September 2024

my employee is a great worker but she’s quiet and aloof

A reader writes: A staff member I manage, Marianne, is very good at her job. She’s easy to manage in that she’s on top of her work, understands the organization, and takes constructive criticism very well. She’s also the most aloof person I’ve ever met. Though she’s been part of our small team for years […]

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is a reminder to vote too political?

A reader writes: I currently work in a management role in a government agency. For anyone who cares to do a quick Google/LinkedIn search, it is clear from my previous jobs for campaigns/issue groups/certain politicians that I’m a Democrat, but I maintain pretty strict boundaries about discussing politics at work. We are a service agency, […]

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I can’t recommend the colleague who listed me as a reference

A reader writes: One of my coworkers was laid off two weeks ago. She was an easy choice because her work and attitude weren’t great. Her office was next to mine so we’d have friendly conversations every day and I got along with her, but she yelled at her team constantly and wasn’t available to […]

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our boss hired his emotionally unstable son to work with us

A reader writes: I work in a preclinical (no patients) research lab in a hospital. The team involved in our day-to-day work is small, consisting of three full-time employees and the lab manager. We all have to work together closely to get studies done. Our top boss and PI, Cyrus, is the head of the […]

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do we have to accommodate a dieting employee?

A reader writes: I know that we need to accommodate employees with dietary restrictions due to health or religious needs, but what about employees who choose to go on diets? I have a colleague, Collette, who has been willingly doing a Keto diet for the last year, and she still is insufferable about it. Anytime […]

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