new boss has a different work style, hanging a photo of the president in your office, and more

It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go…

1. My new boss has a different work style than my old boss

I’ve been in my job for three years under James. I’ve liked working with him and have learned a lot. The work is fairly strategic in nature, and James often asked for multiple approaches to be tested and a lot of workshopping before making decisions. He prioritized creativity and thoroughness over speed. Mostly this worked out fine and he was never unhappy with my work, but sometimes it took a month to do something that I felt could have been done in a week. I would have preferred a little more independence and decisiveness, but overall it was fine. He would also sometimes assign projects and then forget about them when I was finished, which wasted time or resources.

James has recently been promoted and is no longer my supervisor. I am now supervised by his former boss, Michael. Michael approaches the role very differently. He is much more focused on getting results and while it’s been a bit more hectic, overall it’s a positive and I’ve been getting a lot more done and feel better that projects aren’t dragging out any longer.

Michael has not said anything negative to me but has occasionally queried why something from a while ago was never finished or why an earlier version of something took much longer. I’ve just said the priorities at the time were different but haven’t elaborated. I’m not sure if I should ask for a meeting to explain that I worked at a particular pace because that was what James wanted and I wasn’t slacking off or struggling before. Michael would not previously have known a lot about what I do but I don’t want him to have a negative impression so I’d like to clear the air, while also not blaming James for the previous slower turnarounds.

I’d love some advice on how to approach this or if I should even say anything. James still works here, and he and Michael are good friends.

I don’t think you’ll necessarily need a specific meeting to address it; it’ll probably be enough if you just add a bit more information each time James asks about one of these things. For example, rather than just explaining that X didn’t happen or took a long time because the priorities were different, you could say, “James wanted me to test X, Y, and Z before making a final decision about it, so that added a few weeks to the timeline.” Or, “I did X and Y on project Z but James ultimately decided not to pursue it.” This isn’t throwing James under the bus; it’s giving your current boss factual, relevant context about why things were done. At some point if it comes up organically you could also say, “James preferred to test a lot of angles and his style was to prioritize that over finishing more quickly. I actually really like finishing things quickly and find it more satisfying, so I think my style meshes more with yours in that regard.”

2. Can I have a picture of the president on my office wall?

I have a picture of the sitting president and vice president on the wall of my private corporate office. It is not in a common area like the break room, conference area, or hallway. Is this a violation?

That’s up to your company! But it’s definitely reasonable for them to say that people can’t put up partisan political messages at work, and they can have a legitimate interest in doing that. It might be more intuitive if you think about how you’d feel about a colleague who had a portrait of the previous sitting president in their office and how that could potentially affect your working relationship or simply be a distraction.

(This assumes you’re at a private employer. In the federal government, office buildings frequently hang portraits of the sitting president, although they’re typically in common areas. This is a weird tradition.)

3. “Have a great day!” in email signatures

A few people who report to me use an email signature that includes the words “have a good day” or “thank you and have a great day!” before their signature. Emails may include external or internal customer support, as well as day-to-day internal emails.

I find this off-putting. Emails could be anything from a neutral customer question, to a very serious problem with a customer account, to responding to a coworker who emailed about their mom being sick. Sometimes it just doesn’t fit with the rest of the email. I think I am also personally annoyed by being told to have a good day.

So far, I have not said anything. I assume they have added this to their email template out of kindness. In at least one case, I don’t have the best relationship with the person, and I don’t want to unnecessarily increase tension. Is this just a personal annoyance that I should get over? Is there a legitimate business case in asking them to remove it?

It’s mostly a personal annoyance that you should get over. There’s one exception: if they’re not editing that out of emails where it would be inappropriate (like a response to someone saying they’ll be out for bereavement, for example), you have standing to tell them to be vigilant about doing that. Otherwise, though, let it go — after all, if they were manually writing that out every time, it would be too micromanagery to tell them to stop. (This assumes that you’re working in a fairly typical environment where people have some autonomy over the way they write emails beyond this.)

4. Coworker keeps sending timecard reminders to our team’s social group text

My team recently doubled in size, and many of the new hires are in their early 20’s, either in their first or second job post-school. We also hired two leads, a brand new position for the expanded team. Both of the leads were outside hires, neither of whom had direct experience in our field, and it seems like one of them, “Taylor,” is struggling a bit to figure out what being a lead means. In their defense, one of the team managers is a huge micromanager and power hoarder who I suspect has not been sharing power well and who I know has pushed back on both leads when they’ve come to management with suggestions for what they might contribute. Neither management nor coworkers with more seniority know what the lead roles are either. (That’s part of the reason none of the existing staff applied for them.)

One way this has displayed for Taylor, though, seems to be trying to assert their authority as much as possible in ways that I and other coworkers I’ve chatted with find annoying and counterproductive. The most recent manifestation of this involves a coworker group chat of about 20 people started by one of the other new hires. Now, I don’t want to be in a 20-person group text in any context, but especially not for work. It’s mostly social with people sharing fun photos (followed by a dozen notifications of “Elliott liked this photo”), but recently Taylor has started using it to remind everyone to submit our timecards. They’re doing this by making memes about it, so not only do I get the text from them (before I’ve even clocked in that morning) but also the requisite 5-10 follow-ups that someone slapped an emoji response on the meme.

Taylor is not my (or anyone else’s) supervisor, and I do not need or want timecard reminders from them. I’ve muted my own notifications from that group but apparently my phone will neither allow me to leave the group entirely nor prevent notifications from showing in the status bar. Can I just respond in the group chat after the next timecard meme just saying, “Hey, can I request we keep this chat social and leave work messages for email or Teams?” I do like my colleagues and don’t want to seem crotchety, and I think for Gen Z a huge group chat is a pretty innocuous thing, but I am genuinely annoyed. Should I say something to Taylor in person so I’m not calling them out in front of everyone else? Should I just keep dismissing notifications and relax?

It’s reasonable to say, ““Hey, can I request we keep this chat social and leave work messages for email or Teams?” And actually it makes it less of a big deal if you just say it casually in the chat rather than having a whole one-on-one conversation with Taylor about it. If you want, you could add, “I don’t always check here and I don’t want to miss anything work-related that I need to see.”

But also, this would be A Lot for a lot of people. Could you suggest moving the whole thing to a Slack channel or something else that’s easier to mute/ignore and where you can turn off push notifications altogether (or only have it on work devices)?

However, all that only gets at the constant notifications problem, when it sounds like your real issue is with Taylor asserting authority that they don’t have. If that’s the piece you really want to address, that’s a one-on-one conversation with either Taylor or your manager — although if you go that route, focus on examples other than the timecard thing since, while that’s annoying, it’s likely to seem a little nitpicky. If you have more substantive examples, those will be more effective to use.

{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }

  1. Daria grace*

    #2 now perhaps even more than usual people are grappling with the impacts of political decisions for their lives and there’s plenty of people for whom the implications are legitimately terrifying. I think it would be a kindness to not create unnecessary prompts for them to have to think about the politicians making those decisions while they’re trying to work.

    1. Annie*

      Yeah. Lots of people, regardless of political leaning, have Very Strong Feelings about certain politicians. Absent further context, the portrait could be read (or mis-read) as signifying one’s opinions about that politician or general leaning.

      IF the company bans certain political imagery at work, that would be a great reason why!

      1. Jill Swinburne*

        Why on earth would anyone have a photo of the president on their wall, in a non-government environment, if they weren’t trying to make a statement about their political leanings?!

        (I do not live in the US, so this may be completely normal and a gap in my cultural understanding for all I know.)

        1. Daria grace*

          There’s plenty of countries where having a photo of the king/queen in public places is common or even required. Maybe some people used to that norm figure portraits of the president is the equivalent in America?

          1. KateM*

            I’m pretty sure that having a poster with the sitting president is required in our schools (and other similar posters with country flag, coat of arms, anthem, and whatnot). That’s obviously for educational purposes, of course – for students to know some basic facts about their country.

  2. Martin Blackwood*

    Lol, I have considered adding “Have a good day” to my email signature since 90% of emails i send are ‘Attached is the daily XYZ report. Have a good day!’ In fact, i sent an email following that template moments before opening askamanager. You’re allowed to be bothered by it for sad personal messages, but the rest is just them Being Nice

    1. Roche*

      Also, the LW said they don’t appreciate being told to have a good day – but I’ve always thought that “have a good day” isn’t an imperative but short for “I wish you have a good day.”

    2. Elan Morin Tedronai*

      “Have a good day” may not be apropos for certain occasions like Alison said and sometimes if you have a moment of absentmindedness you’ll end up stepping on a few toes.

      IMO something like “Thanks”, “(___) Regards” or even something archaic like “yours sincerely” would convey some positivity yet also be neutral under most if not all circumstances.

      My email signature is kind of like this…

      New Emails:

      “Best Regards,
      Elan Morin Tedronai [Moridin]
      Nae’blis, The Chosen
      Shayol Ghul, The Borderlands
      Malkier 00666”

      For replies and forwards, I just stick to :

      “Best Regards,

  3. Ann Jansi*

    No. 4. I assume you have a digital calendar. Ask Taylor to send out a recurring calendar reminder the group/team. Less invasive but does the work of reminding. We have this at my work for sending in expenses, updating our leads documents and similar.

  4. KateM*

    I don’t think that having the portrait of sitting president in a public space is that weird a tradition for federal government offices – isn’t that like having the photo of the Big Boss / owner of your company?

    1. Myrin*

      FWIW I also think it’s supremely weird to have a photo of the big boss/owner/founder up in any given company but I’ve always figured that’s because I’m not from the US and I don’t think I’ve ever encountered that anywhere here – I reckon this seems much less strange if you’re used to it.

    2. pennyforum*

      Depends on cultural traditions. I’m not in the US and have never worked anywhere with a photo of Big Boss or the President (or Prime Minister a more powerful role) on the wall. My Catholic ethos-run schools did have crucifixes on the wall, but never political figures.

      If I saw a photo of a political/management figure on the wall in a job interview, I’d certainly ask about it. Not a deal breaker, but certainly a quirk, e.g. five photos of different cats in costume.

  5. AnonForThisOne*


    Being as politically neutral as I possibly can here…but politics and the ways in which the country changes under different leaders can have vast and long reaching consequences, especially for any group who are marginalized in any way.

    Leave politics out of the office. There are definitely presidents that I would find it distracting to have displayed and some that I would consider that display to be off putting enough that I would at least consider finding a way to make a formal complaint about it were it something I was faced with often.

    1. Agent Diane*

      UK-based here. Government (national and local) may have paintings/photos of the head of state or leaders of the council. If the latter, it’ll all of them not just the current one.

      I imagine the staircase at Number 10, where they traditionally hang portraits of the various Prime Ministers, has had to be rearranged a lot over the last six years as we burnt through PMs quite fast.

      And there’s a serious point there: if you only have the one President, you’re making a political statement. What do you do after the next inauguration? Take it down? Leave it up regardless of the outcome in November? Whatever happens, you’re Making A Political Point with your office decor. Don’t do that.

  6. Elsa*

    LW4, you need to figure out a way to leave the group chat. In general the way social group chats work is that if someone doesn’t like it, they leave. They don’t try to tell others what they can or can’t post.


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