updates: the convention center music, the knee-to-the-groin rumor, and more by Alison Green on May 1, 2024 Here are three updates from past letter-writers. 1. Convention center will not turn down the music (#3 at the link) I’m the guy who wrote about how, ever since the convention center my organization meets at was purchased by a chain, they blast loud music throughout the venue 24/7. First of all, I was tickled […] Read the full article →
I’m caught in the crossfire of my coworkers’ petty complaints about our company by Alison Green on May 1, 2024 A reader writes: The company that I work for has made a few changes recently, prompting disgruntlement from coworkers in my four-person department. We are all equal in seniority and the HR manager doubles as our manager. Previously our department was left to its own devices, resulting in a slack approach to work from my […] Read the full article →
employee said awful things about a coworker who was on the phone, company’s leaders are all white men, and more by Alison Green on May 1, 2024 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Employee said awful things about a coworker … while on the phone with them I’m writing about an incident that happened to my coworker, “Jane.” Jane was out of town over the weekend and her corporate lodging card wouldn’t work. She called an admin, “Elvira,” […] Read the full article →