here’s a huge discount on the Ask a Manager job-searching bible

Looking for a job?

Once a year, I offer a big discount on my my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager, and it’s happening now. Use this discount code today for a massive 40% discount off the regular $24.95 price: newjob

If you’ve ever wished that you could look into the brain of a hiring manager to find out what you need to do to get hired, this is for you. Written from my perspective as a long-time hiring manager, this e-book gives you step-by-step guidance through every stage of your job search … explaining at each step what a hiring manager is thinking and what they want to see from you … from getting noticed initially, to nailing the interview, to navigating the tricky post-interview period, all the way through your offer.

You’ll learn things like:

  • what hiring managers are looking for when they ask common interview questions
  • how to talk about sensitive issues when you interview — firings, bad bosses, and more
  • how to avoid companies that aren’t a good fit
  • 6 ways you might be sabotaging your job search
  • 2 ways you can turn rejection to your advantage

Here are some things readers have said after purchasing it:

“Thanks to following Alison’s advice in this book, I’m about to start a new job in a stretch position. The director of HR kept complimenting my professionalism through the entire process, and really loved the questions I asked during my interviews. My new manager is so excited he was vibrating when I signed the offer last week. And partly due to selling myself well, and partly due to changing from clerical work to network administration, I have a 50% salary increase and room to grow.”

“Thanks to the tips, tricks, and advice in this book, I landed an incredible new job in a new-to-me industry doing something I love. I was also able to negotiate a great hiring package including a big jump in salary and benefits. I’m sure I would have found a decent job without this book, but I absolutely feel that I was able to find something incredible with it.”

“This morning my husband had an interview. I bugged him for over a week about reading your guide and he ignored me. Yesterday, I twisted his arm and finally got him to read it. He liked the advice so much he read it a second time. He really took it seriously and followed all of the advice you gave … He just called me to tell me the interview was done and that it had been the best interview he had ever had.”

“I used to have 50/50 luck getting past phone interviews and into the actual in-person interview. Once I read your book, I went 100% in getting past the phone interview, and I was ALWAYS in the top running for every position since then. I absolutely know it was because of your advice in the book. I could just feel the quality of my interviews go up exponentially after I read it.”

“A+, highly recommend. It gave me invaluable help in my last job search and I am sure will continue to provide value as I move along in my career. If you’re on the fence, GET IT.”

Get your copy with this 40% off discount code (newjob) now!

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{ 36 comments… read them below }

  1. Filthy Vulgar Mercenary*

    If someone wants this and can’t afford it, please email Alison and tell her you’d like support. I’ll fund 5 of these for people.

  2. Emily*

    I bought this before via your resume service- that was over 6 years ago though. Have there been updates from the 2017-2018 version that I should buy this to have?

  3. SusieQQ*

    Just curious if there are any plans for a paperback edition? I am just one of those people who love a physical book. I have a copy of Ask A Manager, and I would buy this one in a heartbeat if you ever do a paperback version!

    1. Prudence and Wakeen Snooter Theatre for the Performing Oats*

      Add me to the list if those who want a paper copy! My downloaded copy bit the dust when my last computer decided that running was no longer in its long term plans.

  4. Iron Chef Boyardee*

    How valid is the information when it comes to civil service jobs? I’ve been in my agency a very long time and ranked extremely high on the latest promotional exam (top five), but even though I interview I don’t get any offers.

    1. Peanut Hamper*

      I would say it’s worth it. There’s a lot in here that is valuable, about how to write a resume and cover letter, as well as how to prepare for an interview, that I think is valuable regardless of whether you are looking for civil service jobs or not.

  5. MailOrderAnnie*

    Thanks, Alison! I got a copy for my daughter. She was recently laid off and is on the hunt.

  6. kupo*

    Any time I’ve been to a talk about interviewing and etiquette, etc the speaker always says “except for the tech sector” and then doesn’t address how it works in the tech sector so I’m curious if these tips apply to the tech sector. TIA!

    1. Stella*

      Yes! I’m in tech, and I’ve used Alison’s advice to get my two most recent jobs. My performance (and comfort level) in interviews improved >100% after reading her book. I didn’t know what I had been doing wrong/not doing until I read her advice. She also helped me negotiate for more money both times.

    2. Garblesnark*

      Well that’s a weird trend.

      None of the advice in the book is FAANG specific, but it is certainly applicable to the tech sector in general.

    3. Cheese fry*

      Coming from tech, I don’t know what they meant by that. I guess dress code can be more relaxed? Depending on your role there might be practical tests of your skills?

      I wouldn’t worry and assume most of it is applicable.

  7. Edward Fairfax, Rochester, NY*

    Suggest using a different word such as “compilation” or phrase such as “ultimate resource book” instead of “bible”. Substitute any other religion’s holy book for that word and you’d find it objectionable, wouldn’t you?

      1. Peanut Hamper*

        Yep. It’s in lower-case, so it does not represent scripture, just authority.

  8. MassMatt*

    For what it’s worth I think this is a terrific book far better than others I’ve seen on the subject. I’ve given it to two grads, one of whom graduated into a very uncertain job market due to the pandemic, and both were able to quickly improve their resumes and interview preparation and found jobs in their fields.

    They also both found it had a lot of useful information on how to make sure a job is a good fit and how to spot and avoid potentially toxic workplaces.

    This would make a great gift not just for a new grad but someone changing careers or re-entering the work force.

  9. Annie Edison*

    Thank you for offering this discount! It’s perfect timing for me- just grabbed a copy

  10. misty*

    I bought this as a gift.

    I paid but have a click here for download, but I want to give it to someone else along with the bonus webinars.

    Anyone have info??

  11. Six Feldspar*

    Thanks for the discount! Can anyone tell me if the advice is mostly for US jobs/careers?

    I’m Australian and I’m getting a lot of great advice from reading the site, but the work culture/legislation will be different for me.

    1. CanadaGoose*

      Alison is American, but the particular laws of her country don’t come up too often as I recall. I’m Canadian and found it invaluable in my job search a year ago.

    2. CanadaGoose*

      Thought I replied, but just to say that as a Canadian, I found it very helpful when I was job searching last year. It’s generally applicable outside the US.

  12. illuminate*

    How is the e-book delivered? I’d love to buy but the website doesn’t say before payment.

  13. Pretty as a Princess*

    Yay! I just bought this as a gift for my college kid! I have sent her here previously for advice and hadn’t thought to buy her the book, but with it in today’s feed I immediately purchased it!

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