October 2024

my boss says I do great work but won’t give me a raise after 3 years

A reader writes: I’m early in my career but have been in my current organization (10,000+ employees) for over three years. I was hired in a two-person “department,” where I am an individual contributor reporting directly to the department director. Since I started in this position, my manager (George) and I have had conversations about […]

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someone is always crying in our morning meetings

A reader writes: Can you help me deal with the amount of crying at work I’m dealing with at the moment? I manage a mid-size team of people who are all very caring and empathetic, and are through and through a great team. Every morning we have a meeting set up for the day. I’m […]

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how can I stay in touch with former coworkers?

A reader asks: I’ve been working for a while with a senior colleague who has been amazing — knowledgeable, supportive, and patient. He recently moved on from my organization. When he left, he told me to keep in touch. I’d love to keep in touch but have no idea what to say! I feel like […]

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my drunk coworkers are gossiping about me not drinking

A reader writes: I find myself in a truly bizarre situation. I attended a work conference overnight this weekend with almost all of my colleagues. We’re attorneys at a pretty large “small” law firm. At the end of the conference day, we all had dinner together. My close colleague, Jenna, and I arrived to dinner […]

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is it OK to ask my team to do working lunches?

A reader writes: I have a question about working lunches. I manage a small team, and I recently held a brainstorming session for some professional development ideas for next year that the whole team can participate in. One of the options I suggested is (company-sponsored) lunch and learns, where we watch a work-related webinar and […]

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can I ask why my coworker was fired?

A reader writes: I have always thought of my job as a place where people didn’t get fired unless they were obviously and consistently bad at their jobs. I have been here for six years and I know that when we get the “goodbye so-and-so” emails from HR about people unexpectedly leaving, that probably means […]

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