May 2024

Ask a Manager in the media

Here’s some coverage of Ask a Manager in the media recently: I talked to Vox about how to disagree at work without ruining the relationship. I talked to CNBC about what topics to avoid discussing with your boss. I was on Slate’s How To! podcast this week, advising a woman who struggles with taking feedback […]

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can I discuss NSFW shows at work?

A reader writes: In this age of streaming, it seems like every show I watch is very, very R-rated. I feel a little uncomfortable talking about these shows during normal coworker chit-chat about what everyone has been watching lately. I wondering how best to navigate these conversations. Here are two specific examples that I felt […]

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how does maternity leave work, exactly?

A reader writes: I hope to get pregnant in the next two or three years and I have realized that I know absolutely nothing about how maternity leave works in the U.S. Do most companies offer paid leave and, if so, for how long? If it’s not paid, how are people taking months off? When […]

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