the schedule for updates this year

Welcome to “where are you now?” season at Ask a Manager! Between now and the end of the year, I’ll be running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.

A heads-up about update season: for the next few weeks I’ll be posting at midnight, 11 am, 12:30 pm, 2 pm, 3:30 pm, and 5 pm (all times are Eastern)* … at a minimum. There will sometimes be additional posts at random times throughout the afternoon as well!

Also, if you’ve had your letter answered here in the past and would like to send in an update, there’s still time to include it so go ahead and email it to me!

* That’s Monday through Thursday. Friday will be unpredictable.

{ 35 comments… read them below }

    1. Fish out of water*

      I just came here to say how great it was to see that! Fifteen years of updates, hear hear! Congrats on the blog milestone.

    2. Honoria Lucasta*

      Maybe the most astonishing thing about that post is that it’s an update with only one comment!

    1. Jack Straw from Wichita*

      Yes! I said that exactly when I started my day today. I love December for so many reasons, but AAM Updates is a big one!

    1. Mostly Managing*

      It’s the most wonderful time of the year .
      All the updates are flowing and we’ll soon be knowing
      Things we long to hear!
      it’s the most wonderful time of the year.

      There’ll be new jobs we started
      and tales of bad parties
      and people we’d rather avoid.
      There’ll be bosses with issues
      and some need for tissues
      when news is of joy!

      It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

    1. Analytical Tree Hugger*

      …whoa, I didn’t know I wanted this until now, but a book of epilogues (no lead up stories, just the endings/epilogues) could be fascinating to read.

  1. D C F*

    Updates, yay! One of the most interesting and helpful things about this site is finding out if, and how, the LWs implemented Alison’s advice. Over the last few months I’ve been re-reading all the past updates. It’s fascinating to see what’s worked, what hasn’t, and how often one small problem turns out to be the tip of an Iceberg of Dysfunction.

    1. vulturestalker*

      I agree–the updates are one of my favorite parts because you get to see how the advice matches reality (or doesn’t).

  2. Echo*

    Hi! If I’ve already sent in an update that (as far as I know) wasn’t posted, should I resend? Or assume you’re still going through the list?

    1. Ask a Manager* Post author

      No need to resend, I should have it in my queue! (Although you’re also welcome to resend to be sure if you want — just please note that it’s a resend so I don’t miss that!)

  3. Elizabeth West*

    December being Update Season helps take my mind off it also being Pothole Season and Darkness-At-Four-PM Season. :D

  4. roann*

    “There will be more posts than usual this week, so keep checking back throughout the day.” The most beautiful words in the English language.

  5. Former Lab Rat*

    I really, really want an update from the Aug 6 letter of this year. That’s the one where the person yelled at employees, slammed doors and was shocked they had the nerve to walk out. Wonder if that person ever got to anger management class?

  6. Might Be Spam*

    Update season is kind of like an Advent calendar that you get to open several times especially a day. ;)

  7. MsSolo (UK)*

    I imagine it’s unlikely, but the “surprise me” button took me to a decade old letter from someone asking about putting off a promotion so they would financially qualify for a co-op apartment that they anticipated becoming available in the next couple of years, and I’d love to know if they got the apartment in the end, or took the money.

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