as possible up front, because this sounds like a situation where you need to guard your energy and that cc will hopefully save you from going over everything again, miscommunication, etc. In other words, valid feelings, but serious illness and disability require redundant communication to manage well. Get well soon!
Analytical Tree Hugger* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am My gut check/gut reaction: A bit annoying (for your boss), maybe a bit odd, but not egregious. I think I’m coming from a place of “this is an easy way to keep Potatoes’ Boss in the loop about how long their employee will be out” since it sounds like no one knows. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this health issue.
knitcrazybooknut* September 29, 2023 at 12:01 pm I worked in HR for 12 years, for context. This may be company policy, to copy your boss on anything involving a leave of absence. I would want to know if my employee was going to be out for a period of time, with all due respect to their medical privacy, which is NOT anything I should know about. It’s also a way to educating your boss on how this type of leave works and what their role is in the process. Unless I’m misunderstanding something about the interaction, I think this is completely reasonable, and may be required by your company. I do understand why you might think it unnecessary, though.
Tortally HareBrained* September 29, 2023 at 2:58 pm Agreed. As a manager for a team it can be helpful to know how this type of leave works and the type of documentation needed. Some people are more comfortable working only with HR, but others will come to me and it’s nice to have some idea of what HR will need from them in order to take care of them in an efficient manner. Especially when scary/emergency health issues are occuring.
Duncan* September 30, 2023 at 1:42 pm That kind of nice-to-know for managers should be secondary to employees’ desire for privacy on the details (of course the manager needs to know the outcome).
Potatoes* September 29, 2023 at 12:56 pm Thanks all. I think it is just policy. I do keep my boss looped in, again he’s the first one I notify if I’m out. I had a call with hr to clear up some things. She said I did this all wrong, and that it wasn’t fair to anyone that I told them I’d be back to work on Thursday but didn’t come in. I was in tears at the end of the call. I was discharged Wednesday and told I could resume work Thursday since remote office work. I informed them of that. But I’m back in the ER today. I was never warned that I would need to go back. I explained that I was cleared but…you know.. emergency. I’m now stressed that when I go back my boss will say the same thing that I handled this badly and I did too much back and forth with her etc.
HalJordan* September 29, 2023 at 1:40 pm That sounds like your HR person is being unreasonable, and if your boss says the same so are they. You made the right call based on the information you had, you relayed that to them, and then exigent circumstances intervened. If everyone was supposed to inform their office that they might be out on emergency medical leave because of an emergency they could not foresee, we’d all have to tell our offices that for every single day. Getting mad at people and making them cry because they’re not pre-cognizant is a jerk move, take comfort in that.
dude, who moved my cheese?* September 29, 2023 at 5:42 pm I’m sorry you’re going through this! It’s unreasonable and egregiously unprofessional for the HR person coordinating your medical leave to tell you it was “unfair” to need emergency surgery or even that you did the process all wrong. If your boss says the same thing Your job right now is to prioritize your health and wellbeing and do the bare minimum needed to keep your job. HR’s job is to address your health-related work needs clearly, efficiently, and professionally. Did she explain the process in a way that was clear? Is the process complicated or is she making it complicated? Your boss’s job is to make sure your team can function without you, your duties are covered, and to have your back when HR sucks. This might be a little prickly but I would be tempted to follow up by email, copying your boss and HR and possibly even whoever the HR rep reports to, if you feel that’s warranted, and say something like: “Melinda, I was concerned by your statement on our call yesterday that it was unfair of me to say I’d be back to work Thursday and then call out. I want to ensure it’s on record that when I was discharged from the hospital Wednesday, I was cleared to return to work Thursday, but on Thursday I had to return to the emergency room. I am also concerned that I’m not getting clear, correct information about how to apply for short-term disability. (Add more details about things that were miscommunicated, complicated, or “done wrong.”) Right now my main focus needs to be recovering from emergency surgery. (End with a request along the lines of, Jesus Christ can you please tell me exactly what you need from me so I can give it to you and get this approved?)” I’m sorry you are having to both manage a difficult health issue and a crappy HR person. Right now, they need to do better for you — you don’t need to do better for them.
dude, who moved my cheese?* September 29, 2023 at 5:45 pm Whoops. I meant to say if your boss says the same thing, your boss is also unreasonable and unprofessional. If someone I managed missed their return-to-work date because they needed emergency surgery I would do everything I could to take care of the paperwork/administrative burden. If someone I managed missed an extra day because of the *flu* I wouldn’t be like, how unfair of them! So, your HR sucks and I hope your boss doesn’t suck too.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 7:04 pm I think, after emergency surgery and a 9-day hospital stay, the doctor was ridiculous to tell you that you’d be ready to work on Thursday. Totally unrealistic, even for remote work, and even if you hadn’t been right back in the ER.
Gyne* September 29, 2023 at 2:06 pm Sorry to hear you are in the hospital. This does not seem weird to me. It’s potentially relevant to decisions your boss needs to make about reassignment of tasks and arranging coverage and probably easier to just cc them on the email thread than for HR to be updating them separately.
kt* September 29, 2023 at 3:46 pm This seems weird to me, as someone who managed 12-14 ppl through several medical leaves. I don’t need to know any details of your medical stuff. The only things I need to know are “where to press approve” if needed, *or* whether I need to advocate for you and burn someone’s a** in HR — which is actually what might need to happen here. This business of “I thought I could resume work on Thursday so said so in good faith but then ended back up in the emergency room” — that stuff happens! That’s why it’s an emergency! No one should be making you cry about this, your HR should be working to support you in taking the short term disability leave you clearly need. That this is *not* happening is the only thing that your boss potentially could be helpful with. It’s absolutely inappropriate to be implying someone is irresponsible and dishonest when they’re experiencing complications of a health condition. Moreover, when you are ill is when you most need help, and HR should be stepping up here. Again, as a manager in a fortune 250 company, my point of view is that HR handles medical leave details, they are there to support employees, and if there is an error, I’m there to support my reports by pushing for appropriate action from HR.
Marie* September 29, 2023 at 11:10 am Executives at my small company keep pushing “green” stuff to employees constantly. EVs, etc. mind you, an EV is more than half my income a year and I’m one of the higher paid employees. They don’t allow WFH. Execs all live very close to the office. Most of the rest of us have at least 39 min commutes. I’ve politely said an EV doesn’t work for my lifestyle (no way to charge at home as I live in an apt). They keep pushing it. They take tons of long haul overseas flights and most aren’t for business (from what they tell us). Irks the hell out of me. More elitist BS that makes me sick.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:15 am That is crazy. Has anyone pushed back and said that option is too expensive but here’s some cheaper environmental practices we can all do?
Marie* September 29, 2023 at 11:20 am Yep. They don’t listen. So many people I know have this EV fetish, even for people they absolutely won’t work for or can’t afford them.
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 11:48 am Which is funny because on it’s own, I don’t think EV is environmental – you could be powering a car with coal-powered electricity, no? The idea is that ultimately they could be powered by renewable sources like solar but that’s not currently what’s happening.
I'm just here for the cats!!* September 29, 2023 at 12:13 pm That’s such a great point. Maybe OP can lookup how electricity is powered for their area (probably coal) and say “I looked into it but being that electricity in this area is powered by coal, it is not environmentally sound for me to replace my car.” I think there’s also problems with the materials to make the batteries too. So although its better its not the perfect solution to normal cars. OR you could always sat ” Is the company going to provide power stations at work?” or better yet “Oh! is the company increasing our wages so that we can afford a EV?!”
ThatGirl* September 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm not all electricity is coal-powered, and even then, the fossil fuel impact is lower, esp without emissions. and look, I own an EV – just got it this year – but until there are truly long-range driving solutions and better infrastructure it will never replace gas entirely. Which is why my husband’s next car will probably be another ICE hybrid.
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 9:40 pm Yeah, there’s a trade-off. But cost and convenience are the main factors. (I live in a city with lots of charging options, but it can be sparse away from town.) And living in an apartment is probably even more environmental than the single-family homes I assume your bosses inhabit. It seems a strange thing to push. Have they started other (more practicable) environmental initiatives in the workplace? Sounds like they don’t walk the talk. Does someone in management own stock in a company that produces EVs?
NaoNao* September 29, 2023 at 2:06 pm Amusing story here–I was talking to a friend years ago about how “big auto” crushed the budding EV industry in the 90s because of their reliance and support of oil. I mentioned how EV was more “clean” and he asked me where I thought electricity came from. I indignantly answered ‘the AIR’ and he died laughing. He was like “do you think we just run around with really long bent coat hangers and catch it during lighting storms?” I guess I had thought that!
Some Dude* September 29, 2023 at 2:44 pm Also they rely on intensive natural resources, and they encourage single-occupancy travel. They are more environmentally friendly than cars, but that’s not saying a lot. A true environmental move would be either not making folks drive 1:20 minutes a day to work, or investing in public transit options. However, even in my region, PT is generally 1/2 as fast as driving unless there is traffic.
MissElizaTudor* September 29, 2023 at 5:06 pm Not to mention the fact that tires cause a LOT of pollution and EVs don’t get around that, and might even be worse. Most emissions from cars aren’t from exhaust, they’re from wear and tear on the road, your tires, and your breaks. Most of the microplastics in the ocean are from tires. EVs aren’t a meaningful solution to the environmental problems caused by cars even if the energy to power them was from nuclear, solar, wind, etc.
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 9:44 pm I am so Team Hovercraft. I was really hoping that would be a viable option by the time I reached middle age. No tires, and it solves the problem of snow removal on streets. You’d only need it for the pedestrians, which would also keep salt out of the ground water.
Hrodvitnir* October 1, 2023 at 2:52 pm OK, you’re never going to see this, but me too. NZ is really pushing electric cars and I’m like yikes on a couple of levels. I mean yes, they’re kind of the only remotely feasible alternative right now so fair, I guess? But as usual the measures disparately impact the poorest people, we continue to have inadequate public transport for all councils want to push not driving, and our electricity is privatised. So I dream of hovercraft (powered by solar cells, while I’m dreaming.) This is also inspired by the huge problems roads cause for water run off. Could have “roads” made of tough native grasses? My imaginary solution also involves using magnets rather than loud air, but let’s be honest, none of this comes from the brain of any kind of engineer. lol
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 11:32 am even if the electricity in your area isn’t coal generated, there are still Environmental issues. if it’s from a nuclear plant, what about the environmental impacts of the spent fuel rods? and there’s concern about Hydro generated electricity because of the lack of water in just about every part of the country. been there is the problem of what to do about the EV batteries when they crap out. and from what I’ve read, it cost thousands of dollars to replace the battery.
Random Dice* October 1, 2023 at 3:10 pm It’s far more likely to be powered by solar and other renewables during non-peak hours when people tend to charge cars. The reason why we’ve collectively struggled with shifting away from oil/gas/coal is because we need so much on-demand power generation to meet peak power usage hours, and on-demand means Big Oil. As we keep developing better power storage, that will help a lot, but we’re not there yet at a power grid level.
Stuckinacrazyjob* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am As a rude person I’m thinking about how WFH would probably save a lot more carbon than getting an EV. They say you should do boring responses to this annoying stuff like a grey rock. just keep going ‘ oh is that so and now about fat bear week. How is it affecting shareholders’
Prickly Hedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am (Probably not the best course, but also could be fun): Lean in and say “Wow, so exciting that our company is going green! Let’s do it right and set a Science Based Target (climate target through SBTi) for our organization!” That type of corporate commitment (and action) would be a meaningful way for the company to take ownership of sustainability (and there are options for small businesses that are simpler) and maybe would even push them to think about the cost of different interventions rather than just push EVs as the be-all-end-all.
The New Wanderer* September 29, 2023 at 1:29 pm Or, respond like you think they’re saying they’re going to give everyone an EV as a company car? But yeah, lip service to this one thing while not considering WFH/hybrid work or any other reasonable options to reduce pollution should get all the respect it deserves (none).
Zephy* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am What, exactly, will the company do if you just continue to not buy a new car that you don’t need, can’t afford, and couldn’t use anyway? Like, is the messaging “electric vehicles are the future! better for the planet!” or “employees are required to lease or purchase a 2020 or newer chevrolet volt by 12/31/2023 or they face disciplinary action up to and including termination”?
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am If the messaging is more “electric vehicles are the future! better for the planet!” can you just make appropriate positive noises and otherwise keep living your life? Saying phrases like “yes, EVs are so exciting!” and “did you hear [Car Company X] is coming out with [new EVmodel Y]?” may be enough for the executives to think of you as a “green” person in general and they may stop specifically badgering you to buy an EV.
JSPA* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am Will they help cover the cost of an ebike or a bus pass? Those are both greener options than an EV. In general, “here’s what you could do instead” is a workable message, and if they go with it, you’ve done something much better for the world than giving yourself a sour stomach by swallowing your words each time you want to shout, “shut up, elitist scum.”
Marie* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm No public transit options and e-bikes are not an option for a 45 min commute. Our climate doesn’t allow that for a good chunk of the year anyway.
Trawna* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am EVs – sigh. Ya, corporations and shareholders raping the parts of the planet they haven’t raped yet. I’m all for ameliorating the current car-centric joke of a transportation system that exists outside of major cities with hybrids (rail would be better!). However, full EVs are an environmental and financial horror story waiting to happen.
Chauncy Gardener* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am I hate that! Do they all drive EVs? Maybe start leaving info around the office about the EV batteries and how bad they are for the environment and how there aren’t any real plans to deal with them when they start reaching end of life? And those long haul flights drive me nuts. From what I can calculate, they could be doing everything else right and one or two of those will obliterate all their other green-ness.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:09 pm Have you flatly said you can’t afford it on your salary? There is a point where “home truths” are not out of place, and it sounds like you’re there.
LCH* September 29, 2023 at 1:02 pm pushing how? just like sending out info or actually saying you must buy an EV? because if the first, i wouldn’t even respond. i just read and delete a lot of emails that are sent to all staff (newsletters, whatever). if the second, um, yeah, that’s weird. they can’t dictate what you buy.
Can't Sit Still* September 29, 2023 at 1:11 pm This is super-annoying. Can you reframe it in your mind that if they are pushing “green” on the employees that at least then they aren’t pushing fish or cheese or whatever the management strategy du jour is? Because if they aren’t listening to any employee suggestions about how the company can be more green, they are only doing it for “executive leadership” points and can be safely ignored, just like if they were pushing the 7 Habits or sigma or whatever. FWIW, the battle for charging stations both at work and at my condo are INTENSE. By which I mean in security has had to be called in both locations on multiple occasions and our employee handbook now has extensive rules for using the charging stations kind of intense.
miel* September 29, 2023 at 1:11 pm This is so obnoxious! Honestly it sounds like they’re clueless and not going to change. I hope you can tune them out. (why the heck do they keep pushing it though? I have questions.)
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 29, 2023 at 4:52 pm If it’s all-person EMails and video messages, I’d just tune it out like I would annoying insects buzzing. If they address you specifically , I’d keep repeating exactly the reasons in your post: An EV is > half your salary and you cannot charge it where you live. (Don’t be embarassed about mentioning the salary bit)
GythaOgden* September 30, 2023 at 4:04 am Yeah, this is awful. While we each need to do what we can, this sounds like the company who were pushing someone with a van that accommodated a wheelchair to get rid of it because of car space or whatever. That was totally wild but this is the more mundane version of the ridiculousness in that letter. I also can’t stand hypocrisy, although if the nature of the business involves intercontinental travel it sometimes has to be done. Nevertheless, my org in the UK stipulates that intercity travel should be done by train rather than plane (unrealistic for the US but perfectly reasonable for our island nation!) and that they’re also trying to reduce car use in that respect. When I interviewed last week they let me know that a lot of people in the division don’t drive and that it was becoming more common for people not to have cars or licences at all. They also let me expense Uber last year when I went on a recommended training day (anything to get out of the office!!!). Pragmatic social, wellbeing and environmental policies involve a lot more than diktats from above about what people use personally. They work best when there are incentives for doing things the right way — preferential reimbursement for public transport, cycle to work schemes (where you can get a bicycle at a discount from your untaxed pay, much like how pensions work) and other initiatives that make it more pleasant to choose the better option. It makes the odd ‘I need to be in Manchester/Tbilisi/Ulan Baator yesterday, get me to to Heathrow in twenty minutes’ long haul flight more reasonable if the company otherwise ensures that everyone is more careful in general. Then again, the NHS is really good at things like this and it’s the one place where I can natter with the chief exec of our main customer trust while he signs in for a meeting and he insists on never taking off at the beginning of the month so he can attend the monthly new starter induction day and meet anyone who starts work with them. It is an unusually good place to work and I’m lucky to be in a supportive environment. This is just hypocritical BS. I’m never one to say you should be actively looking for a new job, but this place sounds like an industrial-scale apiary. Get out for your own sanity.
Nicole* September 30, 2023 at 5:11 pm I’m just confused as to why the company would have any input into what personal vehicle their employees own/drive. Are they paying for the vehicle? Providing free charging at work? If not, then stay out of my business.
TeenieBopper* September 29, 2023 at 11:11 am So, I’m actively job searching for the first time since finishing grad school 8 years ago instead of just leaving my LinkedIn as set to open to recruiters. I’ve got a bunch of alerts set up on LinkedIn for different job titles that line up with my skills. One think that shows up a *ton* are job listing’s by I assume this is some third party company/aggregator, but does anybody have any experience with them? Are they legit? Did you find a job applying to one of their postings?
NameRequired* September 29, 2023 at 11:17 am I don’t know about talentify, but I do have to say that LinkedIn got me the worst response rate from job postings. Indeed, sorted by new postings, was the best one, and niche job boards also helped.
TeenieBopper* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am Well that’s annoying. I actually got my current job from a LinkedIn recruiter (and if be happy stay. It’s complicated). I was hoping the easy apply function would make my hunt a little, well, easier. The hoops one has to jump through with the application process is dumb. Fuck off, no, I will not type out my job history when you just had me upload my resume.
pally* September 29, 2023 at 11:38 am Please note: the Easy Apply doesn’t always work as you’d expect. If the recruiter is unfamiliar with the settings, they may not realize Easy Apply is the default. So while the recruiter is expecting candidates to go to their website to apply, the applicants are applying via Easy Apply and the recruiter doesn’t know to collect these applications. Result: Easy Apply applications go nowhere. Suggestion: go to the website and apply directly (if you can do so via from the info on the job listing).
Dido* September 29, 2023 at 3:33 pm LinkedIn has been great to me… I was job searching last year and had tons of interviews for jobs I applied to through LinkedIn, and the one I ended up taking was an EasyApply job
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:11 pm Ugh, talentify is garbage. Their listings are out of date, and you’ll get fake-job scam emails from having a profile there.
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 12:31 pm Search the job company and title on Google, find the company website, and apply there. Or if the company uses a specific application site like ADP, apply there. Strive not to apply using LinkedIn, Indeed, or a 3rd party site unless that’s the primary place the job has been posted by the company. Non-primary app sites can mess up your formatting or, worse, prevent the company from ever seeing your application in the first place!
Jazz and Manhattans* September 29, 2023 at 10:09 pm Agree. When I was job hunting I never used the quick apply on LinkedIn. You have no idea what its doing to your information as it goes into the companies system. I’ve seen what the actual company sites did to my data when I would apply to the company and it would pull in my data from my resume. Every single time I would have to fix it. Imagine what its doing when you have no option to check and fix it! No thank you.
Smellyelli* September 29, 2023 at 11:16 am Has anyone ever heard back from a job prospect after the recruitment process has been put on hold ? This is the third time it has happens to me in the last 18months right before the final interview and they all promise to get in touch once the process resume because I’m a “strong candidate”. For what is worth, none have asked me to do presentations or any work so it’s not that they are trying to steal ideas or free work.
Eng Girl* September 29, 2023 at 1:46 pm I did once. I interviewed for a job, felt good about it, then got feedback from the recruiter that the job had gone “oh hold” while they worked out some stuff on their end. He then called me back in a month to see if I was still available because the position was back on. I ended up taking the job and found out later that the CEO had cancelled the original position, but that the manager had gotten with another department head and had him put in for the exact same role, just reporting to him instead and that that had been approved.
1,000 Snails in a Lady Skin* September 29, 2023 at 3:53 pm I’m sorry this has happened to you so much! I think the economy / budgets are tough for a lot of companies right now, so just remind yourself it’s not you! FWIW my company had to put our hiring process on hold last year — I was the hiring manager and I was assured it was just a brief pause to reevaluate budgets for a few months. I had some candidates I was super excited about and we told them we’d be in touch when we reopened the job. Well, fast forward 18 months later and we’re still in an unofficial hiring freeze and I haven’t been allowed to hire and my team has just been understaffed this whole time! It sucks for the hiring manager / team just as much as it sucks for candidates!
KittyGhost* September 29, 2023 at 4:14 pm One time I got a call telling me that I had a job offer and was signed up for an orientation session- a solid year after I had applied and done one phone interview. I noped out at that point since I had already accepted a different offer. So it does happen, but I think my case was a combo of an industry with high turnover (call center) and not great management on the company’s end (mostly the fact they just assumed I was onboard with this after not hearing from them for a year).
Armchair Analyst* September 30, 2023 at 8:25 am when this happened to me, I was younger. if I interviewed and didn’t hear back, I put the hiring manager that i interviewed with on my “monthly job search email” list. I emailed my contacts at the start of every month with a brief email that covered my upcoming availability as if i was looking for projects or part-time work, highlights from last month, like if I had attended any job-related courses or anything, and a brief reminder of what I was looking for. I hid the recipients emails. I was younger and assumed everyone wanted to be my mentor, and also that if they didn’t want the email, they could delete it or ask me not to send it. no one ever asked me not to send it. but one company called me back after a couple of months and they said, “this position opened up and your email came on the same day, so we called you.”
Thunder Kitten* September 30, 2023 at 9:37 pm I cant speak for the last 18mo, but that happened to me in March 2020. Was interviewing – got to 3 end stage interviews, and EVERYTHING hit a brick wall. Got called back a year+ later and have been in that role 2.5 years now.
One of the feds* September 29, 2023 at 11:16 am Shout out to my fellow feds who are whiplashing between trying to get everything in today that they can, and twiddling their thumbs avoiding setting up meetings to move other things forward because we have no idea if we’ll be here next week!
Constance Lloyd* September 29, 2023 at 11:20 am Hello hello! All sorts of handwringing going on in my house where we’re both feds (him directly, me via contract). Sending thoughts and commiseration your way.
NewJobNewGal* September 29, 2023 at 11:30 am I’m a gov contractor and we’re figuring out what we can do while our contacts disappear for who knows how long.
Constance Lloyd* September 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm And of course student loan payments are starting up again regardless! Not to start an off topic debate about those, just feeling the triple whammy of stress over potentially losing both incomes the same month expenses increase.
OtterB* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 am My husband is a fed expecting to be idle during the probable shutdown. He was in a different, essential position for the last shutdown. I should make him a honey-do list; he really doesn’t do well with idle time. The timing is unfortunate for family finance purposes as this is my last day full time; I’m moving to an hourly phased-retirement schedule. My job also involves some interface with feds who won’t be available. Oh well. Sympathies to those expecting significant impact of whatever kind.
knitcrazybooknut* September 29, 2023 at 12:03 pm Sympathies to you all. I’m feeling lucky to be working for state government instead of federal right now.
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 9:49 pm Same! We do work with some federal agencies, but I’ve been off the past couple days, so I have no idea if we’ll see some trickle-down effects next week.
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm My husband is active duty. He still has to work, he just doesn’t get paid. It’s fine. Everything is fine. :-/
Constance Lloyd* September 29, 2023 at 12:13 pm I did ask for tips last week and received some very kind and thorough responses. A few tips are specific to the DC metro area and may not translate to folks living elsewhere, but I’ll link it in case any portion is helpful or reassuring. The whole ordeal is just infuriating, and it feels so petty.
Mitford* September 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm My husband’s expecting to be furloughed (he has been every shutdown for the last 25 years). What truly annoys me this time is that, when the pandemic broke out, he was deemed an essential employer and had to mask up and go in after all those years of being told he was non-essential and would be furloughed during the shutdowns. At least, after the big 2018-19 furlough of 35 days, legislation was passed guaranteeing employees their missed pay. We used to enjoy watching Congress debate whether “employees should be paid for not working” after the previous furloughs. Hugs to all you feds and families out there. We are a two-income family and have savings, but I know that these shutdowns can hit other families really hard.
Over It* September 29, 2023 at 12:41 pm I work in municipal govt, but my salary is 100% funded by a federal grant, and I manage grants given to non-profit partners that also comes from that same federal grant. So far we have received zero feedback on if/how the shutdown would impact us, even though we’ve been asking the whole week. As if the fiscal year close out wasn’t overwhelming enough without the threat of a shutdown. I am stressed!!!
TPS Reporter* September 29, 2023 at 3:48 pm a bunch of my colleagues are also paid on federal grants. we’re still going to keep working, we know we can keep spending, we just can’t get reimbursed until the government reopens. It’s not really a risk unless the shutdown goes into the next fiscal year, which would be unheard of.
Not happy for a shutdown* September 29, 2023 at 12:52 pm Yes! We are here! I want the non-working furloughed feds to just sit in the chambers watching Congress all day holding signs that say things like, “the armed forces are working and not getting paid right now, day X”.
No Tribble At All* September 29, 2023 at 1:12 pm Ugh, yes, huge sympathies to everyone in this situation. It’s ridiculous. Mr Tribble is a contractor for the feds but is in an “essential” department. His company negotiated for pre-payment for a month and is hoping to get two. So we’ll be okay? But only half his projects are “essential”. So will he get full hours? Who’s to say.
ariel* September 29, 2023 at 2:12 pm Very curious – a loved one works for a federal agency and doesn’t know yet if they would be considered essential. They are comfortable with ambiguity, I’d be bouncing off the walls. Hope everyone has and gets what they need, although it’s not looking great right now.
Over It* September 29, 2023 at 3:54 pm This is me! Totally bouncing off the walls!!! Or more like a small dog vibrating with anxiety. I’m fortunate to have a small financial cushion to get me through a shutdown (unless it’s REALLY long) but the ambiguity is killing me rn.
Overeducated* September 29, 2023 at 6:13 pm Same! I have already been informed I’ll be furloughed, but just not knowing what to expect is so frustrating.
lin* September 29, 2023 at 6:34 pm we got our official furlough status emails about 4pm today – we were expecting to get them sometime tomorrow, but the department sent early, probably in another signal of how likely the top officials think it is that a deal will be made in the next 30 hours. Hang in there folks! We’ve done this before, and we’ll do it again. The budget showdowns are a tradeoff for some of the other things I like about being a fed. In the meantime, try to make yourself a list of productive things to do and get out of the house to do them at least once a day – even if it’s just pulling some weeds in the yard or taking a walk around the apartment complex. Here’s to a short one and getting back to serving the public, like we signed up for!
Trixie Belden was my hero* September 29, 2023 at 6:13 pm Retired fed, 30+ years, been there, hated that. Been thru 5 of them, seen it all and made it through. Titled the folder for one ShutStorm2013. Took great delight in deleting it when I retired. Take care.
Another Anonymous Fed* September 29, 2023 at 9:02 pm I have to admit that I didn’t take this threat very seriously because I really thought that our government officials would get their act together and get a budget passed. I have a public facing job providing service and information to members of the public. The last week, and today in particular, has been more hectic than usual because people were trying to call us and find things out before we shut down. Aside from not being able to serve the public, I worry because every time I’ve been through a shutdown before, like the 2018/2019 shutdown or the 2020 COVID-related shutdown, a whole bunch of people quit and found new jobs, and a whole bunch of older people retired. It was a terrible loss of talent and institutional memory. We’ve never really fully recovered from being shut down during COVID and now we’ll be even further behind. Surprising to me and my fellow workers in my work group, we’ve been designated as “Essential Workers,” so we’ll go to work, but not get paid until who knows when. Moreover, all scheduled vacation time has been rescinded until further notice. There were people who planned to take time off from around the 3-day Columbus Day holiday weekend aren’t very happy, but maybe they’ll have a budget before then. (Columbus day is October 9 this year.) There are people who were looking forward to being furloughed, because the furloughed people will eventually get paid for the time they’re furloughed, and they’re mad about having to go work while others are getting the time off and will get paid for it. My poor manager scheduled individual one-on-one meetings to explain things to us, and apparently some of my coworkers were quite upset for various reasons. Yesterday, on Thursday, our management (comparatively low-level people) had an “employee appreciation” lunch of hot dogs for everyone in my agency.
Justme, The OG* September 29, 2023 at 11:21 am Finally got my promotion offer yesterday (I was the only one interviewed, I was trained for the position) and I just emailed to negotiate a slightly higher salary. I’m so nervous. The offered salary was fine but I laid out a few reasons why I would like it higher (about 5%).
Justme, The OG* September 29, 2023 at 11:35 am Thank you! I was so nervous. But I also know what the previous person made in the role at retirement so I know my small amount is well under the line item maximum for the role.
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am Sending good vibes your way! Congrats on the offer and it is worth making the ask, they just go with it or do some sweetening, and even if they can’t right now, you’ve let them know they can’t be complacent about your compensation … you think you’re worth more, so they will hopefully keep that in mind when it IS time for reviews/adjustments.
Justme, The OG* September 29, 2023 at 12:28 pm I work for a state entity, so raises are up to the pool they’re given. Which is also why I asked for more since I will miss out on the next FY round of cost of living raises.
YetAnotherAnalyst* September 29, 2023 at 11:21 am I’m in an employee resource group, and it’s becoming a serious morale suck for me. It doesn’t have a good track record on the things that matter to me (lots of talk but no action), and the things that it does manage to do are frankly a little insulting (talks on about mindfulness and journaling for International Women’s Day). We meet maybe twice a year, sporadically get frustrating emails from ERG leadership, and we sometimes have an active Slack channel… Do I drop it, because it kind of makes me hate my job whenever I’m reminded that it exists? Or do I stay in, because having even an ineffective ERG with a decent headcount is meaningful, and if the ERG falls apart then the folks who don’t think representation matters will have won?
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:28 am No, you don’t need to stay in a group that destroys your mental health. Honestly it sounds like this group isn’t moving the needle on representation anyways (if they are “lots of talk but no action”). You may be able to find other outlets through your work, but if representation is truly not a priority to the company, that an important thing to know and factor into your long-term plans. IME, ERGs work best with leadership that is already open to feedback.
Analytical Tree Hugger* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am I think the fact that the people who don’t think representation doesn’t matter *are* winning, as you’re channeling energy into a fruitless effort. If the ERG was helpful in some way, great. Since it’s not, I’d say it’s detracting from representation. Also, don’t let the company have false representation, i.e., They get to tell new hires they have this group and give the false impression that the higher ups care.
YetAnotherAnalyst* September 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm Oh, that’s an excellent point. I think I might be done with this.
Lady_Lessa* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm I’d drop out. I chose to do something similar with one of my charity groups at my parish. There wasn’t much for me to do after I started working again. Even though I am not sure it was intentional, I felt like I was managed out.
miel* September 29, 2023 at 1:17 pm I would leave the group. ERGs are notoriously underresourced. They’re difficult to run, even more difficult to run well. But that’s not your problem. If the execs at your company want to actually do something about diversity, they can resource it appropriately. If there’s ever a chance to share feedback with the execs, you could say you want more substantial progress on diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Can't Sit Still* September 29, 2023 at 1:31 pm You don’t have to put any effort into it if your company isn’t. If it is actively making you angry, I would drop it. I belonged to an actively destructive ERG, but kept pushing for improvement because the other ERGs were functional. The company listened and made changes, but it doesn’t sound like that’s likely at your company.
Itsa Me, Mario* September 29, 2023 at 2:07 pm As the lead of an ERG, even I would say to drop it. If you feel a deep sense of passion about what the group could be doing, it could help to give that feedback, make suggestions, or even take on a leadership role yourself. Sometimes it feels extremely thankless to do all of this leadership and admin work, and then the membership both don’t want to take anything on while also don’t think we’re going in the right direction. That said, it’s a voluntary organization. If you’re not getting anything out of it, you have no obligation to stay involved.
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 9:54 pm Drop it. I would be really tempted to do a mindfulness journal exercise about my frustrations with the ERG, then turn it in as my resignation from the group.
Quinalla* October 1, 2023 at 5:24 pm The other option if you are willing is to try and drive some meaningful action. Go to the ERG leadership and say “Hey, I want to lead an effort to do X, what resources are available for that. But if you don’t want to, don’t feel bad about dropping out. I actually think an ERG that basically does nothing is worse than not having an ERG.
Wordnerd* September 29, 2023 at 11:22 am How do you deal with the tiny million and one frustrations in the day to day? Every time I get an email from an entitled faculty member who didn’t read my last email carefully enough, or another small glitch happens in our system that I can’t explain or solve, etc., my instinct is to go complain to my team member or stop working and end up on AAM or something for too long. But I don’t want to be an emotional weight on colleagues or waste time (therefore getting more stressed about work tasks). I’m thinking about like, writing ARGH on a piece of paper, crumpling it up, and throwing it in the garbage. Any other suggestions? (They’re too frequent to go take a walk – I’d never get back to my desk…) And it’s not something I can try to systemically change – it’s sort of the nature of the role.
Rainy* September 29, 2023 at 11:41 am I have a special moleskine for rage-journaling and on days when I expect work to be frustrating I throw it in my bag in case I need it.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:30 am Bingo board. Check off the annoying thing that happened that day. It can be weirdly amusing to realize “oh, that’s a new version of stupidity I haven’t seen before!” or text a friend “It’s a 2 Bingo day! I’m definitely going kickboxing after work”
Wordnerd* September 29, 2023 at 11:32 am Oh man I *love* this idea! Like, I get to get myself a root beer from the vending machine if I check off enough annoying things.
Filthy Vulgar Mercenary* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 am Seconding this! I did that on my brother’s advice regarding my awful ex as we were divorcing. Rather than expecting him to answer rationally or act responsibly AT ALL, my brother told me to pretend I had to get to 100 stupid interactions with him and then we could be divorced. So each time he did something crazy, I could be like “that’s another one! I’m at 24 now, only 76 more to go!” instead of being aggravated that he didn’t meet my (very, very low) expectations of being a reasonable human being AGAIN. It was still frustrating, but took up less space somehow.
Firefighter (Metaphorical)* September 30, 2023 at 5:56 am That is brilliant. Adapting for my work context.
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm Agreed. Finding humor in a situation has always helped me through. For example, I’m child free by choice. I started keeping a “why don’t you have kids” bingo card at my desk. One time, I actually pulled it out and marked a square as the person was standing there.
I'm A Little Teapot* September 29, 2023 at 11:32 am It sounds like you’re at BEC stage. If you can figure out why and then tackle the underlying problem, then all of a sudden the little stuff doesn’t matter (as much). Because the little stuff isn’t going to go away, but your response to it can change. For me, this looks like: cutting way back on social media, sit at home on the couch and just relax for a day or 2, reducing the drag on your time and attention from things like chores, etc (no, you can’t stop doing laundry, but you can simplify the laundry process).
Wordnerd* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am Thank you for responding! I admit I’m not in the best place – (our university is facing layoffs and our department is doing to be restructured and probably dissolved) – so I’m for sure at BEC stage but with like, all the things.
I'm an anony-mouse for today* September 29, 2023 at 12:17 pm Do you work for the same university system that I do?! My university is the only one in our entire state system that is not getting layoffs, people in the state capitol want diversity, equity, and inclusion programs eliminated and are holding our
I'm an anony-mouse for today* September 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm Are holding our raises hostage! I hit the submit button too soon!
Wordnerd* September 29, 2023 at 12:30 pm Yepppp that sounds like the same system – it’s “you” and then a “double you”! (Although I imagine that in a lot of red states, the second part could still be true.)
WorkerDrone* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am Ugh, also staff in higher ed, and I feel you. Since these happen so often, I have a whole host of coping mechanisms: One, I keep treats at my desk. Faculty member doesn’t read my instructions? Piece of candy. Haven’t gotten a reply to a simple question after thirteen working days and a follow up? Time for a cup of fancy pantsy tea. Lost parent who, rather than accepting directions to admissions, wants me to create their freshman’s schedule? I’m reaching for my expensive lavender oil roll-on. This helps a lot to off-set the frustration, knowing a “reward” is waiting. Two, if the frustration can be complained about in a funny way – turning a faculty member’s refusal to read an email into a conspiracy theory that faculty member actually did read it but is performing a social experiment on staff – then I’ll find a colleague who also needs a little break and kvetch a bit. I don’t do this, though, with “true” complaining – I only do that if I can find a way to make it kind of funny, or entertaining, or something that lightens the complaint. Three, for the REAL ones, the ones that I actually get genuinely annoyed or angry about – those I will stop and take a break with AAM, or just get up and walk to the bathroom to get away from the screen for a moment, etc. Since I’m posting on AAM, you can tell where I am at this Friday. :)
Wordnerd* September 29, 2023 at 12:35 pm Higher ed staff solidarity!! Sorry you’re having one of those days today!
I'm an anony-mouse for today* September 29, 2023 at 5:05 pm Yes to this! I like to keep a jar of treats that me and my coworkers can use to de-stress after difficult parents or students.
Sitting Pretty* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am Oh I so feel this. I’m in higher ed admin and it really is death by a thousand (paper)cuts. I try to remember that I’m getting the same paycheck whether I get aggravated or not. They’re not paying me any extra to carry the stress on top of the work. So I’m just stressing for free? Absolutely not. There’s something in there about accepting poorly designed systems that never sits right with me. I think many of us are driven to improve things, find better ways. But if no one is empowering me to do that (or welcoming my input on those things, or paying me for structural change), then I do need to let go and just work within the systems as they are as best I can. When you notice you’re starting to carry the aggravation, maybe remind yourself that no one is paying you to sacrifice your mental health.
S* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 am I like the “argh”. It won’t feel like enough but it’s way better than nothing. You need to get your emotions OUT in that context. I’ve been in a secret rage/anxiety in recent weeks at work, and since I’m on my own in the office I can do something I find useful: scribble angrily and forcefully on a piece of paper, and then take a thick-ish wad of paper and tear it up. The wad of paper is thin enough to tear, thick enough to need force. The action really pushes a button and lets something out. Sometimes it releases even stronger emotion and I have to fume for a minute or two, but I know that’s more sutainable than trying to keep it in. What I’m getting at: expressive and physical is good.
Turnipnator* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am This is a little out there, you’d know best if you think this would work for you: what if you tried to gameify those frustrations? I’m imagining some kind of counter (like a filling a jar with marbles) and a significant reward at the end when it fills up. The act of counting would separate you from the frustration a bit by making you observe it to count it, and if the counting is something you find satisfying enough (that’s why I thought of marbles: the physicality of dropping a marble into a jar has all kinds of feedback, from touch to sound to visual, if the marble is pretty) then you get some a small amount of extra brain chemicals as a reward for dealing with the frustration. And then when the jar is full you treat yourself somehow, so that the counting has a purpose as well. You could put in intermediate rewards too if it helps to keep you engaged with the counting and distracted from the frustration. The counting ritual could be any number of things that are fairly mindless but also satisfying, ideally small enough they don’t take too much of your time. Maybe you build a Lego set one piece at a time, or add beads to a string, or color one piece of a picture.
Speed River* September 29, 2023 at 2:33 pm I did this! I put money in a jar for various annoyances – the literal visualization of ‘if I had a dollar…’. There was a scoring sheet so that IT not fixing something they said they had was $1, someone messed up receiving was $.25, etc. When it was full I bought myself a nice bottle of wine – it was nicer than I was planning because I ended up with $40!
Dinwar* September 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm My office is somewhat private, so I have a crochet thingy that I work on when I get stressed. It’s just a giant granny square, made out of thin thread (not big, bulky yarn). I try to channel my frustrations into that. I figure once it’s done I’ll either use it as an alter cloth (making something good out of it) or light it on fire (releasing the negativity, plus I like fire). It’s a bit weird, but I’m generally considered weird to begin with so it doesn’t surprise anyone. My colleagues and I also have a once-a-month night where we each buy a good bottle of bourbon, go over to someone’s place, and talk. Can be about work, or about personal stuff, or about anything really. Knowing we have that release valve does help. And knowing that it’s not just me experiencing some of this helps. (Two things I’ve learned: Good bourbon doesn’t give hangovers as much as cheap rotgut, and drinking about two glasses of water for every double of booze really does help!)
knitcrazybooknut* September 29, 2023 at 12:09 pm I’m also staff in higher ed. This was our first week of classes, so I FEEL YOU. I like others’ suggestions of gamifying the stress, and in my job, I calibrated my expectations according to what I see around me. Faculty don’t read emails? I will EXPECT them not to read the emails, so I’m really sending them so I can forward them to faculty later as they ask questions. I guess I’m setting up my work processes to account for the expected irritations, and also laugh at them in appropriate company. It is pretty ironic that English faculty don’t generally read the whole email! While this may not help in your situation, I also try to reframe it as my work covering their weaker spots. I’m not going to teach a course on climate change in fiction any time soon, so my administrative skills will help them keep their mindset focused on teaching.
Agnes* September 29, 2023 at 4:27 pm Remind yourself that for every one faculty member who doesn’t read your email, they have 10 students who don’t read their emails.
Too Many Tabs Open* September 29, 2023 at 4:32 pm When I’m alone in the office or working from home, I improvise little songs about the thing that annoys me. For extra irritating situations, I’m partial to humming Alestorm’s “F’d with an Anchor” to myself; it’s an extremely chipper song with extremely coarse lyrics, so it cheers me up in the face of buffoonery.
ILoveCoffee* September 29, 2023 at 11:24 am I teach at a community college and one of my students who finished their degree in environmental studies at a 4 year school is interested in eventually working as a zookeeper. This is not my area, so I suggested be speak to his four year professors and told him I’d reach out here to see if anyone has any suggestions. Questions: 1. With an environmental studies degree, will he have enough science background to be a zookeeper? (my instinct on this one is no – since the handful of people I went to college with who did end up at zoos had ecology/biology/wildlife degrees) 2. There are programs where you can get a certificate in zoo keeping. Are these programs legit? Worth it? (This is where I have no info). For example, the Animal Behavior Institute in NC has a program where you can “become a certified zookeeper” in 6 months. 3. If the certificate programs are worth it, will he need to go back and take more bio/ecology/wildlife courses in order to do well in the program?
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 11:47 am My niece has an environmental sciences degree. There is a lot you can do with that degree with regards to conservation, ecotourism, education, and the like. Maybe this student has latched onto “zookeeper” as a job title for “everybody who works at the zoo”. They’re probably not qualified for actual animal care – especially large mammals and endangered species, but certainly could do a lot of the other stuff that people go to zoos for. Writing the descriptive material, doing programs at the zoo, outreach and educational programs.
CoffeeIsMyFriend* September 29, 2023 at 1:57 pm agreed. I’m even more concerned because he was studies which is more policy and less science courses than the env. science degree
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 11:06 pm my, how times have changed! in 1969, my dad, who was a grain and livestock farmer with an 8th grade education (and had to do something else because of “reasons”), applied for and was offered the job of animal caretaker at a zoo. he turned it down because it paid $80 a week, he decided he had to have $90/week, and they wouldn’t budge on the pay.
Dinwar* September 29, 2023 at 12:15 pm Some zoos offer volunteer programs where your student could get a sense of how they’d fit in at a zoo. Plus, it’s a way to get their foot in the door. It’s also a good way to see if this is what they really want. The realities of the job are FAR different from the public perception. One of my kids loves the local zoo, and we’ve become friends with some of the keepers, and they’ve got stories…. And don’t just look at zoos–I know one zookeeper that got involved through their work with NOAA, on a marine biology research vessel, for example. Working at a zoo is one of those things you can slide into sideways if you plan carefully and keep your eyes open. As for the degree, I work with a lot of folks that have such degrees and I don’t think environmental science is going to help. Environmental science is going to be more about ecology and regulatory compliance and wells and the like. Zookeepers are more biology and veterinary medicine. Knowing about ecology and conservation and the like is good, definitely, but it doesn’t help you much when faced trying to figure out how to put a tiger on a diet. What they can do is look at educational programs offered by zoos, though. That’s where an environmental science degree will be more useful.
Armchair Analyst* September 30, 2023 at 8:46 am this. I have a friend who became a volunteer at her local 2nd-tier City Zoo (the zoo is 1st tier, but the City is not, like, NYC or LA or Chicago or DC or Boston… a more big rural state with a second-tier city, with a zoo). she was placed with apes and monkeys and on clean-up duty but stuck with it to the point of managing other volunteers (she was in her later 20s at this point) and having many duties. when a position of zookeeper opened up, she was hired over people with Ph.D.s or animal-specific experience elsewhere because she knew the animals and had shown her dedication. could she transfer as a zookeeper to another city’s zoo? I don’t know but that hasn’t come up. she worked really hard at what she wanted and she got it!
Janeric* September 29, 2023 at 12:57 pm I don’t know about the programs — but I have worked with a lot of wildlife biologists who wanted to be zookeepers and couldn’t find an appropriate job/couldn’t make a living wage despite years of effort. Zoo (and wildlife rehab) internship programs are very good, and excellent experience for other jobs — and I *think* there’s a culture of putting in your time for free and hopefully getting one of the limited paid opportunities — so that would be my first suggestion. (OK my actual first suggestion is “have family money”, that seems to be a common complaint from coworkers.) Wildlife biology in general tends to be very focused on the physical and habitat needs of a species, and how to find out what those are and manage for them. There’s usually a strong handling component in degree programs and jobs. Environmental sciences tends to be more about the system as a whole, and less dialed in to managing for specific species. It also tends to be super regional, because ecosystems and environmental protection laws are super regional. There’s surprisingly little overlap in the education programs, but people often cross train in the workforce (so if someone finds a rare turtle on a construction project the person making sure that the wetlands are protected is able to safely move the turtle, and if someone drives through a wetland that supports rare turtles, the person managing the turtle populations knows how to restore the wetland.)
Itsa Me, Mario* September 29, 2023 at 2:09 pm No answers, but my kid (who is 5) wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up. Because of this, I’ve been curious how people go into that field and what the qualifications are like. I’m sure my kid will have other dreams and may pick a different career, but I always want to be supportive and knowledgeable. Especially because my parents just told me I couldn’t do my childhood dream job, and that nobody does that and nobody knows how to do that. Which is… very much not true. And which sucked.
Study Animal Science* September 29, 2023 at 5:14 pm Look into studying Animal Science in college. It’s basically pre-veterinary, but a few fellow students ended up in zookeeping. Lots of organic chemistry & hard science but also husbandry animal anatomy & physiology. Opportunities for hands on internships.
Clisby* September 29, 2023 at 5:48 pm I don’t know about certificates in zookeeping, but Santa Fe (public) College in Gainesville Florida has a 2-year program in zookeeping. I’m not sure if that’s exactly what they call it, but that’s what it is – the college operates its own Teaching Zoo (the smallest zoo accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums – I think it’s only about 10 acres.) The students do a lot of the work of taking care of the animals.
Generic Name* September 29, 2023 at 6:03 pm I have degrees in biology and environmental science, and a grad school classmate used to be a zookeeper at a major metro zoo. An env studies degree will not be enough. They need an animal science or biology degree focused on animals. Zookeeper jobs are very competitive and pay very poorly. If a love of animals motivates them, they could look into working for US fish and wildlife service. Or get a graduate degree focused on animals, but only do it if they can get fully funded to attend. The zookeeper pay will not make a graduate degree worth it.
ZooProf* September 29, 2023 at 8:42 pm I train a lot of future zookeepers. Environmental studies probably doesn’t have quite the right prep, but if they were open to working in the education department, there may be some possibilities there. The big thing for the zoo world is getting internship experience. Most are unpaid, but more paid internships seem to be coming up every year. If you’re in the US, make sure it’s an AZA zoo. They may need to do a couple of internships/seasonal positions to get their foot in the door. It’s a field where you work your way up and fair warning, the bottom is poorly paid. I would be skeptical of anything from the Animal Behavior Institute. It’s not a proper educational institution.
Just a girl* September 29, 2023 at 11:24 am Hi all — just looking for info/advice on Self employment Taxes and Healthcare. US based. I’ve been considering freelancing for a while now and the two things that scare/intimidate me about the prospect are self employment taxes and finding good health care. My parents are ministers and considered self employed and I have lived my whole life watching them get royally screwed one way or another on these two things. If anyone has any advice, books or blogs, or other information they care share, I’d appreciate it!
ThatGirl* September 29, 2023 at 11:33 am My dad was a pastor so I feel this, haha. But the individual healthcare market has changed a lot since the ACA was passed, so it’s not nearly such a crapshoot anymore. It is still often more expensive than employer-provided plans, of course, but not insanely so. For taxes, a good rule of thumb is to have a separate account just for those and set aside 1/3 of your income right away. Estimated taxes are paid quarterly. An accountant can help you get that figured out if it seems too complicated. I actually have a friend who’s a CPA who specializes in freelancers and small businesses.
ACACanBeGreat* September 29, 2023 at 7:17 pm For what it’s worth, my healthcare costs went up in every way when I switched from an ACA plan to an employer plan. It really depends on which plan you pick on the exchange and what your employer offers. Also, look at all levels of plans, and consult your accountant – the gold and platinum plans can offer a better deal for many who are self employed because premiums can often be tax deductible for certain types of self-employed individuals and those plans shift more of the costs to premiums (the total out if pocket costs tend to be similar across all the plan levels, the difference is the lower tier plans with lower premiums tend to have higher deductibles/out of pocket maximums). Good luck!
NewJobNewGal* September 29, 2023 at 11:35 am If you are freelancing on the side of a regular job, then it isn’t too bad. Fill out a Schedule C and done! And you can expense a lot when you file a Schedule C. I was also scared about the extra taxes, but I was able to write off my pc, desk, phone, other odds n ends and that balanced out the extra taxes. And nothing shady either, just the regular stuff that we need to buy for work, but now it’s a business expense.
Just a girl* September 29, 2023 at 1:19 pm Yeah, that is how I would plan to start; maybe slowly scale up to full time. Thank you – it’s encouraging to hear it’s not a complicated process to start on the side.
Ginger Cat Lady* September 29, 2023 at 12:03 pm Hire an accountant. Worth every penny, and they can help you get your bookkeeping set up correctly in the first place so you know what you’re doing tax wise. Our accountant keeps us updated on changes as well. Likely not as expensive as you might think, either. For health care, there are brokers that can help with that. You can also look into something like a freelancer’s union where you can buy health care as a group with other freelancers. I’ve never done that but I know someone who did. Basically the answer is to use professional help.
Kay* September 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm Lots of this will depend on how much you are making, how much wiggle room you have in income, how healthy you are, etc. Everyone seems freaked out by self employment taxes – but I’ve always found the benefits outweigh any “extra” tax I pay. I’ve always been able to write off half of the cost of taxes (pay it in full but half is a business expense if I remember correctly). But keep in mind – you now get to write off your home office, mileage you drive, phone, business lunches, etc., which often aren’t things that change much for someone simply transitioning from employee to a freelancer. You can also contribute to your own retirement savings account to further reduce your taxes. I recommend talking to an accountant. I imagine healthcare will likely be your biggest concern. When I was young, healthy and a freelancer I wasn’t too worried because I didn’t ever need to go to the doctor. Obviously your needs and risk tolerance will come into play. Checking, internet searches and local brokers for health insurance will give you an idea of cost.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:15 pm Seconding the advice to get a CPA to file your taxes for you. If you keep good organized records, you’ll only have to pay for 1 hour of their time a year, and they will save you more than that.
Feral Humanist* September 29, 2023 at 2:41 pm I signed up for a bank account through Found, which had really great reviews as a bank account for sole proprietorships (there is a “real” bank that backs it and everything is FDIC insured). It calculates my taxes automatically and separates out that money, so that it never feels like “mine.” And it automatically deducts expenses, and I can file my federal taxes quarterly through my bank account. I’ll still have a CPA do them come tax time, and I will have to pay state taxes separately, but I don’t think it will feel like as much of a shock. I got my health insurance on my state’s exchange. Honestly, I don’t think it is much more than I was paying through my employer!
Feral Humanist* September 29, 2023 at 2:42 pm I just wanted to add that some of these benefits (mostly paying taxes through them) is a premium benefit of Found that I decided to pay for. But I used the free version for quite a while, and it still did stuff like calculate my taxes for me and separate out that money.
Just a girl* September 29, 2023 at 3:13 pm That’s cool! Never heard of it I will have to check it out.
Washi* September 29, 2023 at 2:46 pm Healthcare dot gov has a search tool where you can find a navigator or broker in your area! Just from my experience, I would probably start with a navigator (has additional requirements to be impartial) and they will refer you to a broker if needed. Be ready with a list of questions about any services or medications you will need covered. But I think it’s a lot easier to talk to a human and usually they can get you signed up over the phone. Open enrollment is coming up soon!
WestsideStory* September 29, 2023 at 10:47 pm I’ve been freelance on and off for nearly 40 years now. Let me just emphasize some of the useful advice already give. 1. Find an accountant who will do your taxes and answer the occasional question the rest of the year. Ask your clients/colleagues for recommendations, as you will want someone with a familiarity with your industry, so they can tell you what’s deductible from your gross revenue – you’d be surprised what a good accountant can safely recommend. 2. Understand that the cost of the accountant, as well as the monthly premiums on your self- insurance, are tax deductible for sel- employed people. Phone service and in most cases internet service can also be deducted from the gross. 3. Put away 1/3rd of every freelance payment into a savings account which you will need later to pay taxes. Pretend that money doesn’t exist. You will thank us later. 4. Keep receipts for all business expenses. Some stash them in a paper file; others use one credit/debit card only that provides a monthly and yearly summary of expenses. This makes tax time easier. 5. The name of the game in this biased system is to lower your g taxable income by using all the deductions available on a schedule C as well as the 1040. So you see why you first of all need a good accountant. Start asking around, best wishes and good luck!
Henley* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am My very white boss is constantly referring to meetings as ‘pow wows’… while wearing an orange reconciliation shirt. Is it worth bringing this up to them? They’re about 20+ years older than me (I’m their kid’s age), so it may be an incidence of being unable to change a habit they refuse to realize is awkward.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 11:29 am They definitely can’t change the habit if it’s not brought to their attention. I vote yes. But keep in mind you might be spending some capital and make a choice if you have that capital to spend.
t-vex* September 29, 2023 at 11:29 am Yes please! They can’t change if they don’t realize there’s a problem.
PaperclipsPlease* September 29, 2023 at 11:32 am I think it’s worth bringing it up to them. It’s possible they didn’t realize how insensitive it was. Or it might not change anything, but maybe if enough people speak up they’ll stop.
Random Dice* October 1, 2023 at 3:15 pm It’s so forking insensitive! Powwows are really important, culturally resonant Native American communal gatherings. OP, here’s a good article you might pass along:
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:35 am How is your boss generally? Are they receptive to feedback? If your boss is generally reasonable and open to feedback, a quick aside is just fine- “Hey, you keep referring to meetings as pow wows. I know you don’t realize it, but that’s not considered appropriate and can be disrespectful to indigenous people. I just wanted to give you a head’s up, since I’m sure you weren’t aware of it.” Then quickly change the subject or find somewhere else to be (so no one has to dwell in the awkwardness). However, if your boss takes feedback poorly or is reactive, you don’t need to jeopardize your role to say something. Try to make connections with more senior people outside your chain of command- one of them might feel more comfortable saying something. (Also, just be aware that this type of boss could have an impact on your career, and plan accordingly)
Zephy* September 29, 2023 at 11:49 am +1 just matter-of-factly explain why it’s not a good look. If you can draw parallels to something more culturally familiar to him it might help illustrate your point, like explain what a “powwow” actually is and why it’s not just a fun word for meeting.
I'm an anony-mouse for today* September 29, 2023 at 5:12 pm In the show NCIS, when Tony was in charge of the team while Gibbs was gone he called the little meetings “campfires” because they all gathered around in a circle. That might be a different choice for the boss
Quinalla* October 2, 2023 at 8:16 am Yup, and I usually try to do it in an email or teams type message so the person can react in private and then be able to calmly respond because I’d say 80%+ people get immediately defensive (unfortunately I sometimes do too though I’m working on it!), but if they can have that reaction in private, they often will get past it quickly. I brought this up with someone using the “Open the Kimono” phrase (ick!) and said in my after hours teams message something like “Hey, I know this is not your intention, but the phrase “Open the Kimono” is very racist/sexist – (Here is a link if you want to know more)” I also went on to offer some alternatives and said not to prescribe what he wanted to use instead but I always hate when someone tells me “Don’t say that!” but give no alternatives. I also appealed to him being a leader and not wanting the language to “catch on” as we were working to try and use very intentional language. Because I knew the person well, I went on to give examples of speech I’ve had a hard time changing, but I don’t think that is necessary, made sense with the relationship we had. I find this helps diffuse defensiveness and show that we are both humans who make mistakes.
I should really pick a name* September 29, 2023 at 11:52 am That really depends on what your sense of how your boss responds to feedback is. One note: phrasing like “X people find this hurtful because Y” tends to work better than “you can’t say that”
Jessica Clubber Lang* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am I think if your boss is generally reasonable you should be ok to mention it. I am wondering though if “chief” is similar? Maybe because we don’t always say the word but instead just use CMO, CEO etc it’s ok?
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm Context is everything. If chief is part of the title, then it’s fine. Without the actual title, referring to one’s boss as Chief or Big Kahuna is not fine.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 1:16 pm While I get where you’re coming from, chief is a word that just means ‘boss’ to many people and it’s also what it means in general. It’s not derived from an Indigenous word either. I 100% understand Big Kahuna, but I don’t think I get the rationale on the blanket ban on calling someone ‘chief .’
I'm an anony-mouse for today* September 29, 2023 at 5:18 pm The word cheif is European, (from the french term chef and latin word caput which both mean head of a group) Settlers used the word to describe the leaders of the indigenous nations. So I don’t see any problem using the word chief. Source,the%20Indigenous%20nations%20they%20encountered.
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 7:03 pm I didn’t say blanket ban, I said I wouldn’t use it if it wasn’t in their title. So, C-suite, Navy Chief Petty Officers, and Chief Engineers are all fair game. Beyond that, chalk it up to discretion vs valor.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:23 pm Chief is an English word from French (chef) and Latin that means the head of an organization or group. Its origins and normal general usage (Chief Financial Officer, fire chief, chief engineer) have nothing to do with Indigenous peoples. The insulting / stereotypical use of it, or the association with sports teams, is not easily confused with the normal use.
Jessica Clubber Lang* September 29, 2023 at 1:41 pm I was thinking more along the lines that a pow-wow is a very culturally significant event , and to use it in a more casual setting like that is inappropriate. I’m Jewish so I was thinking of it as if a non-jew used Yiddish terms like Klutz or schmooze. It’s the same word used in the same context but as far as I know most Jews don’t have a problem with that
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 2:04 pm “Pow-wow” is lifting an important Indigenous term out of context and radically misusing it to mean something else. I don’t think it’s like using schmooze or chutzpa or klutz at all. Those are borrowed words used correctly. I think it’s more like if a non-Jew said they were celebrating Sukkot when they were having a picnic in a pavilion.
em* September 29, 2023 at 1:04 pm I think something like “hey boss, I was really glad to see you wear your orange shirt and showing your support for survivors and Indigenous people generally. Because if that, I wanted to mention something…” and then some of the wording others have mentioned.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 1:31 pm You don’t need to explain things – if they’re wearing that shirt, find a source written by someone who is Indigenous on the harm of that phrase and let that do the talking. You didn’t specify that you are Indigenous yourself, and reading one comment here is making me uncomfortable that people not from a group are dictating what is and isn’t awkward or okay. There are Indigenous peoples in the US who are ok being called “Indian” still, some are ok with Native, some aren’t okay with being called anything other than the group they are a part of. Seek out their voices so you don’t need to go in with a second or third hand explanation. If you aren’t Indigenous yourself, I don’t know if it’s your place to say it’s awkward outright. I am sure it is and it’s awkward when I hear it, too, but I would rather than someone from that group (and there are MANY doing the unpaid emotional labor of educating people outside their group) make these calls on if I should speak up and how hard (i.e., is this the place where I should spend my energy to enact change?) It also hits a lot different when someone is “in the room” when it comes to changing habits rather than someone 20+ years younger than them (who appears to see themselves as an ally) what’s right and wrong. IDK if I am expressing myself correctly here – just something I am noticing about social justice movements is the removal of BIPOC voices that are still out there. If it makes you, personally, un-comfy is different than what the group things or whats socially acceptable in that group. I wanna repeat, I would also say something about this — it might help to suggest alternatives, too. Also…a pow wow isn’t really a meeting either. It’s more of a party, or at least, this is how it was explained to me, so he’s not even using it for the right kind of event type. :\
Henley* September 29, 2023 at 1:48 pm No, I really appreciate this comment! You bring up a lot of valid points. I’ll definitely keep this in mind if I decide to broach the issue.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 3:03 pm I am glad to hear that, wasn’t sure if I made sense. I really feel there are situations where it’s so, so clear things are Not Okay and everyone should speak up. But for things like this, my gut is saying “obviously not okay” but I couldn’t articulate it as well as someone who’s personally affected by this language being used in a way its not intended. Personal tangent incoming: I feel like I’m coming to the realization that in my own attempts to ‘do good,’ there is potential to unintentionally Other people by saying something that’s rooted in stereotypes and making things that are familiar un-familar…I remember reading the ‘Body Ritual Among the Nacirema’ in college a long time ago and realizing a lot of things are in how we’re approaching them. What is sacred and what is just another way of doing things and how does all of this intersect in the larger context and inform our relationship with each other?
Firefighter (Metaphorical)* September 30, 2023 at 6:49 am I’m thinking about raising a similar thing at my work – a peer added in an acknowledgment of victim/survivors of gender-based violence to the Acknowledgement of Country at the start of a meeting and I’ve seen so many Indigenous people complaining about this. I’m planning to bring it up with the peer as something I’ve JUST learned about & wanted to share (and also suggest she check it out with her Indigenous 2-I-c, because maybe she’s fine with it, idk!)
Mill Miker* September 29, 2023 at 2:30 pm Does he talk about reconciliation and stuff like that very often? If he does, I’d be tempted to wait until the next time he does and say something like “Speaking of, I was wondering if we should look in to a better name for our meetings than ‘pow wows’, any ideas?” Framing it as something the office is generally doing (even if it is just him) gives him a lot of room to save face, and might make it go over easier. It also saves you from making an explicit argument as to why it’s a problem, so there’s nothing for him to counter against. Even if he doesn’t go for it in the moment, if he’s reasonable I wouldn’t expect a stronger counter than “I think it’s probably fine” (to which I’d respond with a pretty neutral “okay” and move on) and then I wouldn’t be surprised if he kind of just phases it out over a few months.
Elle* September 29, 2023 at 11:25 am I’ve been waiting for this thread all week. Last week I posted about an under performing employee who was applying for a promotion. They formally applied this week and it is the worst resume and cover letter I’ve ever seen. They cut and paste an out of date job description into their resume. It’s a list of tasks, some that we don’t do any more and they have never done. There’s no embellishment on the tasks. Just the list. The cover letter is full of errors. It takes a lot of moxie? Air headedness? To submit something like this and expect a promotion. Wish me luck as I deal with this!
Rainy* September 29, 2023 at 11:30 am I was on a search committee last year that got a lot of really puzzling applicants (we had two really spectacular ones and hired our first choice) and my absolute favourite of the completely delulu applications we got was a packet that had a resume with absolutely zero relevant work experience and a cover letter that he’d clearly used for the last job he was thoroughly unqualified for, as he had changed who it was addressed to at the top to our organization, but said he was delighted to apply to [slightly wrong job title] at [institution in next town over].
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am Wow. That is truly terrible. If they’re already putting in such minimum effort to get the promotion, I’d hate to think what their work would be like if they got the promotion!
ILoveCoffee* September 29, 2023 at 11:43 am I just don’t get this thinking…because it shows NO thinking. We often deviate from the lab manual – so we’ll do wood on wood instead of wood on steel. I will point this out to them, ask them to correct it in the lab manual, and then I get the write ups and they talk about wood on steel. I guess some of these students end up as underperforming employees who keep doing things without paying any attention to what they are looking at/copying/writing.
Elle* September 29, 2023 at 11:50 am I will be mentioning the resume and letter as part of my feedback for why they didn’t get the job. If this was someone I didn’t know I’d immediately reject the application without even a phone screen.
Capt. Liam Shaw* September 29, 2023 at 2:07 pm I think if you mention the resume/cover letter, you keep it short and at the end. I personally don’t do cover letters for any job. I think they are a waste of for me in my industry. But if the cover letter is poorly written and has typos and other errors, then address that part of it for sure.
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 11:59 am Wow! That almost provides a great example of sloppy work to use when discussing their performance issues.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm I got a referral passed on to me for someone who claimed to have experience in my area, applying for a specialist position. I agreed to an interview since it was a referral, but it was very clear very quickly that he had never groomed a llama, so to speak. I have no idea why he chose this particular position to apply to, other than hoping he could bluff his way in?
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 3:22 pm Ooof. I recently granted an interview for a specialist position because it was a referral, but just looking at the resume didn’t seem like they had any experience in what I was hiring for, but said they did so I figured I would let them explain in person because of the referral. It became very clear very quickly that they did not have any experience grooming llamas, so to speak; no idea what equipment to use, what styles to do, could not answer basically any of my technical questions. Not sure why they thought this particular position, a specialist position, was what they should go for. I think they maybe thought they could talk their way into it?
noncommittal pseudonym* September 30, 2023 at 10:34 am A long time ago (long enough that I feel comfortable giving some detail) I once served as the external DEI member of a search committee for a Religious Studies department (not even close to my field). They warned me that there was some local guy who applied to EVERY job ever advertised in that department. However, a) he had no academic training at all, b) his only qualification that he listed was “reading the Bible through 5 times”, c) he kept talking about bringing the students closer to Jesus. Unfortunately for him, this was a broad-based Religious Studies department in a secular school that had something of a focus on the archaeology of early Judaism. Apparently people had tried to talk to him several times, but he was convinced that, one day, God would give him a job there to carry out God’s work. They hired a very nice Biblical archaeologist.
t-vex* September 29, 2023 at 11:27 am For some reason I’ve been thinking a lot lately about that old movie What Women Want, where Helen Hunt is hired to shake up a marketing firm with a misogynist bent (embodied by Mel Gibson of course), to bring a more female perspective. None of the staff is happy she’s there. Her first act as the new boss is to call a meeting and hand everyone a box containing female-oriented products like pantyhose and nail polish, and asks for impressions about how to sell them. Nobody knows what to do with the items and sexist jokes abound. She says “See this is why I’m here!, now go home and play with the stuff and come back tomorrow with ideas.” No criticism or fireworks, just clearly demonstrating the need for change and prompting critical thought and action. I saw that movie in college just as I was about to join the professional world, I remember being so completely blown away that THIS was how to be a boss, and that scene been in the back of my head my entire working career.
Plate of Wings* September 29, 2023 at 7:51 pm I probably won’t rewatch this movie (which I enjoyed at the time!) because it is probably better in my memory. But I had forgotten about this scene, so THANK YOU!!! I work in an extremely male-dominated role that is balancing out way more slowly than other specialties for some reason. And I am NOT one of the boys. I don’t give into a single ounce of pressure to emulate masculinity to be successful, and I am lucky, because I am quite successful. So I love this scene because it’s classic ridiculous 90s movie writing, but it’s also a pure camp version of me.
Lizzie (with the deaf cat)* September 29, 2023 at 10:23 pm I remember a bit where Gibson paints his nails and paints across the width rather than along the length, and being annoyed with seeing that. Now I wonder if it was a subtle acting indication that he was unaware of how to do it properly. However I doubt that was the case… I know that different things are terrible in the workplace now, but thank ceiling cat that some of the repulsive everyday behaviours towards women in the workplace have changed since the 1970s!
Yesteryear* September 29, 2023 at 11:27 am I’ve been in the process of negotiating a title change and expanded responsibilities for several months now, and yesterday, my manager let me know that it’s going to be effective October 1! Very exciting. But then he added that he doesn’t know if HR will give me a salary increase or not, which caught me by surprise since I had assumed a salary increase would be obviously included in a new title and expanded responsibilities. Now I’m trying to prepare for if HR comes back and says they won’t give me an increase… How should I handle that conversation, or should I just suck it up?
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:43 am ugh….I’ve been there. It really depends on how compensation is generally. Sometimes an adjusted title is a promotion; sometimes it’s just a new descriptor. It sounds like you aren’t going to turn down the title and responsibilities either way, so I’d ask HR about how they came to that decision and what factors would be considered for you to get an eventual raise. They may have really sound logic, or it may sound like “we realized we didn’t have to pay you more, so we’re not”. In your first year in your new role, gather evidence about how your value to the company changed. Did you improve efficiency? Make more money for the company? Quantify whatever you can. Focus on the factors that HR points out to you. After a significant amount of time (at least 6 months, maybe a year), go to your boss and HR with these numbers and ask for a raise. It may also help to have some comps with you- how much people with your job title and/or responsibilities are being paid in your region. Also consider how much experience you have- if it’s less than a year, don’t ask for the salary of someone who had been doing the role for 10 years. Then see what they say. If HR still refuses, that is a clear statement that they intend to underpay you for the duration of your stay with the company. You can decide if you are okay with that (like if the benefits and perks outweigh the pay gap) or if you want to start your job search. Your shiny new title and accomplishments will definitely help with the job search, if that’s the direction you take.
Yesteryear* September 29, 2023 at 11:56 am Yeah, experience really is the sticking point here. The title itself is a promotion from my previous one but I do lack experience (though my boss made it clear that the experience more has to do with future growth and internal equity than any comment on my skills, hence why I’m getting the promotion). I did research and prepared a document with equivalent salary information from both my organization and industry peers, but I worry that will be too aggressive if they weren’t planning on giving me a raise at all…
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am Why is it up to HR? Not your boss? Don’t let him pass the buck. Be very clear about the increase in responsibilities to make your case fir a salary increase.
Yesteryear* September 29, 2023 at 11:56 am Do you think I should open that discussion directly with him or HR? Because the way he said it made it seem like it was HR’s responsibility, not his.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm Different companies handle this in different ways. The three most common things I’ve seen are 1) the boss is given a staffing budget to disperse as they see fit; 2) there are clear and direct salary bands and HR and the boss have to compare the job description and other factors, like experience, against (often these salary bands are developed with an outside consultant); and 3) HR gets to set the salary in consultation with senior leadership (and your boss may not be senior leadership). You can ask your boss directly about how the raise process works and what you would need to do to be considered for a raise. Approach it as gathering information, not as a given that “all I do is X, and I get money.”
Hannah Lee* September 29, 2023 at 12:13 pm HR may have pay ranges/bands for different classes of positions that they are going to use to determine pay rates for a particular position, experience level, sure. But your boss should advocating for you to them on your behalf. If he’s happy to be able to assign you more or higher level work, he should also be willing to go to bat for you to be paid for that increased role, responsibility. So I would open the discussion with him, first. Even if the reality is he won’t have the final say, you want him to be part of the team trying to get you a yes* *and just from a pragmatic/cynical dealing with people perspective, people will often take the path of least resistance. It’s easy for him point to HR as owning the hard decisions. But if you take it up with him first, it becomes something he has to deal with, that he knows is an issue for you and then has to weigh whether having you in his department feeling under-compensated, seeing you everyday, knowing you’re going to ask about it again squeaky wheel style, is less of a hassle for him than just dealing with HR once to see that you get an increase. It’s not that you need to be annoying about it, you’re going to be professional and straightforward about it. It’s just that you don’t want to make it easy for him to simply pass you off to HR without owning that he’s doing that.
Sage* September 29, 2023 at 11:28 am Does someone here have experience with getting back to work after a long time absence due to Long Covid? I know it should be no different than being back after having had cancer, but I’m a bit affraid of stigma and people pretending I’m just crazy (I wish I was). If you also have LC and could go back to work, how was it? Did you face any problems? Or maybe was something surprisingly good?
Magpie* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am Have you already told people at work that’s why you were out? If not, and if you’re worried about their reaction, you don’t have to go into details about your medical problems with anyone at work. You can just say you were dealing with a medical issue and give very general responses if they push for more details.
Sage* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am I wish I hadn’t told anyone. But my situation is a good example on why you should keep your medical information private.
Analytical Tree Hugger* September 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm For me, if a colleague came back from an extended absence, I would be thinking, “Oh, wonderful, Magpie is back! :)” and move on with my day. Or, if we worked together regularly, “Oh, wonderful, Magpie is back! Ah, I should catch them up on X, Y, and Z.” I’m not thinking about the specifics of what illness you had, because I (like most people) am a bit self-centered.
Sage* September 30, 2023 at 4:23 am That is a good point. I’m also self centered, as you say like most people, and I also wouldn’t put too much thought on other people’s illnesses. I guess it will be best to stop thinking too much about how others will react on me coming back with manageable Long Covid.
Sitting Pretty* September 29, 2023 at 11:45 am No advice, just commiseration and lots of well wishes. I just started an extended medical leave due to LC and I’m trying not to get too focused on what the return will look like in January. I hope you get all the support you need (and deserve).
Sage* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am Thank you. I’m employed in a good company, and the people in HR have been genuinely supportive. But sometime I’m afraid that as soon as I get back, this will change. Or my boss will believe I’m just weak or it’s all in my head (I really wish it was). On the last months I have seen far too many doctors that thought it was just anxiety, and it doesn’t exactly help that one of my early LC symptoms was anxiety (although it has gone away on its own).
Birdy* September 29, 2023 at 11:55 am I started back a few months ago, in nursing. I have no advice. I’m still wondering if the Long Covid label is causing stigma, and it’s hard to tell. I would much prefer to have a different label, and I am certainly afraid of stigma (though not sure if it’s happening.) My mood plummeted at the start when I went back. I felt demoralised to just be going back to the same old bs that had helped make me sick in the first place! But I worked with a therapist who helped my mind unpick the threads causing the depression, and that helped a LOT.
Sage* September 30, 2023 at 4:20 am Thank you for answering, and especially for the warning. This is something that could happen to me and I didn’t think about that.
Birdy* September 30, 2023 at 4:00 pm The therapist said that depression is your system’s way of protecting you from something it interprets as danger. By slowing you down and preventing you from doing things or engaging emotionally, it cushions you against perceived threat. So we worked through what it was – about going back to work – that my unconscious might be seeing as unsafe.
Mountain goat* September 29, 2023 at 1:35 pm Not me but my colleague returned from LC a couple of months ago and it’s been positive for everyone. We were happy to have her back and definitely no stigma or even really too much mention of why she’d been away, other than to express sympathy. One thing I found helpful was our joint manager telling us what my colleague would find useful on her return. If you have any particular concerns you think could be helped with easy changes then I’d consider bringing them up to you manager or colleagues, if you think they would respond well.
Sage* September 30, 2023 at 4:21 am Thank you. I guess it’s better to make a list now about what I need from my employer to function. It should make things easier.
KathyG* September 30, 2023 at 3:52 pm Sometimes nominclature matters. Medical professional have started to use terms such as post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS), or post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), rather than Long COVID, to indicate that this is a recognized medical condition.
Justin* September 29, 2023 at 11:29 am Just had a really great week at my company offsite, and it’s clear I have a lot of respect in the organization not just for doing good work, but for what I bring as a person (specifically referring to energy and ideas). It’s a really nice feeling I haven’t had both of – I’ve been good at jobs but not valued as a person, and also valued as a person but really underpaid – in my career before. No idea if it’ll ever happen again so I have no plans to leave the job. I actually want to be one of those decades-in-the-job person. In other news, I am going to receive two separate book contracts next week (one academic, but non-ac non-fiction) which will mean I need to write two manuscripts by March 1, 2025. It’s a lot, but I know no other way.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:27 pm Awesome, good for you! If it were March 2024 I’d be hyperventilating for you, but March 2025 is very doable for 2 manuscripts. You got this.
Justin* September 29, 2023 at 2:43 pm My fellow ADHD people know that we move extremely fast when conditions are right. I call it the “bullet train” – I will crash without a track but when I’ve got one? Zoom.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:04 pm My current personal record is 65K – clean and ready for the editor – in 21 days, but I don’t recommend it. It took a while to decompress from that.
Gate* September 29, 2023 at 12:38 pm Its genuinely helpful to see a post reminding me that there are good jobs out there!
AnonFed* September 29, 2023 at 11:31 am Fed here. Looks like for the second time in my career we’re facing an extended shut down. Last one I was pregnant and worried about the affects on my healthcare and ability to pay for things for a new baby. I have to keep working but I have restrictions on what I can do (Like I can’t take any leave or work any OT or comp time). And I probably won’t get paid on time. Just a reminder many of us are still working to avoid any giant messes. The shutdown is full of feds doing their best trying to mitigate the consequences. If everyone was truly shut down it would be a complete horrific disaster, so a lot of people end up working without pay.
Filthy Vulgar Mercenary* September 29, 2023 at 11:46 am Fellow fed (active military). Yeah. I was around for the 2013 one also. My current agency is 99% civilians so the military folks will be taking up what we can of their workload. My (dual military) husband’s orders now won’t be cut for the new fiscal year, so he’ll… drop off healthcare? be able to go on mine? We don’t know. We still have to come to work even if we aren’t being paid, though there’s a bill (not yet passed) introduced to still pay us.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am Non-fed here to say “thank you.” I know I can’t even comprehend what a disaster it would be if all federal employees stopped working. Thank you for those who continue working without pay during a shutdown, and I’m sorry about the whole situation.
Milton's Swingline Stapler* September 29, 2023 at 11:59 am I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! And thank you for the work you’re doing. I work for a State HHS agency and I’m beyond enraged on your behalf and for those who rely on services like WIC — we all feel totally helpless and angry that some whose job it is to govern are so openly hostile to the people they serve and the civil servants who choose to work in the public interest. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that the shutdown can be avoided, but I can’t say I’m feeling at all optimistic.
Constance Lloyd* September 29, 2023 at 4:30 pm We’re a two fed household and as tough as the shutdown will be for us, I’m furious for folks who use WIC. We will be anxious but fed and housed. We have family who can help if our savings disappears. I’m not worried for us.
Liz the Snackbrarian* September 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm I’m a contractor and hope I get to work but I’m still waiting.
RetiredAcademicLibrarian* September 29, 2023 at 1:39 pm Wishing you and your fellow Feds a short shutdown with minimal long term impacts. During the 2013 shutdown, I was at a university where faculty did a lot of research with Feds (e.g., USDA and NOAA). The university folks stepped up in some cases to take care of the animals the Fed employees had responsibility for. Can’t let the llamas go untended just because Congress is full of idiots.
JelloStapler* September 29, 2023 at 4:30 pm I fully believe most of the people are trying to avoid this while Congress dicks around (since their pay is dictated and in stone). I’m thinking of all of you.
OP Glowing Symphony* September 29, 2023 at 11:32 am Non-profit hiring business professional for development director role. Update: Last week I wrote we were interviewing a 25 yr business professional from a service field we use for fundraising (but not the company we’re in contract with). They have adjacent fundraising experience as a vendor, but not ‘in’ fundraising itself. I asked how to help them transition over. Well, that was for naught. They had an initial screen, an interview with C-suite, then a meet/greet with staff they’d be responsible for and work with, and finally a facility tour. * Every step reiterated the salary range * which they said was fine, until the offer. We made an offer. They countered with $25k over published salary range. They said they’re going to have to do a financial shift in order to just take this job and they wanted to counter with something that would make it easier on them. We might have been able to flex $5k, probably not $10k. But dude – we’re a non-profit. We don’t have capacity to go over our budget once it’s in place except for emergencies. Yes, we did a market comparison with our HR consultant and we have an CHR on staff, as well. Red flag? Avoided a problem? Perhaps. We have a modest expense budget (that I know is too low for some of our work and would like it increased, as well) but I suspect that candidate would have tried to push the envelope on that, too. So, we’re back to square 2 – we’re hiring a search firm to do the recruitment using the job description on hand. We might be out a fundraising director for 8-9 mos if we can get someone by Nov. I don’t know if we’ll be looking at a business/for-profit professional again.
Analytical Tree Hugger* September 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm Oof, yesh… Sorry that happened. I’m…not surprised really. I think the jump from for profit to non-profit is bigger in some ways than people realize. And they don’t understand how they’re experience doesn’t translate 1:1. I mean…he didn’t have direct fundraising experiencr and his only reasoning for wanting a higher salary was it was going to create a financial burden on him? That reasoning wouldn’t hold much (any?) weight with a for-profit employer either.
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 12:25 pm I’m sorry, I’ve had pretty much the exact same experience — I’m not in development but the last time I was hiring for my department we found this amazing person who was in the private sector but had previous nonprofit experience (and stated she was looking to move back), we were very honest upfront about how high we could go on salary (we even found a little more wiggle room than we were planning since she was such a great fit for the role)….and once we made an offer and she crunched the numbers she realized she couldn’t afford to take the pay cut from her private sector job. In her case, I really think she thought she could make the lower salary work and when she actually did the math she realized how much a cut she was taking. I can’t say if that was the same with your client or they just didn’t realize how little room nonprofits sometimes have to negotiate. I will say the person we did end up hiring did come out of the private sector as well, but the consulting firm she had been working for was shutting down and she was actually looking for a job that was a bit less travel intensive (which ours was), so the salary cut was less of a problem.
m2* September 29, 2023 at 3:47 pm This is very annoying especially when you are upfront about the salary. Some people think they are so special and you’ll magically have extra money to pay them. Hope you find the right fit.
SalaryCanBeFunny* September 29, 2023 at 8:43 pm It can go the other way too. I took a huge salary hit when I went to a non-profit, thinking that was normal and better benefits/work-life balance would make up for it only to find others were making more money than I was for less senior/central roles and to have the promised work/life balance disappear. A promotion and a raise later I am finally making slightly more than I made 10 years ago, still 20-30k less than the going rate for my more jr position on the open market when I took this job. So there’s that. Sometimes people have the wrong expectations of what’s normal. Also, how are the benefits? $X + great benefits is a whole different prospect from $X + lousy benefits. Plus I’ve had jobs where I thought $X might be reasonable until I learned more about what they really wanted and realized I wouldn’t do it for less than $X + $Y. Of course, I’ll try not to give a number or will say something like I need to know more or similar and when the company gives a low number I’ll say so I eyeing like that was lower than I was expecting but I’m willing to learn more about the job. Also, to be fair to the candidate, most companies don’t mean it’s set in stone when they publish/state a salary range. I’ve successfully negotiated over a stated high salary several times. 25k more is a bit obnoxious, though.
Bart* September 30, 2023 at 10:12 am I do a lot of hiring and have had many similar experiences. I am in a non profit organization that has a system for salaries that means I can’t negotiate. I make sure this system and the candidate’s salary is stated prior to the phone screen and during the on site interview and repeatedly explain why I cannot negotiate on salary. Lately some people have said nothing about the salary until the offer, at which point I get a lecture about how low the salary is and the requests are for $25,000 or more than what I told them throughout the hiring process. It is a waste of everyone’s time. And I simply reiterate that I have been telling them the truth about our salary process and my inability to negotiate so this shouldn’t be a surprise. So frustrating.
JustaTech* September 29, 2023 at 11:33 am If you knew that right this moment you could stop working forever and still live a very comfortable lifestyle for the rest of your life, would you quit your current job? Would you quit working forever? What would you do with your time? I know the idea of retiring early sounds like perfection to most people, but I just can’t fathom what I would do with myself all day, besides slip into a scary funk and be lonely. Does it make sense that some people keep working after their financial needs are met because they need structure and human interaction and intellectual stimulation?
PaperclipsPlease* September 29, 2023 at 11:36 am I would absolutely quit my current job. I’d love to spend my time working on art, traveling, volunteering for causes I care about. I can think of plenty of ways to spend my time without having to have a job in the traditional sense. I can also fathom getting some kind of part-time gig I really enjoy that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford now. That would give me a little fun money and keep me occupied without being stressful, and I’d only work there if it was something I love to do.
Cookies for Breakfast* September 29, 2023 at 11:58 am Yes, this exactly. Working on art and traveling, for sure. Also, there are many creative fields I’d love to retrain in but can’t afford going back to school or taking a pay cut for. I love to think that, if I was in this kind of situation, quitting my current job would give me the time and headspace to try at least one without the fear of not making a living if I fail. And then, if I fail, I could move on to the next and still be doing something I love. The more I work, the less spending most of my life pursuing a traditional career makes sense to me (and “for” me, personality-wise – when it comes to setting career goals, managing up and moving up ladders, I’m the proverbial square peg trying to fit into a circle just so I can pay my bills). Then I look to the future and see I have at least 30 more years of this ahead of me, and…UGH.
Rainy* September 29, 2023 at 11:39 am I can honestly say that if I became independently wealthy I’d probably stay in my current role until I retired–and I’d advocate the whole time for my entire unit to be paid commensurate with the work we do, something I’d be much better able to do if I weren’t always gauging how much real talk I can get away with before pissing off someone who could fire me. As much as some of the nonsense I have to deal with bothers me sometimes, I love the work I do, I like to think I’m good at it, and I’m making exactly the kind of impact I want to in the world. But when you are grotesquely underpaid for the area you work in and will never be able to buy a home in a reasonable commute of where you work, it really magnifies everything else annoying about your job. Although early retirement does sound delightful, I don’t know how long I’d last before I was working or at least volunteering somewhere part-time. (The rest of the time I would be doing yoga and hobbies.)
ThatGirl* September 29, 2023 at 11:41 am Would I quit my job? Probably, because as much as I do enjoy it most weeks, I’m not just doing it for fun. But I would definitely need to find ways to fill my time – volunteering or working part time, finding some new hobbies, maybe taking classes or traveling more. I am not good at sitting around doing nothing for very long. My grandpa was an anxious sort who liked nothing more than feeling useful. After he retired he did various part-time and volunteer jobs including driving a minibus for a retirement home and being a CASA (court appointed special advocate). He also did a lot of woodworking and he and my grandma traveled a lot until their health declined.
Stuckinacrazyjob* September 29, 2023 at 11:46 am Wow would I ever. Just doing art, reading books, out in nature . You wouldn’t be tired from work so youd have skills out the wazoo
FashionablyEvil* September 29, 2023 at 11:47 am Oooh, yes, I would absolutely quit and not look back. What would I do with my time? Garden, read, travel, go to yoga every day, spend more time with friends, go to concerts, movies, shows, volunteer at my kids’ school and synagogue.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:49 am I love this question. I would stay at my current job. I really enjoy it and I make a big impact at my company. If I opted to quit, I would probably pick up a part time job at an indy bookstore or a living history site. Something I love doing that I wouldn’t care much about the money. I’d work on some passion projects on non-work days and take lots of classes- there’s some amazing nature and art classes in my area that I would happily do on a very regular basis.
Magpie* September 29, 2023 at 11:50 am I agree with you, I would have a really hard time quitting my job. I love what I do and even when I take a couple weeks off, I start getting antsy to get back to work towards the end of the time off. I have no idea what I would do with my time if I didn’t have a job to go to every day. My kids are in school all day, and I have some outside interests but they wouldn’t take up enough time to fill my days. Maybe I’d consider going part time but would likely not quit completely.
Angstrom* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am I do know people who retired and filled their calendar with volunteer commitments “to give me a reason to get up in the morning”. I understand the desire for some sort of structure. I can see doing something part-time that would feel *useful*. It would not be a 40-hour week at an office. There are plenty of things in my “someday” file that could be addressed with time and money. :-)
londonedit* September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am I would absolutely quit – I enjoy my job and it’s probably the best job I’ve ever had, but I’m definitely a work to live person regardless of how good the job is! I wouldn’t quit straight away, but I’d talk to my boss and we’d come up with a plan for me to leave at a good time. And then I definitely wouldn’t work for at least a year. I’d just spend a year or so enjoying myself and spending time with family and travelling, and then I’d see where I was. I’d set myself up with a nice place to live, and then I’d think about whether I might like to do some sort of work – maybe part-time or freelance, but the sort of thing where there’s no pressure.
Anonymask* September 29, 2023 at 11:54 am I would quit my current job, for sure. I’d probably spend a lot of me-time doing hobbies, going on day trips with my partner, visiting friends, get back into physical sports, etc. But I would probably look for something to do outside the house as well, so I’d probably go back to school or volunteer with causes I feel strongly for (or work part time with them).
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 11:54 am Your question makes total sense. I know there are several things I would do that would take up good chunks of my time, but am always concerned about sliding into a funk like you describe. I’d want a good external forcing function to prevent procrastination too. One of my hobbies is gardening, so the turn of the seasons is a good forcing function. I’m afraid I’m no help on the intellectual stimulation part, though, because one of the things I’d do is spend hours in the library every week!
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 11:56 am I would 1000% quit. I would love to give more time to volunteering to non-profits and groups that are close to my heart. PTA needs help on a teacher workday? I’m there. Need someone to help register voters on a Tuesday afternoon? Count me in. Library needs someone to help shelve books? I’ll be there with bells on. I would stay socially active while still being able to prioritize my own wants. I’d love that and cannot wait for retirement to actually do it.
Justin* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am I really like my current job. I’d be pretty board. Would definitely force us to hire a couple more staff as we do a lot of work.
I should really pick a name* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am In a second, and I like my job. I’ve got loads of hobbies I could commit more time to. I volunteer with an organization. I could do more with them because I’d be available during work hours.
Still Monty and Millie's Mom* September 29, 2023 at 11:58 am I would quit my current job, but would like to work with animals, so would work for our volunteer with an animal rescue instead. I can’t afford to do that now as the pay is generally not good, but that would be a dream! I’ve often thought that I’ll need to volunteer or something if/ when I retire. I need human interaction, and I like routine.
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 12:04 pm Depends what “very comfortable lifestyle” would mean! If I’m not working, then I would want to do a lot of traveling … a lot more than I can currently afford to do! I definitely would need something to fill all that time and provide a lot of structure, and I get a lot of satisfaction and intellectual stimulation from my current job.
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm Would I leave? In a heartbeat. What would I do? Sorry answer: I have spent the last 30 years being unable to do stuff for lack of time. I have a list. Yes, eventually I might volunteer or tutor, but quite frankly, I have 70 books on my TBR list, a stack of cross stitch projects, and a garden that needs to be put to be for winter. I feel zero guilt about taking time to do those things.
SansaStark* September 29, 2023 at 12:39 pm A friend and I were just talking about how sad it is that we probably will never really finish our To Read lists and I agree. I like my job and my coworkers a lot, but if I had real security, I’d quit and never look back. I have so many things I’d rather be doing with my time!
Donkey Hotey* September 29, 2023 at 12:46 pm I began 2022 with 60 books on my TBR list. That year, I read 40, and on January 2023, I had 70 books on my TBR list. I don’t see it as sad, I see it as a challenge.
SansaStark* September 29, 2023 at 1:20 pm My problem is that new books keep coming out faster than I can read everything on my list! I’m glad I prioritized some of the longer ones on my list (Count of Monte Cristo, the LOTR saga) when I was unemployed and reading the majority of most days.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 10:44 pm ” The one thing I regret is that I will never have time to read all the books I want to read.”
Firefighter (Metaphorical)* September 30, 2023 at 7:07 am My gf & I have a lot of friends who retired in the last 10 years, and I would always ask them how they were spending/planning to spend their time. My favourite answer was: “Doing all the things you don’t have time to get around to at the weekend when you have a job”. Living the dream!
Analytical Tree Hugger* September 29, 2023 at 12:14 pm Would I quit my current job? Definitely. Would I stop working? Heck no, but I might not take paid work. When I was between jobs, I was pro bono consultant and I really enjoyed that. Right now, I’m starting to join more volunteer groups, so I’d spend more of my time and energy doing there as well.
ecnaseener* September 29, 2023 at 12:14 pm I’m definitely a person who needs some amount of structure/schedule and intellectual stimulation to be mentally healthy, so I wouldn’t quit my job immediately. I quite like my job. Maybe I would go half-time or something (I’m valued enough that I think they might go for it, at least for awhile) and spend some of the extra time and energy on theater… I haven’t had the energy even to try out for community theater since college. Eventually I’d get bored enough with that job to leave it I’m sure, but I’d still want a mentally stimulating job part time.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 12:44 pm Yeah, I’m in a similar boat. My plan for my eventual retirement (or if I suddenly become fabulously wealthy) to gradually step down from (1) working full time to (2) working part time while starting a volunteer gig and perhaps picking up new hobbies to (3) not working at all, using the volunteer gig for structure, and spending the rest of my time on hobbies/friend and family/travel/etc.
Turnipnator* September 29, 2023 at 12:14 pm Yes! I’d probably start a small market garden. I have been dream-prepping for this already, I have a vague timeline of what I’d need to get running (starting with some specific volunteering and education). I spend a lot of my free time gardening but also reading and watching videos about garden businesses. The only thing stopping me is that my career is lucrative but not enough that I have the savings to start a business venture or even to do the hands on learning required to be confident my farm business would succeed. Plus there’s the time limit of ‘my physical ability to do farm labor’. If business viability were not a concern I’d basically start immediately.
I'm A Little Teapot* September 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm I’d go part time. I like what I do, I like the company I’m at, I like the people I work with. As for what to do with yourself, you’ll either figure it out or you won’t. You need to have something to retire to. Otherwise, you’ll be miserable.
ENFP in Texas* September 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm Yes, I’d quit my current full time job as soon as I reasonably could without totally screwing over my coworkers. I wouldn’t quit working forever, though. I would find something that was part-time, volunteer, or seasonal, so I could travel.
pally* September 29, 2023 at 12:21 pm For me, I’d like a chunk of time without work to pursue some projects-additional schooling. Maybe 6-12 months in total. After which, I would like to have a job part time or 3/4 time – in my field. I don’t want my brain to turn into silly-putty I might volunteer for a professional organization. But, yeah, as I ponder retirement, I’m wondering how I’ll spend my time.
Meg* September 29, 2023 at 12:26 pm I was worried about this when my mom retired, because she was such a workaholic. BUT she really seamlessly slid into doing more of her hobbies, traveling extensively (they have an RV), volunteering (food bank and library), and exercising (Pilates and boot camp). Once you have the time, you find ways to fill it.
Texan in exile on her phone* September 29, 2023 at 12:30 pm Unemployed/retired here. Mr T and I volunteer in local, state, and federal politics (we live in Wisconsin, where every election feels like life or death), doing doors and phone banking for our candidates. I have done the communications for local candidates, which is what I used to do for money. I register voters with the League of Women Voters and I volunteer as a poll worker. In 2020, I volunteered at my city elections commission, processing voter registrations and absentee ballot requests. We volunteer at the food bank. I just rolled off a three-year term on a city board. And we travel and goof off and do not get up to an alarm. We don’t eat at restaurants and one of our cars is 20 years old, but it’s fine with me.
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 12:30 pm I think I would do exactly what I’m currently planning to do, which is quit my current job and work as a freelancer in the craft industry. The main difference would be I’d quit earlier (I’m planning on next summer, I’d probably quit end of this year) because I wouldn’t have to stress as much about getting my startup costs covered while I’m still working full time and building up savings. But I really enjoy my creative side gig and I think it would be even more enjoyable if I didn’t have to worry about how many clients I was booking — and it would help me make more connections within my chosen craft community. I’d also probably do more volunteer work in my city since I wouldn’t have to fill all my hours with paid work.
Too Long Til Retirement* September 29, 2023 at 12:36 pm I would quit in a HEARTBEAT! I have been so burned out pretty much since I started employment out of college, and it’s been 12 years since then. I can count ONE TIME where I have felt perfectly relaxed in that time frame. What would I do instead? So many things!! I would create some sort of daily schedule that would consist of: wake up whenever my body wants to, play with/feed my cat, do a workout, eat breakfast, read coffee while journaling, read for a bit, work in the garden, do a chore of some kind, eat lunch, and then spend a couple hours in the afternoon on whatever hobby I want to do. Then I would make/eat dinner, and end my evenings with a walk, a movie, and more reading. If I eventually got bored and ran out of hobbies(HA!), I might freelance a bit with the skills I have. I might also get back to making YouTube videos because they are fun to make and I would feel like I was helping people. Volunteering would also happen, the reason I don’t now is lack of time.
Too Long Til Retirement* September 29, 2023 at 12:43 pm I also didn’t even mention travel. I would do SO MUCH travel that I don’t do now, because I would take advantage of the cheapest times to fly and stay in hotels, i.e. Mon-Thursday in random places. There are a lot of ways to travel on a dime, but most of them involve traveling when I can’t currently take time off or when it feels like a waste of days off if I can’t also loop the vacation in with a weekend or holiday.
fine tipped pen aficionado* September 29, 2023 at 12:37 pm It makes perfect sense! I struggle just with weekends because I find the structure of going to work so supportive. That being said, I would quit in a heartbeat and take classes. I want to learn everything and if I was financially comfortable then I’m paying to audit some classes at the local college. I’m signing up for every program coming and going at the library and the community center. I’m joining every book club at the bookstore and I’m going to every trivia night or board game night. I’m joining the table top gaming group at my friendly local games store. I think a lot of us (ie me) never learn how to build community for themselves because we spend so much time stuck in a pre-built one by necessity (school & jobs). I learned how to do this with online communities, but joining my local community has been much harder! If I had more time and money, though… Anyway, you’ll be fine. There are days you’ll be depressed and lonely and feel adrift, but I would honestly be shocked if you don’t have those now too. Be free, JustaTech! And if it doesn’t work for you, you can always give away your labor for free.
Irish Teacher.* September 29, 2023 at 12:58 pm No, I wouldn’t, just ’cause I love my job. I would probably try to do a three or four day week but I wouldn’t quit completely. I think it makes perfect sense that some people would keep working for structure, human interaction and intellectual stimulation even when their financial needs are met. Look at some wealthy actors or singers. You have people still acting in their 70s and 80s and yeah, I know a lot of actors probably have to because not all are well-paid but I’m talking of those who have made millions and just love being on stage or a filmset.
Too Long Til Retirement* September 29, 2023 at 2:48 pm The part about actors and singers is so true. But what isn’t talked about is how often they simply DON’T work. I was listening to Adam Grant’s WorkLife podcast a month or so ago, and he was interviewing Tom Hanks. Adam commented on how much work Tom does and wondered how he is “so prolific.” Tom said “Yes, I work hard. But then after I’m done I take 6 months off and do whatever I need to recharge.” That’s the part that is key: the freedom to take as much time off as you spend working. I think we would all still work even longer if we could set up our work lives NOW to be in balance with the rest of our non-work lives. It’s the grind of it all that makes it so we burn out and want to quit altogether.
Joielle* September 29, 2023 at 1:04 pm I’d probably quit, but do some pro bono consulting in the same field. There’s a lot of good that could be done if someone from the inside could help people from the outside figure out the system. Unfortunately, the people who need that help can’t afford to pay for it, and nobody can afford to do any meaningful amount of it for free. And I’d travel more! I usually go abroad a few weeks per year, but I’d spend a few months away if I could.
Cyndi* September 29, 2023 at 1:06 pm I like my job a lot but I would go down to working half time, at most. I would have MORE options to socialize with my schedule freed up. I could hang out with my dog more. I would…probably never catch up on my knitting WIPs or video games or podcast queue, but I would certainly be less backed up! I don’t know anything about your work or life situation so feel free to ignore this totally unsolicited advice: your comment implies that right now there’s nothing going on in your personal life that provides structure, human interaction, or intellectual stimulation. It might be a good idea to try out a hobby, or anything really that will let you find those things outside of your job?
Beth* September 29, 2023 at 1:14 pm For what it’s worth, the happiest retired people I know still work! They just work mostly on a volunteer basis, for organizations they believe in and enjoy being part of, and they only commit to an amount of time that feels sustainable and balanced with the rest of their lives. It gives them a schedule to differentiate their days, social connections, and a sense that they’re contributing to the broader world; in return, their work is pretty crucial for some organizations that are chronically underfunded and under-resourced. Based on their example, I fully expect that I’ll be doing some kind of work until I’m too frail to reliably leave the house. I’m hopeful that I’ll someday be able to retire and focus on the kinds of work that are personally meaningful to me–plus, I’d love to hit a point where economic security and health insurance aren’t forcing me into a 40+ hour work week. But I don’t think retirement is supposed to be a total withdrawal from the world. People I know who have treated it that way mostly don’t seem very happy with it.
Rusty McCornfed* September 29, 2023 at 1:40 pm I’m self-employed and truly love what I do, so I wouldn’t quit–but I would work at a much more measured pace, be far more selective about what projects I take on, and probably allow myself considerable break time between projects–weeks or even months, instead of days. In other words, I’d maximize all the best things about my job while minimizing the worst.
Girasol* September 29, 2023 at 1:41 pm I was saving for retirement when I got the last straw at Toxic Job. I recalculated where I stood, decided it was enough, and retired. It took some getting used to: having my whole life to myself after being where I was supposed to be and doing what I was supposed to do since about kindergarten, minus a few too-short vacations. Now I volunteer a lot with an organization where I once volunteered a little, go places, get out for all the physical activity that I was always supposed to get but never had time for, meet with friends, try new crafts, and work on my writing. Where dust bunnies once roved in packs through the dining room, repair jobs were procrastinated, and the garden abounded in weeds, I’ve made a little home paradise. Life seems almost too busy now. But the best thing is that I sleep until I’m done sleeping (unless I volunteered for something early) and enjoy a quiet cup of coffee and a newspaper before deciding when I’m ready to get going on the day’s plans.
Too Long Til Retirement* September 29, 2023 at 2:44 pm Your life is EXACTLY how I dream my life could be if I could retire!
EA* September 29, 2023 at 2:51 pm I would definitely keep working but probably not fulltime hours. I like my work, the intellectual challenge, and feeling like I’m contributing to society. I think I’d just have more room to make demands to guarantee a great lifestyle.
The Dude Abides* September 29, 2023 at 3:11 pm When the Powerball or Mega Millions lotteries get big enough (no, we don’t do a pool), my department often makes the joke that if one of us hits, the direct boss will get a text with the double bird as a notice of resignation. To more directly answer the question – abso-freaking-lutely I would quit. I would probably alleviate some of the burden on Dudette’s mom, who is retired and during the day is the primary caretaker for our 4yo. Beyond that, I have a number of hobbies/interests that I have had to put on the back burner; I would probably set aside blocks of time every week towards those.
Double A* September 29, 2023 at 3:20 pm I think I would work about 9 to 2, 4 days a week if I could find something that wanted me for those hours. So yeah, half time. That would keep enough structure to my week but allow me time to do everything else I wanted/needed
Itsa Me, Mario* September 29, 2023 at 3:24 pm I would open a bookstore. It is my current retirement plan, but if I had unlimited money I would do it sooner, in a more ambitious way, and with less concern about profitability and business model.
Mill Miker* September 29, 2023 at 3:38 pm I like my current job and I’m in the middle of some projects I definitely want to see through, so I’d only quit if I couldn’t get my hours severely reduced. I’d invest time in my hobbies and making things I want to make. Possibly open some kind of local foot-traffic-based business, if I can swing it.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 3:39 pm No way in hell. At least, not at this point in my life. I actually like my job. My career has led me to discover strengths in myself that I never knew I had, and putting those strengths to work is so, so satisfying. Could I find ways of putting them to work in a life without a job? Possibly. But I would have to do significant volunteer work with a nonprofit. I’d have to have something job-LIKE. Right now, if I quit my job, my days would be endless childcare and chores, and I would lose all sense of myself and sink into depression.
Itty Bitty Petty Tyrant* September 29, 2023 at 3:43 pm I’d retire without a second thought, if for no other reason than to have stress-free time off. I’ve been at the same job working for a very, very small business going on 12 years now. While I (mostly) love the work, the professional growth, and the two other folks I work with, getting time off is impossible. I’ve only had one week off in the entire time, and it was a week that we all took off. Some years, I got a long weekend, but if I’m gone for more than two days, my phone/text/email goes bonkers with one looming disaster or another. That may sound ludicrous, and I admit that it’s mostly self-imposed, but that’s the joy of life in the itsy bitsy business world.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* September 29, 2023 at 4:02 pm My husband and I had a discussion a while back when we bought tickets for a ridiculously high lottery jackpot and agreed that in the highly unlikely event that we somehow came into a gazillion dollars, we would 1) Tell nobody, 100% nobody, except a lawyer, a financial advisor and an accountant, within the first year. No family or friends. (We would also claim through a trust set up by said lawyer rather than in our own names as our state does not allow anonymous lottery winners.) 2) Not make any major life changes within the first year – no quitting jobs, buying extra cars, going on crazy around the world vacations. We would do some house maintenance and upgrades that were already on the list and pay off all our current debts, but nothing else major until a year had gone by and we knew that all the administrivia of taking in a great whomping sum of money had been addressed and, importantly, that we were at least mostly past the NEW AND CRAZY stage and could settle down and be fairly responsible with our newfound gazillions. After that, I would probably quit my job, but I would give a fairly extensive notice because I would be difficult to replace, not to toot my own horn. (I also love my job.) I would have been planning some really nice vacations during Year One, to be take in later years :) I would pay other people to do my cleaning, and possibly some of my cooking, and all of my yard work (and boy howdy the yard would be redone), and I would volunteer at a couple of different places, and maybe finally consider applying to one of the PhD in the History of Medicine programs I’ve been sighing wistfully over for ages.
waffles* September 29, 2023 at 4:17 pm Absolutely I would quit my job. If I didn’t have to exchange my labor for money, here’s what I’d do: a lot of travel, probably take hourly or volunteer positions in things I really enjoy but are not historically easy jobs to make a living with (like seasonal park employment for example), I’d be way more engaged civically, I’d learn new hobbies or pick up old ones again (like the piano), learn new languages (and use them while I travel), and visit with my family and friends a lot (and also be available to help out if people need it – like after injuries or new babies or major celebrations). If I got bored, I try one of the probably 10-15 other career paths I’ve always been curious to try and could easily give a go if money were no object.
JelloStapler* September 29, 2023 at 4:31 pm Yes I would, I would volunteer at various places and work in a dog day care instead. I love what I do but the industry and our particular organization is getting ridiculously toxic and stressful.
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 29, 2023 at 5:08 pm I retired at 63 and the years since then have been the happiest of my life. I wish I could have retired at 25! (But I had to earn the pensions & savings for a comfortable retirement) I definitely don’t need work for the structure or social life. I have never had any problem filling my time with things I enjoy and I have always been happy in my own company – that’s probably key. So I walk 10km per day along the Rhine, go to the gym 6 days per week, try new courses, read hundreds of Kindle Unlimited books per year, binge watch Amazon Prime freevee and BBC. I just chill and it’s wonderful!
Firefighter (Metaphorical)* September 30, 2023 at 7:39 am I am counting down the (12) years till I get to do this! Except the Yarra instead of the Rhine
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 5:40 pm I’d love to do temp work. I enjoy learning new things (bonus if it’s a temp job where I can work with my hands and they’re willing to teach the basic skills) and meeting new people — but I’d like to work when I want, not on a fixed schedule, and be able to leave when I want.
Too Many Tabs Open* September 29, 2023 at 5:54 pm Totally makes sense. There’s other ways to find the human interaction and intellectual stimulation, but if you have trouble making structure for yourself, work is one way to get it. If I won the lottery and never had to worry about healthcare costs again, I might well quit my job, but I have plenty to fill my time. I have hobbies, both solitary and social; I have a volunteer gig that I could cheerfully spend more time on. Right now I don’t want to be stuck at home because I live in a small house with my family, but with a lottery win I could afford to move to a house better designed for private space, or to build a studio space in the back yard. I could also see myself staying at my job for a few years, though; I like what I do and find it satisfying.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:26 pm I would’ve said no a while ago, but lately? Sometimes it feels like time to give someone else a chance. Also financially it would make sense to move somewhere LCOL with savings rather than deal with good salary and HCOL. I’m also going to burn out due to the amount of change. Every week feels like cramming for the LSATs because there is too much change to manage. I won’t make it past 52/53 at this work pace. I miss the days of people being bored from the routine. Obviously industry dependent
beep beep* September 29, 2023 at 10:06 pm Hell yes I’d quit my current job. Not forever, though. I’d definitely get bored. But I’d have time to get my life in order and finish my degree and figure out more what I actually want to do by trying more things instead of hang onto this well-paying job with white knuckles. I’m pretty young, but I’m pretty sure the structure and human interaction and intellectual stimulation are still essential.
goddessoftransitory* September 29, 2023 at 10:32 pm In a hot second. I like my job okay, but I get more and more tired of the crap (YES, IT IS REALLY THAT LONG FOR DELIVERY ON A FRIDAY) and the thought of never, ever, ever having to talk to a customer again is sheer bliss sometimes. As for what I’d do? Honestly not a lot–read, watch movies and probably redecorate and such. I really don’t have any ambitions, at all.
retired3* September 30, 2023 at 1:02 am I did this at 60. I spent 20 years hiking, volunteering, and actually working part time. No regrets. I am now having mobility issues and am content. Work cannot give you what something like hiking gives you (including volunteering for a national park). Work cannot give you what volunteering gives you (stopping a massive destructive development in a rural area, meeting and coming to care for people you would not have known). And the part time work I fell into pays obscenely well (involves writing skills) and keeps my brain going. Work is such a small part of my life when I look back…I had some important jobs and did some good things, but the non work stuff has given me totally new satisfactory dimensions to my life and made “post-work” a new and interesting life.
WorkingRachel* September 30, 2023 at 9:37 am That makes sense to me! I hustled to retire early in my 20s and early 30s, and then transitioned to a “dream job” that paid way less. In that job, I had summers off and learned that I really don’t like having that much unstructured free time. I live alone, so didn’t have a spouse or kids to hang out with. And I’m in my early 40s, so most of my friends are working, busy with family, etc., so it’s not like I could hang out with them every day. Some of my regular activities “took a break” for the summer right when I most needed the structure. Volunteering was hit or miss, too–it was challenging to find regular volunteer gigs that felt “meaty,” and if I was relying on those for my social interaction for the day, it sucked when they got cancelled for one reason or another. Some of those summers I found big projects to fill my time (moving, getting divorced, big trips), and other summers I really struggled with my mental health. I wouldn’t want to go back to that. Now, though, I’m pregnant, and I think with a kid in the picture it would be a whole new ball game and I could easily be content without working.
carcinization* September 30, 2023 at 10:09 am My husband and I have a recent dream of opening up a bakery in a certain somewhat-remote town that we went to for a vacation awhile back. So I guess that’s the answer, I mean, we could have very limited hours for the bakery if the premise is that we’d have enough money otherwise to live comfortably, so that leaves a lot of time for reading and doing yoga and all of that.
Nightengale* September 30, 2023 at 4:25 pm No but I would hire an assistant/second person so I wasn’t working 60 hours a week trying to keep up. (Work in health care in an underresourced field. I love my work but I would love to be doing a bit less of it.)
allathian* October 1, 2023 at 2:15 am I enjoy my job. I like being valued for my professional skills. That said, in my area taking a month off in summer and occasional days otherwise is the norm, and I’ve never been bored enough during my long vacation to be antsy to get back to work… But if we could afford it financially and I didn’t have to worry about retirement contributions to my future pension payouts, I’d definitely switch to a 4-day week (29 hours in my case).
Wordybird* October 1, 2023 at 8:10 pm I would quit without a moment of hesitation and never look back. I would continue to volunteer with the 2 organizations I work with now + add a couple to the list. I would write a book or two. I would visit all 50 states and all 7 continents with my husband. I would take my kids on the African safari they’ve always wanted to do. I would become a foster/adoptive parent. I would become more involved in my church. I would travel to visit my close friends who live out of state. I would design the backyard of my dreams. I would plan out and fund renovations to my house. I would throw parties and plan outings with my friends. I would take all the lessons: singing, language, cooking. I would buy a house in the mountains on a lake and live there part-time. I can think of a hundred more things I’d like to do or try if I didn’t have to work full-time.
Rusty McCornfed* September 29, 2023 at 11:37 am I have been fortunate enough to be self-employed in a creative profession for most of my adult career–fifteen years now. However, the reality of any creative profession is that, for the majority of us, this can change at any time. At this point, I feel I’m still good to stay afloat for at least a couple of years yet, but some recent conversations and events have really struck home to me how much has changed in office work since I did it. If I ever DO have to return, honestly, I’d be kind of screwed. (I only learned what Slack is through this site; I still have no idea what that even looks like on a screen.) So I am curious: What has changed the most in office work over the past decade or so? What practices and technologies should I try to learn about? How would you advise someone who’s been out of the workforce for a while on, not the big-picture elements of a career, but the literal nitty-gritty of daily technological life?
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:51 am Remote interactions are critical at my office. Being able to forge professional connections via IM, email and virtual meetings (no one uses phone calls). Also being able to learn or get up to speed virtually when you aren’t seeing people go about their regular work- knowing who to contact and what questions to ask.
Sun on the side* September 29, 2023 at 12:49 pm These really are skills. I’m starting a remote job now. Do you have any advice on how to go about doing these things?
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 1:02 pm Set up lots of virtual coffee meetings. These are casual, but also work related. Some questions I ask: -I know your job title, but what is it that you spend your days doing? -How does your role interact with my role? -What’s one thing I can do to make your life easier, and what’s one thing I could do that would make you hate me forever? (for example, give you every report a day late, CC you on every email, etc.) -What’s the best way for us to communicate? caveat: I obviously can’t do this all the time, but I do try when I have the option (always add the caveat, because sometimes people give you answers that aren’t feasible) Keep your camera on for the first month. Yes, it’s exhausting, but it also helps people think of you as a person and not a disembodied voice. Smile easily- cameras don’t show our bodies so people can’t read how you’re feeling from your body language, so you need to show more through your face. The smile is really helpful. Ask questions! Caveat it if you need to, but be proactive in asking. One of my favorite caveats- “Sorry if you’re the wrong person for this- if you’re not the right person to answer, who would be a better person to go to?” Take advantage of remote social networks. If there’s a social channel in your company’s Slack (or Teams or whatever), post there! Reply to other people’s posts! It’s a great way for people to get to know you, and it can become it’s own community.
Beth* September 29, 2023 at 1:24 pm Go out of your way to talk to people. Pay attention to the mediums your company uses–slack messages? video calls?–and try to fit into those norms, of course. But no matter what their system is, reach out to people regularly! Ask questions, ask if you can shadow someone as they do task X, ask how someone’s weekend was, ask whether the cat in their slack picture is their pet, etc. Some of that will be useful work stuff; others are just ways to connect to coworkers.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 12:00 pm I haven’t left office work but we were acquired by a corporate entity and then had to switch from a Mac environment to PCs and Teams and all that nonsense. It’s all very interconnected (a bit creepy fir me) and frankly exhausting (thus may be partly a company thing). And so much paper has just gone away! I’m finally getting used to things like invites and online calendars but I don’t love it. (I’m 53, semi creative professional role).
Angstrom* September 29, 2023 at 12:50 pm Remote work tools, such as Zoom or Teams. Being comfortable screen-sharing and working together online. Cloud-based sharing of documents and files, such as MS OneDrive. Wireless connections to screens in conference rooms. Instead of wasting time looking for the right video cable adapter, we now waste time figuring out how to log in to the correct display. :-)
Beth* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm I’m in my first Slack-using role now (very late to the game!) and have found that it’s not hard to pick up. It reminds me a lot of Discord, which I’m at least a little familiar with–plus, there are plenty of Youtube videos and other online sources for how-to tips, and my coworkers have been very kind about sharing their favorite optimization strategies. I think a lot of the nitty-gritty daily stuff is similar. Yes, it means you’ll have a larger learning curve if you return to an in-office role, just because you’ll be trying to pick up the little things at the same time as you’re learning the broad strokes of that new role. But none of the little things are actually hard–they just add up. Take them one at a time, be in the mindset of “I can figure this out with a little google skill and a little advice”, and it’ll all fall into place.
Weaponized Pumpkin* September 29, 2023 at 4:05 pm The shift from email to slack is definitely one! My whole world is slack now, I get like 5 emails a day and they are all calendar invitations. I also have WAY more meetings working in a regular job than I did in 20 years of being a self-employed creative, lots of zoom. (On my own, I did most of the work with maybe a couple of partners/collaborators, which necessarily made the projects more narrow in scope. In a regular agency environment, teams and scopes are much larger so there’s more to coordinate.)
Midwest Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:14 pm Getting yourself familiar and fluent in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Google Suite (Docs, Sheets, Forms, etc.). If you’re not currently using email regularly for professional things, brush up on how to sound professional in email communications. Time management skills, as they relate to daily task management and meeting schedules. So much of our communication today is through email, instant messaging (Teams, Slack, etc.), and video calls. Get familiar with video conferencing software: MS Teams, Zoom, Skype. Understand how to do basic things like share windows (not full screen!), mute, turn camera on/off, and add/remove people in calls.
Skills shortage* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am Ideas for self-teachable skills to improve one’s employability? I’m feeling very stuck in my current job. The company does things its own unique way; things are automated or use totally custom-built software or are the sole preserve of the owner. Upshot is I lack multiple skills you’d normally expect someone with my job title to have, and the skills I have acquired are VERY company-specific. And unlike my teammates I don’t have recent college experience or past jobs/careers to draw upon. Professional development is often promised but never delivered, so clearly I need to DIY. I’ve started with Excel but I’m stumped what to do next. The obvious choices are statistics (one of the should-have-but-don’t skills) or data analysis (semi-adjacent to what I do now). But I never liked or felt competent at math in school and everyone and their grandmother is on the data bandwagon already. Any suggestions? No particular direction in mind so feel free to throw out any & all things I could learn and practise with the internet and/or books. (Kinda hoping if I dabble in enough random stuff I’ll find something I really enjoy. Or at least cure my boredom.)
Alex* September 29, 2023 at 12:01 pm I’d start browsing job listings at places you’d like to work and see what jobs appeal to you. Look at job descriptions and see if you find yourself thinking, “Yeah, I think I could see myself doing that.” Then look at the skills required and see where you are lacking (or not! You might be surprised.) Practicing skills without a goal may leave you feeling at loose ends and without purpose. It’s hard to learn most things without a project or vision of how you’d use it in the real world–at least, it is for me.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 12:14 pm If you’re just looking for random suggestions, language skills tend to be a plus. Also fun.
867-5309* September 29, 2023 at 12:15 pm Can you tell us any more about what interests you? Short of that – Coursea is about $50 per month and gives you access to hundreds of courses for a variety of different universities. That would be a great starting point if you have the budget. Another place is look is the continuous learning division of ivy league and similar schools. They often offer free online classes. I often check out the listing from Harvard Professional and Lifelong Learning. Marketing-specific, which is my field, Google and HubSpot certifications (all free), Sales and HubSpot CRM certifications, organic search classes through SEMrush and similar tools, Optimizely and other CMS certifications (which is great for marketing and website development). General business, you are on the right track with Excel. I include Excel and PPT training in required onboarding for my new team members, even if they have worked with them before, because there is SO MUCH you can do that people don’t realize. Check out training for both Google and Microsofts suite of serves just so you understand both. Some of these will be expected (e.g., that you know you to use Word, if another company has Microsoft or Slack if they use that) so not resume-building but def confidence building if those tools are not familiar to you. Good luck!
Napoleon's Skills* September 29, 2023 at 12:16 pm 1) Check with your local library. They may have a free subscription to Linked In Learning (aka Lynda). Poke around and see what appeals. You never know where stuff can lead. Years ago, the instruction manuals at my job were terrible. I poked around and discovered this thing called Simplified Technical English. I used that to rewrite the manuals to great success. A little later, I saw a tech writer position that listed STE as a job requirement. Hello, new job.
Alternative Person* October 1, 2023 at 12:30 am Have you tried futurelearn? It’s a website with lots of free courses than can serve as good introductions for a wide range of topics that lean towards self-study. There’s a premium option available, though I’ve never paid for it. I’ve found it a bit iffy in places, but the knowledge is solid enough and comes from what seem to be reputable sources.
Aggretsuko* September 29, 2023 at 11:40 am Did anyone see the bottom of this NYT article? A noncitizen woman of color is getting sexually harassed but is afraid to report it to HR because she’s highly likely to get harmed if she does so. Roxane Gay advises the white woman manager to report it to HR anonymously. Honestly, I don’t know if this is a good idea or not. I agree that the guy is NOT GOING TO STOP, but if the woman is going to get harassed/possibly lose her job/lose her ability to live in the country, an “anonymous” report to HR probably means she’s still found out that she’s the victim here :( I would be PISSED if my manager reported it for me if I could still be found out and harmed. What do others think?
Alex* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am I think this is tricky. On the one hand, it would be absolutely wrong to jeapordize someone’s livelihood without their consent. On the other hand, this woman isn’t the only one being harassed and I think a manager has a duty to try to stop workplace harassment and protect current and future employees. In the manager’s position, I would do anything I could to get the consent of other victims who may not be in as precarious a position, and work on getting this guy removed without bringing this one person into the mix.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 11:59 am I didn’t read the article, but I think a manager is obligated to report sexual harassment. Some workplaces (including mine) require a manager to report any harrassment they are made aware of. Because it’s not just about this woman- it’s also about women that will be harassed by this guy in the future, and coworkers who know what is happening and are losing trust in the company, and even future perpetrators that see this guy getting away with it and think “well, everyone is okay with what he’s doing, so I can do it too”. I would give the woman a head’s up that I was reporting it so she wasn’t blindsided, then I’d call it in. I’d also take steps to support this person against harassment or retaliation- physical things like walking with them, checking in on them, or setting up ‘meetings’ so they could be in a work space with another person, but also provide resources like where they can find an employment lawyer, if there are pro bono immigration lawyers in the area, etc. Talk them through some options and let them know what ways you can support them (reaching out to lawyers? doing research and giving them some names they can reach out to?)
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 12:39 pm Yup, mine is like that too — our current training even involves a situation where an employee confides that she’s being harrassed by a coworker but says she doesn’t want us to tell anyone, and the “correct” answer is to report it even though the training module shows the employee being upset that we did so.
Cyndi* September 29, 2023 at 1:58 pm Those make me so angry, and basically any of the mandatory trainings about reporting misconduct, because they always go “you’ll be safe from retaliation because retaliation isn’t allowed :) ” like that solves it. Neither is harassment! Neither is fraud! Why should anyone believe that a colleague who’s already behaving unethically is going to miraculously draw the line at retaliating against whoever they think reported them? Also the last one I had to do regurgitated a lot of the inaccurate “bystander effect” crap about Kitty Genovese and I found it extremely upsetting.
ScruffyInternHerder* September 29, 2023 at 3:47 pm Had an instance where I opted not to report someone for blatant misconduct because the reporting mechanism had no way to anonymize myself. It was in youth sports, and the person who I was reporting had verbally abused a young referee post-game. The person I was reporting was a team manager. He was suspended by our club after a hearing as the incident was in public, but what could he have done to my kid (answer: fair amount as youth sports is very politics driven) if I couldn’t do higher level reporting anonymously? That was my question to the sanctioning body. There were a very limited number of persons with access to his national sportsball registration information, which was required, in case you’re wondering how they’d have known whodunit. I’d have been on a very short list of people who could have reported him.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 12:09 pm If a manager knows that someone is a serial harasser they kind of have a duty to report it which it sounds like the OP did. I always wonder why people bring up issues like this if they neither want to take action (understandable in this case) or have anyone else take action.
Aitch Arr* September 29, 2023 at 4:57 pm Paywalled, can’t read. Managers have a legal duty to report harassment and other illegal activity.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 5:52 pm I agree with you — you don’t act on behalf of someone for their own good. You talk with them about their options. This woman has every reason to think she has to tolerate this…I agree this sets the guy up to harass other women, but her real life is effected by this hypothetical future harassment, too. The boss needs to take steps to talk to HR about 1) the procedure for reporting sexual harassment — because often it leads to the victim needing to reveal themselves (I roll my eyes, but it’s the reality in some offices), 2) what goes into an investigation? what testimony is needed?, and 3) find legal resources. The undocumented woman has nothing to gain from reporting and everything to lose. This advice is so reckless without the proper legwork. Can the manager not intervene with a threat to go to HR? Talk to the harasser’s manager? What steps can be done to protect this woman, show this behavior won’t be tolerated, and that he’s on watch? If he’s a creep in this office, getting fired will only get him to be a creep in another. And no offense, companies do a shoddy job with sexual harassment claims. A slap on the wrist and a course on workplace etiquette if there isn’t more than he said-she said. If protection is the angle being used to support this, then be very sure that’s what will happen. She could lose her job and that harasser might be there to stay anyway.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:40 pm I feel this article is more about the general idea than logistics. A small company will know you’re here illegally. A large company is going to have the complaint fragmented from things like you’re benefits signup paperwork and application, and won’t notice if you’re immigration status is wrong. I don’t get the situation where a complaint will make someone say “let me see if they have a green card.” This is just not how management or ADP or HR works IME
Humpty Dumpty* September 29, 2023 at 11:44 am Can I just share how much I hate it when recruiters approach you and ask for your expected salary before they have even told you what job vacancy they have or the company where they have the vacancy? Uuuuuurghhh! My standard reply is: I would love to hear more about the role and would be eager to hear what salary range DOE the company has budgeted for it. That usually works but anyone else as frustrated by this as I am?
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:31 pm Yep. Especially because I fully expect that my salary will vary based on the responsibilities that I am asked to do. That is how salaries work- you set them based on what the job responsibilities and requirements are.
Past Lurker* September 29, 2023 at 4:13 pm I’m still annoyed about the time a company recruiter informed me during our first interaction that candidates *have* to provide an expected salary. That company simply doesn’t provide salary information, and won’t allow you to continue if you don’t give them your range. If your range doesn’t match theirs, they’ll tell you and “you can decide if it’s worth continuing” the process. Basically, you have to magically know their range without knowing any of the job specifics! There were several other red flags, but this just blew my mind.
Always Bring Pickles to a Potluck* September 29, 2023 at 11:44 am My husband and I both work for the same Fortune 100 company in different departments. We have both been banned from saying anything negative about the company to anyone inside or outside the company. Him for complaining to coworkers about the sale of his department to another firm; me for telling coworkers that I was working while puking in the trash can at my desk because I was on a formal warning for absences and if I left, even though I was actively vomiting, I would be fired. Also that if I got COVID I would have no choice but to come into work because I would be fired if I didn’t. Am I correct that both of our managers are violating the NLRA? Both of our managers are smart enough to only do this in verbal conversations so we have no concrete evidence. I’ve actually approached an attorney about this and was told that even with hard evidence the company was too big and likely nothing would happen. I’m not asking for legal advice; I know this isn’t the appropriate place. But does anyone have any personal experience with pushing back on a company about this kind of thing? We aren’t in a union. We work in mortgage banking and to my knowledge this is a pretty un-unionized profession.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am Not legal advice, but from my HR perspective I’m coming down on mmmm maybe. It’s a gray area. You’re allowed to discuss your working conditions. But I would definitely not frame them as “complaining”. Typically to be protected as a concerted activity, the communication has to exist “for a group’s mutual aid or benefit”. So it can’t just be about you (and probably can’t be about you and your husband since you work separately and a spousal unit can be legally indistinct from an individual). Now if you framed it as “I’ve been told I have to come in no matter what and am concerned if I got COVID I’d be forced to come in and expose the rest of you, that’s more defensible. It sounds like a distinction without a difference, but legal rulings are full of those. So a lawyer is smart, and I’d be careful not to describe these things as complaining about your individual circumstances as much as possible.
Always Bring Pickles to a Potluck* September 29, 2023 at 12:13 pm But not being allowed to say anything negative isn’t a violation? I realize what we originally said May not be violations but surely it’s a violation to say no negative comments whatsoever?
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 12:28 pm These policies have gone to court before and both won and lost depending on how they’re worded and implemented. It’s just not as straightforward as it seems like it should be.
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 10:07 pm but this isn’t a policy. they were only told this verbally, so there isn’t any “wording” for a judge to make a ruling on. I am most definitely not a lawyer, and I know that this doesn’t totally fit the definition of an NDA, but would they have to be compensated in order for it to be enforceable, since it’s not an actual policy? what was said to the coworkers about being fired if they went home sick even though they were puking in the wastebasket, or would have to come to work with covid or they would be fired, would obviously make the company sound terrible. so being forbidden to say anything about the disciplinary action for attendance seems really bizarre. they received a formal warning because of attendance issues, and if coworkers knew about this, most would realize that being fired would be the normal action for a company to take in this situation. I would be really curious to know if the OP just had a run of bad luck and has been sick a lot, or if there were unjustified reasons for their poor attendance. I wish the spouse’s situation was explained better, also. their problems started when they were complaining to coworkers that their department had been sold to another firm. Has the sale not been closed yet? did they transfer to a different department still owned by the original company? in other words, how and why are they still with that company if their department was sold to another firm? if they are now employed by that other firm, I don’t see how the original company would have any say over what they can or can’t do unless they signed an agreement.
Always Bring Pickles to a Potluck* October 1, 2023 at 12:14 am My absences were mostly because my son was sick and I had to stay home with him. (Other teams are allowed to work from home when this happens, but we aren’t, even though we’re hybrid.) My husband’s team has been sold but it won’t close for another couple months.
I'm A Little Teapot* September 29, 2023 at 12:24 pm Big picture, there’s one of two things happening here. Either the company is terrible and acting unreasonably, or you are way out of line and the company is acting reasonably. Because I can see a terrible company trying to do image control to extreme lengths, or I can see an employee who really needs to fundamentally change their behavior and outlook. I don’t know which scenario applies, but regardless it sounds like you’re not happy with this company so look for a different job. It can’t hurt to look. And come up with some appropriate non-complainey reasons to be looking for a new job.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:29 pm This is not a negative statement: “I was on a formal warning for absences and if I left, even though I was actively vomiting, I would be fired” It is a statement of fact. If the company finds that the facts are negative, that is the perception that the company is giving it, not necessarily the individual speaker. They are putting a subjective spin on an objective statement. Say this in a chipper, peppy “But I don’t understaaaaaand” kind of voice. Channel the most obnoxious busybody relative or neighbor you have that always “doesn’t understaaaaaaand” why what they did stomped boundaries because they were “just trying to help”. No one likes that person, and I’ve had more than one senior-level bully walk away from me rather than try to engage further. But seriously, this place sounds toxic. My vote is for you and your spouse to start working on an exit plan. Doesn’t need to be immediate, but don’t put up with this indefinitely.
Lainey L. L-C* September 29, 2023 at 1:05 pm I thought that too – coworker sees OP actively vomiting and asks, “Why are you still here?” and OP says “I am on a formal warning for absences and if I left, even though I am puking, I would be fired.” – that is a statement of fact. I don’t know what to say if the facts are negative…maybe ask them? Seriously, if manager yells at you for being negative, ask them how you would like them to word it then to avoid sounding negative when those are the facts.
Always Bring Pickles to a Potluck* September 29, 2023 at 1:18 pm I was told I wasn’t allowed to mention my disciplinary record to other employees.
Lainey L. L-C* September 29, 2023 at 1:27 pm OK, how do they want you to word it if someone asks why you are still there when you are visibly sick? (The puking). The fact still remains that you can’t leave even if you are visibly sick or will be fired. I guess if asked, “I am unable to leave even though I am sick” is factual and not mentioning disciplinary records.
HalJordan* September 29, 2023 at 1:46 pm “I’m sorry, that’s a question for [Manager]”, said with an apologetic smile if you can, solves the problem nicely. You’re not saying anything negative or even anything at all, and your manager then has to deal with other employees asking them why Pickles is an active biohazard (sorry).
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 10:22 pm that’s the bizarre part. mentioning their disciplinary record isn’t disparaging the company, it’s disparaging themselves. and most coworkers wwould understand that if you received a formal warning for attendance, missing work again, especially if it’s soon after the warrning, will probably result in you being fired. unless, of course, the warning about attendance was bogus in the first place. it seems like the OP would have mentioned it if that was the case, though.
GythaOgden* September 30, 2023 at 8:38 am Probably for the best tbh. They don’t need to know and they’re not really able to hear the other side of the story so you may be coming across really badly. I know my team got broken up over the summer, because my previous supervisor was being directly obstructive to my personal development needs because she doesn’t like the new management. When I was off sick there was an incident that involved a disciplinary warning and it was because they wouldn’t communicate with the people above them. They spend half the time complaining everything and while some of it is justified, it just drags everything down with them at a stage of my career when I’m trying to get on with the rest of my life. Every time I try to do something to improve systems, contact others proactively etc etc, they ask ‘why would you want to do that?’, even when it’s something that could be solved if they just sent someone a quick message on teams. Having a coworker who is upset all the time or maybe not pulling their weight as they ought to — for whatever reason, even some pretty valid ones — can be demoralising. Maybe they could be more understanding, certainly about illness, and with the two people on my team I get on well with them when they’re not complaining about stuff. I love them and would defend them on any major situation, but at the same time constantly hearing negative stuff can be really frustrating for other people and you probably need to get this straightened out with TPTB before loading your issues onto your colleagues.
Rosyglasses* September 29, 2023 at 3:14 pm The latest ruling from the NLRB is pretty limiting in what employers can do or not do: Under Section 7 of the NLRA, employees have “the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.” Section 8(a)(1) of the NLRA makes it an unfair labor practice “to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees” in their exercise of rights protected under section 7. Board held that the non-disparagement clause barred activity that was protected under the NLRA and was therefore facially unlawful. The agreement’s non-disparagement clause was broad in scope. Under the clause, an employee could not make any statements that which could “disparage or harm the image of [the] employer.” It was not limited to matters related to employment, contained no time limit, and extended the non-disparagement protection to entities related to the hospital. The clause would conceivably include the existence of organizing and discussing unfair labor practices with other employees. IANAL, but the way I have understood the rulings in the past is that if you were verbally told, and if you then were fired or had a retaliatory action taken against you because you were “talking negatively” about the company, you could likely sue that you were being retaliated against for protected activities.
Rosyglasses* September 29, 2023 at 3:15 pm Also – the NLRB doesn’t just protect unions – the whole point is to protect speech and actions of employees that are trying to exercise their rights with other employees, because they might want to unionize.
fhqwhgads* September 29, 2023 at 7:57 pm You two need to not work for the same company ASAP. And if at all possible, both get out.
I Love Hawks* September 29, 2023 at 11:55 am I’ve been job searching for several months for a middle management-type position in higher ed IT. I found a job at a university that is fully remote, and the pay range was listed as like 130k-180k/year, depending on qualifications AND location. I am in a different state than the university (I’m in TX, the university is in CA). When I submitted my app, there was a required question for salary, and I probably should have put in “zero” or “n/a” but I put in 150-160k, because I feel that is fair for the role. So the hiring manager emailed me for an interview (yay!) but said the range for my location in TX would be 130-140k (not yay). He asked if I was still interested. I responded that it was “doable” and I was still interested in discussing the position. Did I shoot myself in the foot with this response? While that range would be a very slight pay bump (provided they gave me the top end), I would still consider the job if the benefits were good and the job sounds like a good fit – I am looking for fully remote positions, and it’s at a prestigious university so it would be good for my resume. But I’m not thrilled about the salary and I don’t like the whole “it’s based on your location” thing. While I’m in TX, I’m in one of the most expensive parts of TX, and it just doesn’t feel fair to base a salary on location rather than the actual value of the role. Any thoughts/guidance are appreciated.
Justin* September 29, 2023 at 11:58 am It’s fair for you to have that standard but that practice is fairly normal. My company pays well and then gives a slight bump for Bay Area and NYC
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 12:02 pm I have one thought on framing. Your last line is “it just doesn’t feel fair to base a salary on location rather than the actual value of the role” But they are probably actually making this decision on a 3rd criterion: supply & demand. They’re setting those rates based on how much it takes to get a good candidate from whatever region. Now maybe they should be more reasonable about the diversity of COL in a given state, especially one as big as Texas. But overall their logic is “If we offer $X to people in California, and $X – 10% to people in Texas, we get people with the same level of qualifications and experience”, and it’s hard to fault that from a strict bang-for-the-buck calculation.
Polly Hedron* September 30, 2023 at 11:26 am “If we offer $X to people in California, and $X – 10% to people in Texas, we get people with the same level of qualifications and experience” Then why not offer $X – 9% across the board and hire the best people regardless of location?
Magpie* September 29, 2023 at 12:28 pm I work for a Fortune 200 company with offices across the country. Most positions involve some in office work but IT went completely remote during the pandemic and has stayed that way so we can hire people from anywhere. However, they limit remote IT positions to low COL areas as a money saving endeavor. They can find highly qualified people all over the country, so they figure they can hire two senior level engineers in Des Moines for the cost of one similarly qualified engineer in Seattle. It’s a fact of life that location dictates acceptable salary so they wouldn’t be able to find a highly qualified engineer in Seattle by paying a Des Moines salary, but if they pay Seattle salaries to all their Des Moines engineers they can’t afford to have as many people working for them.
I Love Hawks* September 29, 2023 at 12:45 pm Thank you, that makes sense. Does that mean if one of your staff moves from Des Moines to Seattle they would get a pay adjustment for the higher COL? That’s another consideration for me….my family and I want to move to Washington State at some point in the next five years, and where we end up might have a much higher COL. Is it reasonable to expect an adjustment if a remote employee went to a higher COL environment?
Magpie* September 29, 2023 at 12:55 pm Some companies might do a salary adjustment. Ours does not. They figure you were hired to work in a lower COL area and accepted your salary on those terms. If you’re making the choice to move somewhere more expensive, that’s a personal decision you’re making and there’s no benefit to the company to have you in that location vs. your previous one so there’s no reason to pay a higher salary for that. People who are transferring to another city for a position that requires in office work would get a salary adjustment since the company understands they need that person to be living in that location in order to do that specific job effectively so they need to pay accordingly.
GythaOgden* September 30, 2023 at 1:25 pm Also if they pay Seattle salaries to Des Moines employees, the Des Moines economy gets warped by that excess money and things like gentrification and so on start happening. We’re already seeing some of that happen with LCOL areas and the 70-80% of the workforce who can’t work remotely get screwed when the 20-30% who can start using their HCOL salaries to buy property in LCOL without additional investment in the LCOL areas to bring everyone up to the same level. It’s a bigger version of what happens when rich people start buying second homes in beauty spots which then starts to price out poorer locals. The transplants tend not to be that supportive of rural economies either (or IME cognisant of what country life is actually like rather than what their romanticised view told them before they moved in) therefore sucking the life out of places. The problem is endemic to rural and seaside areas in the UK and it needs interventions to rebalance the economies. If this isn’t done at a sustainable pace with additional actual investment from businesses into LCOL. areas, it has a really bad effect on everyone else. Money is a tool and while we all want more of it, it is generated in specific ways and too much of it in an economy is not actually a good thing if it only feeds inflation or gentrification and doesn’t actively improve local economies as well.
MigraineMonth* September 29, 2023 at 12:44 pm I worked for a company that had offices in different parts of the country and based the pay rate on what was competitive locally. The Bay Area office paid about 30% more than my Midwest office, but the COL difference was so much greater that moving to the Bay Area would have been an effective pay cut for me. So do your research before deciding it’s a rip-off! You said you live in a very high COL city in Texas; you might be able to use that information to negotiate a higher salary than other Texas employees.
HighIsRelative* September 29, 2023 at 7:34 pm Be careful,though. People who don’t live in SF, Boston, or NYC (consistently the three most expensive places to life in the US in some order) have no idea just how much more expensive they are. And there are “very high for the region” cost of living places that would be considered low cost of living places in other parts of the country. So you can try a “the cost of living here is much higher than the Texas average” but be prepared to get pushback if you’re talking to someone living in a place that’s still a lot higher (I don’t know if that would be the case or not).
carcinization* September 30, 2023 at 12:03 pm Weird, for me, Boston is showing up as the 12th or so most expensive place to live in the U.S. based on several searches, though most of the other places in the top 20 are in CA. Austin, TX is around #25 on the lists, btw.
Fed for Lifetime* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am Fellow Feds, how’s everyone holding up with the strong likelihood of a gov shutdown?
Not happy for a shutdown* September 29, 2023 at 12:54 pm Prepared but anxious. Have a to-do list for work in case government is open on Monday and a to-do list for home in case it’s not.
AnonFed* September 29, 2023 at 3:25 pm We keep working. I’m honestly so annoyed. All those people who cheerlead don’t understand how many people would be seriously harmed if we actually shut down.
GythaOgden* September 30, 2023 at 2:14 pm I can’t do very much to reassure you and I’m in the UK, but one public servant to another, I’m sending you all the solidarity in the world along with lots of hope that it can be averted.
Rodstar* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am I’m in a little conundrum today with one of my client… For the sake of being quick, I’m a website developper. The way we function is that we have “contact points” with clients, who then open tickets and work with us and more or less translate the needs of their team in actuel actionnable actions we need to take for their website. This particular client is a somewhat smaller business than what we usually handle and are with us because of a long-standing history. We only have one contact with them, their “head of web”, which I’ll call Jane. This person has an abrasive perosnnality and it took time to build trust between her and us but we’re somewhat happy to be where we are now. Now, that business is downsizing, and our contact point will most likely be let go in some months and they know that. The next contact would be the head of marketing, which is ALSO being let go (how an e-commerce website would work without marketing nor website handler is beyond me but I digress) It has been decided that a somewhat lengthy takeover of Jane’s duties will be done by Fergus, the head of accounting. Jane is in a full blown battle with her employer and is causing quite a bit of trouble by not wanting to pass over informations, contacts and the like. (We had to open a second ticketing hub for her project so that “her” tickets can’t be seen by Fergus) She’s also more privately warned us about Fergus and his less than stellar personnality and work achievements. The problem is that… she’s right. We had two very brief contacts with Fergus and doing the job of Jane is clearly not a part of his skillset, despite him being certain that “it’s not that hard”. He was even more confrontational than Jane at the start and all but called us liars and crooks to our face. In a fifteen minutes call with the only item being to introduce ourselves. They also started to give us contradicting orders, each trying to ascertain their “dominance” over the project, I guess. I’m not in a position to be able to limit my interactions with either or them or to delegate contact to my managers, but I’m also pressed by them to do “the utmost to not have any burned bridges on out hands”. I’d like to know if some of y’all have any advice about this kind of situation, what to do when the client is explosive ?
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 12:17 pm Sounds more like the client is implosive, and you should just count on them not being in business within a year. I think the burning the bridges concern is moot.
MigraineMonth* September 29, 2023 at 12:57 pm Why does your company have such a commitment to not burning bridges with what sounds like a failing client? Your boss needs to realize the amount of wasted time/effort this client is costing and be comfortable with the idea of losing (or firing!) this client, which may be on its way to dissolving anyway. I think you need to get approval from Jane and Fergus’ boss for every request or–even better–insist that both Jane and Fergus sign off on any changes. That should guarantee you don’t have to make any changes at all! In the meantime, you’re a captive audience for the Feuding Webmaster show between Jane and Fergus, so you might as well make popcorn and collect anecdotes for your stand-up routine.
Turnipnator* September 29, 2023 at 1:10 pm Oof, I’ve been a software developer at an agency in situations where the client relationship is falling apart, it’s really no fun. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, and it sounds like your managers don’t have your back. It does also sound like you mostly will need to hang on until the client dissolves. The next step is basically full CYA mode. Here’s what I would do; YMMV: 1) If at all possible, get a regular check in about this client with one of your bosses. Ask at least three times if they don’t agree immediately. The last thing you need is for them to ask why you didn’t escalate issues. You will have things to escalate – plan to have a regular cadence to talk about them in advance. If they won’t get on board, email them updates on a regular cadence. 2) If you’re solely in charge of client meetings and communication do your utmost to both keep the clients on task and limit the time they take. Have a hard stop, build in time to take notes about every meeting, and don’t lose sight of the things you need to do your job (even if you need to follow up for those things after the meeting is over). Even if you’re not their only contact but have clear boundaries for the amount of your time you let them take up while still being available to them. If you can, decide on your boundaries and be upfront about what they are before they start pushing on them. Try to spin it as you carving out explicit time for them from your busy schedule so that you can be consistently responsive. If you don’t have these already, explicit time-to-respond agreements can help a lot. 3) Don’t rely on your client for requirements. It’s a bit hard to parse from your description of the process, but it sounds like in the past they submitted tickets and you acted on them. I would adjust the process on your side to be something like: listen to their needs with as much empathy as you can (either in meetings or by reading their tickets), turn those needs into items that are actionable by you and present those actionable requirements to them for explicit approval with as much layperson-translation as necessary (but let them see the tech jargon also). A request for prioritization with an approval request can go a long way to keeping them feeling in charge if you have multiple items. With approval, create appropriate tickets to act on and link their requests and your communication about them in those tickets. Approval in writing is best; follow up with an email if you get verbal approval. The gist though is that you take more of an active role here, and diligently document the process. OVERdocument the process. 4) Hold firm when you need clarification from the (this is where a pre-defined escalation path to your bosses will probably help the most). Remember that if you need to ask for clarification it does not reflect badly on you, and be persistent until you understand them. You do not need to read their minds. I’ve found this to be the hardest part. You need to have as much humility as you can but you do not need to let them question your expertise, even if you have to ask for clarification multiple times before you understand. It is far worse to proceed on a misunderstanding than to take the time to get on the same page. 5) Last but not least – be persistent when asking for help. I have a personal adage “ask three times”. Asking for help can be really hard, and if you don’t get the help you need immediately don’t give up, but ask again. You might not have the same difficulties I do here, but I’ve found making an explicit commitment to myself to be a squeaky wheel if I’m blocked helps me a lot. Good luck! I hope this client can sort themselves out or get out of your hair as quickly as possible :)
Turnipnator* September 29, 2023 at 1:57 pm I’m gonna TL:DR my own post: 1) Get an escalation path or protocol in place in advance with your bosses. 2) Put boundaries in place around client communication and communicate those boundaries before the client even tries to cross them. 3) Don’t expect clear requirements from them, but translate their needs into requirements and reflect their needs (and your requirement translation) back to them for explicit (written) approval and prioritization. Document this process extensively. 4) Be positive you completely understand them before proceeding with implementation and remember that needing clarification does not reflect badly on you. 5) Be a squeaky wheel when you need help.
Rodstar* September 29, 2023 at 1:57 pm Thanks you very much for your replies ! We need more or less to keep this client (until the business goes down) just to keep my boss happy, the founder (now deceased) of the client was a longtime friend, so uh… But yup, we’re in CYA mode since we know about the layoffs on their side. I will defintely enforce hard stop for time in meetings and deadlines, but we don’t have that much contact with Jane and Fergus’ bosses (they don’t know much about the way the site is run, and trust their team to handle it) so it will be difficult to keep accountability. I’m out of a meeting with my colleagues about the state of the project and the last point was particularly well received : we asked some more senior managers in our end to check on the project “to support them during the transition”. Time will tell how it goes, but yeah, I don’t see their business getting back in the green anytime soon so hopefully I will be free of them next year or so. Once again thank you for your time and have a great week-end !
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 9:08 pm do Jane and Fergus’s bosses know about Jane not passing over information and contacts, having tickets that Fergus can’t see, and them giving you contradictory instructions? the bosses don’t need to know or understand how the site is run in order to understand that this is a disaster waiting to happen. you say that they trust their team to handle it, but even if they could trust them in the past, they certainly can’t now, and that should be obvious if they know about these issues.
Lost: My Motivation* September 29, 2023 at 11:57 am More of a vent, but I ended counselling over my crap job, and I’m forgetting the positive lessons I learnt. I know that’s its okay to be stuck in a boring job, I know that most people are unfulfilled like me. I get good pay, flexibility and benefits that I would struggle to turn my back on. But my god I don’t know how I can do this for another 35 years. Even 25 years (and retiring at 55 broke AF but still with glee) seems like an impossible target after a shitty week.
Fluffy Fish* September 29, 2023 at 12:21 pm I think the most effective thing with a job like that is to focus on creating things outside of work that you look forward to. Not only does it give you things to look forward too it gives you mentally someplace to go. I hope too that you are still continuing looking for another job. Lots of jobs pay well and have flexibility and benefits. I know its exhausting to be constantly job hunting – so job-hunting light is an option. It means you’re not putting insane efforts into looking/applying – more like signing up for weekly emails from job sites that fit your skills and scanning that once a week or deleting it if you’re not in the mood.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:32 pm You probably won’t wind up doing the same job for 35 years. There are always new opportunities out there that could be a good fit for you in the future. Human beings need goals to look forward to and work toward. You can always work toward something you’d rather be doing, and whether or not you actually make the jump next year or in 3-5 years or whatever, the process of planning and learning benefits you as a person.
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 12:47 pm You need to continue reinforcing the positive lessons and changes you learned in counselling. These are not self-reinforcing; you need to do personal maintenance and work towards your own goals. It’s concerning that you say you’re unfulfilled. I mean, it’s fine to be dissatisfied with where you currently are, but your job shouldn’t be the totality of your life. Consider what you’re doing outside it and how you can utilize your good pay and flexibility to help you live the life you want.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 12:59 pm But my god I don’t know how I can do this for another 35 years. You (most likely) don’t have too! Like Fluffy Fish says, job hunting is an option. It’s worth doing some reflection before you start sending out applications though. Good questions to reflect on are: – Are there specific things about this job that you find boring and demotivating? Or is it the general concept of work? (I’m thinking of the “I hate work, all of it, with a passion” letter from 2015) – If there are specific things about this job, write them down so you have a handy reference when you’re perusing job ads and can hopefully avoid jobs with similar pitfalls. – If there are specific things about this job, brainstorm what motivating things you want in your next job. Write these down too, to reference when reading job ads. – If it’s all work, in general that you can’t stomach, I recommend looking into the FIRE (financially independent, retire early) movement. Mr. Money Mustache and Our Next Life are good starting points. I recommend starting at/near the beginning of both blogs, so you can see what choices they made while they were still working to financially prepare themselves for retirement.
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 11:58 am Anyone have any cheap/free employee engagement ideas? I’m doing an event in a few weeks for my small organization, but the budget is low and being spent on a waffle bar and non-alcoholic drink bar. I can’t give out any WFH or PTO, unfortunately.
Ginger Cat Lady* September 29, 2023 at 12:17 pm LOL Let’s get our employees to be super engaged, but let’s not invest anything in them in return! I know it’s not you who sets the budget, so this isn’t directed at you, but at upper management who does set budget. No wonder you’re panicked. Honestly, companies need to realize that if they want engaged employees, it takes RECIPROCITY. You cannot demand engagement from employees if you don’t invest in them! And better pay, adequate staffing, affordable health insurance, flexibility with WFM and PTO are the ways to do that. Not “town hall” meetings where you don’t take any questions and have a drawing for candy bars at the end (where 5 people in a room of 75 win one….) etc.
The Dude Abides* September 29, 2023 at 3:16 pm Keep in mind that in some industries (like gov’t), the budget is what upper management is willing/able to spend from their own pocket.
Ashley* September 29, 2023 at 12:21 pm Not sure what your goal for engagement is, but this time of year a pumpkin carving contest can be fun for team building.
Watry* September 29, 2023 at 3:14 pm Or a pumpkin painting contest! If it absolutely must be free, someone might be willing to donate their kid’s old paints/brushes, at least.
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 12:49 pm What is your engagement metric? A waffle bar would be enough to get 95% of the people in my office to show up, if just participating was the only metric. If that doesn’t work at your office you may have some morale issue that are more serious than a waffle bar will solve. If you do want to have some kind of activity along with the snacks, I would make sure everyone knows it is completely optional. My office once planned a scavenger hunt (running around in teams out in the city, shutting down the office for the afternoon) for team building and a couple of us were planning to call in sick that day because we hated the idea so much. Thankfully a major heat wave hit the day the hunt was planned so they just gave us the Friday afternoon off, which was much more appreciated! (And I think that feedback got back to senior management because they never attempted a scavenger hunt again and became more likely to give us extra time off when they wanted to show appreciation.)
Elsewise* September 29, 2023 at 1:11 pm See if you can get a group volunteer event going! Gets people out of the office and doing something different, but still working together. Look at environmental organizations doing clean-ups, food banks, that sort of thing.
Sally Rhubarb* September 29, 2023 at 2:18 pm Regarding the food, have you considered everyone’s dietary restrictions? I can’t have egg or dairy, so if I was forced to go to a work event and wasn’t able to eat anything there, all the engagement wouldn’t mean squat.
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 2:59 pm I have Celiac, so I *always* ensure everyone can safely eat at the events I do! I have a separate waffle maker for vegan and gluten free waffles, which covers everyone in my org.
NancyDrew* September 30, 2023 at 6:06 pm Just a remider that employee engagement isn’t about giving free food to employees! It’s about creating a work culture where leadership is transparent and genuine, where all employees feel they can have a voice, where there are real opportunities for meaningful feedback, where the company’s values are infused into every part of the business/work, and where people understand how what they do day-to-day ladders up to the broader mission/goal.
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 10:49 pm this. free food and team building events, even ones that everyone participates in and enjoys, won’t increase employee engagement if the things you mentioned aren’t also in place.
Cyndi* September 29, 2023 at 12:01 pm I haven’t had a question for a bit, because everyone in here was so good about giving me advice through a really unpleasant job search + last few months at my old job. But here I am again! I’m assisting a solo practice lawyer, so the firm is strictly speaking just him and me. Lately he’s on a real marketing/growth kick about refining our intake process, networking more, visibility to potential clients, all that kind of thing, and looking more closely at how other law firms handle those things. Sales/marketing is very much NOT my thing, though? Obviously I recognize that this is an important and necessary side of the business, but my natural tendency is to be suspicious of anyone whose job is to teach you how to finesse customers into giving you more money. Like for example he’s got this model weekly schedule he got from somewhere where one of the weekly time blocks is called “personal development/consume content” and something about the whole thing makes my skin crawl a bit, but I don’t know how to articulate why, or whether or not there’s actually a valid concern in here somewhere that I should maybe bring up to him. So I’m wondering, does anyone have any insight on how to distinguish between useful business advice and grindset bro BS?
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 12:14 pm Well, personal development is something that any professional should do. “Consume content” is a pretty clunky, tech-influenced way to describe it, but it’s not wrong. When I was a young professional, I built a couple hours into my week to read all the trade magazines, so I could get up to speed with industry trends, terminology, etc. I think also your “finesses customers into giving you more money” is not the right way to think about it. It should be either “get more customers” or “get customers who are willing to pay more because my lawyer boss offers them something better”. If the business model really is “lowball the customer, then load them up with a lot of hidden fees after the fact”, then that’s a strike against the ethics of your boss in general.
Cyndi* September 29, 2023 at 12:42 pm It’s both “get more customers” and “get customers who are willing to pay more”! It’s not like a stereotypical greasy car salesman kind of situation, I know, it’s one where people have a genuine need and the fix (us) is often alarmingly expensive. But the thought of being pushy? assertive? about this at all is out of my comfort zone so I really appreciate the gut check. Also we’re (as best I can tell) very up front about our fee structure, but I did bring up this week that a lot of people might not actually understand what a retainer payment is–I didn’t understand it correctly until I started here! My boss has just been assuming his whole career that everyone knew, and he’s gone full shocked Pikachu about this and is going around asking people about it at random.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 4:15 pm Sales in general, for all industries, tends to be really pushy. That’s why certain types of people do great and certain types run screaming.
kalli* September 29, 2023 at 4:45 pm At my firm we don’t call it a retainer, we ask clients to put money in trust to cover our fees and tell them that when we’ve done X amount of billables we’ll check in with them to discuss finances. We might ask them to put $1k in trust and check in with them if we hit $2.5k, and at that point we’ll talk about how much of that we’re likely to be able to claim out of a settlement, where the $1k has gone (expert reports etc. or we still have it in case we need to commission a report) and if they still want to go ahead. We still get a lot of people confused, but that’s more over how they don’t understand that they gave us money but we’re not billing them until the end, or why we aren’t charging them directly at the end (because we can take it out of the settlement so it’s not the same as paying us then getting the settlement). Nobody knows what a retainer is still. But we can say ‘we need to pay for this report, we’ve taken it from trust, here’s a statement for that’ and that works out eventually.
GythaOgden* September 30, 2023 at 9:16 am At a very low level in extremely backwater retail, after the Saturday morning rush I had plenty of time to sit and read The Grocer, which my employer ordered but never opened. It was fascinating how much I learnt about the corner shop industry just from the slow parts of my job.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:22 pm I’m fluent in Jargon, which is extremely helpful for this kind of nonsense. Jargon is annoying, especially if you are someone who likes plain speech. But some Jargon does serve a purpose and has useful words we don’t use in colloquial speech, and if it’s the culture of your industry, it can be useful to speak Jargon. It also just helps some folks formulate their thoughts more clearly. As for “personal development/consume content”, that’s actually just setting time aside to read articles and try to figure out what the landscape of marketing looks like. It’s like a personal study time, except in business jargon. I’m weirdly not mad at this one and I kind of like that he is blocking time to figure out what’s going on. That can be the hardest part. I’ve seen much stupider names for this. One litmus test is the Obfuscation Test. Does the Jargon have a practical purpose, i.e., is it defining a particular term, or is it just trying to look fancy? If it takes more words to describe the Jargon in a colloquial term, the Jargon is useful. (for example, “pipeline” is much better than “the process through which our clients find us, learn about our services and decide whether or not to hire us”) Another test is the Readback Test. If you readback the jargon in colloquial terms, what is it actually saying? Is there an actual methodology that it’s describing, or is it saying “Not alienating your customers is good!” There’s also the ROI test. What are they asking from you? Are they asking you to pay for a training that is solely focused on how to use their services (which you also have to pay for)? Or are they suggesting ways to schedule your time? That doesn’t cost anything, and you can test it out for a week or two before you decide whether to keep it. Finally, the Common Sense Test. Is it just plain stupid? Does it fit with what you already know about your client base? Does it fit with what you’ve heard elsewhere? It’s the same process teachers make their students do- find at least three sources for your foundational information. As you get into very detailed information, make sure that it fits within the paradigm of the foundational information. If it’s contradictory, why?
Cyndi* September 29, 2023 at 12:47 pm Thank you very much, I appreciate the gut check! I’m coming from an art background originally so the unironic use of the term “content” tends to get my back up by default; it has really impersonal, mechanized connotations to me. But the way you’ve reframed this stuff is really helpful.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 1:55 pm There was an article in the NYTIMES this week about how insulting the word content is. As a writer, it really resonated with me.
Snacattack* September 29, 2023 at 8:56 pm Funny…as a fellow writer it doesn’t bother me at all. Each to their own, I suppose!
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 12:45 pm Attorneys really need to keep up on legislative and court news, and do Continuing Education to keep their licenses. The jargon is just making it generic to any industry. FWIW, the attorneys I’ve worked with in the past grew their visibility / referral network by writing articles for industry publications, participating in legislative review / advisory committees, participating on well-established nonprofit boards or community initiatives related to their field of expertise, and participating on Bar committees or speaking on panels at Bar section meetings. It’s not like generic sales and marketing, which is probably why some of those initiatives feel cheesy. It’s more about demonstrating deep knowledge and community engagement to enhance credibility with discerning people, rather than blanket name recognition.
LA* September 29, 2023 at 5:03 pm I used to be a solo and have a couple of friends still doing this. I’m not sure how much information you want or how much you want to learn about the marketing side of this, but there are some great FB groups by women on this topic. Search for Boss Lady, Esq. and Lawyer on the Beach Group. The group names aren’t descriptive. Basically, they really talk a lot about solo practice in terms of streamlining intake and marketing. Flat fees vs. retainers and all that jazz. Their terms aren’t nearly as tech bro-ish, but give some really solid tips on these two areas. BTW I’ve never heard of his phraseology, but the lawyers I do know set aside time to learn more about both these processes as it’s REALLY changed a lot with various apps, payment processes, intake apps, etc.
fhqwhgads* September 30, 2023 at 8:56 am If it didn’t say “personal development/consume content” and instead said something like “read articles/watch webinars”, would it feel less ick? Because that’s what it likely boils down to.
Lost in Translation* September 29, 2023 at 12:04 pm Advice for job seekers: If you are not a fan of driving for long periods of time, check IN PERSON your commute before accepting a job! I’ve been looking for a while, got an offer for a PT and even if the hours were scarce (less than 20 a week), the pay for those few hours was good. GPS said it would be 1 hour each way, I was willing to work with that until finding something else. First day it was 1.5 hours each way; second day it took me 2 hours to get home! Back to the drawing board.
I'm an anony-mouse for today* September 29, 2023 at 12:32 pm I would add to drive the route during the time you would be going to work and coming home. The time of day can make such a difference on the commute!
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:02 pm Yes! You can also add the time to Google Maps (probably other apps too) to get a more realistic estimate, but it’s definitely a good idea to actually drive the route at the commuting time. There’s a big difference between seeing “45 min” on the app and being in stop-and-go traffic for 45 min (or whatever the time is).
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 3:27 pm Waze is pretty good for tracking the differences in how long a given route will take at particular times, I have found.
Cj* September 30, 2023 at 10:29 pm the navigation program I use on my phone tells you estimated time based on current traffic, detours, etc. if you aren’t able to drive the route during your commute time before you accept the job, I would check the navigation tool during the time of your commute to see how long it says it should take. remember to use the route from your office to home for your commute home, because traffic flows at different rates in different directions at different times.
Farts* September 29, 2023 at 12:16 pm Does anyone have any tips on navigating office politics? I’m just really bad at it. I’m great at my technical skills and collaborating work-wise across teams, but I watch people schmooze or not do any work, and they are able to coast for years. Throughout my career, it seems like the best method is to be passive and don’t speak up. I know it shouldn’t be how it is, but every time I’ve spoken up (no matter how professionally) or proposed solutions, it either (1) gets me more work without a promotion (2) give me work from other people (3) puts a target on my back as a scapegoat. In my last couple of jobs, it seems like a good tactic is to just talk to others about what you are doing and using lots of buzzwords, without actually doing anything.
BellaStella* September 29, 2023 at 12:24 pm Am so sorry, I could have also written exactly this post. No suggestions just sympathy.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 12:32 pm You may want to check out these past letters: Letter #2 from the “how to play office politics, leaving an internship early, and more” post on August 20, 2013 “how can I navigate office politics when I hate hierarchy and authority?” from August 22, 2019 I’ll put links in a reply comment.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 12:32 pm
Fi* September 29, 2023 at 1:08 pm I struggle with the same exact thing. I am tired of having a target on my back so I’m making a big effort to be more passive, less solutions-focused, less forthright, less useful, more of a suck up. It’s depressing but I feel I have to do it. I have found it useful to read Gorick Ng’s book (google him and you’ll find it). He has pointers about navigating office politics. For example, he says that your purpose at work is not really to do your job to your own high standards but to validate your manager’s concerns and fit their world view. I am bleakly proud of myself because today, instead of contradicting factual inaccuracies made by a powerful co-worker, I bit my tongue and nodded. So completely depressing! Hopefully I will find a happier way to get by, in time…
Fi* September 29, 2023 at 3:28 pm Following up my own comment to say that I’ve just read the “How Can I Accept Office Politics” letter and comments underneath it, and I’ve found the comments wise and helpful. There’s a range of perspectives and pieces of advice, but here’s a phrase that made me lol: “If they want me to make a sh*t sandwich, I will make a sh*t sandwich, and I will make it the best sh*t sandwich it can be, but I’m also not going to lose any sleep over the fact that it’s still going to be a sh*t sandwich when I’m done.” I’m less depressed now.
Mimmy* September 29, 2023 at 1:42 pm I can completely empathize because I struggle with this as well. Similar to Fi above, I’ve been focusing on not speaking up so much during meetings even if I feel the comment or question would be warranted. I’ve learned that it’s best to keep my head down and just worry about anything that would directly impact my work. One of my coworkers likes to say, “not my monkeys, not my circus” (or is it the other way around? lol). Management does solicit feedback sometimes, but I don’t know how genuinely well it’s taken.
BellyButton* September 29, 2023 at 1:43 pm Maybe reframe your thinking from “office politics” to “how can I have more influence?” In my leadership development programs I have an entire section about gaining influence. If you search “gaining influence at work” you will find a ton about it.
Xavier* September 29, 2023 at 4:44 pm I don’t want to be unkind but your comment betrays that you don’t have a lot of respect for your coworkers. People generally don’t like people, however good they are at their job, if they don’t feel respected.
Alternative Person* October 1, 2023 at 1:12 am I really struggle with this as well as I try to be conscientious and fair but it seems like the workplace is full of people trying to skate by while I get more work for little reward. But, a few tips that have helped me. -Make a point to talk to people casually. You can start with ‘How was that meeting last week?’ or similar and go from there. Try to keep track of what’s going on with them and follow up (I use my page a day diary for this but my brain is soup). And not just people in your department, lots (or a few to start with) of people. I’ve made some great friends this way and it’s helped me to find people who have my back as well as keep up with what’s going on in the company. -Try to have an idea of what’s going on/what’s coming up (goes back to my first point in some ways). Things can feel much more manageable when you know they’re coming. Think back to any issues the previous year and be ready for them. -With your work, pick one or two areas to focus on and stick to them as much as reasonably possible. People want a solution for A and/or B? Great, you’ll pitch in. They want something for C, smile say you’re focused on A and/or B right now or you have no good idea (or whatever is appropriate). -Document. This is where my page a day diary comes in handy. Some of it definitely serves as a rage journal (which is good for quieting my brain some days) but it has also been a good way to keep track of what I’ve done over the year so I remember everything come review time. Apply the appropriate e-mail variant for meetings/conversations with colleagues. -Consider job hunting. If you’re getting higher level work and you’re not getting a promotion then it might be time to move on. Sure, you may encounter the same problems in a new place, but you’ll hopefully be getting more money for doing it. -Occupy your free time. I know I think about work too much (not helped by the fact I’m writing a dissertation about a work component at the moment) but I make myself go on walks and play video games and hang out with non-work friends.
:(* September 29, 2023 at 12:21 pm Hi all, I’ve got a sticky situation I’d like your thoughts on. I have business that I contract with that is not going to have their contract renewed at the end of the year. The organization I work for wants to give them 60 days notice of this, so late October/early November. We just finished our busy season with them, and they are asking for a meeting to go over the season to improve for next year. I don’t want to meet with them because that would feel like lying because I know the contract isn’t getting renewed, and also I’ve been directed not to spend the time meeting with them because leadership doesn’t feel that it’s a good use of time, since we’re not moving forward with them. Is there a way to decline this meeting gracefully, without spilling the beans about the contract before I’ve been given leave to? I know it might sound crappy to not just tell them now, but we need them to finish out the contract and we have reason to believe they’d just walk off the job if I tell them now.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 12:24 pm Hi Contractor, Unfortunately I’ve got pulled into another project and cannot meet immediately. Let’s each take reminder notes now separately and touch base in November. Thanks.
Alex* September 29, 2023 at 12:42 pm Just put them off. “I can’t meet to discuss next year before the end of this month due to other items on my plate.” One item on your plate is the fact that you aren’t renewing the contract.
Emmers* September 29, 2023 at 12:22 pm In a bit of a dilemma with my promotion. Option A: Take a lead senior trainer role with a 5% raise within my current team, stay in the union, keep my guaranteed annual raises (3-7%) OR Option B: Take a team managers role with a 4% raise overseeing my current coworkers (4 full time staff, 65 very part time), get out of the union and move to merit based raises (uncertain, could be 1% a year, maybe 3%, rarely 10%) With how the team functions my workload and role won’t actually change much between these two roles because whatever the promotional role entails I’m already doing about 90% of it now since our manager left more than a year ago. If I was a manager I’d add some HR paperwork to my current role but that’s about the only real change. If I was never going to leave this state and job I’d plan on taking the senior trainer role and ride it out in the union where we can often make more than leadership because of union longevity. This is also the advice I’m getting from three folks who had to make this same choice, granted they are not looking to leave anytime. But the field I’m in is incredibly niche (there are at most maybe 10 people who do this in most states, maybe more in NY , CA and TX) and these managers roles don’t come around often at all. It’s also my belief that the manager title is important to future job prospects. But it will lead to less money while I stay here (and yes it is crazy pants that management is paid less than staff) and I don’t know for how long. I’m just not sure what is best with so many what ifs.
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 12:50 pm How long are you planning to stay in this job? If only 1-2 years, take the management role. If longer, do you have a concrete medium-term plan to move?
Emmers* September 29, 2023 at 1:04 pm We will probably move in the next 5 years but its dependent on my husbands job as well.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:12 pm To put some numbers behind this (for simplification, I assumed a current salary of $100,000 and steady annual raises of 5% with the senior trainer role and steady annual raises of 2% with the management role after the initial 4% raise): After 2 years, the trainer role will pay $110,250 and the manager role will pay $106,080. You’ll have lost out on $5,170 in pay over those two years if you take the manager role, which may be worth the opportunity for future jobs. After 5 years, the trainer role will pay $127, 628 and the manager role will pay $112,573. You’ll have lost out on $26,240 in pay over those five years if you take the manager role. After 10 years, the trainer role will pay $162,889 and the manager role will pay $124,290. You’ll have lost out on $71,880 in pay over those ten years if you take the manager role.
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 2:36 pm I really like that you laid out the numbers, Hlao-roo. OP, what’s your idea of the next step? You say “probably” you’ll move in the next five years, but what if you don’t? Do you want to stay in this role until you move, or will you start looking in a year or two no matter what? What is it in the management title that you think will transfer better to your imagined next step? Do you want to do management long term or no? Do the future jobs you are considering need management experience, or is it just the idea that the title looks better?
Lemon* September 29, 2023 at 7:16 pm I know you highlight 65 “very part time” staff, probably meaning they engage in 2 hours/week or similar…but as someone who manages a team of “very part time” staff, it’s still A LOT. that’s a lot of availability to balance; minor issues to ammend; people to chase for various annual renewals of relevant qualifications…add 4 full timers into the mix, that 4% payraise is not enough.
The Dude Abides* September 30, 2023 at 7:55 am Stay in the union. I jumped four titles to a non-union manager position, and got a 50% raise, and still on some days I question whether it was worth it.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 12:23 pm I’m having some issues with a food drive at work, not enough people donated, management is sad and making blanket statements about our department vs other departments. I’m academia adjacent, food pantry is for current students at the university. It’s well used. It’s just food is pricey as heck right now and most people don’t have a little extra to spend. I think part of the upset by management is the potluck today was well participated in, but the food drive bin is still less than half full and today is the last day.
Lainey L. L-C* September 29, 2023 at 12:25 pm Maybe management needs to look to how much they are paying employees?
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 12:28 pm As someone who works in academia, I think it’s icky how often I’m asked to financially support institution initiatives …. I love my job, but I know I’m underpaid, and on top of that, I’m paying a lot to park. If management wants to support initiatives, then they should make it possible for people to provide labor or service on the clock, i.e., coming out of management’s budget.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:20 pm Thanks for this idea! I will recommend this. I know spending a day working the food pantry instead of doing work work would be excellent for me. And omg the parking is insane, its university property that we work on, and we have to pay 700 a year for the chance to park there (later arrival has to park even further away and shuttle in)….
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 12:56 pm I will say, as a manager, who gives a crap? You’re being asked to donate food to students at the university? ??? So weird. Most universities have gobs of money. The cost for unlimited meal plan at my college was $8k, and that’s only for 9 months out of the year. How does that even make sense? Maybe the school needs to enact food waste-rescuing initiatives, cut down its spending elsewhere and use its power to actually help its students. No idea why the responsibility should fall upon you.
OP Glowing Symphony* September 29, 2023 at 1:15 pm “No idea why the responsibility should fall upon you.” Because a community takes care of itself despite what’s occurring at management level. I work in food bank fundraising.
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm I can guarantee you that whatever institution OP works at, the institution is making very deliberate choices not to provide additional funding to the food pantry and provide funding elsewhere. Do you want to know how this is being handled at my institution? My unit head is allocating additional funds to the food pantry out of our unit budget, since we know the student sub-group we oversee is the sub-group that uses the food pantry the most. My unit head has not once asked for employee donations.
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 1:30 pm But it may not be efficient to rely upon each member of the community equally when some have many more resources than others. For context, I spent a period of my life volunteering at a food rescue operation whose founder forged relationships with huge companies to collect their older food they normally throw away. This ‘old’ food was completely within expiration date, still good, amazing quality (think Whole Foods or Pat LaFrieda) but just needed to be cleared to make way for new stock. We worked in a warehouse pushing pallets around on jacks and sorting giant bins of vegetables. So I know what it’s like to work for my community — don’t really need a lecture. And if you work in food bank fundraising, I know you know that money has more power than a couple boxes or cans of donated food. The university has that money and power, not random people that work for it.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:24 pm After first year food plan is not mandatory and most students do not use one. I know at our institution about 30% of students will use it at some point, especially the graduate/phd students. Food cost is one of the things that creates inequality in students, rich background students can afford food,housing etc and focus on studies. Joe Schmoe the first in 4 generations to go to college is working 3 jobs and trying to study. Food pantries really make a big difference in the lives of students. If you’re hungry you cannot focus well. I don’t know about elsewhere but I know at least here the university is kicking money monthly to supplement the food pantry, it was part of their actions to address poverty in students.
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 10:20 pm Once we decided to run universities “like a business,” suddenly the top people got tons more pay, tuition got unaffordable for middle class students (do they even exist anymore), and students started needing to use food banks. (I know some always have, but they were more likely to be exceptions.) Don’t even get me started on what happened to hospitals once they started being run for profit instead of by and for the communities they served.
OP Glowing Symphony* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm “I think part of the upset by management is the potluck today was well participated in, but the food drive bin is still less than half full and today is the last day.” Perhaps the messaging or ask isn’t resonating. Employees are aware of the pantry, who uses it, how many students are using it, ideal donations (pasta, dry meals, canned food?) All the pertinent information to make a donation? Yes, it seems a bit mis-aligned that the potluck was engaging, but no one could be bothered to bring a food item. I work for a food bank, yes, food costs are hard for many, but if they can muster a potluck, they can muster a can of food for the students – their community. We’re asked to give to our food bank, too, and a lot of us shop our pantries 1x month and bring in food. “most people don’t have a little extra to spend. ” They do. We have donors who are on strict budgets, and they give $5 month with a note saying how this cut into their lives, but they do it because we feed so many people. However, management needs to settle down and not make it a competition. That’s misplaced effort and doesn’t feed the students.
kalli* September 30, 2023 at 8:34 am Plus potlucks you can make extra of a regular meal and use less than you might have to be donating; with donating ingredients you have to buy or cut a whole packet out of your stores, which can be more impactful on you than making a full pot of pasta carbonara and boxing half to take in to work for the potluck. They’re different asks (with different benefits – workplace capital at the potluck, and company CSR points for the food drive; you’re going to put in something at the potluck if it makes your job easier or at least less hard because you’re not seen to be not participating, but the company CEO getting to take a picture with a full box? affects everyone regardless of personal input), and higher up people aren’t always used to thinking that way. Another example: I make a week’s risotto at a time and my dad takes half of it for his lunch and I eat my small meal every day out of it. I can make 5 batches of risotto from one packet of arborio rice, three onions, one packet of cheese, half a packet of vegan butter, 5 cloves of garlic and maybe 1/100th of a jar of basil. If I was to donate a packet of rice that would be 1 month of food, and if I was to donate enough for 5 batches of risotto I’d need 2kg of onions, 3 packets of butter (or 2 larger ones), a packet of cheese and a full head of garlic and jar of basil. That’s going to be 2-3 months of food. Obviously I don’t always or only have risotto, but that’s how the maths ads up. I can make one lot of risotto and take half to a potluck, have my serving separate and free from contamination, and it costs me less than it would to donate even one ingredient, and if that’s a difference I need to quantify and assess, then I’m going to approach it differently, either by donating money separately and not from my food budget, or giving my time to another organisation I can quantifiably help. That said, often with food drives/donation drives, they go a lot better if the company sets a budget and says they’ll match donations up to X. It gives everyone an idea of what their ‘share’ should be, and makes people feel like their small donation is more helpful because it means the company has to give that much – all the same tricks companies use when they use ‘we’ll double it’ with customer donations work on employees to some extent. :/
Filthy Vulgar Mercenary* September 29, 2023 at 1:48 pm I would just make an observation about how the impact of inflation can be seen everywhere, including at the food bank. If you want to make a comment about inflation outpacing (your) salaries you could do that too, but it depends on what tone you want to set.
miel* September 29, 2023 at 3:36 pm I think management needs to reevaluate a few things. Asking employees for donations, even for a very good cause, is always dicey. Also, food pantries can typically buy food in bulk for pennies on the dollar. If given the choice between spending $5 on groceries to donate, vs donating $5 to the food pantry directly, the cash will go a LOT farther. (Of course, asking employees to donate cash is even dicier than asking to donate food.) Ultimately, unless you’re management, I don’t think this is your problem to solve.
goddessoftransitory* September 30, 2023 at 7:14 pm Cash is SO important. Our local food banks often have to turn down badly needed food from outside their immediate area because the cost of loading and transporting it is more than the cost of the food itself.
Sutemi* September 29, 2023 at 5:46 pm I never give food in canned food drives. I give significant dollars to the local food bank, they have better purchasing power in bulk and know what needs to be filled in (dry goods, menstrual products, fresh veggies, regional foods). Maybe those in your department decided to give in ways that aren’t as visually obvious?
Loreli* September 30, 2023 at 11:40 am Many food pantries/food banks can use money instead of food donations. This is because they are able to buy in bulk. Given economies of scale, the food bank can get more food items if 100 people donated one dollar apiece, than if those 100 people individually bought a food item for a dollar and donated the item. Sometimes drives like this are more “group building activities” because giving a food item feels more personal than giving cash. But the goal of supporting the food pantry should be to maximize the results of the donations. Check with your local food bank on this. Get info. Make a sign like “With $50. of donations, our food bank can purchase 10 pounds of , , 25 cans of ” etc.
semi-corporate moth* September 29, 2023 at 12:24 pm I work in a muli-use, somewhat open-plan office that’s been converted from an event space in the middle of a campus. In our suite, students (20-50 at a time) use it as a flex space to eat, work, study, spend time with friends, and have informal meetings. It gets L O U D. There’s no sound baffles in the space at all, but even with the carpeted floors, I can hear people’s entire conversations. Our big boss said it was too expensive to install sound baffles and kind of laughed it off when I suggested them. We’re also not allowed to close our doors/wear noise canceling headphones unless we’re in a meeting or on a call, since we’re expected to be available and answer the office phone. I’m also wary to contact HR, since it would be obvious who did so from my previous request. It’s nearly impossible to focus on deep work that I’m required to when I can’t even drown out conversations/laughs/echoes with a white noise machine. Is this a reasonable environment to work in? What would you do?
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 1:31 pm Where I come from, anyone who is senior enough to have a door is also senior enough to decide when they need it closed. This is a bluff worth calling. I would close my door and put a sign on it that says “Please come in – I am available.” If you are doing good work, they are not going to fire you over this. And if they are stupid enough to do so, then at least you’re out of a ridiculous situation and collecting unemployment.
BellyButton* September 29, 2023 at 1:33 pm UGG it is my worst nightmare. If there are multiple people who are responsible for answering the phones or whatever else prevents you from wearing headphones, can you each cover for a couple of hours so you can have focus time with headphones or closing the door? It’s the only think I could think of.
Reba* September 29, 2023 at 1:37 pm I would hate this. Possible compromise with boss, you can close your door, but add a sign that can be switched between “on a call, do not disturb” and “Available, please knock!” The wrinkle in this plan is that people don’t read signs. But I would present it (or maybe just start doing it?) with the explanation that you are struggling to focus and want to try this as a strategy to see if it helps you be more efficient or whatever measure would make sense for your work. Sometimes if you present something as an experiment it is more palatable as a change.
Ama* September 29, 2023 at 3:59 pm I would absolutely hate this. I bet my former office wasn’t even half as loud as yours and getting to move to work from home was a revelation (I sat right in front of the staff breakroom and I would bet at least 50% of my workplace stress was trying to focus with the noise level). But I didn’t have an office, just a cubicle — I was allowed to use headphones, though. I’m also confused about the door — if the main office line doesn’t ring at your desk, it shouldn’t be that hard to make it do that. And all you need to do is stick a sign on the outside of your closed door that says “Please come in if you have a question,” or something if your boss is worried people will think you aren’t available.
Anonymoose* September 29, 2023 at 12:26 pm Was there an update to the letter a little while ago about Tom, Arthur, and Tom lying about Arthur sexually harassing him? I hope it’s okay to ask, because I’m really hoping things worked out for Arthur and the OP.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:14 pm The original poster wrote a comment under the name “OP Here” No other update so far, but the letter was just posted two weeks ago. I’ll link to the OP’s comment in a reply.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:14 pm
Anonymoose* September 29, 2023 at 1:56 pm thanks. I was wondering if there was a further update, but I guess not. I hope things worked out okay. (BTW I love your screen name, Pipkin!)
Turingtested* September 29, 2023 at 12:29 pm I need an internalized misogyny check please. Let’s say I’m head of llama grooming. one of the groomers went on leave and we hired a temp. Temp didn’t have direct experience but verbally stated that she wants this to be her career. We had a fantastic opportunity to meet with some of the finest llama groomers from across the globe. Due to time differences, the meeting was at the very start of our work day. I invited her and used the words “good for your career development” and made it clear that this was a Big Deal. She missed the meeting, no call or text, because her child forgot a daily use item. I’m not upset with her, but I have decided she doesn’t really take this seriously as a career. If it were something that wasn’t used every day, or an emergent situation I wouldn’t see it that way. Or if she’d communicated with me. However, I’m concerned that I’m not giving grace to a parent or somehow being sexist. To be clear I’m not out to get her, I just mentally shifted her from “wants to advance” to “regular worker.”
Ginger Cat Lady* September 29, 2023 at 12:35 pm “I’m not upset with her” but I’ve fundamentally resigned her to a track that she’ll be an utter failure because of one issue. Gotcha.
Turingtested* September 29, 2023 at 12:47 pm In all seriousness, you don’t think missing an opportunity for career development with 0 communication indicates anything bigger? I certainly don’t think she’s a failure! I just think maybe she’s telling me what she thinks I want to hear versus actually having a passion for the work. most people don’t have a passion for their job.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:54 pm Is it bad if she doesn’t have passion for the job? You can still be good at your job and have a great career without feeling a ton of vigor or passion. Most of us would rather be doing something else with our time, but we’ve made our career where it is, and as long as we’re here, we’re going to do well at whatever our job requires. I’ve given promotions to people that weren’t passionate, but were very, very good at their job and who added a lot of value through their work.
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 1:00 pm Being good at your job usually means you don’t no-call, no-show to important meetings. OP, have you actually spoken to her in depth about this and reviewed the issues? Do you have any sense of her aptitude for this job other than her saying she wants this career? How is her work outside of this incident?
I'm Just here for the cats!* September 29, 2023 at 1:08 pm How else is her work? You can’t just allow one thing to cloud your judgement here.
Annony* September 29, 2023 at 1:27 pm Missing a single career development opportunity means absolutely nothing. You could talk to her about the lack of communication if in general she needs to let you know when she is late, but she probably thought missing a meeting that she was not essential to did not require a heads up. But getting on the same page about expectations when she is late and deciding she doesn’t want career development opportunities are very different things.
Fluffy Fish* September 29, 2023 at 1:55 pm I think she’s a temp and maybe just getting back into the working world who deserves some grace. Whether you realize it you sound like you’re being judgmental based the “daily use item”. You don’t get to decide how she parents or what she feels is important and I highly doubt you know enough about either her or the child to make any kind of value judgement on whether she needed to handle it or not. By all means talk to her about it. You may feel you we’re crystal clear about it being a big deal but as this blog constantly shows us, what’s we think we’re saying and what people are perceiving don’t always line up.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:13 pm No, it doesn’t. Sounds like she didn’t handle a specific incident ideally, but that happens to all of us – children or no, serious about our careers or no. I take my career very seriously and this kind of meeting wouldn’t necessarily feel urgent or unskippable to me. “Good for your development” often signals “we don’t need you here” so she may not have felt like she needed to give a heads up. I’d let it go.
Ginger Cat Lady* September 29, 2023 at 3:29 pm No, it indicates that something came up that morning. My whole point is that you claim you’re not upset, yet you’re jumping to the worst possible conclusion about what it means. Face it. You are upset, and you want to punish it for her because you are *assuming* it “means something bigger” You just want people here to tell you that it’s okay.
Box of Kittens* September 29, 2023 at 12:47 pm Are there other issues you’ve seen from her besides this incident that are influencing this mindset shift? If so, I feel like your reaction makes more sense. But if this is the only thing that caused this mindset shift, I would lean toward thinking that maybe this is influenced by some internalized misogyny. That said though, have you talked to her about this and given her a chance to explain herself and talk about whether she’s still interested in trying to move up at this point? I would do that before you stop thinking of her for career advancement opportunities.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:48 pm I’m not upset with her, but I have decided she doesn’t really take this seriously as a career. Um….what? It’s a pretty big leap from “missed a meeting because Kid Stuff” to “she doesn’t take this seriously as a career”. There’s a lot of levels in between these. I probably wouldn’t invite her to this type of meeting again for a while, but I wouldn’t say “you clearly are subpar!” She’s new in this field, and this is a newby mistake. Is this how you treat all your newbys? Kids have needs. They forget things, even things that they remember 99% of the time. Sometimes parents need to do an emergency run to make sure kids have things (teachers frown on kids not having things like, say, food or other essentials). It’s weird that you say it’s a bigger deal if the kid forgot something that wasn’t used every day, because usually the things that are used daily are the things vital in what you do. Things I use daily: car keys, credit card, phone. Did Temp handle it well in this situation? No. But compare this to what you’ve seen of her in other situations. Is this a pattern of behavior where she talks a big game, then doesn’t step up? Or is she usually reliable and going above and beyond, and this was an anomaly? How is her work quality? If she does stupendous work, it’s silly to relegate her to “regular worker” because of one misstep. Now I would have a conversation with her about it so she knows this Wasn’t Okay. But I’d also be looking for how she reacts- does she apologize and understand why this was not okay? Does she change her actions in the future so she doesn’t repeat this? Or does she blow you off? (Also, make sure that you don’t include language about her kid- this should be explaining how you want her to handle things if she needs to cancel due to an emergency).
Box of Kittens* September 29, 2023 at 12:54 pm You said all the things I was thinking! This is the right response.
867-5309* September 29, 2023 at 12:48 pm I would miffed by this, also. Especially since she did not communicate at all. I think it’s fair to ask her what happened and pay attention if this is a pattern.
Lainey L. L-C* September 29, 2023 at 12:55 pm That’s where I’m at. It would be completely understandable if she texted/called, “Hey I’m not going to be able to make the meeting, Kid forgot lunch/laptop/soul and I have to run it to school.” Things happen. To not call/text and just blow off meeting, doesn’t seem that interested in the job.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 2:08 pm Yes, the lack of communication is a problem but I’d also try to see if it’s a pattern or one off.
Alex* September 29, 2023 at 12:52 pm What does your gut tell you you would think if she were a man? Would you have the same reaction? I think one small incident–a meeting that would be good for her career, but not one that was counting on her to progress–is too little to make this sweeping assumption about her. Yes, it would have been better if she let you know, but if this isn’t part of a pattern I’d let it go.
I'm Just here for the cats!* September 29, 2023 at 1:13 pm Also, it doesn’t seem like the OP explained the importance of the meeting. inviting her and saying its “good for your career” is not the greatest unless he explained more. Like did he say ” this is good for your career because most new people don’t get to meet this level of experts in the field. This is really a rare opportunity.” If she’s new she might have thought that this type of meeting was a regular occurrence and there would be another opportunity.
Turingtested* September 29, 2023 at 1:58 pm Oh I went on at great length about who the meeting was with and why it was important and Temp seemed genuinely excited! I spoke about how it would help in the future, the impacts of what we’d discuss etc. Not a drive by hey maybe think about this.
I'm Just here for the cats!* September 29, 2023 at 2:47 pm Ok thanks for the information. It wasn’t clear in the original post. I know a lot of comments seem to be gaining up on you and I don’t think that’s fair. I think you doing good because you asked for a gut check on this. Since she seemed really excited about it I would have a conversation with her. Maybe something has come up (besides the kid thing) that has thrown her off. Like maybe her husband broke his leg and she had to take care of the kids or something else. Check in with her and don’t degrade her to another “Regular worker.” also what does that mean? Like do you not treat your “regular” workers the same and give them opportunities? Even if someone has said in the past they are fine with their job and don’t want to expand, you should check in with them and see if anything has changed. You never know when an employee will want to change
Turingtested* September 29, 2023 at 2:51 pm In my mind, regular worker is satisfied with their job and perhaps wants to become higher level at it but isn’t interested in climbing the corporate ladder. They are the people who make the world go round and are valuable! Temp talks like she wants to aggressively climb the ladder.
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 12:57 pm I am someone who very much wants to advance in my career. I simply cannot do 8 a.m. meetings due to dropping off my children. No matter how “good for [my] career development” something is, if it’s scheduled for 8-9 a.m., it just CAN’T happen. Did you even have a discussion with this person about whether it was actually reasonable realistic to expect them to attend? Or did you just expect they would magically “make it happen” without knowing what support structure or options they had at their disposal to make sure everything got taken care of with their kid? You are upset at her. You are upset because she didn’t treat this with the same level of importance that you did … because she has a kid, and she is likely the default parent, and there may not be anyone else to take care of the kid in the morning. It’s okay to feel upset, but it’s not okay to decide based on this one thing that “she doesn’t really take this seriously as a career,” and it definitely would not be okay to withhold opportunities in the future based on that. Next time, have a two-way discussion instead of assuming she is coming away with the same understanding and/or assuming she is able to take advantage of these opportunities in the same way as you can.
Turingtested* September 29, 2023 at 2:01 pm Prior to the meeting I had a full conversation. We’re flexible with start times and I spoke about it being earlier than usual, made sure it worked with her schedule. If she’s responded like you, I would’ve checked with all the teams to see if there was an opportunity for a meeting at a time that works with everyone. Given the very divided responses I’m getting, I think this is just a difference in approaches to work.
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 2:20 pm Another thing to consider – since this person is a temp, is she perhaps returning to the work force after some time away? Or, perhaps her previous employment was not in an office setting? This could simply be a situation where someone needs a refresher or overview on all the “unspoken rules” of professional etiquette.
Fluffy Fish* September 29, 2023 at 3:27 pm I said something similar. Also if she’s by chance temping through an agency, often they are instructed to contact the agency if they are going to be late/out as the agency is their actual employer. If this is the case then there’s a possibility she did notify someone and it wasn’t passed along. Additionally if work has flexible start times and you’ve never instructed her to contact you if there’s an issue and she’s running late then she very well could have not even thought about checking in.
Alex* September 29, 2023 at 2:47 pm Another thing to consider is that you pitched this as something being good *for her*. Maybe she was putting herself last–maybe she had other things to do that day for work that was for the company, not herself, and so this is the one she let drop so she could tend to her family. I’m having a hard time imagining one meeting–in an observer role nonetheless!– that would be a make-or-break career moment, so maybe she thought that on this particular day, her career development needed to take a backseat to other needs, including both her other work and her family. I don’t think that kind of thinking would be that unusual or indicative of apathy about the job.
SuzzieQueue* September 30, 2023 at 3:18 pm People are saying you jumped to an unreasonable conclusion, and think it is inappropriate on your part to make HUGE assumptions about this person based on a SINGLE situation. It also appears that you have not discussed the issue of not calling in with this person. And yet every time someone posts the above, you come back with all of your reasons you were right in the first place. This makes you sound judgmental, someone who insists they are always right and does not care about finding the rest of the story, gaining context, or who has any sort of empathy for people whose situations are different from yours. Differences in approaches to work? Nope. Arrogant boss who thinks they know better than everybody else? And if an employee makes one mistake, that’s it for them – they’re on your sh!t list forever? Sounds like it to me. I’m glad you are not my boss.
I'm Just here for the cats!* September 29, 2023 at 1:05 pm You are definatly in the wrong here. Just because she missed the meeting does not mean that she is not taking her career seriously. And kids are so flipping forgetful. They FORGET SHOES for crying out loud. Maybe she should have let you know that she was not going to make it, but she could have been overwhelmed by the morning. You are unfairly judging her.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:19 pm After she missed the meeting, did you talk to her about how (1) the meeting was a Big Deal and (2) you expect/require at least a call or text if she’s going to miss a meeting? To me, this sounds like a one-off personal situation that wasn’t handled well (on her end). So be clear about how personal situations should be handled better in the future, but I don’t see how “not handling a personal situation well” is equivalent to “just a regular worker who doesn’t want to advance.”
Turingtested* September 29, 2023 at 3:30 pm I’ve been sitting on it because I wasn’t sure if my initial response was off base. This was recent and I’m going to reflect over the weekend and talk with her next week.
NancyDrew* September 30, 2023 at 6:14 pm You are not at all wrong here, Turigtested. For the temp to not contact you is unacceptable and would absolutely render me to stop giving her extra chances.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 1:42 pm Whether or not she takes the career seriously doesn’t really matter. Did you tell her she was expected at the meeting, or did you tell her she could come if she wanted to? Because if you told her she was expected and she no-showed, no-called an important external meeting of this magnitude (international participants), that is a big time flake-out. The reason being about a child has nothing to do with it. Her gender has nothing to do with it. She missed an important meeting for a non-emergency (not a car wreck, not taking anyone to the hospital) *and* didn’t call or text. Last time I checked, neither my lady parts nor my kids prevent me from using my phone. If she were clearly expected, this would make me not promote a temp to a permanent position. Now, if you gave her the impression that this meeting was optional or that she was being invited as a favor solely for her benefit, my answer would be different. That’s really the crux, to me.
pansies* September 29, 2023 at 2:04 pm So, by definition the temp isn’t used to working. So, probably she hasn’t worked out a system with her spouse, if she has one. Also “daily use item” … I have no idea. The only thing that comes to mind is lunch or a raincoat. And, you’re right that giving that to the school after the big meeting would have made more sense. Your temp worker probably has a bit of cognitive dissonance between “really interested in advancing my career” and “Need to do all the childcare things because it falls on me”. It would be a kindness to point this out to her – that you were taking them seriously about career advancement but missing this meeting left a bad impression, so the temp worker needs other systems in place.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:10 pm I don’t understand where you’re getting that the temp worker “by definition” isn’t used to working? Lots of people who are extremely used to working take temp contracts due to a layoff, or moving to a new city, or in a career transition, or because (like Hopeful Ex-Librarian upthread) they felt they had to quit a toxic situation. OP said the worker didn’t have direct llama grooming experience, not that this was their first job.
Capt. Liam Shaw* September 29, 2023 at 2:30 pm It is only sexism if you would treat a man differently on this. What jumps out to me is this is a temp employee. If I were a temp and I had my boss say something likeminded “good for my career” I would make sure I made it to whatever.
NaoNao* September 29, 2023 at 3:45 pm These kind of “hobnob with Ultra Shiny Best in Class Experts” opportunities don’t really translate into easily-understandable, actionable, concrete steps in career development, though. Especially for a newly back to the workforce *temp*. I think next time spell out exactly WHY and HOW it’s a good opportunity “You’ll have a chance to ask So and So about their career path, certifications, and what professional development opportunities they made use of to get where they are” or “you know how you said you were interested in U/X? Well, this is a great chance to see some of the best in action and things like this will be a solid checkbox item when temp to perm time comes around.” Or whatever. Honestly, listening to World Renowned Experts pontificate is one of my least favorite activities, and I 100% get why she declined to go as a temp–I’d be tempted to decline as a FTE! But not giving you a clear heads-up that she’s not going isn’t cool, I get that.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:48 pm I manage a team that is almost all men and deal with the literal same situation, so feel your pain (this is my largest pet peeve as a manager since it’s so awkward, wondering if they’re going to show up). I don’t see the sexist slant at all. Tell her what you wrote here and extend opportunities a few more times and see if it’s a pattern. Also sometimes beginning of day is bad precisely for this reason.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 3:27 am She no call, no showed. That’s a bad impression, kid or no kid. Plenty of people miss meetings for all sorts of reasons — they typically call or text or email. She could have shot a quick message. It’s basic communication and it’s a yellow flag to me with the information that it’s not an emergency. It would make me feel that if I was gonna invest resources into this person, I’d been to watch a little more closely than I would want…just put me on edge until I can find my footing again or see if it’s a pattern. Did you talk to her about this and how it makes you feel in terms of putting time into mentorship and their career development? However, you can’t know if she’s serious. This isn’t a job interview, it’s a call with other professionals that sounds like it was gonna happen whether she is there or not. I’m more concerned on why misogyny came into this.
Turingtested* September 30, 2023 at 1:59 pm Thank you. I’m concerned about misogyny because I’m a working mother who spent 15 years getting my ducks in a row before having a child. I didn’t want non emergency situations to interfere with work and they haven’t. I’m concerned that I’m potentially judging someone for not being like me, rather than on the basis of work. But given the responses, it seems like half the people think I’m being outrageous and half understand so I don’t think it’s a gender thing. But yes, I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth sinking extra resources into this person or not. I like the idea of extending a few more opportunities and seeing how it goes.
Rach* September 30, 2023 at 6:18 pm Imagine the temp was male in the exact same scenario. Do your feelings shift? Would you have thought “ugh he missed a great opportunity, but he’s such a good dad!” Or “there will be other chances for him to network” Bottom line- if it was a man, would you think he wasn’t taking his career seriously? If so, that’s a clue that your reaction might be misogynistic. If you truly think you’d have had the same reaction regardless of gender, then I think there’s some larger views you should work on reframing here; such as having empathy and emotional intelligence.
Anon is looking for a job* September 29, 2023 at 12:30 pm I am starting a new job search after 5 years and I have a question about cover letters. Yes, I know many people hate them and don’t want to do them, this question is not for you! I *want* to do a cover letter as I want to take a slight shift in my next job. Think: I’m an apple picker and have been a darn good one for 20 ys but I want to shift into apple picking that focuses on sorting and cataloging. Due to that I want to highlight that I have been doing that. Yes, my resume does have this info but a good cover letter can discuss more. My problem is that the newer application systems, while are awesome that they are so streamlined, some are only allowing a resume. What I did in my last search was to create one PDF that had my resume as the first 2 pages and the third page was the cover letter. This way they see what they requested and then have the additional info of the cover letter afterwards. What are thoughts around doing this? Bonus points if you are a hiring manager to give your thoughts.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 12:37 pm I’m a hiring manager that loves cover letters for exactly this reason. I require them because 1) it tests the applicant’s ability to read and follow basic instructions and 2) it gives the applicant space to tell me things that the resume won’t. I think what you are doing is fine. Obviously it’s not the best option, but it’s the best that the software will allow. I do recommend some analytics- track how many applications you do this approach on and how many you get a call from. See if that percentage is lower than your overall percentage. When I apply for jobs, I keep a spreadsheet that tracks all this kind of stuff- partially because I’m a nerd, partially because it gives me data to help tailor what I’m doing.
Anon is looking for a job* September 29, 2023 at 6:38 pm I love data and tracking things and will do this! I will add this to my tracking sheet (which I also have!).
RiskyBusiness* September 29, 2023 at 7:47 pm Your cover letter would get thrown out at every place I’ve worked – I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates at many different companies and never once seen a cover letter from a candidate. If you sent it attached to your resume when a resume was requested you might get dinged/tossed out for not following instructions or they might just remove that part before passing it on. Some places would have assumed it was a three page resume and tossed it without reviewing it for violating norms that resumes not go over two pages. Clearly there are some folks who would like it based on the other responses, but I would consider it risky. That said, if you feel your resume would not be sufficient to get you an interview on its own it may be a risk worth taking.
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 1:26 pm Also a hiring manager. We request cover letters, but won’t auto-reject if there isn’t one. However, for people that are looking to switch careers, don’t have clearly related experience on their resume, etc. a cover letter is a must. I have plenty of candidates that I can see relevant experience for, so if I can’t see that and there is no cover letter explaining it, I’m going to pass. As for formatting, you’re doing exactly what I would do if there wasn’t an option to upload two files.
Toxic Workplace Survivor* September 29, 2023 at 5:42 pm When hiring I am happy to have PDFs that include cover letter and resume because I want the cover letter too! Some of these systems make it hard to do it separately and I am a fan of any system that gets me the info that I need to decide if I’m moving the candidate forward in the process.
Anon is looking for a job* September 29, 2023 at 6:39 pm Thanks all for your replies. I will start putting my cover letter with my resume PDF.
GythaOgden* September 30, 2023 at 10:09 am I have a short blurb at the top of my CV that states what I’m doing right now and what I want out of a job. Like receptionist with ten years experience in public healthcare admin looking to advance into a more clerical role. My mum (someone who’s been a hiring manager) wanted me to put on a bit about why I’d stayed so long in my current job because of personal stuff, but a colleague looking over my CV for me told me to cut it. It’s not more than a hundred words or so if that, but it is a standard part of most CV templates out there for UK users at least and it helps to have it front and centre on the applications from job websites that only wanted a CV or where you could one-click apply as long as your profile is complete. I’ve also had recruiters call me directly after uploading it. For me with a choppy work history due to neurological challenges and personal issues getting in the way of career development, it’s really important for me to have that tool because my CV alone isn’t that impressive. It’s hard work to get it right but I’ve found that if the job is the right thing for me, I’ve had very little trouble writing something that gets me an interview.
867-5309* September 29, 2023 at 12:46 pm Without getting into all the background of how I landed here, I am so excited to share that I finally did it: I was laid off and the thought of getting another executive-level corporate position was giving my panic attacks. However, so was the thought of paying my nearly-$3,000 a month rent. My landlord let me out of my lease early, I put all my stuff in storage, found a part-time freelancing gig + signed up for Task Rabbit, and now I am traveling the next 12 months. By eliminating the expense of a household, it frees up my income significantly. I know I am privileged in this way as I am not married and do not have kids (not that I wouldn’t like both!) and my friends and family are super supportive so I can couch and guest room surf to supplement staying at KOAs, cheap Airbnbs and the occasional hotel. Sometimes, I panic, thinking about how much I could me making and why did I blow up my life like this, and I see a VP or CMO role that is perfect… But I am so exhausted from feeding the capitalist machine for the last +20 years. I felt like this crew would understand more than most the burn out that led to this path and I also wanted to share in case those who are wondering if they are losing their mind stressed out if there is a light at the end of the tunnel to say there is.
Square Root of Minus One* September 29, 2023 at 1:06 pm I do understand and I do envy you. I don’t nourish the capitalist monster, but in government I need to have faith we’re not heading to the wall and I’m losing that faith. I feel useful, but I feel sabotaged and I’m tired to beg for pennies. Last month I told my partner I needed a break. He shut it down directly. We have to pay rent, too. It made me cry. We talked, and he’s more open to figure out a way. It made me feel better. I’m still there but burning out… and looking elsewhere. A job that doesn’t drain me, so I can start to pursue other dreams, like finally being a writer.
867-5309* September 29, 2023 at 2:47 pm I am not sure if you work for the US government but if so, I am just sorry. It is a cluster of epic proportion and my family members are so stressed out about the pending shutdown. Even if not Federal, government generally is tough in our country right now. All I can say is that… for me, I had to completely blow up my life and accept the uncertainty because what I’ve been doing is not working for my mental and emotional health. Check out the book and/or movie, “Nomadland.” It is a searing look at the realities of what is happening to the middle class and a pretty interesting look at people who should be retiring and instead made the hard decision to give up their home (the biggest expense) and travel looking for work. Both unfortunately and frustrating, but also a testament to what we all have inside us to make life work. Hang in there.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 3:17 pm Thanks for sharing! Very cool that you’re making this work. I appreciate the reminder that there are more options out there than just “9-5 grind, paying a mortgage/rent.”
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:13 pm That sounds exciting! After having just come off 8 years of freelancing, I don’t miss it and am super happy to be back in a nice stable situation. But I’m glad I did it, and glad you have figured out a way to make it work for you.
Optimus* September 29, 2023 at 12:49 pm Is there any legal protection for an employee whose coworkers are complaining about her pumping at work? Not complaining about her being unavailable for a minutes but just complaining because a pump is there in her (not shared) office, and it upsets them to see it?
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 12:51 pm Complaining TO her? That could certainly be considered harassment depending on the frequency and content. Either way HR or their manager should shut it down immediately.
Optimus* September 29, 2023 at 1:36 pm Complaining about her… to the manager… who then came to tell her about it.
FashionablyEvil* September 29, 2023 at 2:15 pm Manager should be telling the employees to step off. Good gravy.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:24 pm +1 and should not be telling her, IMO. I could hear other thoughts on that, but I think it’s one more thing a pumping mother shouldn’t have to think about. But if it does have to be shared I’d share it in the context of “this is handled, you don’t need to do anything different, but I didn’t want to keep you out of the loop about a conversation that regards you.”
The New Wanderer* September 29, 2023 at 2:04 pm Even complaining about her, especially if it could get back to her. I can’t speak to the legal aspect but it doesn’t seem like it would be. But it’s definitely an issue for HR or management!
867-5309* September 29, 2023 at 12:57 pm I will let the attorneys weigh-in on the legality but… Are they just seeing the pump or seeing it in-use?
Optimus* September 29, 2023 at 1:35 pm Just seeing it in her office. NOT seeing it in use, just seeing equipment in the back of the office.
867-5309* September 29, 2023 at 2:30 pm That is so bizarre. It reminds me of the letter writer who got in trouble because coworkers so tampons or something in their car.
Fluffy Fish* September 29, 2023 at 1:50 pm Well generally speaking, she’s legally protected to pump at work. However I doubt there’s anything legally speaking that prevents coworkers from expressing they don’t want to see a pump. That said – an employer has every right to tell employees to knock off bad behavior (and in this case to grow-the hell up). I’d probably say something along the lines of – Allowing for pumping at work is a legal mandate. You don’t have to like it but you need to cease commenting on it.
Schrodinger's Cat* September 29, 2023 at 2:01 pm Are you their manager or a fellow coworker? I think I’d tell them she is legally entitled to have and use a medical device that happens to be a pump at work and to lay off the complaints because it makes them sound like middle schoolers. If you are their manager and you hear about more complaints then you can escalate further. I am rolling my eyes so hard at this one – when I was pumping I overheard one of my coworkers complain because he saw a small cooler in the fridge. Yes it had breastmilk in it, but it was a closed cooler, for goodness sake. I lost a great deal of respect for him in that moment.
Optimus* September 29, 2023 at 3:13 pm Oh, I wish I were a manager or coworker, I’m just a friend. Manager actually informed her that because it’s making (anonymous) people uncomfortable, she needs to do a better job of hiding the equipment. Friend pushed back but I doubt she will have a lot of support. No idea if her HR is the type who will nip this or will side with manager.
Lainey L. L-C* September 29, 2023 at 3:34 pm Anonymous people need to grow up and be adults. What in the world???
goddessoftransitory* September 30, 2023 at 7:29 pm Oh, FFS. Does you work in a kindergarten for fainting goats? Simply seeing a pump is part of office life–she wasn’t using it in the middle of the cube farm or parading it about while pronouncing she was about to attach it to her boob. I am so sick and tired of people whipping out “discomfort” in order to make their target uncomfortable when that person is not doing anything brazen or illegal.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 2:12 pm I don’t know. Is the pump stored next to her tampons? /s Just when you think you’ve heard everything!
Double A* September 29, 2023 at 3:44 pm Not a lawyer of course but it seems like this could be a brewing hostile workplace complaint because pumping is related to gender which is a protected class. Also what on earth is wrong with your coworkers? This is like being upset she has breasts under her shirt. They cannot see them and should not be thinking about them and definitely shouldn’t tell anyone if they are.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:16 pm Most pumps I’ve ever seen come in a specially designed bag that looks like a backpack or tote. They’re complaining about the bag?
Tangerina Warbleworth* September 29, 2023 at 9:43 pm Why, exactly, does it bother the complainer to see a breast pump? Is it a woman who can’t have children and she feels triggered? (Response: I’m so sorry, but your co-worker is doing nothing wrong, you can use our EAP for therapy). Is it a dude from the nineteenth century who is Offended by lady things? (Response: you are way out of line; I have scheduled you to go to sexual harassment training on these days and times, you go or you lose your job). I know that sometimes the reason doesn’t matter, but I feel like in this case it does. Assumptions never help; it’s better to ask directly and use the info to make a decision that fits.
Square Root of Minus One* September 29, 2023 at 12:52 pm I work government. I transferred sites last year after 6 years on another, and 2 months later we got a new site manager (the previous one retired). New boss projected the image of reform, modernization and efficiency, so I was hopeful. Almost a year later… Not much has changed that I can perceive. Did our KPIs improve? Meh. Did they get reformed to be more pertinent? meh again. Are our staffing issues solved? No. Is everyone happier? Still no. “He speaks a lot but doesn’t do much” seems to be the consensus among staff. My personal pet peeves are more: – his “I need you to be convinced [his way] is the best and defend it like it’s yours” (it’s not: in both instances, I don’t know, not enough data, and certainly don’t take him saying so as proof) – the fact that he’s spouting management theories but I still have to insist to get a timeline for a task or an order of priorities. His four reports seem entirely unconvinced by him, including (especially?) my own boss. He’s been a manager 20 years, is apparently headhunted a lot… and I just can’t see it. Not asking for advice really but feel free to share your experience. Maybe I am failing to see something?
Lalaith* September 29, 2023 at 12:52 pm I’m having issues with the taxes being taken out of my paycheck. My main question is – do I need an accountant for this? How would I go about finding an accountant just to fix one issue? The situation: From January to late April, everything was normal. In late April I went on Paid Family Leave for 12 weeks. When I came back, my paychecks started coming from a different corporate account (with no explanation), and my federal tax withholding is wayyyy too low. I brought this up with our (one) HR person, and they said they brought it up with our payroll specialist (I have no idea who that is – this is a tiny company and I’m assuming it’s someone external) and I’m “correctly listed as married filing jointly”. So… any advice on steps I can take to get it fixed? Or whether I should find an accountant?
WestsideStory* September 29, 2023 at 11:28 pm Married filing jointly does affect the federal tax withholding in some cases – if you are on a portal system such as ADP’s you may be able to make a correction yourself online. But before you do anything, ask around and get a recommendation for an accountant.
Dancing Otter* September 30, 2023 at 2:05 pm To fix the issue: You can ask for additional tax to be withheld. Look at the difference between the prior withholding and current for a rough estimate of the additional amount to authorize. Also, the IRS website (IRS dot gov) includes a withholding calculator. You don’t need a trained accountant to use it, if you want to verify how much they ought to be withholding. As for the reason it happened: Have you changed the amount of any pre-tax deductions such as 401K? That would change the amount of taxable income subject to withholding. Some programs calculate how much to withhold based on YTD cumulative rather than current period earnings. If your FMLA was paid at less than your full salary, that would reduce your earnings to date. It’s worth asking, if you can track down the payroll specialist. The payroll processing program may have been updated without sufficient testing. Though it is possible that they were withholding too much before rather than too little now. Did you get a significant refund last year? Was the FMLA by any chance maternity leave? It almost sounds as though someone “helpfully” added an additional exemption to your W4. (Changing a W4 other than at the employee’s request is actually not permissible, but some people are just busybodies.)
WheresMyPen* September 29, 2023 at 12:57 pm Any ideas on how to record accomplishments and lessons learned at work? I’m taking on more projects and doing lots of different kinds of work and am learning lots of good lessons (sometimes through mistakes!) and think it would be useful to document each thing I’ve done, what went well, what could’ve gone better etc for my own growth and to refer back to. Are there any templates for this or is good old journaling the best way to go?
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 1:08 pm My company actually has people make presentations about these for big initiatives. They start with an initial summary and timeline. Then they list out each important topic, the original thinking on that topic, and then the actual outcome. At the end, they summarize the lessons learned and discuss what can be done differently next time.
Square Root of Minus One* September 29, 2023 at 1:17 pm I combine both, for another purpose. I jot down a few lines every day, and once a week I re-read the seven entries and fill a one-page form I drew up. Something like that with “what did I learn, like, dislike, think of”, could work for you. Also: for accomplishments, save e-mails you get praising your work. They’re great for rainy days.
The Prettiest Curse* September 29, 2023 at 5:35 pm For the annual event that I organise, as soon as it’s over (the day after), I create a Word document with notes/lessons learned from this year’s event fot the next year’s event. Most of the stuff in the document is bullet points saying things like “use a different printer for this banner next year” or “put a big sign saying FOOD THIS WAY in this location next year.” There are about 10 different categories in this document, covering venue, catering, pre-event logistics, day-of-event logistics etc. I go back and add/edit stuff to this document throughout the year, and also consult it repeatedly in the run-up to the event to refresh my memory of how the event ran in previous years. So I’d create a document for each project (or project category), organise by topic, add items while the project is still fresh in yout mind and edit and return to it frequently to refresh your memory and add new content. An added bonus is that these documents also help to create institutional memory of how to these projects work. The most important thing is to step back in your mind and look at the project like you’re not involved in it. I will always try to walk though our event venue like I’m an attendee instead of the person who planned the event to see if the floor plan and signage makes sense. The documents you create for your projects will be the equivalent of that walk-through.
Anna Badger* September 30, 2023 at 5:03 am I use a spreadsheet, with columns for the date, the business area and the details – means you can sort by time and topic
Marie* September 29, 2023 at 1:05 pm My office is a dumpster fire. Something else from me. With the way the economy is, the higher ups are taking any and all business. The customers are allowed to treat us like dirt. This is an office job where all customer contact is via phone/email. Higher ups don’t care how we’re treated. Us desk level employees are told to just suck it up. We’re not allowed to say anything and higher ups won’t say a word to customers either. Customers are allowed to run roughshod over us and no one gives a flying fuck. Grrr.
Filthy Vulgar Mercenary* September 30, 2023 at 1:45 pm Sounds like time to download AAM’s free ebook from this site and go someplace you can thrive, before your health is damaged and your work norms are too! You deserve better.
Limerick* September 29, 2023 at 1:08 pm At interview how do you handle the question relating to why you are looking to leave your current role elsewhere…..when you’ve already put your resignation in and are working your notice? My current job is being advertised publicly so all prospective new employer has to do is look up online and see my role is open (it’s an individual contributor role so will definitely be obviously mine). Usually I’m either still in a job or I’ve already left it a few months earlier so can spin it some kind of way. For context the real reason I’m leaving is a dreadful manager and an increasingly toxic environment, I’m one of many staff leaving, and I decided to resign without a job to go to for my sanity.
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 1:16 pm The job was not the right fit. You’re looking for a different work/life balance. Unreasonable workload, or lack of communication on priorities & duties, or lack of transparency from management. (With maybe one short, specific example to clarify the situation is bonkers, but stating it in a very matter-of-fact, unemotional way.) But … why would the hiring committee look on a job board to see whether or not your current company is hiring for your role? Is that what comes up on the first page when you google your title and company? Is there enough detail or specific information to make it clear that it is in fact your role?
Tio* September 29, 2023 at 3:15 pm Really curious how they would know it’s your role and not just a similar one. My company hires multiples of the same role, particularly at entry level, because our in-company titles are very generic. Think we have 4 Teapot Manager – all are listed as Teapot Managers in the system, but our full titles are more like Teapot Painting Manager, Teapot Assembly Manager, Teapot Quality Manager, Teapot Planning Manager. And we have like 20-30 Teapot Assistants split among us.
Limerick* September 29, 2023 at 4:27 pm Small non-profit and the role is the kind you’d only have one of, eg Director of Communications.
BellyButton* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm I take this question and turn it around from not why I am leaving but why I want the job. “I am ready for a new opportunity and I saw {role} and because of XYZ I thought it would be great fit because I have experience in…”
Sherm* September 29, 2023 at 1:28 pm I think the usual advice applies, to give reasons dispassionately, to talk about how your work/career was impacted, rather than making judgments on people. Be sure to keep it short and then move on to why the new job appeals to you. In any event, even though your job is advertised publicly, people are busy, and it won’t be as easy for them to find the listing as it was for you, so I have my doubts that they are going to find out that way.
Tempted* September 29, 2023 at 1:08 pm Back in 2019 I left a high stress job at a non profit for health reasons. Just before covid I was interviewing for consulting, but that fell apart. Fortunately finances aren’t a huge concern, but yesterday I saw a very part time virtual job listed for a nonprofit. I’ve been keeping busy with volunteering, occasional traveling, and trying to stay healthy, but this looks interesting. It’s more of an administrative position than my previous managerial roles, but the mission is a good one, and I like the covid safe aspect of it. Any things I should keep in mind as I look into it?
Limerick* September 29, 2023 at 1:15 pm Would the potential new employer think you’d be underemployed taking a role like this given your previous one? And if so do you have a counter to that concern?
I'm Just here for the cats!* September 29, 2023 at 1:17 pm Definitely show why you like this non profit, especially if its a big change from your previous work.
Tempted* September 29, 2023 at 4:28 pm They certainly should wonder. I can talk about how I wanted to take a step back, but find meaningful part time work at a nonprofit with a compelling mission.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:33 pm If you’re looking for very part time work, keep an eye out for job creep, ie oh just work this extra event for free, oh just stay an extra 2 hrs for this project etc. Especially at nonprofits you need to be good at setting boundaries with work hours. A lot of places that are hiring part time cannot afford to pay full time, rather than they lack enough work for full time
Tempted* September 29, 2023 at 4:24 pm Yep! That’s part of the reason I don’t want to take a part time job in my area of expertise. I have a dear friend/past colleague who works “only four days a week” but rarely puts in under 40 hours. And it’s the sort of thing that’s super hard to let go of at the end of the day, and often has night and weekend activities.
EA* September 29, 2023 at 11:58 pm Make sure that you’re really OK with a role in which you won’t be the one managing and will be fine just doing admin tasks. It can be hard to go from a role where you make strategic decisions to one where you mainly carry out tasks (whether you agree or not with the strategy).
Mimmy* September 29, 2023 at 1:15 pm I think I need to redirect my job search and could use some guidance. Apologies for the length! **TL;DR: Too much education, too little relevant experience. Do I refocus my job search? Develop better interview talking points? Trying to avoid more education but I am self-training on some topics.** Since completing a masters degree in June of last year, I have been looking for a job in my desired field (disability accommodations in higher education). I know job searching can take a long time, but I’m just not having much luck at all. There are a lot of factors in play—too many to fully explain here—I’ll try to summarize. First, I have a lot of education but little hands-on experience working with disability accommodations. I’ve been working with people with disabilities at a voc rehab training program for over 6 years. However, the scope of my job is limited and hasn’t grown much, and I think it’s held me back. My supervisor is aware that I’ve wanted to expand my role, but being a state agency, her hands are probably tied in what opportunities she can offer. Second, I’m getting interviews…the rub is that I do not interview well, which I freely admit, so I’ve never gotten past the first round. One challenge is conveying that my skills, knowledge and experience can be transferable. Part of it could be that I mainly talk about my current job even though I have a lot of other work and volunteer experience; I worry that my history is too scattered and that the other positions go too far back to speak about. I also have a lot of difficulty with behavioral interview questions, which some readers have helped me with. Third, the types of jobs I’m looking for are fairly niche, so unless I do a full cross-country search, the jobs are few and far between. Lastly, I have a few disabilities that make this process especially challenging—that’s a whole post in itself. Bottom line: I’m beginning to think that I am applying for positions that are beyond my skills and experience. I deluded myself into thinking that (online) classroom knowledge plus my current employment in a somewhat adjacent field would get me in the door. I did have a couple of internships, one was part of my masters program, but they involved either shadowing or focused on an area I’m not really interested in. I have some ideas of what I should focus on, but I’m really trying to resist the urge to get additional training or certifications, although I have found a couple of courses on Coursera that I can audit for free. I just need help talking through resolving this – either refocus my interview answers and/or switch from general accommodation coordination to something more specialized. Or switch settings entirely. I know I’ve done a poor job of planning all of this, so please be gentle in your suggestions!
fine tipped pen aficionado* September 29, 2023 at 1:44 pm I am in no way an expert but that seems like a really specific field! You may have better luck getting your foot in the door so to speak with a role in disability accommodations more broadly? As for your interview, I think drawing most of your examples from your current role is your best approach. You’re right that you don’t want to fish too far back in your history unless it’s for a particularly powerful, relevant detail. And I’m sorry to say I’ve been on a lot of interview panels and people really devalue volunteer work. (There is a relationship between this and how it’s usually women who bring up their volunteer work in interviews, but I won’t derail.) It seems to me that you’re being too hard on yourself and finding a role that specific is just going to naturally take a long time. I’m not in higher education but I understand the positions to be limited, the turnover to be slow, and the hiring process to be even slower. If you want to make a change, I’d recommend you keep practicing those interview skills and maybe consider orgs outside higher ed as your first role in this niche. :) Good luck!
Mimmy* September 29, 2023 at 1:57 pm I should clarify that most of my volunteering isn’t in the traditional sense. Rather, they’ve entailed serving on advisory councils and proposal review committees.
Reba* September 29, 2023 at 1:47 pm Are you willing to move? Do you live or could you live in an area with lots of colleges and universities? Are you open to broadening to other roles in a target institution? I don’t think you have “too much” education, but yeah more is not the answer :) From what you have written I would focus on continuing t improve your interviewing (ie. practice!) and how you tell the story of your experience and interests.
Mimmy* September 29, 2023 at 2:03 pm Unfortunately, we are not in a position to move at this point. It’s definitely crossed my mind, though. I’ve also thought about broadening my options. It seems like non-faculty jobs in higher education in general are either very entry level or require experience. I just have to find the right position and institution that will put me on the right path.
Jaunty Banana Hat I* September 29, 2023 at 3:06 pm That is it right there. You can get in either at entry level and work your way up–which is only going to be possible in some institutions–or come in with experience. It’s very difficult to come in with just education, because higher ed has a LOT of people who have a lot of education, so experience tends to stand out more/be more valued than people would assume.
pally* September 29, 2023 at 2:13 pm Is there any kind of professional organization that applies to the field you are in? Can you do some searching and reaching out to them? They may have some concrete suggestions on why you aren’t “closing the deal”. It may be that it’s got nothing at all to do with the amount of education or how you interview. Or the work history or the caliber of volunteer work you are doing. It maybe something you never thought about. You can find help to gain skill with interviewing. Career centers can help with that aspect. Might also check any local adult education centers for classes or seminars for these things. Toastmasters even. I attended a ”find a job’ class where we role played and I, as an interviewer, gained a lot of insight on keeping an interviewer’s interest (hints: be brief. No need to cover every single detail. Let them ask the follow-up questions to get the details. Find what it is about your work experiences that speaks to you. Then relate it in these terms. Don’t just rattle of where you’ve been and the dates. Try:” I did llama grooming as it provided me with an avenue to working with animals. Seeing to their welfare gave me great satisfaction knowing I made their lives better taking off all that fur in the summer heat.)
CoffeeIsMyFriend* September 29, 2023 at 2:16 pm honestly a big part of the issue is that the jobs are “few and far between” so you are competing with people with more experience I don’t think you need additional training widen your search to more jobs in the field in general? at the college where i work people often get their foot in the door with one job and apply to other opportunities and we often hire internally. can widen your geographic area?
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 2:23 pm One thing I haven’t seen in your write up is what you are doing about “not interviewing well.” What is the issue? Do you need to practice more? Take notes?
Mimmy* October 1, 2023 at 12:15 pm Just wanted to thank everyone for their responses! On the interview front: I’ve tried a couple of mock interviews through my most recent school’s career services. I think I need to do more because, while helpful, neither hit upon the feedback I was looking for, such as whether I’m coming across confidently and ways I could answer certain questions better. I’ve come up with answers and examples in preparation for future interviews, but I’ve never shared them with anyone to see if they are effective–I should probably do that. Getting my foot in the door: I need to be really strategic about this. When I first interviewed for my current job, the position was presented to me as assisting in multiple areas at the voc rehab training center, which I saw as a real opportunity to gain skills and knowledge that would help me with my long-term career goals. However, not long after starting the job, it became clear I was going to work exclusively in one area. I brought up the discrepancy a couple of times to my supervisor and she got tired of hearing it so I gave up. My onboarding was not great, and I did not feel inspired by the co-instructor. She was often negative and think she resented me somewhat. This is a state-run program, so they are probably very limited on fostering employee growth since civil service work is so tightly defined and very bureaucratic. I imagine higher education is very similar, so that’s not lost on me. Pally asked about professional associations: Yes, there is such an association for my desired field, which is one thing that attracts me to this field because of the wealth of resources available. This includes a very active discussion forum where members post questions and experienced professionals offer guidance and insights; I read these boards every day to keep up with the latest issues. I’ve reached out before to members. I’ll have to go back and re-read their suggestions and maybe reach out again.
Chirpy* September 29, 2023 at 1:16 pm I don’t even know what to ask right now. I just feel like everything keeps going wrong in such a way that I can’t even apply to other jobs currently, yet my current job just keeps getting worse, I’m very burnt out, and constant borderline overuse injuries/ unsupportive coworkers/ management…. and I just don’t feel like any good job will ever actually hire me, I have a 100% success rate at finding jobs where I’m not valued (until I leave, then they beg me to come back, but can’t do even the smallest thing to retain me before I leave). Half the time it also seems to be that I’m just too young/old/single/childless/female/not feminine enough(?) to fit in? And most of my jobs have been crappy, so I can’t get experience in something I’d actually want to do. I’d love therapy but even Better Help is too expensive currently. I can’t get any answers on using my (crappy, very basic) insurance from anyone, either. Plus our benefits provider may have leaked my info.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:38 pm Some journal questions for you, What are you proud of? What were you good at as a child? What activities make you smile? What is a conversation topic that makes you light up? What makes you feel accomplished? What new hobbies do you want to try someday? When does time seem to fly? What type of entertainment do you gravitate towards? What do people ask you for help with? What abilities do you find easy without struggle? Find the things that spark joy. It’s easy to get stuck. Sometimes we gotta retrain our brains to cast a wider net. Sometimes finding stuff that makes you happy makes the rest of the dumpster fire more manageable too.
Chirpy* September 29, 2023 at 2:56 pm The things that spark joy for me either don’t pay well, are very niche jobs, or I don’t have the skills/connections/location to do professionally, or that I can’t even do for fun because my current crappy job has bad hours and bad pay (literally, I could finish a volunteer certification *tomorrow* if I didn’t have to work…and because I can’t go tomorrow, it’s going to be months until I can get to the next event to get certified, because it’s probably the last chance until spring. I can participate in the organization without it, but I can’t lead anything.) Conversation topics that make me light up tend to be the ones I need to go to these events to meet people who also enjoy those things, as I’m just a nerd whose similarly interested friends all live far away, or stopped talking to me once they found significant others/ had kids.
Stuckinacrazyjob* September 29, 2023 at 5:41 pm Same. I like writing and chilling with kids. You’re gonna have to eat an elephant one bite at a time
retired3* September 30, 2023 at 7:48 pm Disney Channel offers some very good ideas. It looks like your reaction is to be negative and dismissive and not to really “listen” or read what is there with the intention it is offered. Is this common for you? You are the only one who can change you. It just feels like you are in a swirl of negativity and inattention. I think using Disney’s suggestions is to grab something and to really think about it, noticing your feelings and history…that’s what journaling is helpful for. It’s cheap, easy, and, in my experience, gives you privacy and space for some sometimes difficult honesty. You can be different and have different experiences, but the first steps can be very scary and difficult.
GythaOgden* October 1, 2023 at 2:56 am Yeah — this seems to be a big sticking point for you, Chirpy. I totally get your frustrations because the only way I could move on was to find someone who could champion me and see my potential rather than my lack of actual experience. My supervisor even said to me directly that if she gave me additional permissions to help take on some of her workload, she would have to do it for all her subordinates and thus she was effectively pulling the ladder up behind her, because even an internal job with people who didn’t know me needed me to have experience on those systems. But the first few steps are often mental — you have to take the time to get your head out of a negative place and thus project a persona that other people want to have around them. It’s hard and maybe therapy is beyond your reach, but you are in a vicious circle here and only you really have the power to break it. It also involves a bit of being personable and happy to lend a hand — people respond better and promote those who show potential in growth areas and pitch in when needed. I know how terrible this can be. I’ve been there several times in the last 25 years and it is really corrosive to your mental health. But I think you’ve been here with this same real question for a number of years now — since before the pandemic — and we can’t give you the answers. They really do have to come from within. The only person you can change is yourself.
Chirpy* October 1, 2023 at 2:33 pm This is just it – I feel like I need a champion, or at least backup, and I’ve never had it, even on small things. I mean, I literally just had a manager laugh off my request for help lifting heavy things after he asked how it was going. I’ve never been able to make people believe in me (yet, I have so much potential? but people don’t want to support me when I take a chance because they don’t want me to be disappointed if I fail?) And yes, I’m frustrated because this crappy job was supposed to be temporary, and I’m still here 5 years later. It just feels like the longer I’m here, the less anyone else thinks I’m worth, that clearly there’s something wrong with me, and my resume just looks worse and worse.
Chirpy* October 1, 2023 at 2:05 pm it’s just…I’ve done the journaling thing. I know generally what I’d like to do. I’ve just never been successful at convincing anyone to hire me for interesting jobs (with the exception of one where I was a nearly full-time volunteer for several months, which I can’t afford to do again, and it turned out to be an extremely toxic workplace.) And the jobs I would really excel at seem to be unicorns. I just seem to keep running into “the only one who can change you is you” which, sure, but how do I advance if no one will take a chance on me? Most people who know me say I’m personable and a hard worker, and very often my coworkers ask why I’m still in this crappy job. Everyone seems to think I should be doing great things…except I can’t seem to convince the people who could open the door. (and to be honest, I’m just kind of terrified that I will always be stuck in places that treat me like some kind of lesser human for being single/childless, because it comes up in my personal life too. I’m mostly ok with both myself, wouldn’t turn down the right person but if it never happens, so be it.)
DisneyChannelThis* October 2, 2023 at 9:18 am It’s a journal exercise. It’s going to help you find joy in your life again. It’s not a exercise designed to find you the perfect job. It’s supposed to help with yanking yourself up out of depression to where you can even see joy in the universe again. It’s a lot easier to job hunt and see possibilities and make reaches for things when you’re not in the bottom of a pit.
Chirpy* October 2, 2023 at 10:40 am I know what brings me joy. I literally cannot do most of it due to my job – I always have to work when there’s events, or practices, and most of them can’t be rearranged around my schedule. The stuff I can do at home by myself is limited by what I can afford to spend. I can’t afford to store my kayak locally, for example, so it’s 2+ hours away and I effectively can’t use it at all. Craft supplies cost money. Netflix costs money. I can’t get to the library easily due to my work hours. I’m just so stuck and stressed out all the time.
Chirpy* October 2, 2023 at 10:56 am It’s clearly affecting my job search. I often leave work in too much pain to even go for a walk. I only got a half-week of vacation this year because I had to use the rest of the days to get holiday weekends off to actually see my family. I might be able to take a day in a month when my vacation resets…except we’ll be in retail holiday blackout season, so it might not get approved. (I really, really want a new job before Black Friday….)
Daryush* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm Need advice on how to help my intern adjust to the working world. I strongly dislike him for a variety of reasons, and want to make sure I’m offering appropriate feedback to him regardless of my feelings towards him. The behavior that I think I might be able to change is, he talks a lot and has a tendency to think out loud at me rather than asking a question. These are generally questions where there’s nothing to figure out, either you know the answer or you don’t. Things like, what does a particular abbreviation mean. It doesn’t have to be a 5 minute conversation, and I’m getting tired of having to cut him off midway through his ramble. He also provides lengthy justifications of why he did what he did any time I critique his work. I get the vibe he’s approaching this internship like it’s a classroom setting, and he needs to “show his work” to get full credit. That’s really not the working world functions, at least not in my industry. How do I nicely tell him to shut the hell up and listen to me?
Kindness is not always the same as niceness* September 29, 2023 at 2:06 pm “I’ve noticed that you have a tendency to share your whole thought process before asking a question. I’m wondering why you do that?” Then, give him a chance to answer and see where the answer takes you. Where you want to get is to place where you can empathize, correct any incorrect assumptions, and then explain why it’s a problem and state clearly what needs to be done differently. “I understand _____. For a straightforward question, like what does this initialism mean, a brief question is better because I don’t need that much detail to be able to answer the question, and while I am happy to help, my time is also limited. So I need you to ask your questions more briefly.” For justifications, I think you can politely stop him after a reasonable explanation and then say something like “I understand why you did it. How can you do it differently in the future?” If the behavior doesn’t change, I think it would be a kindness to say something like “Work is different than school. At work, especially when you are new to the field, you need to spend more time listening and learning than talking.”
Daryush* September 29, 2023 at 2:14 pm These scripts are really helpful, thanks! I’ll let you know how it goes.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:42 pm oh man did you get my ex intern ?? He was a hot mess. I had luck with being really boring. Anytime he interrupted me to explain *why* he did it incorrect way I’d just pause then restart my entire spiel of how to do the right way over. Trained him to stop interjecting excuses pretty well. Any time of validating/encouraging him just turned into him thinking his wrong way of doing it was a genius idea. “I can see why you thought to do XYZ however we do ABC here” didn’t work with this kid. He tried to ask me to take notes for him once. Like no intern, you need to take your own notes on what I am teaching you….
Toxic Workplace Survivor* September 29, 2023 at 5:47 pm I wonder if it’s also worth a conversation about “here’s a question you should consider asking a colleague rather than interrupting your boss” as well? Especially for entry-level people or those onboarding in a remote environment, sometimes they need a nudge to say “Sam is the go-to person on the TPS process” or “When you’re going to your boss, try waiting until you have two or three things to discuss rather than popping in every time.”
brand new unofficial grievance officer* September 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm The name says it all — I just sat in on a colleague’s performance meeting as a union representative. It was very strained, though we were entirely within our rights. Now it’s time to watch for signs of retaliation. I’m hoping to get formal training from the union to do this work better, but it’ll be happening later, when the bad situations are happening now. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?
AnotherMelissa* September 29, 2023 at 1:22 pm I have no clue what to do about my job. I’m going to be brutally honest here while being vague, if that’s possible. I stayed home and raised my 5 kids for almost 17 years. I never had a job. I don’t volunteer. I literally had nothing to put on a resume when I found myself, (like many women in my position do,) in need of a job. So I lied. Because of that, I landed a job at a small, family business doing print and digital marketing for commercial businesses and political campaigns. I’m really, really good at it. I accidentally have become a political consultant and I have no training. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how to get out of this, but I keep falling up. I feel like every word I say is a lie and I’m coming home and crying everyday because at some point, people are going to find out, but now I’m in SO DEEP. I don’t know what to do but I have to keep my lights on and food in bellies.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:41 pm How long have you been working at the small, family business? Do you think you could get a similar job elsewhere? If you have been working there for a few years, you could put together a new resume (with no lies on it, just your factual work experience) and start applying to places. If you get hired at a new job on the merits of your work at this current small business, I think the lies will mostly be put to bed.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 3:02 pm Seconding this. A lie got you this first job, but everything you’ve done there since has been all you. Honestly, I’m pretty impressed. I’ve had candidates lie on resumes before, and they’re usually disasters that don’t last 6 months. If you’ve been succeeding, you’re already a lot stronger than you’re giving yourself credit for. A lie on your resume doesn’t make you good at a job. Oh, and pro tip from a fellow consultant- most of us are making it up as we go. We learn by experience and observation. We aren’t hired because we know the same thing everyone else does or because we have inherited the secrets of a collective of sages- we’ve seen things and learned valuable connections between cause and effect, and we can quickly look at a situation, diagnose it and propose solutions. We ask smart questions and make suggestions and are hyper aware of trade-offs. We are always learning and developing and making our own niche in the market. My current job is completely custom made for me, and the job description is basically “solve problems”. I get roped into random things that I have no business doing because I’m really good at articulating problems, troubleshooting solutions, and getting all the stakeholders to agree. I work in a firm of very, very smart people, and these talents are still extremely valuable.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 2:11 pm You are fine. The lying is regrettable, but honestly many people are in over their heads. Many jobs require experience and degrees that they don’t really need for the job. If you can do the work, I don’t see the problem. Work steadily, you have references now. Just take the fake jobs and experience and fake everything off your resume moving forward, now that you’re “legit.” However, stop lying if that’s a source of stress – at this point, you are causing your own problems. It sounds like you could keep the lights on and bellies full doing print and digital marketing for commercial businesses and political campaigns. You didn’t need to lie your way into consulting – if you’re lying for more money rather than being happy & grateful that your initial lie didn’t get caught, then the consequences are on you going forward & I have no sympathy. Greed is the downfall of man, etc, etc. You can live peacefully and happily being content with your day job since — tough love — you can’t seem to stomach being deceitful. You aren’t falling up — you’re lying and people are trusting you. You know exactly what to do, but I don’t know if you want to do it. Gently extract yourself from the situation by making one more lie (“home life issues” or something) or forge forward and understand there may be consequences.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 2:15 pm Upon re-read: is print and digital marketing (for politics) what you mean by political consultant? Are these the same jobs you’re talking about? In which case, the first paragraph still applies, but disregard the second half. I am just not use to marketing work being equated to political consultancy, which is a whole different wheelhouse in my mind. But not sure how you mean it — if it’s another job you went into, then second paragraph still applies.
Sherm* September 29, 2023 at 2:17 pm Well, imposter system is a thing, and if there’s any possibility that you’re really doing okay and your anxiety/guilt is getting the way, I would take the moment to re-assess and get trusted feedback on your performance. If you are confident that this is not the position for you, it may be worth it to go to the owners and explain that you feel that your skills much better fit the original position. It is difficult to find someone really, really good at their job, so they might be all ears.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:20 pm I mean, marketing is one of those things where the proof is absolutely in the pudding. If your marketing is accomplishing its intended purpose, then there you go. Done. Focus on your results, not your background.
WorkingRachel* September 30, 2023 at 10:24 am I like the advice to use this experience to find a new job. The initial lie was wrong but I understand why you did it. Now you are doing the thing, and doing it successfully. What you are doing day to day is not a lie. Marketing and consultancy are both make it up as you go along kinds of professions anyway, it’s not like you’re missing out on some magical concrete training or putting others in danger by, say, faking your way through being a surgeon. As long as you’re not doing something consistently dishonest, like lying about your metrics or something, I think you can sleep well at night. Yes, there is a risk that one day someone will find out you don’t have the experience you said you did, and then you could be fired, but I don’t know how likely that is. To get rid of that you can look for a new job based on this track record and not repeat whatever initial lies you told.
VP of Education* September 29, 2023 at 1:29 pm I worked in higher ed for about 7 years managing various education programs (and progressively working my way up the ladder). During COVID, my position was eliminated, and I took a job managing educational programs for an advocacy organization, which has been great experience and pay wise but I HAAAAAAAAATE working for a political organization. It’s been over 3 years and I’m ready to be done. Going back to a university would likely mean a substantial pay cut, though if I could find something that paid decent I would definitely be interested in returning to that setting – does anyone have suggestions for what other kinds of jobs I could look for? In the org where I work now, I am the VP of education and manage the education department and team. I’ve been applying around various places that would be essentially what I do now in a different setting, but haven’t been getting much action (I think because at this level most people have a master’s or a terminal degree and I don’t). I’m open to switching fields entirely but struggling to figure out what else I could do. Many thanks!
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 1:45 pm Are you looking at any companies that provide products for higher ed? (Software, pre-packaged training, various other tools, etc.)
Elsewise* September 29, 2023 at 1:38 pm I have an update! A few weeks ago I posted about meeting with my department director and the organizational VP about disability justice related to the idea of bringing our (currently fully remote) staff in-person for our monthly meetings. Well, thankfully two other employees agreed to sign up for that meeting. One of them requested that HR come as well. Our director was surprised when I pointed out that “you can get an accommodation” shouldn’t be the first response and can actually be super traumatic for a lot of people. I think in general the bosses were pretty receptive, but I’m not sure whether they’ll take any of our recommendations into account or not.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 2:53 pm Yay! I’m glad you had support from the other employees, and I’m glad the bosses handled themselves well in that meeting. Wishing you luck with having the bosses take your recommendations into account! Thank you again for raising awareness of these issues!
GoRemote* September 29, 2023 at 7:55 pm I’m confused. Why are you asking them to have a disability advocacy meeting onsite? Seems even more important to do those remotely than other meetings.
fhqwhgads* September 30, 2023 at 4:38 pm I thought it was a meeting about issues surrounding having (totally remote) people onsite monthly, not that this meeting was onsite.
Elspeth McGillicuddy* September 29, 2023 at 1:38 pm I had a zoom ‘interview’ yesterday that turned out to be a webinar trying to convince you to work for them (I think, I noped out of there as soon as I realized it was a webinar). They seemed a bit suspicious beforehand, so I’m not too disappointed. Anybody know what kind of scam this is? I’d run into a similar one once before and I’m curious.
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 1:42 pm Was it for insurance sales? I ran into that thing 10+ years ago.
Elspeth McGillicuddy* September 29, 2023 at 1:58 pm Their website says they do marketing, but it has a suspicious lack of anything talking about why you should hire them to do marketing, but quite a bit of very generic stuff about being a good place to work.
Antilles* September 29, 2023 at 2:15 pm Haven’t encountered it, but my guess would be the scam involves you needing to pay upfront for “required training”.
The New Wanderer* September 29, 2023 at 8:51 pm Or the thing where you do an unpaid day of shadowing an employee doing door to door sales or cold calls. Good call on signing out, sounds sketchy as hell!
Gracie* September 29, 2023 at 4:20 pm You see this sort of thing with MLM-adjacent sales/marketing companies that sometimes get called a “devil corp” by the people who compile lists of suspects. Direct selling or “field marketing” companies, usually door to door, using webinars and group interviews to rope people in. Cydcor, Credico, Smart Circle, Appco are a few of the names I see thrown around
Alyssa* September 29, 2023 at 1:42 pm How can I stop being hypercritical of myself at work? For context, I’ve never had a ton of confidence in the workplace, in part due to some truly demoralizing supervisors and in part just personality, I suppose. I also tend to make more or less lateral moves rather than trying to advance much (part of that is also about being an individual contributor, where I think advancement paths aren’t always clear). I find myself wondering if every choice I make is the right one, thinking of the most negative outcome and then trying to imagine how I can avoid it. Honestly, this can end up eating up a lot of my time and then I push myself to finish things I’ve started dreading. I just don’t know what are actionable steps I can take to let go more.
PrincessFlyingHedgehog* September 29, 2023 at 1:47 pm Does your work offer an employee assistance plan (EAP)? You may be able to get some limited counseling/therapy for free via their third party. That may be a good place to start to figure out if counseling/therapy would be helpful for you.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 1:49 pm This sounds like a problem for therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) might be the most helpful type of therapy, because the therapist will work with you on strategies to break the cycle of negative self-talk.
fine tipped pen aficionado* September 29, 2023 at 1:55 pm This one is tough because it’s different for everyone. If therapy isn’t available to you, I’d suggest a two-pronged approach of intentionally looking for things you do well and also getting curious about the root of your insecurity. Are you worried about the negative outcomes, how people see you, or how you see yourself? Once you answer that, keep asking why. When did it start? In what situations does it happen more often? If you change X or Y about the way you work, does that make it better or worse? It took a long time, but this is how I got started solving a similar issue with my therapist. Wishing you luck Alyssa!
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 2:51 pm Is this something that you do outside of work as well? I second the CBT recommendation- it helps retrain your brain into new thought cycles. Your brain basically has cognitive muscle memory- the thought patterns that you do a lot are the ones that you will automatically go into. They feel comforting because they are familiar, even if they are negative. When you break into new thought patterns, it feels uncomfortable and even unsafe, because it is new and unknown. That’s where CBT can help. A really simple thing I did was to keep an Accomplishment Journal. I realized that my brain kept focusing on what I *didn’t* do and ignoring what I *did* do. So at the end of each day I wrote down everything I *did* do. It could be little things like “I did the dishes” or big things like “completed that major project.” I included things like “my boss loved how I phrased the report”. Basically all positive- nothing negative allowed. It felt weird at first, but after a couple months I noticed that my mind was less focused on what I didn’t do and I was being kinder to myself. It helped my brain learn a different way of thinking.
Alyssa* September 29, 2023 at 3:22 pm That’s an interesting idea — I’ve gotten myself in the habit in the last several month of writing down 1-3 things each day that I thought were positive, but I haven’t really expanded that to include positive things about myself. This issue is something that does happen outside of work, but too a far lesser extent. Although I’ve been out of my previous difficult workplaces a long time, they were early roles and the idea that someone will think any mistake (or not-even-really-a-mistake) is the worst thing that’s ever happened has stuck with me.
keeping quiet* September 29, 2023 at 1:43 pm Not a question but just a mini vent to get some feelings out: I’ve been bored and burned out at my current job for a while now. The job itself is fine but my priorities took a huge shift because of COVID19 and I’ve really stagnated within the past year. I finally have landed a new job though I feel kind of bad because the content isn’t ideal, I’d give it a 7/10 rating (though the place and pay will be better). And there’s another job I’ve interviewed for where the content seems more up my alley, and I’d get a WFH day which I would love, but the hours and commute are kind of brutal (early in the morning, over an hour on public transit during rush hour for the in-person portions). I feel conflicted but ultimately feel like the adjacent QOL factors matter more as long as the job itself isn’t instantly repulsive. To me, the worst case scenario is I get burned out within a year and I can job hunt for something temp. Ultimately, I just need to leave my current place and at least get some novelty into my system at least for a bit.
Plushie* September 29, 2023 at 1:48 pm This might be somewhat of an HR question, but here goes: A friend of mine got laid off recently, and among the documents he was emailed from HR afterwards was a PDF listing all the staff *unaffected* by the layoffs – no names, but it shows Job Title Description, Department, and Age (I saw a screenshot). I can’t think of any legitimate reason that this should be shared with anyone who’s been let go (or anyone still with the company!). Wouldn’t someone’s age be considered sensitive personal info? It’s a medium-sized company with an employee directory, so one could easily figure out the age of most employees. Was this just an HR gaffe??
Sloanicota* September 29, 2023 at 1:53 pm It sounds like they’re trying to head off an age discrimination complaint, but I do think that’s a weird way to go about it (and kind of makes it seem more likely that they’re doing an age discrimination!).
Antilles* September 29, 2023 at 2:09 pm Yeah, that’s the only reason I can think of either. But honestly, to me, it feels like the Internet ‘shirt’ meme: The company’s “not involved in age discrimination” chart is making people ask a bunch of questions already answered by the chart.
Plushie* September 29, 2023 at 2:13 pm “Doing an age discrimination” lol. xD Thanks. I’m sad for my friend (he’s fine, thankfully), but I’m just so THOROUGHLY confused by this. Occam’s razor says they just messed up, but I can’t stop thinking about this! ??
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:09 pm Sounds like a CYA. Not a gaffe, I would almost guarantee someone made some kind of age discrimination accusation in their layoff meeting and this was a directive to respond to that. Without names it would be hard to argue it’s sensitive information, even if you could suss out basic information from the information given. “Is still employed” isn’t sensitive, neither is age really. Awkward and unnecessary though.
Capt. Liam Shaw* September 29, 2023 at 2:10 pm It is required by law to send out a list of laid off employees if you are over 40. I can’t remember if it included who was kept or not
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:18 pm I’ve never run a mass layoff, this is good to know! Article to follow confirming this
Capt. Liam Shaw* September 29, 2023 at 2:24 pm I just checked my old paperwork. Employees kept and laid off were listed.
Plushie* September 29, 2023 at 2:35 pm Thank you! Sorry you went through that, and hopefully you found something one million times better :)
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:18 pm
Plushie* September 29, 2023 at 2:28 pm Oh wow! I had no idea! You got it – I googled “employment law layoff 40” and found this on a legal-related website: “In addition to the above, an employer claiming to implement a reduction in force, defined as a termination of two or more employees, must also provide the terminated employee with the following information: * The job titles and ages of any other workers in the employee’s unit or department who are also being laid off; * The job titles and ages of all other workers in the employee’s unit or department who are being retained, that is, who are not being laid off; and * The eligibility factors used to determine who was laid off and who was retained. The purpose of this requirement is to provide the employee with information they can use to evaluate whether older employees have been targeted for termination, whether a particular employee has been targeted, or whether the RIF appears to be implemented fairly. In this situation, the advice of an experienced employment attorney is particularly important because they can help employees analyze the information provided and decide whether to pursue legal action against the employer or accept the severance and agree to the waiver.”
Clisby* September 29, 2023 at 2:39 pm That’s what I thought. My husband worked for a company a few years ago where there was a layoff, and at least the 40+ laid-off employees were sent some kind of list – I thought it was who was and wasn’t laid off, but maybe just those not laid off. (My husband wasn’t laid off, so I can’t ask him.) I thought it was so anybody thinking of age discrimination would know how many people over 40 weren’t laid off.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 2:19 pm Evil HR lady covers this:
Plushie* September 29, 2023 at 2:41 pm Well, well. I learning something today! (And I’m thankful that this is the law, even though it’s kind of awks. Workers rights!!) TY all!
MayBeRequired* September 29, 2023 at 8:00 pm There are certain jurisdictions where companies over a certain headcount are required to supply a lot of weird data like this to employees who are laid off, especially if the layoff us related to a specific corporate location closing. Some of these companies supply it at every layoff so they have a consistent process. Also, if HR staff last did layoffs at one of these companies they may think they have to do it even when they don’t. I don’t know for certain, but that’s my guess about what’s going on.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 1:51 pm My new job has theme Fridays a few times a month – Pink Out, or Team Color Day, etc. Like elementary school. It’s silly but I’m happy to be here, so okay. But today I am soooooo glad that I went very low-effort on Western Wear day. I don’t really have anything like that, so I went with jeans, an embroidered blouse and a turquoise necklace. Vaguely Southwest-y moreso than cowboy. The reason I am so very, very glad is because it turns out that Western Day is next week. Whew!
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 2:46 pm LOL! That’s hilarious! That does sound fun though. I’d enjoy a monthly theme Friday, but every week would get a bit much.
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 3:27 pm That happened to me in middle school for 70’s day. I bedecked myself in long strands of beads, peace signs on my face and a hideously amazing blue/brown floral print vintage dress. I showed up to every single person wearing normal clothes and realized quickly I got the date wrong. I never showed up already on theme again.
Friday Person* September 29, 2023 at 4:50 pm Ha! (If pressed, there’s also always the excuse that “the West is in an earlier time zone!!”)
Mimmy* September 29, 2023 at 1:53 pm Second post, this one a quick question. The other day, I got a rejection for a job at a large university that I’d interviewed for in August. Would it be worthwhile to email the hiring managers for feedback? I know people do this sometimes, but I wasn’t sure if a large university is likely to decline giving feedback for fear of pushback from rejected candidates. If it helps, I sent a thank you email right after the interview, then send a follow-up email 3 weeks later asking about the status of the position. I got no response to either email.
I should really pick a name* September 29, 2023 at 2:14 pm While I can’t speak to universities specifically, asking once is generally fine. Typically the worst case scenario is that they say they won’t provide feedback.
CoffeeIsMyFriend* September 29, 2023 at 2:18 pm you can try but I won’t be surprised if you don’t get a response. my college wouldn’t tell you….our HR is very frustrating to work with
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:29 pm I’d say your odds of getting a response are low given their behavior so far, but I don’t think there’s any harm in asking.
Itsa Me, Mario* September 29, 2023 at 3:30 pm I think if you got either an auto-bot form letter or found out you didn’t get the job via finding out that the role was filled, you don’t have any real way of doing this. If you heard back about the job from a recruiter (or any other individual human being), then definitely ask for feedback. They may not give any, but no harm in asking.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 3:58 pm I work at a university in a non-academic position, and am in a role where I’ve been a hiring manager. I would say that if you directly contacted the hiring managers twice already and have heard nothing, you should move on. If you had received correspondence stating that you hadn’t been selected, it wouldn’t be entirely out of line to reply with something like “thank you for letting me know. Out of curiosity, is there anything I should know that would make me a stronger candidate for roles like this one in the future?” If I got a response like that, I would probably reply if there was something clear I could point to in terms of experience, professional development, etc. (E.g., “you might consider attending X educational event to learn more about the basics of our industry” or “spending some time in a more junior-level role in an adjacent department is often a really good entry point for a role like this one.”) But if it was something more like “you were really dismissive of the junior people who interviewed you and we actually value them, so you came off as a total jerk,” I wouldn’t say anything. FWIW, I don’t tend to respond to thank-you notes unless I’ve met the person before interviewing them, in which case it’s just a polite “it was nice to speak with you, we’ll be in touch about what’s happening next within X timeframe.”
AnotherLibrarian* September 29, 2023 at 4:55 pm Your odds of getting an answer are super low and as someone who hires at a large university, the HR rules and weird bureaucracy I am limited by is considerable and arcane; so, good luck? However, I think there’s no harm in asking.
Mimmy* October 1, 2023 at 12:18 pm Thanks everyone, you all confirmed my hunch. I generally don’t expect a response to the “interview thank you” emails, so that’s okay. I honestly hoped that they would respond to my follow-up though. Maybe they are bound by HR to not respond to specific questions? I think I’m just going to move on.
Would rather skip it* September 29, 2023 at 1:56 pm The letter writer whose second report declined a skip-level meeting reminded me that I could use some advice on skip-level meetings. In our organization, these skip-level meetings happen yearly-ish and are fairly loose. Questions are supposed to flow both ways, and candor is valued. Or so the stated description of the meeting says. But these meetings…. They are awkward and I hate them. I work in a large organization and am a very small but effective cog. I have no patience for hierarchy or corporate-speak. Part of the reason I am successful at and happy in my job is that I am mostly insulated from the hierarchy and corporate-speak because my role is quite specialized, and I am able to do my thing and get things done. What are some good questions to ask in a skip level meeting?
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 2:29 pm Are you at all curious about the broader workings of your organization? Or can you fake a bit of curiosity without too much pain? If you can, ask about other teams your boss’s boss manages. “What are some of the things the llama grooming team has been focused on lately?” “I heard about [industry news]. Do you think that will affect our department at all?”
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 2:45 pm “I’m interested in the company’s vision for [Thing that Affects Your Work/Buzz Word of the Day” The Thing that Affects Your Work may help you know where to prioritize a bit more; the Buzzword will build capital with the Higher Ups and make them think that you’re interested in the same buzzy stuff they are, which makes them like you more.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:49 pm Ask them to talk about themselves. How did they end up in their role,what did they originally study, where do they see the company heading, how do they make ABC decision etc. People love to talk about themselves and it shows interest in them and the company.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:51 pm Also frame it in your head, as when they go to sign the paper your boss submits for your new raise, you want them to go whose Skip? Oh yeah Skips the really friendly one who works in the XYZ department. So all you need to do is come off as engaged and friendly.
Itsa Me, Mario* September 29, 2023 at 3:28 pm This is great advice. Or really any question you can ask that will put the focus on them and let them just start talking about something they enjoy talking about. You can then just be in the active listener role and not need to come in with a list of potential discussion topics.
Double A* September 29, 2023 at 7:24 pm Honestly I think you could say something about why you love your position! Tell them you’re very content in your somewhat siloed position and it works great with your work style and strengths. I like the advice about asking questions about the broader organization.
Spearmint* September 29, 2023 at 2:00 pm I’m thinking about where I want to be in my career 2-3 years from now, and increasingly I think I want to pivot from being an analyst to being a software developer/data engineer/data scientist. I enjoy solving puzzles and intellectual challenge, and I am generally pretty tech savvy. Plus, I’m starting to worry that the Excel and BI software-centric jobs I have worked in so far will be heavily impacted by AI in the coming 5-10 years. Is there a way to do this without going back to school or spending all my free time coding? I’ve read many stories of people who took non-programming jobs, learned a little coding or did a quick bootcamp, and seemed to almost effortlessly slide into software engineering/data science roles a few years later (at least in their telling). My own mother did this back in the early-90s. But I’m also concerned that while this was more possible in the past, it’s less possible now with tech layoffs and the market being flooding with people with CS and data science BAs and MAs. I work in a non-tech department of a big tech company, and when I looked at programming and data science job postings, all were asking for 3+ years of experience in a wide variety of complicated tasks. No entry level jobs were listed. (For context on where I am: I have spent probably 200 hours over the past year learning and using Python on small (think 100-200 lines) projects at home and at work, mostly data work with Pandas and NumPy. I was also a math major in college, so I’m very comfortable with math and logic. However, I only took one programming class in college. I’m still learning when I find the time, but it seems harder to know where to go from here.)
pansies* September 29, 2023 at 2:13 pm Is there a way to do this without going back to school or spending all my free time coding? Probably not. I’ve done programming (scientific) for my whole career, and I’ve done a number of explicit machine-learning things (both on the job and in my free time). If you do make it past an HR interview, you will in all likelihood have a coding test, for either a software programmer or data scientist. So, do you think you’d pass that test? There is a book something like “how to pass a coding interview” or “how to pass a data science interview” something like that. (sadly, I don’t remember the exact title). Go through that book. Practice exercises with code review websites (eg exercism) … but all of that violated the “coding in my spare time” part of your condition.
Spearmint* September 29, 2023 at 2:25 pm I should be clear, I’m not against coding in my spare time. What I’m against is coding in my spare time becoming essentially at second job. I’m happy to do 5-10 hours a week, but 20+ is too much for me right now.
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:45 pm My 2 cents, get a job halfway. Half coding half analyst. Lets you learn on the job some and positions you better narrative to go for the full coding job (“oh I picked up some coding for the ABC project, realized I loved it now hoping to do that most of the time”)
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 2:49 pm It’s a really hard industry to break into if you’re only self-taught. While there are plenty of people that have gotten a job while being self-taught, they usually begin at that place (ie: right of school) vs switching to it later and they’ve done a whole lot more self-study than 200 hours. Where my partner works, there have been people that started in non-dev roles and moved into them over time by learning from those around them, taking on small projects to start and increasing in size, etc. However, there is still a marked difference in their skills vs those that came in with formal education and I’m not certain they’d be able to get hired with a similar title when leaving the company due to that.
Dreaming Koala* September 29, 2023 at 5:17 pm I (software engineer myself) worked with several people who did not have any formal computer science education, but became software engineers. They all had different paths, but the “easiest” one for working professionals seemed to be getting to do something at your current job/project. Do you have an idea to automate something? Write a script? Help out with small tasks? But you need to be eager to learn and invest your own time into reading books, watching videos, talking to people (meetups?). It also depends heavily on what kind of role you want – there are so many specializations and technologies. A data scientist will be very different from a person who specializes in database performance or embedded real-time software. I would really try to think about possibilities to use your current employment at a big tech company for doing “research” and getting connections with some engineers.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:35 pm This is my experience. The line between “analyst” and “software” is blurry at some smaller-medium companies so you do a little of both and can definitely slowly transition towards the software tasks. You start with basic queries and go to more complicated ones and then one day you’re designing a process. All that’s missing is the formality of the official software release process and lingo like agile or waterfall, but it’s nothing you can’t understand. The main difference now from the career long software people is that they think a bit more about how it integrates with other programs, and worry about things like keeping Test up to date, making sure product releases don’t break anything, or overall database performance, timing how long tasks take, worrying about data redundancy, etc. So if I moved to that team it would be warranted to pay me less – but they’re all paid well, so less is relative My larger concern is that this industry is now flooded with applicants. Sort of like pharmacist circa 2005.
Itsa Me, Mario* September 29, 2023 at 2:01 pm Got the dreaded “the team is taking longer than expected to make a decision, but we will get back to you by the end of next week” email from a recruiter, re a job I’m excited about. Following a series of interviews that went extremely well. I know this means nothing, and due to some recent news in our field I have a solid guess as to why it’s taking longer than planned. Which would have nothing to do with me or this particular role. And yet still, it’s maddening.
AnotherLibrarian* September 29, 2023 at 4:53 pm Yeah, that’s rough, but if it helps any- having been on the hiring committee side of those sorts of emails- we want the process done as much as the candidates do.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:37 pm At most jobs, it’s been a pain to get everyone in the room to talk about something non-urgent. Hiring is very important but usually not urgent, meaning you want to get consensus and triple check that you picked the right person, but no one is in a particular rush to discuss it. Hence delays and delays. Not a reflection on you!
Dr. Doll* September 29, 2023 at 2:06 pm I have a question about helping a team member who has a risky pregnancy. she has a hard time walking. our campus will not give her preferential parking without a DMV handicap tag. her doctors will not sign off on a DMV handicap tag because pregnancy is not a disability. our team members are very willing to swap parking spaces with her, give her rides to her car, etc. but that is always catch-as-catch-can, and it’s not a sustainable solution. any thoughts on what to do?
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 2:34 pm Where is her manager or the department manager in all this? And us there some sort of ombudsman or something to complain to? Frankly I’m also side eyeing her medical team but that’s neither here nor there but I might lookup the rules in your state as to what constitutes a temporary disability and both the DMV rules for a placard or the workplace’s responsibility in all this to find a reasonable accommodation.
miel* September 29, 2023 at 3:52 pm I thought that pregnancy was considered a temporary disability, similar to a broken leg. I’m very confused about the doctor’s lack of help. But also, what the heck is going on at your workplace? I agree with WellRed, ask the manager to help. She also might consider asking for a formal accommodation.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 4:00 pm It’s possible to get a temporary placard in many places! My father found that out when he was recovering from foot surgery. He couldn’t walk very far at all. He’s fine now, but for a time, there was absolutely no way he could get through a big parking lot. Can she talk to the disability coordinators/HR?
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:02 pm You say “her doctor,” but normally you have both a PCP and an OBGYN when you’re pregnant. Are both of them refusing to sign off? Does the campus have any type of preferential parking for VIPs or designated spaces for leaders? Could you get her a temporary pass or permission for one of those spaces? Could you let her work from home?
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 10:35 pm I would think that this is common enough that an OB-GYN would have boilerplate language for the signoff! When I had a broken foot at my last organization, the head of security offered me a temporary tag for parking in the disabled spots (company tag only – not transferable to the wider world) proactively. (I turned it down, because I could get around fine in my boot. But I appreciated the offer.)
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 2:59 am > pregnancy is not a disability. Can she find a sane doctor…?
Polly Hedron* September 30, 2023 at 11:59 am Yes, even if pregnancy were not a disability, a sane doctor should say that a risky pregancy is.
Anecdata* September 30, 2023 at 12:38 pm Arrrgh, your org should have a way to get her a temporary disability sticker or something but as a practical matter, is it easier to get her a visitor/vip/facilities sticker temporarily?
A Frayed Knot* September 30, 2023 at 5:31 pm If your “campus” is a school of any kind, check with the Title IX Coordinator. They may be able to help.
LA* September 30, 2023 at 5:39 pm Maybe as a broader solution, pregnancy spots? Some places here in California provide them. Which is a long-term solution as well. Not just closer, but wider. I remember not being able to get into my car because someone had parked so close that I had to wait until they moved their car.
Sea Lion* September 29, 2023 at 2:19 pm Requesting advice on how to think about job scope creep – I’ve found lots here and elsewhere about project mgmt scope creep, but not exactly to my situation. My initial job description was written vaguely and after 10 years in my job, I’m finding myself deluged with work and much of it at a higher level than my job was written for, but still within those broad categories. At my place of business, it’s unlikely that my job description would be re-written but – should I be pushing for this? My boss is sympathetic to me feeling like I’m doing much higher work, but is hands-off so… not actually helping me resolve the situation, being clear about priorities, or doing anything to keep my work/the department’s work more contained. I’d like my job if there were just less of it! Suggestions to somehow refocus/recalibrate my workload?
DisneyChannelThis* September 29, 2023 at 2:47 pm Ask for a new title? Ask for a raise? Would having greater compensation/status make up for the amount of work? If your boss is on board can you increase your timelines, ie shove stuff off to the back burner? Then its a doable amount of work per week.
no my circus, not my monkeys, but damn I wish they would wear pants* September 29, 2023 at 2:23 pm Not a boss, not a manager (officially), just been working here forever, and know everything. If I had not seen it myself, I’d think this was a bad sitcom. I just wish I had co-workers would would show up reasonably on time (not 3-4 hours late everyday), work enough hours to do what they are responsible for, so as not to leave more work for others (so more than 20 hours a week), not be stoned, and wear both pants AND a shirt everyday. Those issues are spread out among 5 different people, but still… And the bosses say that the current staff we have is better than having vacant positions. One of the positions has been posted (and the posting refreshed every 4-5 weeks) for over 2 years. About the shirts and pants, we have some young women that regularly wear clothing that covers less than my 2 piece swimsuit. We work in light manufacturing, so I may be an old maid, and maybe all the young people dress like this now, but if I am more covered up at the beach… it just feels wrong for work.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 2:37 pm You are not an old maid. Especially in manufacturing I think there’d be a few clothing requirements.
no my circus, not my monkeys, but damn I wish they would wear pants* September 29, 2023 at 2:41 pm oddly, the only in the handbook concerns wearing closed toe shoes.
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 3:43 pm So typical. “But the handbook doesn’t saaay I can’t wear a bikini to operate the wood chipper!”
Seeking Second Childhood* September 29, 2023 at 5:21 pm Have you tried checking OSHA requirements for your manufacturing type?
no my circus, not my monkeys, but damn I wish they would wear pants* September 29, 2023 at 5:38 pm That was a good thought! But I need not find anything pertinent, as they are not exposed to fire, radioactive materials, or chemicals. Plus the OSHA guidelines I could quickly find that do pertain to fire, reference head, hand, and eye protection. Not anything about not being in a garment that covers less than a bikini.
Fish* September 29, 2023 at 6:10 pm Recently my local paper ran a story about people misbehaving in theaters at the Barbie movie. One guy stripped down completely, and refused to believe the staff who told him he couldn’t be naked there. The manager should’ve taken his clothes, and told him to pick them up in the lobby after the show.
Kacihall* September 29, 2023 at 2:28 pm I’m pretty sure a client of mine just admitted to intentionally misclassifying employees as contractors via email. None of my coworkers read this site and didn’t understand why I was laughing (or what was wrong with the email.) Quoted below. ~~~~~~~ Thanks! Let’s go with an employment check. Their duties will be performed as if they are employees, it’s the compensation that’s like a contractor. ~~~~~~~ He might be explaining it wrong, or I could be mistaken, but this reads to me like textbook misclassification.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 2:38 pm OOOH yeah I’m with you on the read. That’s some pretty damnable discoverable evidence he just put out there.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 3:09 pm Could go either way. Is he treating them like employees or does he mean they’re gonna do work similar to the regular employee, even though they’re technically someone who’s being contracted to do it? Agree with Eldritch Office Worker though. He put something very helpful in writing, if needed – if you have the power, ensure those contractors know the difference between an employee and a contractor!
Kacihall* September 29, 2023 at 4:31 pm unfortunately the only relationship I have with this employer is that my employer processes their background checks. About all I can do is make sure he complies with FCRA and not run a volunteer check on someone who is getting paid.
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 3:37 pm “Hmm, I think I’ll take employer controls where and when employee works from the employee section and employer doesn’t pay payroll taxes from the contractor section.”
Green beans* September 29, 2023 at 2:37 pm Does anyone have advice dealing with a not so great new hire? Basically, they started a month ago and the initial weeks were rough to say the least: they struggled with the onboarding excercises, made strange & easily avoidable mistakes, and overall seemed very disorganized. However, they are really open to feedback, have a great attitude (not afraid of recognising their shortcomings or asking for advice) and are eager to learn. We decided to start a PIP to get their performance to the expected level. And my current impression is that there is improvement, but just not quite as much or as fast a I would have hoped. On the one hand, I worry about how much effort it will continue to take to get them fully up to speed. On the other hand, we are short staffed and he is progress little by little… Where do I draw the line in term of sunken cost fallacy?
Dido* September 29, 2023 at 5:08 pm Yeah, this seems like really poor management. If he was really bad enough to deserve a PIP after one month, he shouldn’t have been hired in the first place. And if he isn’t, he’s not being trained properly. It takes at least 3-6 months to adjust to most professional jobs
Green beans* September 29, 2023 at 7:13 pm Yeah, I agree that there were definitely gaps during the hiring process, and we’ve definitely planned to improve our set of skill tests to more actually assess concrete abilities vs. more abstract potential. It’s the first time we’ve had this much of a gap between expected vs. actual performance in a new hire for this position though. In terms of training, they are getting guidance but the nature of the job requires a lot of self-sufficiency & problem-solving, so that’s what we are currently working on.
Antilles* September 29, 2023 at 3:07 pm The fact you’re already at a PIP after one month? I don’t think there’s any hope here and I’d already be looking to cut bait. Usually, you only go to a formal PIP if someone is clearly and notably underperforming, to the point that you’re not sure they can handle the job. It’s not a coincidence that common wisdom is that almost all PIP’s end in firing and you should polish up the resume immediately. The fact that you’re already at that point only a few weeks in speaks volumes.
Green beans* September 29, 2023 at 7:17 pm Thanks for your feedback, on a purely subjective level I feel the same. But since it’s the first time our team is confronted by this, I’m not quite sure of my judgment…
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 3:23 pm I’ve had this happen. We could see within 3 weeks that the new hire was just not getting up to speed. A task that takes our most junior person an hour would take him 3 hours. We did the same thing you did- effectively put him on a PIP and gave him a lot of training time. I was his manager, and I took over all his training for a few days (rather than delegating it across members of my team, which was what I usually did). That way I could see his learning process and make a judgement call of how much time I thought it would take to get him up to speed. It’s not just about his time- it’s also about my time that I’ll need to spend training and reviewing his work. Attitude is good, but skill is just as important. You need both to succeed. Think about what the bare minimum you need it to make him a contributing member– would it be faster for you to do the work yourself, or assign it to him and then review? If he’s consistently costing you time, I think you need to cut him loose and instead spend that time in the hiring process again. Do that earlier rather than later- I’d say no more than 2 more weeks to make a decision. That’s also a kindness to him, so he can get back on the job market earlier and perhaps be able to return to the job he just left. My story has a twist ending- the new hire decided that I was being mean and not having reasonable expectations (despite the fact that another person who was hired at the same time was doing just fine). He decided to skip trainings with me and ignore my explicit instructions, then complained to my boss (his grandboss). Little did he know, she was already in the loop and she had been advocating cutting him loose- I was the one who lobbied to give him a couple more weeks and intensive training. He was let go before he reached the end of his first month. He did end up returning to the job he had just left.
Green beans* September 29, 2023 at 7:36 pm Thanks so much for your insight, this sounds indeed very similar. You nailed it about the learning process: it’s not just that they don’t appear to integrate the required amount of knowledge, but also that it takes them a lot of time to do the tasks according to instructions… They are very junior so I think there’s an extra organisation & efficiency aspect to it (which add to the skills they need to improve). I definitely agree with taking into account the reviewing & training overhead, since the end goal is to trust them to handle their own tasks end to end. We don’t want to mislead them about their performance or their fit, a milestone is coming up & I will try to stay realistic (instead of hoping for the best, it’s so hard when the person is so genuinely trying their best!). I’m sorry to hear it went sour with your hire, at the very least you could be certain that you made the right call!
Green beans* September 29, 2023 at 7:39 pm No probation unfortunately, HR is following this up but I have no experience at all with the firing process at the company. It’s quite rare as far as I know and I feel terrible about this situation.
Polly Hedron* September 30, 2023 at 10:12 am Please don’t feel terrible: not every new hire works out. You and your company have already done more than usual to salvage this one.
Mjones* September 29, 2023 at 2:37 pm What would you wear to a team-building event in which the dress code was described as “casual?”
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 4:03 pm Jeans or cargo pants or similar and a tee shirt or other casual top, but probably one without graphics or writing unless it was something employer-related.
Seeking Second Childhood* September 29, 2023 at 8:57 pm Depends on venue & activity and how formal tour office usually is. Apple harvest event, a plaid flannel shirt. Karaoke night I’d flirt with the idea of a Hawaiian print shirt. No clear theme, employer polo shirt!
pally* September 29, 2023 at 2:58 pm Comfortable shoes such that standing or a fair amount of walking won’t kill my feet. Sounds like there might be an activity.
Q* September 29, 2023 at 3:00 pm I’ve been at my current job and field for a little over a year now. It’s essentially entry level in my field, but my field is highly specialized and data heavy and requires a master’s degree for entry so it’s been a steep learning curve. A coworker in the same position and with the same qualifications I have started a month or so after me and is now starting to manage projects. I have no desire to manage projects, especially at this point in my career, but I feel weird that I wasn’t even asked. I also am honestly not sure if I ever want to manage projects, but I’m concerned about whether my ability to advance in my career and salary would be limited by that. Is this something I should be concerned about or should address in my own work and methods? Any advice?
Fitz* September 29, 2023 at 11:13 pm Depends on the organization, of course, but generally, yes, people who show more potential are given projects earlier (even without asking), especially in highly technical organizations. The good news is that this is very easy to address! You can ask your manager or senior colleagues when people normally start to manage their own projects. Or, if that’s too direct for you, you can ask your senior colleagues how the career progression at your organization works.
Lalaith* September 29, 2023 at 3:04 pm How does your company keep track of institutional knowledge (if at all)? I’m on a small team that deals with a lot of quirky technical issues, and it would be great if we could keep track of the various fixes and scripts and such that we come up with for issues that we encounter. It’s just really hard to figure out how to organize that kind of information.
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 3:10 pm We have an internal knowledgebase for this, though a lot of institutional knowledge is still within people’s heads (we know this is a problem!)
ariel* September 29, 2023 at 3:10 pm A big shared document (we’re a Google workplace) with a comprehensive table of contents! It’s low-tech but gets the job done, and we can ctrl+F for what we need.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 3:12 pm Word document with headers if you don’t think it’s unwieldy in the ling term (100+ pages of scripts and documentation in one file is a lot). Or you can have several files, in one shared folder, with fixes organized by various domains or relatedness. You can have an Excel directory on what the issue is, what system it affects, and where documentation and code is to fix it for quick reference. You can start with one document and see how it feels – you would need to assign this to someone though so it stays organized and up-to-date.
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* September 29, 2023 at 3:31 pm We have a general onboarding document, and another more specific one for the technical staff. Those get updated every year. We also have a lot of stuff in a wiki. Don’t overlook the blame feature of github, if that’s where you store your source code. It shows you who did the most recent change to any given line of code.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 3:34 pm I’m dying to find time to create an internal wiki. This stuff is so hard to keep track of.
saskia* September 29, 2023 at 3:43 pm Google tools; Notion; gigantic Word docs with tables of contents that are hosted in the cloud so we can continuously edit them
Dreaming Koala* September 29, 2023 at 5:26 pm The first thing – Confluence or Wiki or a similar software that has good searching capabilities and available for all employees. The second thing – getting an appropriate attitude from all team members: if your learnt something new that is not written anywhere and you think it will be needed second time, you must write it down! (in one project we had a rule to _always_ write things down). Only a part of people will follow anyway, but you need to get into the right mindset…. As to how you structure the information – per project? per team? per topic? I work in software industry, so we have defined documents or pages like “architecture document”, “requirements document”, “support/maintenance help”, “everything for daily work of developers”, “everything for your first month in the team”. A lot of things are linked between the documents.
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 3:09 pm I received an email from a founder of a Y Combinator startup asking if I would consider being an advisor for their business. Does anyone know what this is typically (if there is a typical)? Paid/unpaid? Level of effort? They just asking for a quick chat for the moment. The product is relevant to my role and the needs of my team, so I’m slightly worried it’s a veiled attempt to sell to me.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 3:14 pm They probably (and more valuable) want you to advise on what people who need this product are looking for and best practices to sell to others (and potentially use this on you, lol). I don’t know why you would consider doing it unpaid though!
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 3:14 pm Also check if it’s okay by your current work to do this somehow – you may be introducing a conflict of interest.
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 3:20 pm Good point! I wouldn’t do it unpaid (I have enough on my paid plate and have no desire to take on unpaid work on top of it, lol!). A 15 min chat to determine the full ask of me is doable, though. Just not sure if this is something that is typically paid or not (assuming we both decide it’s a good fit). By the way – love the username!
Chronially Ill Bae* September 29, 2023 at 3:22 pm Anyone with a chronic illness requiring ongoing treatments and FMLA? I have a 3 day treatment every month, for the foreseeable future. It’s so much time off, I end up using all of my vacation time to cover it. How is your FMLA covered, or do you just have to take it unpaid?
Fluffy Fish* September 29, 2023 at 3:30 pm FMLA unfortunately does not guarantee paid leave. It simply guarantees that you can take the time off. So yes if you run out of leave and your employer has nothing in place to support employees who need additional time off, then you would have to take it unpaid.
Eldritch Office Worker* September 29, 2023 at 3:31 pm Federal FMLA is typically unpaid – it just protects your job. Your state may have a different program.
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 3:32 pm FMLA doesn’t have any paid time off requirements, unfortunately. It just keeps your job secure.
Decidedly Me* September 29, 2023 at 3:47 pm As mentioned FMLA doesn’t have to be paid, but definitely check state resources. I know of several that have paid versions of it (they’re called something different). Not sure if this is doable for your role or your personal situations, but any option of working the 3 days of time off throughout the rest of the month? I once had daily appointments for a few months and worked extra to accommodate it without using vacay time.
Rainy* September 29, 2023 at 3:48 pm In my organization, FMLA is more for the job protection piece, but it also kind of spreads a blanket of formal policy, oversight, and protocol over your time off/health accommodation so that there’s less chance of someone deciding to act like an ass about it. Your situation wouldn’t qualify you for the leave sharing/donated leave pool at my organization, but if you are running out maybe see if things are different for you.
AnotherLibrarian* September 29, 2023 at 4:51 pm FMLA is unpaid. There’s donated sick-leave hours available at my work, but only if the employee has burned through all their vacation and sick leave. When I was on FMLA I used sick leave and vacation to cover it and sometimes unpaid. That was just how it went.
There You Are* September 29, 2023 at 5:52 pm If your company offers short-term disability insurance (either paid for by them or something that you pay for with small paycheck deductions), you can check the policy terms to see if your 3-day treatments qualify under the plan. If so, you could at least get a partial paycheck for those 3 days a month.
ShortTermDisabilityNotIntermittent* September 29, 2023 at 8:52 pm almost all short term disability plans have a 5 day waiting period before they kick in where the employee has to use sick leave or take unpaid, then there’s a maximum amount of time based on how long you’ve been paying into the system and usually can only be used once per X amount of time (i.e. have a waiting period between uses). Doesn’t sound like a good fit here.
Chronially Ill Bae* September 29, 2023 at 11:42 pm Yeah unfortunately intermittent leave doesn’t qualify , at least in my case. I’ve had to use STD for multiple hospital stays though… of any length. My main concern is that my company is moving to unlimited sick leave next year. Which sounds great but has so many stipulations that seem to contradict each other when it comes to FMLA and other LOAs. I can’t seem to get a clear answer.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 3:23 pm Think I’m getting close to an offer for a new job (yay) since they’re at reference checks and interviews were all good. Nothing is firm until an offer, of course. I am, however, mumbling about salary bands being so wide as I searched (this one was very up front about where they were looking to offer within their bands in the phone screen). But there are way too many jobs that were, like…3k-15k as the range. Which is totally normal considering the way the university uses this specific job title – but COME ON…that just defeats the purpose of putting it out there when the department itself knows it has a budget in mind. Some were more honest than others though, but the grind never ends.
AnotherLibrarian* September 29, 2023 at 4:50 pm Well, I don’t know about the Uni you’re applying for (or type of jobs), but at the Uni where I work the salary band isn’t really a band, it’s a grade and that means it lists the entire possible salary range someone could ever hold if they have a job at that grade. Most people come in at the bottom of the grade (so that’s what we list on our job ads), but like technically, a person in a grade 76 or whatever could make a huge range of salaries depending on how long they’ve been here.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 29, 2023 at 7:51 pm It’s like this for state jobs but they’re much more upfront about the higher end of the band being the last ‘step’ into a series. However, for my university it’s really a crap shoot. Some jobs are truly more honest and some seem to post the entire possible series of salaries from entry level to uppermost senior. The job I am applying for is looking to offer at the higher end of their pay band. We have a similar system as grades although you can be hired into any of them so long as you fit the bare minimum of requirements, but this is the kind of uni where you have to essentially move jobs to get a genuine promotion. The “make a job up, post it, and tell Judy to apply so Judy can get the raise she deserves” situation.
Srsly, let me off this ride* September 29, 2023 at 3:29 pm This is a vent/reality check request. My boss and I have a *giant* communication style mismatch and I have no clue where to even begin troubleshooting or where a compromise could be made. I strongly prefer to have things in writing so I can refer back to them later. I have trouble juggling a bunch of information in my head/frantically trying to remember it long enough to write it down. Unfortunately this is a problem because “verbal wall of text” is my boss’s preferred method of communication, and I often don’t have a pen and paper on me because he’ll call me into his office to deliver a wall of text, or just walk up to my desk and start talking and not even give me a chance to find something to write with/on. Pretty much everyone in the office does the “just walk up and start talking” without even getting my attention first. And I can’t just assume that everyone who approaches my desk is there to talk to me because I sit at the receptionist desk and people walk by my desk all day every day. But that’s a separate issue… Is it normal to need lists of things written down? Do I have some kind of brain problem? Because my boss sure as heck thinks I have perfect recall of a verbal wall of text without having anything written down. To answer the obvious question: when he does this I’m too bust frantically trying to commit everything to memory so I can run back to my desk and write everything down before it disappears from my brain. Sometimes it’s also not clear how long the instructions are going to be when he starts talking and it rapidly goes from “OK, I can remember this” to “wait, this is a bit much…” before I have a chance to react. And again, I’m too busy frantically trying to commit things to memory to have the presence of kind to interrupt and say I need paper. Second problem. If I do have paper he doesn’t bother going slow enough to make sure I’m getting everything down, and he tends to not bother actually making up his mind before coming to talk to me, so not only is it a verbal wall of text, it’s a disorganized stream-of-consciousness mess. Third problem. He does seem to be aware on some level that I’m a brain-challenged weirdo who doesn’t have perfect verbal recall so sometimes he’ll bring a piece of paper himself and write while giving instructions. Unfortunately his handwriting is shit even when he’s trying to be legible, and he often literally does not try, at all. He will literally just *scribble* while talking and hand me the scribble as if that’s useful to me at all. And it’s also a stream-of-consciousness mess, with stuff scratched out, written in, inserted in the margin, etc. He can’t email me things because he can’t type, and he’s useless at computer things in general partly because he’s a luddite and can’t be bothered to learn, and partly because he needs reading glasses but refuses to get them, so he can’t see what he’s doing. But he’s so confident that he’s being completely normal and I’m the one with the problem. All I want is clear, digestible information in a format I can refer back to later! Help! What do??
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 4:01 pm This guy is a bit of a tool. I’m someone that loves to talk in a big wall of text, and I would never walk up to someone and start talking and expect them to remember everything I said. Not even letting you grab a pen and paper? He cares more that the work is done his way than if the work is done right. For what you can do- -Grab a pen and paper. Every time. If he calls you in, grab something first. If he gets mad, let him know that you want to make sure nothing falls through the cracks, as you are a Highly Visual Processor (i.e., you need to see things for your brain to best absorb them. Other types of processing is Auditory, ie, sound, and Kinetic, aka touch). -Take short, incomplete notes. Dont’ try to write everything- it will never work. Write only the main bullets. Key details you are likely to forget, but maybe not the big picture. Once he walks away, you can take proper notes. -Translate the notes back to him: “Just to make sure I’ve got this all, here’s what I jotted down…” As for being a “brain-challenged weirdo”…. Look up Learning Styles. Different organizations have different numbers of lists (some like to add writing/reading or other learning styles), but you’ll always see at least these three styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinetic (or Kinesthetic). Print this out and bring this to your boss. Read it to him. Right now, he is giving you new information in a purely Auditory learning style. You have a highly Visual learning style. This doesn’t make you a weirdo (if I remember correctly, I think visual is actually the most common style). It just means you need to write stuff down for your brain to best absorb it. If he wants the best results from you, he just needs to give you a minute to write things down. Bonus: If this is a place that value inclusion, accommodating different learning styles is one way that workplaces can be inclusive to different brains.
Reba* September 29, 2023 at 4:02 pm Ok, so, you are normal and fine, but your boss is clearly not going to change. Depending on the culture and relationships, though, I think you can be a little assertive and ask for a more of what you need to work effectively. Like, it won’t get people to stop necessarily but it is not out of line to say to a coworker, “Hey, so you know, when I am absorbed in a task at my desk, it would help me for you to get my attention and then give me a moment before getting into your question. That way I will be sure not to miss things.” When your boss calls you into his office, never cross the threshold without that notebook. Also, understand that he seems to be thinking while talking aloud–you don’t need to capture every twist and turn, you need to get the bottom line. Before you leave the meeting, verbally go over a summary and write it down. “So what I have for next steps is X and Y. Jane is to take the llamas and Filbert will handle the alpacas starting in June.” Make sure you are clear on the “final state” of his instructions and then you don’t have to figure out what to retain from the whole monologue. Consider asking the company to get you a laptop you could carry to meetings (many people type faster than they write) or heck you could take a shorthand writing course!
Hlao-roo* September 29, 2023 at 4:06 pm First problem: Can you clear a space on your desk near your dominant hand where you keep a pen/pencil and a notebook/pad of paper? That way, whenever your boss walks over to talk to you, you don’t need to hunt around for something to write on while trying to memorize his verbal wall-of-text. The paper is right there, ready to go. Similarly, bring your notebook and pen/pencil everywhere. Meeting? Pen and notebook are in your hand. Asking a coworker a question? Bring your pen and notebook. Boss calls you over to his office? You have your pen and notebook with you. Second problem: Sounds like your boss thinks out loud. Can you let the verbal wall-of-text wash over you like a wave, and only respond/engage when he has reached a decision? I’m not suggesting tuning him out completely, rather don’t make an effort to commit every detail to memory while he is building his verbal wall-of-text. Also, it is fairly normal (in my office experience) to ask for a moment to write something down and to confirm main points/action items verbally. I think your interactions with your boss can work something like this: Boss: Srsly, I have some thoughts on the Jones account. You know how we [blah blah blah] but also [blah blah blah]. And of course, [blah blah blah], but not without [blah blah blah]. And that got me thinking about this one time when we [blah blah blah]. So, I need you to check the status of the widget. You: Ok, let me take a moment to write that down. *writes down ‘Jones acct’ and ‘widget status’* Just to be clear, I’ll check the status of the widget for the Jones account. Boss: Yes, and remember that the widget [blah blah blah], except when [blah blah blah] and we also need to add in the latest expenses. You: Do you want me to add in the expenses or will you do that? Boss: I need you to do that. You: Ok, let me write that down. *writes down ‘expenses’* I will add the latest expenses to the Jones account and also check the widget status.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:29 pm Get the paper as soon as possible, or keep it with you at all times, and then — this is the important part — don’t leave (or let him leave) until you repeat the important points back to him! Alternate 1: ask if you can take a voice memo and record him on your phone, then run a voice to text program on it. Alternate 2: Ask him to make voice memos and send them to you. Alternate 3: Take his scribble back to him and ask him what it says. It is really, really, normal and common to need to write things down. Since it’s a known issue, make taking notes a priority and do some training and practice on it.
Nightengale* October 1, 2023 at 11:14 am I think the voice memo (with permission) might be your best bet here. It sounds like there is just too much to keep up with in notes and also follow what is being said. Obviously you can’t train your boss, but if he can’t type, he could probably learn to e-mail by dictation this way in the first place.
AnotherLibrarian* September 29, 2023 at 4:47 pm Your boss is not going to change. So, your options are: Look for another job or find a way to work around this issue. My advice- take short notes and then email or read them back to him to confirm you have it correctly. Then move on. And probably job hunt, because you should super frustrated and he’s not going to stop being him. (Plus, you can’t make anyone change.)
The Prettiest Curse* September 29, 2023 at 5:06 pm This may be a completely idiotic suggestion, but is there any way to record him? Would he be okay with your recording him so you can listen back and make notes, or could he send you dictated thoughts as a voice note? The second option may not work since he’s a luddite, but people who aren’t willing to type are often more willing to talk or dictate.
Dragonfly7* September 29, 2023 at 6:42 pm This is totally normal. I also had a grand boss who wouldn’t put things in writing despite repeated requests. I carried a notebook on me constantly for years but eventually sought a different job.
Job Hunter* September 29, 2023 at 3:42 pm How many hours is too many to spend on a performance task as part of a job application at the director level of a nonprofit? The task description said 3-5 and I sent a message asking the company its rationale for this since it is unpaid time and they said they care about equity. They said they considered this length of time reasonable because it cuts out 2-3 hour-long interviews from a hiring process that used to include 4 interviews (sometimes in addition to a task). The task took me a little longer than five hours and would have taken longer if I did not force myself short in some sections. The task was to create an abbreviated development plan in any format we choose. Although replacing the interviews with a task might help people who are neurodivergent and remove scheduling issues with interviews, such a long time may be too much for single parents, those taking care of other relatives, people with full-time jobs, and others. They said to let them know if the task is taking longer than expected, but who would do that, especially after calling them out on it already? I really just did the task to show myself I can do it since the pay is quite low, but what do you all think? What would have been a better task? What are other ways to cut down a very long application process in a way that is more equitable and still allows managers to collect all the information they need?
CoffeeIsMyFriend* September 29, 2023 at 7:07 pm i feel like tasks like this are just not great because many people will take more time than they estimate since they want to impress. also, it makes it less of a two way conversation.
fhqwhgads* September 30, 2023 at 5:02 pm Unpaid tasks/assignments for a hiring process shouldn’t take more than an hour. And if it’s a work sample kind of thing where you could anonymize something you already did, all the better. If they want five hours of work they should be paying for it, not because they’ll really be able to use it (and the usual argument for not paying is “but it’s not real, we can’t/won’t use it”) but because you need to pay people for their time.
Tired toddler parent* September 29, 2023 at 3:54 pm New job with shorter commute and better pay starts next week and I’m stoked, but nervous because 1) my 18 month oldest going through sleep regression so I’m tired which coffee doesn’t always work on, and 2) High demand because of coveted skillsets or management or both. But also 3) Imposter syndrome! Any tips?
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 4:08 pm 1+3) This is a new place, so while you are aware of how your exhaustion is impacting you, no one else is. Good news- when you do merely good instead of your usual great, they’ll be happy with good. Then when you are more rested (it will happen eventually!) they’ll be even more impressed with how amazing you are. I have been on the other side of this, when I met a new colleague and though “huh, they’re pretty good, cool.” Then six months later realized “No, they are frickin amazing!” They said they felt like they were struggling- I thought they were just normal. The turn over has me a little nervous too, but not much to do about that until you get there and see what the situation is. Good luck! Happy first day!
CoffeeIsMyFriend* September 29, 2023 at 7:08 pm as a fellow tired toddler parent sending you sympathy and best wishes!
Pocket Mouse* September 30, 2023 at 4:21 pm Do you have a co-parent who can (temporarily or long-term) take on a larger share of the sleep regression impacts? You’re starting an awesome new job, it’s in the whole family’s best interest you get off to the strongest start possible. You’ll rock it, and I hope you can get enough rest to enjoy rocking it!
Anonymosity* September 29, 2023 at 4:19 pm Something happened last week that gave me pause, and I’d like to get the commentariat’s take on it. Picture it: a small team meeting, several men in a conference room, and two women online (me and one other). Midpoint in the meeting (I was only half listening at that point as they were in the weeds on something technical), when I heard the PM say, “It’s like a big circle jerk.” I had taken a bite of something and it nearly ended up on my keyboard! The men called him on it, and the other woman and I discussed it after the meeting was over. According to her, this person does not have a filter and it’s not the first time. She thought he might have forgotten we were there since no other women were present in the conference room, but we agreed it was inappropriate regardless. We decided to let it go since they chided him, though I told her if she wanted to say something, I would back her up. This office tends to deviate from protocol; for example, they like to use a doohickey instead of the widget we’re supposed to use. Nothing happened in this week’s meeting; they did have some female coworkers in the room but the online portion of the meeting was shorter than usual. The colleague I support was not in the meeting and she probably will be next time, online. I did mention it in the notes email I sent her afterward. Should we have said something in the moment? If it happens again (it might!), should one of us speak up?
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 4:34 pm If you want to say something, that’s certainly valid. For myself, I hear /see this term so often that it is divorced from its original meaning, and I think there are a lot of people who use it without even knowing the literal meaning. But if it is jarring or disconcerting to you, you are have every right to speak up.
Charlotte Lucas* September 29, 2023 at 10:44 pm Totally inappropriate term to use, but I hope I’m not the only person to think of “Repo Man” and the band’s cameo.
Dog Child* September 29, 2023 at 4:41 pm I think someone should speak up when he does it. And your colleagues did. Yay. Another un-nested comment wondered if you think you should speak up because you’re women. And I don’t think you should because you’re women, I think you should because it’s inappropriate and would need to be called out. And it would have been inappropriate if there had been no women present. Also you seem to be equating ‘doohickey’ being used instead of ‘widget’ as being somehow comparable to saying ‘circle jerk’ instead of ‘self-congratulatory’ (or what ever was meant). And I think that’s a false equivalence, unless ‘doohickey’ has an explicitly sexual meaning I don’t know about?
Anonymosity* September 30, 2023 at 8:50 pm That part of my post had nothing to do with what happened; I was trying to say the folks at this office sometimes go off protocol. For example, there is a certain step in our company process that needs a separate deliverable and they often skip over it. They’re outliers, in other words. Sorry if I confused you!
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 5:36 pm What needed to happen, happened- someone immediately called him out on it. Honestly, it was probably better that it was 1) someone in the room and 2) a man. 1) Someone in the room can better read their non-verbal response and glare at them. It sends a message through more than just words (which does make an impact). It also means that he won’t get away with rolling his eyes and assuming you won’t see it. 2) I really hate the “women can’t handle delicate language”. I’m a woman and had sailors tell me I swear too much. That trope needs to be put to rest. When men call out men who behave badly, it moves the issue beyond gender and into “this isn’t okay for any workplace”.
There You Are* September 29, 2023 at 5:46 pm Did the men who called him on it say, “That’s not a cool thing to say at work,” or did they say something like, “Dude, did you forget that there are women in this meeting?” If the former, then I wouldn’t say anything unless he does it again. If the latter, then I would for sure say something to the rest of the men (“It was the wrong thing to say because it’s a work setting, not because there were women present,”) and I would probably say something to the PM, using the same framing. (“Work isn’t the place for allusions to men standing around pleasuring themselves in front of one another.”)
sdog* September 29, 2023 at 4:28 pm I’m a bit confused. Sounds like he was already called out during the meeting by others in the group. Is the thought here that the phrase is more offensive to women and therefore, you feel you should have said something? Or more that you feel you should have spoken up so that it didn’t seem like it was just one person that was offended?
Anonymosity* September 30, 2023 at 8:55 pm The second one. They did say something, so I guess it’s not necessary for us to bring it up unless it happens again. It just surprised me. Our company is not overly formal, but it’s not super casual, either. I’ve heard people curse but, as the other woman said to me, “That was a lot even for him.”
Unbreak my career* September 29, 2023 at 4:33 pm Hi everyone. How do I unf*ck my career? I’m 31–started my career at 24, and have not held a job longer than 2 years. Although I have “good” reasons for all (moving, one toxic workplace, one opportunity to start my own business), I still feel deep shame about my career. I’m trying to not tie so much of my identity into it, but it’s really hard. I work at a start up now (part time, as I navigate my own business) and about to hit my one year anniversary. My hope was to stay here for 3 years to break that streak, but it looks like funding might be shaky and because of that–it’s really hard to do our day to day jobs well. But because of the part explained above, I just don’t feel comfortable applying to another job. I feel like I should stay and suffer as long as I can to get my tenure up. Does anyone have advice on how to navigate this?
Rick Tq* September 29, 2023 at 5:49 pm 7 years in to a career that may last 30 more years isn’t (to me) long enough to say your career is toast, it just doesn’t look like the image you’ve been given of a “proper” career. It doesn’t sound like you’ve been fired for being a problem or been incompetent, just that life has made you have short tenures up to now. Startups are strange beasts, if it goes under before your (self-imposed) 3 year mark you can honestly say you were there for the life of the company and it went under, so a shorter tenure that your ideal doesn’t mean the quite the same thing. TL;DR: From what you’ve said I see no reason for you to be ashamed of your career, you don’t have one that matches the template you have assumed is correct. Your career is where it is. Your template for a Proper Career is that thing that needs fixing.
Elsewise* September 29, 2023 at 6:12 pm First off, good on you for trying not to tie your identity to your career! It’s hard, but so important for your mental health. Secondly, two years isn’t really that bad! I know lots of people with a much spottier employment history than yours sounds like. Now, onto the actual question. So if you’re looking for longevity in your next position, startups are probably not the best place to go. Look for hallmarks of stability in the organization: how long have they been around? How are they funded? Are they too reliant on one funding stream? Have they survived previous economic downturns? This will probably take some digging into the organization’s history, but can really be worth it! The other thing you mention is that you’re working part-time to build your business. Do you see that being your ultimate long-term goal? Are you in a field where part-time work is common and in-demand, or will companies expect you to go full-time to not be on the chopping block? You may decide it’s worth that risk to keep your focus on your building! That’s a totally okay choice! It’s up to you what you want right now.
Seeking Second Childhood* September 29, 2023 at 10:19 pm I graduated into a recession. Getting caught in a big layoff turned out to be a surprise good thing because it came with career counseling & outplacement services. The key was finding a narrative in my temp & 2-year jobs, something that linked my formal education with the tangent I wanted to take. I’d suggest Alison’s books as a way to work through same sort of thing on your own– but really if you can find a workshop it was great to hear others in the same boat. Some state DOL may have something, and also community colleges reach out to more than just their alumni. Your timeline sounds like you had the double whammy of economics and pandemic, am I right?
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 2:54 am I hate the word ‘career’ for this exact reason. Most of us work to eat — that’s it. Some of us have careers — and they’re the type that have a vision for where they wanna be, what they wanna do, and how they wanna do it. They’re the type where they build a life around their professional (and often personal since they correlate) goals. IDK, I associate ‘having a career’ with a certain type of ambition. Nothing wrong with it: having it AND not having it. Some people have A Thing they do for a long time at one or two companies over a long period of time — but to me that’s a cozy living with built-in benefits (a 401k, insurance, company perks, sometimes even a pension on top, perks of being a long-time employee, ease of internal transfers). Some people like doing a lot of things for a short amount of time (2-3 yr stints) until 1) something clicks or 2) it’s time to retire. Seems like you’re still finding out what’s working for you. I don’t think you should stick it out at a volatile company for the tenure benchmark. Are you gaining skills? Is this what you like to do? What you want to do? The thing is, if you keep getting jobs…clearly you’re doing fine. It might be wise to think about where you wanna fall to stay a while.
Loredena* September 30, 2023 at 12:06 pm My first three jobs I left at two years almost to the day! After that I had a 6 year stint, 10 years (I stuck it out too long for mental health but I got retrained for my current focus so). After that I think it was 4 and 6. All of which is to say that careers are long and 2 years for several is common
E.* September 29, 2023 at 4:34 pm Question: when a company you’re interviewing with says “let us know if you’ve received/expect to receive another offer and we can get things moving quicker on our end,” is there some subtext there I’m missing? Because I’ve been in this situation a few times now and either they completely ghost or wait a few months to follow up, and the follow up is like “New job not working out? If not we can chat again, but we’ll have to start the whole thing from the very start. Sorry about that, but unfortunately that’s just how our hiring process works” I accept that I mightn’t be the best candidate for every job. I’m just wondering if there’s some commonality I’m missing.
Hlao-roo* September 30, 2023 at 8:42 am I think the subtext is “we can get things moving quicker on our end if you’re our top choice candidate.” It can also be that “we can get things moving quicker on our end” is “we will do what we can to make the stars align, but if [the budget is cut/the VP is feeling ornery and stalls the hiring decision/etc.] things will move at their normal, slow pace.”
Dog Child* September 29, 2023 at 4:35 pm Just a bit of a vent! So last week I was considering moving to part-time and taking on a part-time Masters….and now I’m job hunting! I work in a non-profit and a big investment has turned into a bit of a squib. I’m underpaid quite drastically and my sticking around was contingent on this funding leading to a pay raise. I could, theoretically, still get a pay rise but I have started job hunting. It’s a shame though; I love this work and my colleagues, and anything else I find will likely be a full industry change.
muffin* September 29, 2023 at 4:42 pm A mediocre, inherited direct report of mine let me know this week that she is leaving for a new job. She’s a nice person but really not suited to this job, especially in contrast to her peers, and I’ve struggled as a first time manager to really manage her effectively. While I’m happy for her, I’m just so glad that I don’t have to manage her for much longer! I feel really guilty for feeling relieved, and was hoping there might be others who have felt this way, too?
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 4:50 pm Some problems just work themselves out. It’s always a relief when it happens!
Dr. Doll* September 29, 2023 at 4:53 pm oh yes!!!! I was soooo relieved when a sweet but incompetent person moved on. total relief. you don’t need to feel guilty at all.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 5:02 pm I had two people leave my team during the pandemic, on a team with very little turnover overall. One was someone I was absolutely relieved about leaving. The other was someone who I wasn’t relieved about, but wasn’t upset about. Sometimes someone leaving a team can be an opportunity for needed change for BOTH parties: former employee and employer. Nothing wrong with that!
Elsewise* September 29, 2023 at 5:48 pm Honestly, she’s probably relieved too. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad manager, it just means this organization or this role wasn’t a good fit for her. Don’t beat yourself up.
meanboss* September 29, 2023 at 5:57 pm Once had a medium performer who got under my skin (just a poor personality mismatch) leave for something else and was relieved so do not feel guilty. Remember when we talk about having to let someone go, the idea is that it’s better for the firee to move on to a place they could succeed better too. Even better for both of you if they find that job on their own before you have to resort to that.
Busy Middle Manager* September 29, 2023 at 6:00 pm No it’s fine and it’s happened. I once inherited someone who stretched out mundane tasks to fill the day. I kept trying to teach them basic coding and things that would greatly help me and build their income. They hated all of it, even when I babied them, and then decided they wanted a more artsy or marketing type role and left. It’s just a thing that happens when you effectively manage for the role that is needed
lin* September 29, 2023 at 7:10 pm We’ve had someone barely competent we’ve struggled with for over a year on my team. Today was her last day. As I am acting lead, it was my job to notify others that she’s worked with that we’d have a new person filling the role Monday (staffing the role is handled by a third party). At least three of them said to me – one on one, not in front of a crowd – oh, thank the maker, I can’t wait to meet the new person. Yes, relief – whether someone is a bad fit going on to something better, difficult to work with, or just incompetent – is a normal response.
The teapots are on fire* September 30, 2023 at 1:15 pm I have felt relieved, and maybe a little guilty for not somehow managing better, but I didn’t feel guilty for being relieved. As long as you don’t throw a big party the minute she’s out the door, you’re still a good person.
FridayNightLights* September 29, 2023 at 4:44 pm What would cause an application status go directly to “not moving forward” right after submitting?
Panicked* September 29, 2023 at 4:51 pm Not meeting the minimum requirements would be one. An overzealous AI would be another.
Dog Child* September 29, 2023 at 4:52 pm An ATS system maybe? If your CV/Resume didn’t have the right keywords or if it was formatted in a way that the ATS can’t see those keywords.
WantonSeedStitch* September 29, 2023 at 5:02 pm Yeah, an automated system is what comes to mind here.
OtterB* September 29, 2023 at 4:48 pm Thought you might be amused. Our COO just posted our policies around holiday and vacation time (no recent change, but lots of new staff onboarded, so good to refresh). The description included this paragraph: You will be paid for your unused vacation time accrued when you terminate your employment with (org). Despite that, you should also strive to take your vacation time! Hoarding your time will just make you grumpy and sad. Go see the world. :-)
Forrest Rhodes* September 29, 2023 at 6:41 pm I love that paragraph. And “grumpy and sad”? Got it in one!
JobSeeker* September 29, 2023 at 4:54 pm How many hours is too many to spend on a performance task as part of a job application at the director level of a nonprofit? The task description said 3-5 and I sent a message asking the company its rationale for this since it is unpaid time and they said they care about equity. They said they considered this length of time reasonable because it cuts out 2-3 hour-long interviews from a hiring process that used to include 4 interviews (sometimes in addition to a task). The task took me a little longer than five hours and would have taken longer if I did not force myself short in some sections. The task was to create an abbreviated development plan in any format we choose. Although replacing the interviews with a task might help people who are neurodivergent and remove scheduling issues with interviews, such a long time may be too much for single parents, those taking care of other relatives, people with full-time jobs, and others. They said to let them know if the task is taking longer than expected, but who would do that, especially after calling them out on it already? I really just did the task to show myself I can do it since the pay is quite low, but what do you all think? What would have been a better task? What are other ways to cut down a very long application process in a way that is more equitable and still allows managers to collect all the information they need?
Grumpygus* September 29, 2023 at 4:58 pm I’m wondering if anyone has advice for my situation. I decided not to go for the team lead role when my supervisor was promoted last. My colleague applied, and I supported that decision. I didn’t want the extra work load or stress during this point of my life. But since they’ve taken the position, I have found myself doing what feels like the majority of their workload, and finding that I am the go to for the team, rather than them. This is causing a good amount of resentment. Would love to be better at setting boundaries and also feel less resentful when taking on projects for others. Any suggestions for scripts for self talk or setting boundaries with others is appreciated!
I'm A Little Teapot* September 29, 2023 at 5:03 pm First, go find a copy of the book called “Boundaries” and read it. Second, stop doing their work! If they can’t do it, or don’t want to, then let their manager handle it. But that can only happen if you stop covering for them.
ferrina* September 29, 2023 at 5:43 pm Practice comments that redirect people. Practice over and over until it’s your default reaction. Even if you could help, for the next couple weeks decline to help unless you are super bored. That will help reset precedent. “I’m not 100% sure, and I’d hate to give you the wrong answer. You should really ask New Lead” “That’s really a question for New Lead.” or even “Sorry, in the middle of something. Someone else will need to help you- maybe New Lead can help or direct you to someone who has time today?” If New Lead is a good manager, let them know that this has been happening and that you’ll be redirecting more people their way so that you can focus on your work. It sounds like this is part of their new job, and they should want people coming to them! If they are new to people management, I might not have this conversation so they won’t have a chance to tell you not to do it- sometimes new managers feel overwhelmed and will farm out things they shouldn’t (because they don’t yet have the experience to know what should/shouldn’t be delegated, or how to recognize when someone is overwhelmed or demoralized by a task). If New Lead is redirecting them, that could be a bigger issue. Explain that you don’t have time to do both your work and this task. I’ve had a boss that happily farmed out her entire job to me (of course, she claimed credit for it). It’s not unheard of, but you can also just decline to take on tasks because you “need to focus on your work”. That has pretty good results.
Job Seeking* September 29, 2023 at 5:03 pm How many hours is too many to spend on a performance task as part of a job application at the director level of a nonprofit? The task description said 3-5 and I sent a message asking the company its rationale for this since it is unpaid time and they said they care about equity. They said they considered this length of time reasonable because it cuts out 2-3 hour-long interviews from a hiring process that used to include 4 interviews (sometimes in addition to a task). The task took me a little longer than five hours and would have taken longer if I did not force myself short in some sections. The task was to create an abbreviated development plan in any format we choose. Although replacing the interviews with a task might help people who are neurodivergent and remove scheduling issues with interviews, such a long time may be too much for single parents, those taking care of other relatives, people with full-time jobs, and others. They said to let them know if the task is taking longer than expected, but who would do that, especially after calling them out on it already? I really just did the task to show myself I can do it since the pay is quite low, but what do you all think? What would have been a better task? What are other ways to cut down a very long application process in a way that is more equitable and still allows managers to collect all the information they need?
Still* September 29, 2023 at 5:24 pm I’m not in nonprofits and not in the States so take this with a grain of salt, but what jumps out at me is that this process saves 2-3 hours FOR THE COMPANY. For you, it not only takes 1-3 hours longer than the interviews would have, you also don’t get to learn anything about the company in the process. Interviews are a two-way street. You drafting a development plan by yourself is not. Secondly, I really hope that this is a task given only to a very select group of people who have already had an interview where both sides were able to learn about each other and gauge their interest. If they asked you for 3-5 hours of work without even interviewing you first… That would be pretty terrible and a waste of everyone’s time.
Kay Tee* September 29, 2023 at 5:45 pm How do you respond to a supervisor asking “are you busy?” with no further context? One of the four people I report to keeps walking up to my desk and opening with this. I’m never sure how to respond, and I’m worried I seem either flustered or irritated. The answer I want to give is “Yes, I’m working on a task like I always am when you approach my desk, but you’re my boss and it’s your job to give me more!!” I don’t know why this question rubs me the wrong way so much! She’s probably just trying to give me a chance to say “Sorry, I need five minutes to finish this task with a deadline”, right? The thing is, it’s never a “come with me to do this right now” but rather an “I’m going to send you an email requesting XYZ”
Lexi Vipond* September 29, 2023 at 6:13 pm It sounds like what they’re asking you is not ‘are you working on a task at this exact second?’ but ‘do you have the capacity to take on an additional task in the near future?’
WellRed* September 29, 2023 at 6:52 pm This! Or “how can I help you?” Or whatever variation works for you.
Rainy* September 29, 2023 at 8:04 pm I mean, it depends. Sometimes I’m doing something that isn’t time-sensitive, and I’ll say “Nothing that can’t wait for a minute.” A lot of the time it’s “I have…three minutes until my next meeting. What’s up?”
WestsideStory* September 29, 2023 at 11:41 pm Not knowing your business, but my advice would be to look up, stop what you are doing and give your Supervisor your full attention. Ask: “What do you need?” Then,when you’ve got it, take a note and either go back to what you were doing (to do the task at an appropriate time) or do the task now if it’s urgent or affects your supervisor’s progress. This should cover everything from “I can’t find a stapler” to “please pull me the last seven years of X reports.” The phrasing may be annoying, but go over it. Accept it as a verbal thing they do. Or are you always looking busy? Being seen as responsive to a supervisor, or any of the four, is a part of the job. It is a part that will get you further than being a furiously concentrating worker bee focused on your own work.
653-CXK* September 30, 2023 at 9:11 am “Being seen as responsive to a supervisor, or any of the four, is a part of the job. It is a part that will get you further than being a furiously concentrating worker bee focused on your own work.” The only caveat is when you’re working on something that requires lots of attention – year end reconciliation, llama grooming, TPS reports – it may require a little more context so you can plan ahead. Being responsive to the boss is fine; being responsive at the expense of your own work (and generating errors) is not. Boss: Are you busy? Me: I’m finishing up the grand total of the llama counts for October…what do you need? If it’s not urgent… Boss: We’re going to that new taqueria on Main St…do you want to come? Me: Sure…let me save this document and I’ll get my coat. If it’s mildly urgent… Boss: Grandboss is requesting the November llama count estimates so he can account for next month’s llama grooming. Can you get it to him by the end of the business day? Me: Sure – I’ll do November right now, and I’ll let him know when I’m finished. If it’s urgent… Boss: Grandboss needs the November llama count estimates as he’s presenting for the board. Can you get it to him by 2pm? Me: I just finished October, so I’ll do November right now. I should be finished by 1:30pm at the latest.
Rach* September 30, 2023 at 6:26 pm My team is virtual so it may be easier for me because I respond through chat, but if my sup chats me with are you busy and I am, I give an honest response. I.e. “I’m working on xyz, but I have time at 1pm” Likewise, if it’s urgent, she lets me know so I’m able to respond accordingly.
Audiophile* September 29, 2023 at 5:48 pm Is there any chance you might post another government shutdown-related open thread should this shutdown come to pass? Like the one below? While I wasn’t impacted by the last one, this one might affect me.
BooksForBrains* September 29, 2023 at 6:24 pm So, there was something that happened at my internship this summer that I keep thinking about, and I was hoping some people here might have some insight. I’ve just started my fourth year of uni, so I don’t really have a good idea of workplace norms or interactions yet. I was working in a lab at my uni over the summer for research experience. Also in the lab was my supervisor, Dr. Cell, a student intern in the year below me, Sabrina, and a recent grad/future Master’s student, Duke. Duke was friendly, helpful, and pretty private, which is perfectly fine. I thought that he seemed the type of guy I might like to be friends with. Well, over the course of a week a few weeks in, I started picking up Romantically Interested vibes from Duke, but I kind of rationalized them away. Then as we were packing up late on a Friday, after Dr. Cell and Sabrina had left, he asked for my number. I panicked! I’d never been asked out before! I didn’t know any “gently reject them” scripts! I gave it under the pretense that I’d meant to do it anyway, to make a lab group-chat. I thought about it over the weekend, and when he asked again on Monday if I might like to go out for dinner, I turned him down as gently as I could and fled. After that he was very respectful and didn’t push, but there was always a little worry that he would, you know? I worried that doing this or that would accidentally lead him on. Besides that, Dr. Cell had assigned Duke to mentor me and Sabrina, as he had more experience, and I worry whether we ended up getting the same amount of mentoring. Sabrina also told me later that Duke had asked her whether she thought I was interested and she had encouraged him. She also asked me a few times during the summer whether I had changed my mind about Duke. I know this probably sounds like petty young adult drama, but I guess my question is whether I could have handled this any better? Dr. Cell never knew about any of this, but should I have told him? Or would that have been involving him needlessly? Is there something I could have done to lessen anxiety about the whole thing? I’m not off base for thinking it’s kind of unprofessional to ask out your close coworker like that, am I? Sorry that my comment is so long! I hope it’s okay to post this issue here, as it does pertain do interpersonal work issues? TL;DR: Coworker asked me out, what should I have done about it? P.S. I anyone has scripts for gentle rejections I would genuinely love to hear them
Stunt Apple Breeder* September 30, 2023 at 1:21 am Wow, I’m sorry this is causing you so much stress. If it makes you feel better, it can be hard to react gracefully in the moment when you are unprepared for someone to ask you out. In addition, the lines sometimes get fuzzy in academia when it comes to interpersonal relationships. We spend so much time together on and off campus–our colleagues become part of our social circle. That’s a difficult dynamic to navigate sometimes. I think the way you handled this was fine. Talk to your PI, or another faculty member you are comfortable with, if you are worried about Duke asking again. If Sabrina brings it up again, tell her you think it’s inappropriate to date coworkers. As for gentle rejection scripts…I tend to flee too. :D Maybe “Thanks for asking, but I’m focusing on classes during my last year.”
Cordelia* September 30, 2023 at 4:30 am honestly, this all sounds totally fine and normal. It doesn’t sound petty, but it also doesn’t sound like something to be concerned about. Lots of people make friendships and more during student summer jobs. It would have been very different if it was Dr Cell asking you out, of course. But Duke asked politely, you declined politely, he didn’t push and all was well. Telling Dr Cell would have been overkill, I think – what would you have wanted or needed him to do? You did fine.
kalli* September 30, 2023 at 8:16 am Did you end up making the group chat? Was one needed? Sometimes if you have that set up it takes the steam out of things before it gets to asking out stage. I’d generally recommend making chats that don’t use phone numbers to set up, like a discord group chat/server or Teams group, however. That lets you say ‘I don’t give my number out at work’ without it coming across as ‘no’ because you gave your number to someone for a group chat/event/thing. The letter from the other day about the client hitting on a gym trainer may have some scripts in comments – the idea is that generally, no, you don’t ask people out at work because it’s work and everyone’s entitled to work without being hit on/asked out/asked to navigate romance stuff, be it client/customer/coworker/boss, and generally creating anxiety about the whole thing which I’m sorry to say, does not go away, especially when a man asks a woman. Some environments have actual policies about not dating coworkers on top of that, or not dating up/down the hierarchy; labs usually don’t go that far because they’re still enmeshed with the uni-student-mentality which can come with an assumption that everyone gets drunk and has a lot of recreational romance, and some people who work there are students and they don’t want to overstep; plus unis are big and sometimes the apparatus moves too slowly or is too complex to deal with a situation in one lab in one faculty in one department etc. You can turn any excuse into a gentle one by adding ‘sorry’, but you shouldn’t have to apologise for saying no as is your right, so I’d only say it when you genuinely mean it and want to preserve goodwill – if they’re creepy and you don’t care, ‘no, I don’t give my number out at work’ is fine, and even ‘no’ is fine although an excuse heads off the initial ‘just let me convince you i’m special’ that people do. If you like them and do get the vibe that they’re decent folk, you can also redirect the event to a social one – ‘you mean with Sabrina? Sure, let’s ask her next time she’s in’ or ‘a lab dinner! awesome!’ and use their reaction to inform further decision making – but if you wouldn’t attend a group social event don’t push yourself to create one! Work social events are sometimes seen as not-work and more fair game for asking out, so you’d also want a good relationship with another coworker who you could get to back you up if you needed to get out quickly. Another way is ‘I’m really busy with my studies/work/something else atm’ but that can just lead to them holding on until end of semester, especially when their workload is parallel to yours, so it can delay the invitation but not the behaviour. If you’re in a class with just one person, or it’s a coworker who doesn’t know your schedule/workload, then it’s a lot easier to use.
Hlao-roo* September 30, 2023 at 8:37 am I want to second Stunt Apple Breeder that you handled this fine. It may help in the future to practice a few stock phrases for rejecting people and/or for giving/withholding your phone number: * “Thanks for asking, but I’m not interested.” * “Thanks for asking, but I don’t date coworkers/lab-mates/fellow biologists (or whatever your field is).” [I would use something that is entirely or mostly true here. Don’t say “I don’t date biology majors” if there’s someone cute in your Bio 301 class you’d love to go out with.] * “Oh, I keep my phone number for friends and family only. You can reach me at my work/student email (or less-personal social media platform of choice).” * “Oh, do you want to set up a group chat for the lab? Why don’t we make it a Facebook group/GroupMe/etc.?”
Thunder Kitten* September 29, 2023 at 6:29 pm I’ve posted a few times about my boss sucking and unlikely to change (as opposed to new boss suckage). I’ve brought up with my grandboss the idea of moving to a new team, but I never explicitly said that boss was the reason, and she didnt think it was worth me transferring during that convo. She seems to think its because of my specific work tasks (which are a point of minor dissatisfaction but would be quite bearable if boss were less problematic). Is it worth telling her that her minion sucks and is on the verge of driving away good performers ? She seems reasonable but I dunno how this would go over. How would one even broach that topic ? Any good scripts to use ?
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 29, 2023 at 6:51 pm I’d express it as team fit rather than getting into the suckage of your manager, as that rarely goes well unless they are a widely known problem. So say e.g. “I’m not a good fit in CurrentTeam which is stressing me, so I’d like to move to NewTeam which would suit me much better” If she wants more details, then I’d say there are personality clashes as well as work task issues.
Filthy Vulgar Mercenary* September 30, 2023 at 1:49 pm I wouldn’t say team fit because then it implies you are the problem. I would be clear it’s because of hoss, and I’d spell out clear examples of management style mismatch…you are looking to work under someone who doesn’t suck (but replace suck with clear examples of his work impact on you)
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 30, 2023 at 6:18 pm Criticising any coworker to higher-ups can make you look like a problem, but especially criticising your own boss – unless you can cite things that have directly damaged the work rather than just the workers. You could say you have a clash in working methods with your boss and if she asks for more details cautiously then give examples, but keep checking her body language all the time to see if you need to stop. You might be lucky that she is open-minded & supportive, but be prepared this conversation could backfire badly, especially if she chose boss or likes her.
Thunder Kitten* September 30, 2023 at 9:26 pm Boss chose him. I do a lot of work for grandboss outside of boss’s purview, so she knows me / my work independently of him, but still not sure how she would side. Ideally she’d shuffle me somewhere else but…. … .. .
To be or not to be (remote)* September 29, 2023 at 6:50 pm After an exhausting job hunt, I’m pretty confident I will receive two offers next week. I like the sound of both positions- they are similar roles and companies, and I can see clicking with the leaders. The difference? Company A has a lower salary but is entirely remote. Company B has a higher salary but hybrid (3 days in office.) I am fully remote in my current position, and at the end of the day, I would prefer to stay that way. Company B is an hour’s commute (probably more, we live in an area known for horrible traffic) and the bump in salary would go to buying a second car. Has anyone negotiated remote work in hiring conversations? I’m thinking of saying something like “I’m very interested in the position, but I have a similar offer that is entirely remote. Are you open to allowing me to work remotely? I can come into the office periodically for team meetings or on another cadence for check-ins. I have an excellent track record in working and managing remote teams.” What do you think?
To be or not to be (remote)* September 29, 2023 at 6:54 pm OP here: I meant to add that Company B has conducted all the interviews remotely and from reading Glassdoor, many of the positions are remote, so I give their hybrid a bit of a side-eye.
WestsideStory* September 29, 2023 at 10:54 pm Well it can’t hurt to ask. Their answer, whatever it is, may be informative.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 2:39 am Just a consideration since other roles at this company are remote: do they start people hybrid and then give full remote once a track record is established or are they going back into the office more and phasing out remote? It doesn’t hurt to ask and phrasing it as shifting into fully remote by month 3, given a track record of success (or immediately if you can give them some metrics and soundbites).
To be or not to be (remote)* September 30, 2023 at 6:20 pm Hmmm good point. I didn’t bring up the hybrid role in the initial conversation because I am interested in the role and don’t want to immediately disqualify myself. I’m hesitant to offer starting in office because I cannot sustain that long term and don’t want a bait and switch.
Camelid coordinator* October 1, 2023 at 6:35 pm You could also try to get Company A to match Company B’s offer. Good luck!
Pivot Time* September 29, 2023 at 6:53 pm I’m job hunting. Is there a way to ask potential interviewers if my colleagues will actually show up? Context: I work in a small dept, and share work with two other colleagues, both who have been with the company for years. One is consistently out sick ( I suspect it’s a legit chronic health issue). The other is lazy and their idea of being productive is shoving off their work to other people, then being loud about how much she’s done. Their out at as many trainings, workshops, meetings etc that are remotely related to work as possible. My supervisor is great but he really doesn’t like conflict and lazy coworker loves creating drama. We won’t be getting more help ( I’ve asked repeatedly ). Between my two colleagues, I spend anywhere from 1-1.5 weeks a month having to cover their work. I don’t want to be in the same position in a new job. Any ideas on how to phrase my concern?
Rach* September 29, 2023 at 7:04 pm Well, regarding the first coworker (out sick), I’d assume that you all have the same amount of sick leave, and if they are taking what seems like more time, that they have a reason and it’s been discussed with your HR department- in which case, that’s private info. Ideally, your current manager would have check-ins with you where you would discuss how you’re balancing projects and workload. You’d also discuss contingencies and expectations in coverage. In light of that, I would frame your questions to potential employers around project management and teamwork: How are projects assigned and managed across the team? What would a typical day look like in this role? What is their management style? Questions of that nature will give you better insight into the work-life balance of the position as well as make you seem engaged rather than coming across as having a chip on your shoulder regarding your current team.
Siren of Sleep* September 29, 2023 at 7:15 pm I recently got promoted at work and am working on training my replacement. It’s a front desk job, so it’s pretty much just answering the phone, heading the front desk, taking deliveries, etc. There is a certain amount of knowledge needed to properly direct people and where to take sometimes time sensitive mail. The issue I’m having is that a coworker, who is not in the same department or has knowledge of the other departments, is constantly answering questions for the new hire. Thankfully it’s only been 4 days, but I’ve had to go in and refute what this coworker has told new hire. I also did at one point speak up and say “it’s alright, I got this”. The issue I’m having is finding a good way to say “Your help is appreciated, but you need to stop” that doesn’t sound needlessly rude, especially since the coworker is mentally disabled and has misunderstood social cues before. Does anyone have any practice doing so? I want to be kind but firm.
PollyQ* September 29, 2023 at 11:18 pm “Thanks for helping, but [boss] has asked that I handle [replacement]’s training.” Also 2nd Dido’s advice.
Kingfisher* September 29, 2023 at 8:15 pm I have an interview for a company I’ll call X Company on Monday. From my online searching, it seems one of their big questions is “Why X Company?” Their website is pretty blandy corporate despite being a huge, global firm and I’m struggling to find a way into the company to answer this question, especially as it’s a sort of adjacent industry to my previous one, but not one I’ve worked in before (executive search vs corporate recruiting). Any suggestions for how to dig in enough for a good answer to this question when the website doesn’t offer much help?
kalli* September 30, 2023 at 8:01 am Check the PD and job packet. There’s usually a couple of paragraphs about the company or mission. If there’s truly nothing – what made you apply for that role? What have you heard about X, what do your friends say, have you dealt with them? How do you know they’re a huge global firm? They can’t have no reputation or connections. What do you know about them apart from their website? They’re not looking for someone who can regurgitate their website. They want someone who’s excited about that particular job with them. What would that role let you do that you’re excited about? i.e. ‘Why this role with X Company?’ ‘Everyone I’ve known who’s dealt with X has said you’re professional and knowledgeable and effective. I want to work in an environment where everyone’s good at their jobs like that! This role would let me do that and also let me build skills in international comms and deal with more challenging objectives like recruiting across a whole department instead of looking to only shape orgs from the top down.’ is a valid answer. You can drop in some other adjectives and a different goal/skill that describes you. But you’re not only meant to answer with ‘X company has a panda logo and I like pandas so a company that chose a panda logo is exciting to me’ or ‘your website says you work in 150 countries and I want to work in a global org’.
Loredena* September 30, 2023 at 12:22 pm Do you have any contacts there? Or even at a couple removes? If so I’d reach out and ask if they would mind giving you some insight into what it’s like working there. Otherwise I’d look for recent news.
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* October 2, 2023 at 9:00 am Does X Company do feel-good advertising? Like BASF did all those ads in the early 2000s “We don’t make the things you buy, we make the things you buy better.” Find that stuff and watch it – that’ll tell you how X Company feels about itself, or wants others to feel about it. Then structure your answer along those lines.
Bad Timing* September 29, 2023 at 9:15 pm I currently have a decent job that is fully remote. I live in a high cost of living area due to my spouse’s job. I recently accepted an offer for a hybrid job with a 15% salary increase and more professional development and growth opportunities than my current job. Because the role is hybrid, it means staying in HCOL area (which, while I don’t love the cost, is a place I overall enjoy living). I am planning to give notice on Monday. Unfortunately, Spouse is about to be laid off (Spouse works in tech; I do not). Spouse is pressuring me to back out of this offer that I already accepted and not give notice to my current job so that I can stay in fully remote job and have the flexibility to move – either to somewhere with a lower cost of living or to a different HCOL area where Spouse might find another tech job. I’m not in love because 1) I don’t want to burn bridges with the new company, 2) while I like my current job and team, I know current job will not make a counter-offer or even offer a merit increase, and 3) I’m not convinced we will actually move any time soon (Spouse has excellent technical skills, but is bad at job hunting) and I’ll feel like I gave up a job offer for nothing. I suppose this is more vent than anything else, but I’m wondering if I’m overvaluing salary increase and undervaluing the ability to work from anywhere.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 10:21 pm Can you afford your home on 1 income if Spouse is laid off? You wouldn’t be forced to move anyway? I think turning down a raise in anticipation of a layoff is backasswards. Take the money and growth potential. Why can’t Spouse look for a fully remote job if they can’t find something locally? I think they are just panicky and clutching at the familiar.
Bad Timing* September 30, 2023 at 6:59 am We could still afford housing expenses on my income alone. Spouse says it’s impossible to get a job in their tech niche right now. I don’t work in that industry so I don’t know if that’s real or if Spouse is panicking or both.
WestsideStory* September 29, 2023 at 10:51 pm Take the new job. Your spouse will cope. Yes he may mope, but your gut is telling you this is the right move. Trust your gut. As your spouse to trust you.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 2:34 am They can’t be serious. You all lost a whole income in a HCOL. You need the next 15% now more than before, but also why should you have to make the sacrifices and accommodate them all the time? Tell them to deal with it, find a job, AND/OR sincerely put the effort into making a concrete plan with a timeline where you doing all this makes sense.
Bad Timing* September 30, 2023 at 7:05 am That was essentially my original answer back to Spouse. I’m just second-guessing whether flexibility to live anywhere in the country is worth preserving above all else.
Rainy* September 30, 2023 at 5:39 pm I think you should stick with your gut, which is that this pay bump is worth it and your spouse is going to drag his feet on anything that would actually move you around. How frustrating would it be to back out, burn bridges, and all the rest only to have your spouse just…do nothing? Because that would enrage me, personally.
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 6:18 pm The flexibility is wonderful, but at this point it’s secondary to food in belly and roof over head. It’s also not really a great perk when you’re not planning to move. This is a ‘cross the bridge when you come to it,’ not a ‘let’s plan around a theoretical.’ I think you spouse likely is grasping at the familiar and panicking in face of the vague (the future). They should direct energy into getting a remote job themselves — if moving is really a firm desire.
Retired Vulcan Raises 1 Grey Eyebrow* September 30, 2023 at 7:28 am Take that new job with the better pay, career & skill development – it’s not just the pay. Don’t hold back your career, don’t burn this bridge and maybe even damage your rep if it’s a small world in your field. With only one of you earning, you probably need the extra money. Spouse can job hunt and if he’s bad at it, as you say, you might be in your new job a year or more and with your improved skills, be ready for another new job. If he really does find all the good jobs are elsewhere (sounds unlikely) you could deal with the issue then.
kalli* September 30, 2023 at 7:54 am Just checking- is your remote job actually able to let you move anywhere, or are they only set up in a few states and you may not have the flexibility your spouse is envisioning? We’ve seen letters before where someone has moved interstate and had to give up their remote job, or asked about moving and been told no, so you may get more info on this point with a search. But if that’s not part of the equation you shouldn’t factor it in, especially if you are personally happy where you are and within your community and wouldn’t move but for spouse’s employment.
Indolent Libertine* September 30, 2023 at 9:03 pm Was just coming to say this. If the current employer doesn’t already have a “nexus” in the place Bad Timing l might theoretically move to, they likely won’t continue to employ Bad if they move there; it’s about having to comply with another state’s employment laws etc.
beep beep* September 29, 2023 at 9:58 pm Maybe too late to get feedback, but is it normal to have to accept a (what seems to me like) wide release to attend a virtual meetup for an employee resource group? It’s a “meet the leadership” sort of thing, and I’d like to… do that since I’m fairly new, but I’m uncomfortable signing something that from what I can tell lets them capture, copyright, and use for promotion my face/voice/bio/”other aspects of [my] identity” “in perpetuity without further notice or compensation”. Like, guys, this is the queer employee network. Seriously? I know coming out at work itself is a privilege and I’m also fairly controlling about what I put out on the internet about myself, but this release feels like a hard no.
RagingADHD* September 29, 2023 at 11:47 pm “Aspects of your identity” doesn’t mean how you identify in terms of gender or orientation. It means your name, likeness, and things you might say, IP address, or other data that might be captured. If it’s a “meet the leadership” large group, a) I would expect they might want to record it for employees to watch back later or post clips to different outlets, b) I wouldn’t expect people to be sharing intensely personal things, and c) I would expect there to be allies attending, so it wouldn’t necessarily be obvious who is who. The wording you shared seems fairly standard for a commercial video release, but if you are not comfortable being recorded, maybe skip the big high-visibility meeting and just go to regular ones.
beep beep* September 30, 2023 at 9:14 am Yeah, I figured about the “aspects of your identity” part, it just skeeves me out. I do think the release applies to any/all virtual events :( (It’s the first thing that pops up when you go to the general event signup page for all the networks). I just wish that the company didn’t want to record employee network meetings for promotional material, I suppose, but probably not something I’m going to change. Oh, well, if they announce anything in-person I can go to that. Thank you for the gut check!
kalli* October 1, 2023 at 5:35 am Why are they recording an ERG for promotional material? That’s very strange and I don’t see it in your original comment. I would have assumed they looked up a boilerplate contract and didn’t customise it before assuming they’d make employee support group activities public content.
Alton Brown's Evil Twin* October 2, 2023 at 8:56 am Are you in Europe, or are there other attendees who might be in Europe? This sounds like an awkward way to stay in compliance with GDPR.
Amanda* September 29, 2023 at 11:00 pm The regional director for my company just scheduled an out-of-town team building retreat for November 1, so all 150 of us have to cancel Halloween and travel to a dreary hotel that night in order to do team building the next day. I was grumbling to my husband about how oblivious they must be to schedule this, but then today someone let the director know that their halloween is ruined and the director responded “just bring your costumes!” Wait… bring them so we can sit alone in our hotel rooms in a costume? Ugh. Thanks for letting me rant. Long live halloween!
There You Are* September 30, 2023 at 1:48 pm I am convinced that, in order to rise in the corporate ranks, you have to be tone deaf, utterly incapable of deriving joy from anything other than work, and cannot possibly conceive of a world full of people who are different from you.
Brit Bratwurst* September 30, 2023 at 1:48 pm How long would you take on things outside of your role without a change in compensation or title before you made a fuss about it? I’m stretching into a role I want to be in but was told it will be a “soft launch” with a title and compensation change not coming until later. My direct report told me to make sure I have in my head how long I’m ok doing this without it being official and not let them take advantage of me (she’s great). I was thinking 3-6 months. Does that seem reasonable? Is it too long?
the bat in the office popcorn machine* September 30, 2023 at 6:22 pm Personally, 0 to 1 months but 3 would be ok, depending on how much responsibility is being foisted and at what pace. If you’re expanding my role and giving me more responsibilities, then I would frame it as a change in title from the moment they proposed it. Otherwise, I feel worried they get used to me doing more for the same pay and title. If you want to be more ‘fair’ to them, you can frame it as a 1 month test run and if it’s a good fit, then you propose your terms for taking it on more permanently. After all, you will not do this indefinitely and it’s not in their best interest to give you ownership and then have you drop it because a change isn’t forthcoming.
CandiedYams* October 1, 2023 at 1:23 am I think I’ve hurt my relationship with my boss. I’m the disengaged coworker my team right now. There’s been a lot of issues with our program that I’ve regularly brought up and had dismissed with leadership which has been leaving me confused, frustrated, and frankly has hit at my self-worth pretty hard. While everyone on our small team agrees with the issues I’ve outlined, I seem to be the only one who is upset enough to have it impact my work. Recently, I confronted my team lead about these issues, and I was as professional as I could be, but my frustration and disenchantment pretty clearly came through. Finding another job is going to take a lot of time, and now I’m worried that, with me being the only one on the team this upset, I’ll be let go as a “bad fit” before I can solidify something else. Do you have any advice for this situation? Any words of wisdom for how to swallow your pride and just sit in a much lesser position than you thought you were hired for?
kalli* October 1, 2023 at 5:32 am Just do the work and keep your work brain for work, turn off when you leave and silo it from your job search and home life. Your pride is in getting the work you’re doing done well and being able to leave it behind when you switch the computer off/walk out the door.
Janie* October 1, 2023 at 9:33 am I don’t know if this would work in the culture at your company, but I’ve always worked in startup environments where you could just work on solutions for problems yourself, then bring the solutions to your boss. So, for example, if I thought a project could improve these problems, I would just go ahead and research it, write a proposal, maybe even do a small-scale proof of concept. Then I would bring that to management, rather than just the problems. This gets them to listen better and you get to have fun doing some of the project work you want to do. As long as your workload isn’t too high and you don’t need authority to implement solutions, to be honest, you can just do the work at a higher level ? Or at least, that’s what I’ve always done in the startup environments I’ve been in. But if that wouldn’t work because you don’t have the time or authority or it would be a huge culture clash, then I would focus on finding more joy/fulfillment outside of work. Do you have projects or volunteer work or hobbies you could lean into? Could you spend more time with people in your life who are not in your industry and have other sorts of fun? Plus, try to think about your career and these issues long-term and reframe. Think about how this job could fit into a 4-year plan – think about what you would need to do now to get to where you want to go and focus on that. Ask yourself, “Where do I want to go and am I still on my way there?” Because you probably are! One bad job won’t ruin your career. :) Good luck and I hope things get better! :)
Copperhead* October 1, 2023 at 3:57 am Hey everyone, I took a job at the beginning of the pandemic with a relocation agreement, which is about the resources dedicated to the relocation only. I had a verbal agreement to move, but then we were banned from the office due to COVID. Since then the company has turned out to be very volatile — all my leadership has changed numerous times, and their take on remote work has changed several times, and the volatility was so intense that it was reorged recently and the legal department prohibited me and other managers from speaking to the people I manage for a few months while all of them were forced to resign and reapply or be fired. Along the way I have pushed back against a lot of workplace issues that affect my team — nothing abusive, but impossible mandates with no resources, and aggressive behavior aimed at us because of the reorg. So, my relocation agreement expired just before all this happened. I manage a hybrid team with remote members and even the in-office people aren’t there much — I travel routinely to the office and to clients, and have always had good reviews. No one mentioned it at the time, but now suddenly in the last few weeks my current manager is extremely mad about it. We’ve had several meetings about it — I asked about some of the same issues that are a problem, and about the availability of money to facilitate the move/extension of the agreement, and set a reasonable time to relocate. My manager didn’t acknowledge that at all. But we’ve now had two meetings in which he and HR have raised minor issues which go back beyond the reorg and then segued into rants about how I am not in the office or raised their voices at me about how I’m not committed. Twice now my manager has asked me if “it would be easier to quit.” From my perspective, i am committed — if I weren’t, would I put up with this situation? But also, do they have no responsibility to communicate with me about the status of something like an expiring contract?
kalli* October 1, 2023 at 5:30 am No, especially as it’s expired. At this point, if you have other options I’d be seriously considering them – you can’t trust them even when things are written down, the people you had the verbal agreement with are MIA, and the reorg and the volatility don’t actually seem to be going away, just taking on new forms. It could even be that they assumed because you didn’t move, you weren’t moving and they planned on that in the reorg and now you’ve brought it up again and they may no longer have the capacity to entertain it. So. If there are other employers who will let you move, apply or lodge an expression of interest; look at your finances; look at your move; find a new path and take it.
Riss* October 1, 2023 at 6:36 pm My manager and big boss ask me to resign verbally months back. They deny they ever retrench me , however off record they say they retracted from asking me to resign that soon . My big boss also thought I am useless (thanks to my manager) and boasted he could waive my notice period until 14 days. My manager clearly doesn’t want me to reduce my notice period even if it’s reduce by one month. I need a two month notice period. My contract is three . Now I got an offer, is it wise to put the waiver letter and asked to resign in my resignation letter ?
the bat in the office popcorn machine* October 1, 2023 at 7:33 pm What do you gain by sticking around? What happens when you resign? Will they honor their word? Is the offer from the other job a sure thing?
Riss* October 1, 2023 at 9:49 pm Yes I signed the offer. My new company doesn’t need me that fast and there is a paycheque if I don’t resign immediately without pay deduction. I also have a vacation lining up which will be awkward Honor their words is the most tricky thing. I made him write in writing but he can always argue the two week thing. It all depends whether my manager fess up that he lies about my non- importance of my role