November 2023

how do I stop bringing work stress home with me?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I work a full-time corporate job and am a manager. I have a fair amount of stress related to my job, but I don’t believe it’s above the norm, in relation to other jobs I have. In terms of stakes, I’m not in charge of […]

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the prize for our tree decorating contest is baby clothes, I accidentally recommended a smutty book to my boss, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. The prize for our tree decorating contest is … baby clothes My office does a “Best Holiday Tree” decorating competition based on department. Everyone is encouraged to decorate their department’s trees using office supplies. It has been popular for several years. The winning department, based […]

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when are potlucks a bad idea?

A reader writes: My office is doing a potluck for Thanksgiving. We are a company with just over 100 people. I have dietary restrictions, so I asked if there would be a sign-up so I’d know in advance if I could eat anything. HR declined, saying they don’t want people to feel pressured to bring […]

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my employee identifies proudly as a grump

A reader writes: I manage a small team of creative people and we all have different work styles (as defined during a company-wide professional growth workshop.) One team member has so strongly identified with her more aggressive and direct work style that I find she is using it as a crutch to excuse bad behavior […]

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my coworker’s white fragility is getting in the way of DEI discussions, and other questions about race

It’s part two of our discussion with Michelle Silverthorn! Michelle is the founder and CEO of Inclusion Nation, a recognized keynote speaker on inclusion and belonging, and the author of the best-selling book, Authentic Diversity: How to Change the Workplace for Good. Sign up for Monday Mornings with Michelle, her weekly newsletter with practical steps for allyship at […]

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my awful coworker’s employees want me to help them

A reader writes: My counterpart — let’s call him John — and I each manage workers who are part of various teams in the same department. Some of John’s employees recently approached me with concerns about his management style. From what I can gather, after being moved to these employees’ team to “help them out” […]

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this is how to be a good interviewer

So, you’ve been asked to interview someone, and you’re not sure where to start. Maybe it’s your first time on the interviewer’s side of the desk, or maybe you’ve hired before with less than desirable results. Maybe you’ve been faced with bad interviewers yourself and you want to avoid making someone else suffer through that […]

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