May 2024

my employee keeps coming to work sick

A reader writes: Now that the pandemic is “over” ( /s) and all the rules and restrictions have pretty much been lifted, I have a question: as a manager, what can I do to make people stay home when they’re sick? I’m the director of a mid-sized public library, and we have a librarian, “Brian,” […]

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need help finding a job? start here

Here’s a round-up of some of the most key job-searching advice on this site. Resumes and Cover Letters The first thing to know is, if you’re not getting interviews, you probably need to fix your resume and cover letter. If you’re thinking your materials are fine, I’ve got to tell you: More often than not, […]

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my manager won’t hire people with messy cars

A reader writes: Am I crazy or is this a red flag? I’m working a temp to perm job, and was just let in on a departmental secret. Apparently, when our supervisor is deciding who to keep on permanently, she will figure out which car is yours and walk out to it on a break […]

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I made a bad joke about my new hire

A reader writes: I have a new hire who’s coming to the end of his probationary period. Chris is conscientious, smart, and has gelled well with the team. He’s completed his probationary objectives with time to spare, and in our most recent catch-up, I suggested that he start considering his longer-term goals for career redevelopment […]

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someone emailed me about my employee’s behavior outside of work

A reader writes: I recently got an email from someone with screenshots concerning an employee of mine. They were of a personal nature directed to an organization outside of work using her personal time and her personal equipment. They didn’t concern work at all. They weren’t racist or hate-filled rants or anything of that nature. […]

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