open thread – November 24-25, 2023 by Alison Green on November 24, 2023 It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on any work-related questions that you want to talk about (that includes school). If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to take your questions to […] Read the full article →
Thanksgiving free-for-all – November 23, 2023 by Alison Green on November 23, 2023 This comment section is open for any discussion you’d like to have with other readers (work or non-work or possibly even entirely dessert-focused if that’s your bag). Happy Thanksgiving! Read the full article →
Thanksgiving eve open thread by Alison Green on November 22, 2023 Share your holiday angst or joy in this special Thanksgiving eve non-work open thread. Read the full article →
the Christmas bureaucrat, Secret Santa questionnaire, and other stories of holidays at work by Alison Green on November 22, 2023 It’s more holiday stories! Tradition dictates that as we head into the holiday season, we must revisit holiday stories previously shared by readers. Here are some favorites. 1. The depth of flavor “Not my story but my dad’s, and it makes me laugh every time. His workplace hosts an annual chili cookoff and everyone would bring […] Read the full article →
the Christmas tantrum, the potluck tyrant, and other tales of holidays at work by Alison Green on November 22, 2023 Over the years, readers have submitted a tremendous number of amusing stories about holidays at work, and since we’re heading into the holidays we must revisit them. Here are some of my favorites. 1. The Christmas tantrum “A woman who had worked at our office for more than twenty years pouted and threw tantrums like […] Read the full article →
using tracking software to monitor employees, leading the charge for women’s shorts, and more by Alison Green on November 22, 2023 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Using tracking software to monitor employees My employer uses tracking software to track remote workers. If they determine you “worked” less than seven hours in a day, you come up on a bad list and can get in trouble. Thing is, these are exempt workers […] Read the full article →
the bacon monitor, the baby boom, and other stories of holidays at work by Alison Green on November 21, 2023 Over the years, readers have submitted a tremendous number of amusing stories about holidays at work. Here are some of my favorites. 1. The cook-off “Our office had a chili cook-off once. The morning of the potluck, it was announced that due to inclement winter weather and some people not being able to make it […] Read the full article →
my employee is being difficult … but I think it’s the stress of illness by Alison Green on November 21, 2023 A reader writes: I am a manager for a team of 11 people. One of my long time employees, Zed, has stage 4 cancer. When Zed was first diagnosed about three months ago, I asked if he might consider taking FMLA leave (we have very generous medical leave policies). Zed refused. I think it’s because […] Read the full article →
my rich friend is oblivious when he talks about money … and I’m at a breaking point by Alison Green on November 21, 2023 A reader writes: I’m writing for help because you’re the best writer I can think of who delivers the right words in the right way. My issue is workplace-adjacent without it actually being about a coworker. I’m at the end of my rope with friend, someone who I’ve known for 25 years, who is deeply […] Read the full article →
I think my incompetent coworker made up her work history, my office told me to pump in the bathroom, and more by Alison Green on November 21, 2023 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Should I have told anyone I thought my incompetent coworker made up her work history? My organization hired “Jane,” a coordinator for my department, about six months ago. I didn’t interview her or knew anything about her before she was hired. I am one level […] Read the full article →