questions from federal workers who are currently under attack by Alison Green on January 29, 2025 I am being inundated with letters from federal employees and others affected by the new administration’s changes in the last week — which have included ending investigations and enforcement related to discrimination in the workplace (*see note below); illegally firing 17 inspectors general; laying off employees working on accessibility, equity, and diversity; freezing or cancelling funding for scientific research; halting all federal grants, loans and other financial assistance programs (although a judge temporarily blocked that yesterday); ordering the impoundment of funds already appropriated by Congress; halting all meetings, travel, and communications from many agencies; directing federal workers to report on each other and threatening those who don’t; ending telework; and many other actions intended to dismantle the federal workforce. Much of this is already being challenged in court and will continue to be. For an idea of what else might be coming, the Project 2025 agenda — which is now being openly implemented, despite Trump distancing himself from it during the campaign — also includes banning unions for public service workers, firing civil service workers and replacing them with political loyalists, allowing companies to stop paying overtime, permitting states to opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage laws, and eliminating child labor protections. * Note that the order ending workplace discrimination investigations and enforcement only applies to federal contractors, not to other employers. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the main federal work anti-discrimination law, remains in effect and can only be rescinded by Congress. However, it signals the sort of direction we can expect to be given to the EEOC at some point as well. It’s important to note Bostock, the 2020 U.S. Supreme Court decision that protects employees against discrimination because of sexuality or gender identity, also remains in effect for now. Now, some letters. Note these are quick answers because the situation is both urgent and rapidly unfolding and, frankly, no one has great answers yet — and the best guidance can likely be found in the links I’ve included at the end to people who are working on these issues specifically. 1. Do I stay and fight, or cut and run? I was wondering if you had any tips, advice, prayers, etc. for those of us currently working at federal jobs being targeted by Trump’s executive orders. I love the agency I work at, but the orders are going to make my job almost impossible, and there are surely more to come as he has publicly declared my agency as an enemy. We’ve already frozen hiring and internal promotions, and laid off our DEI staff. My agency was planning to pay for me to go to law school but that is obviously not happening now. How can we know when to stay and fight, or when to cut and run? I am my family’s sole income earner, health insurance provider, and to make matters worse, I’m currently on maternity leave until May. A lot of what the administration is doing is designed to demoralize people and get them to quit on their own and stop carrying out the missions of their agencies. One school of thought is not to make it easy for them; if they want to lay off you, make them lay you off (which will also make you eligible for unemployment benefits, which quitting won’t). That said, it’s not always that simple. You need to balance that against your morale, how you feel ethically about staying, what work will be asked of you, your finances… Different people may make that calculation differently, and those of us watching from the outside should begrudge absolutely no one who decides to get out. One big caution: the memo that went out yesterday asking for “voluntary resignations” in exchange for getting paid through September 30 should not be trusted. Senator Tim Kaine noted last night that it’s a trap, the administration doesn’t have the authority to offer it, and the promised pay-outs may not materialize. They want you to take that offer so they can avoid lawsuits, and there’s a reason it sounds a lot like what Elon Musk did at Twitter (when, as it happens, workers also didn’t receive promised severance). 2. What should I do if we stop getting paid? I work for a nonprofit organization that is funded entirely by the federal government, through the Department of the Interior. Although our funding for the entire fiscal year was approved in advance, the mechanism by which we receive payments monthly (ASAP) has frozen all payments, and it looks as though we won’t be able to withdraw our money on 2/1 as we usually do, unless something changes in the next week. We have some money saved up that belongs to the organization directly and is not encumbered. Our board might decide to use this money to continue to meet payroll, or it might not. If they decide to do the bare minimum to keep the organization running (pay my boss, pay the building rent, stuff like that), what should I do? They might ask me to work without pay for a while in hopes that our funding will be restored, but I . . . do not want to do that. I think that I am considered non-exempt (have an email in to our bookkeeper asking about that, but I have a worry he doesn’t actually know, which is another issue altogether) so I wouldn’t object to working a couple of hours a week for a while just to keep things from falling totally apart, but that’s about it. Should I file for unemployment, even if they don’t officially let me go? Is this considered a furlough? Should I ask the board to take a specific action (like letting us go, or putting us on furlough) in order to access unemployment insurance? I’m in New York State. I guess I’m confused because this all might be temporary and we’re not technically federal employees, so it’s hard to research what is happening (I can find out what happens to federal employees during a shutdown, but this isn’t quite that). It might get fixed next week! Or the week after! But also, it might not. I was hoping to be unaffected by this new administration because in his first term, he only targeted public lands that had something to exploit (like oil or coal or natural gas or something) and the park unit I work with does not have that. And yet, here we are. You should not work without pay. If you’re asked to, you can say, “Legally I don’t think we can work without pay and I wouldn’t be comfortable doing that. I think we should encourage everyone to apply for unemployment while we wait for clarity about what will happen.” (That said, if you actively want to a couple of hours a week in order to ensure you all have work to come back to, I won’t quibble with you about that, given that you’re at a nonprofit where you’re presumably invested in the mission.) If they stop paying you, you should file for unemployment. This is why unemployment benefits are there! You don’t need to wait for anyone to officially use the word “furlough”; if you’re not getting paid, you can apply immediately. 3. How do I move on to a new job? I’ve been a U.S. federal employee for over a decade and a half. I love my job and my coworkers, I’m passionate about what I do, and I had spent most of the last several years planning to stay in this job until retirement. Enter the current political administration. There have been multiple political administrations that have come and gone while I’ve been with my agency, and plenty of political vitriol from people who think federal employees are all a bunch of useless bureaucrats without any clue of what we actually do, or who make changes to our work without understanding the consequences. But this time feels different. From Russell Vought saying that the administration wants to “put [federal workers] in trauma” and make us “not want to go to work because [we] are increasingly viewed as the villains,” to the various executive orders that came out on day 1 of the new presidency, to the new president asking the heads of agencies to put forth names of employees they can fire at-will, it’s been a lot of hate directed at us for … existing, and doing our jobs. My agency has already contacted us to let us know that they’re getting rid of telework (something he specifically said he wanted to do so as to push attrition, rather than because there’s a reason for it or even that he thinks it’s bad; no, it’s because he wants us all to quit so he can tear the government down as quickly as possible and sell it for parts). Today I came to work to an email stating that DEIA initiatives have been banned because they allegedly divide us by race and are a waste of taxpayer dollars; we were told to snitch on anyone that we knew has tried to change such initiatives to other names and report them to an OPM email (Office of Personnel Management). We have 10 days to do so or face unknown consequences. This afternoon I was finally broken by hearing that the agency issuing passports is not only choosing not to issue them for people who have a gender marker X or are changing their gender; they are also allegedly confiscating all of the legal documents related to the passport application. I can’t do this. I signed up to serve the American public, not to snitch on my coworkers to some version of the Secret Police or torment queer people. (I have some ideas of what sorts of unethical things could be asked of employees at my agency and I’m equally not down for them.) Currently I’m the sole financial support in my family (minus a very small amount of income from my spouse’s freelancing), and just losing my job or quitting would also be potentially financially devastating. So …. how do I move on to a new job? I don’t even know how to write a normal resume anymore. (I know you have resume and cover letter writing advice on your site and I’ll look at them once I’m a tiny bit over the overwhelming grief of watching this all happen, but this is just a point to say that I haven’t done this in ages.) What I’m looking for is an idea for how and where to start looking, both for myself and, I imagine, for other federal employees who read your site. Most of my skills are in processing policy and working with the public to help inform them of that policy, and to handle their interactions with our agency. I’m good with detail and research, have good customer service skills (although I’d rather not do full-time customer service work), and have a lot of bureaucratic skills (being able to work within extremely specific rule structures, for example). About the only thing I can think of doing right now would be moving to a lower level of government (my state and region are both very blue so working for the state/county/city would be okay); I’m sure I could find something that makes a positive difference in my community. Do you, or any of your readers, have ideas on possible directions to move (including but not limited to other government positions)? How do I find them? I really want a way to do good things for my community rather than just making money for a corporation. And I’m not particularly mobile or open to moving, but I live in a large metropolitan area so that’s not as limiting as it could be. Any thoughts? Yes, look at state and local government positions that are parallel or adjacent to your current job. You’ll find their job postings on their websites. You might also look at public policy jobs, although some of those are very precarious right now too, depending on specifically what they do and who they do it for. Still, you should look at options there. I’ll throw this out to readers for other ideas as well. 4. How do we help each other? I’m a federal contractor, and things are bleak at my agency. A lot of career people have been placed on administrative leave, and other contractors have been furloughed already. My employer (the contracting company) has little to no information about what will happen (though to be fair no one knows). At this point it’s not if we get furloughed, it’s when. I’ve been trying to connect everyone with each other’s contact information so we can support each other when the knife falls. I’ve had the bad luck to be laid off before, and the most helpful thing was having each other’s contact information. But is there anything else we can do on a workplace level to help each other make it through? Share information. Share your networks with each other. Know your rights under the National Labor Relations Act (which doesn’t cover federal employees but does cover federal contractors) and any union contract if you have one. Know the lines you personally won’t cross; support your coworkers in figuring out theirs. Contact your elected representatives and ask for congressional action on the many orders and actions currently undermining and in some cases outright breaking the law. * * * Other resources: A journalist who is one of many reporters asking government employees who are willing to talk to contact her. You can ask to remain anonymous and stay off the record. How to securely send anonymous tips to ProPublica Info on how OPM handles severance pay A guide to the first-day executive actions on the federal workforce (this has excellent, concrete advice for what federal employees should be doing right now) What civil servants need to know in week two (this too) A DOJ attorney’s guide to upholding ethical obligations and the rule of law A civil servant’s checklist of current rights Resources for civil servants (tons of useful stuff here) How *you* can protect democracy (for everyone, not just federal workers) Contact your elected officials And I’ll just leave this here — a CIA guidebook that was distributed in Nazi-occupied countries with advice for office workers and bureaucrats on how to safely resist the Nazis without putting yourself or your family in danger (and here’s a link to it at the Wayback Machine instead if you’re concerned about viewing it on a government website). 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Mornington Crescent* January 29, 2025 at 11:05 am As someone across the pond, this is both heartbreaking and horrifying to watch. Stay as safe and well as you can, friends.
Eldritch Office Worker* January 29, 2025 at 11:09 am We appreciate you’re good thoughts and recognition. It’s really, really scary here right now.
Lady Knittington* January 29, 2025 at 12:28 pm I wondered how long it was going to take before questions about the current administration started. Good luck to anyone and everyone who’s navigating the situation at the moment.
Aggretsuko* January 29, 2025 at 3:35 pm I was waiting on that all day yesterday, assuming the letters were pouring in. Thank you, Alison.
Proud-Boys-Threatened-to-Kill-Me* January 29, 2025 at 3:45 pm I wish this site would allow known-good VPNs.
Hey, I'm Wohrking Heah!* January 29, 2025 at 4:37 pm What does that mean? I know what a VPN is generally, but what would this do? Thanks in advance.
Jill Swinburne* January 30, 2025 at 12:50 am Disguise the fact that such documents were being viewed by people in DC.
Elizabeth West* January 30, 2025 at 9:17 am My advice would be to download everything as soon as you see it before it’s wiped. Print a PDF copy and keep it on a flash drive or something. I’ve been keeping a file of offline articles since 2016 for documentation purposes, in case they try (as they are) to rewrite history. Like no, b*tch, we saw what you did.
The Prettiest Curse* January 29, 2025 at 11:19 am Seconding this sentiment, also from across the pond.
rebelwithmouseyhair* January 29, 2025 at 11:25 am Yes. Heartbreaking and horrifying is just about it. I’m in Europe working for an NGO in Nigeria but I too am affected. Just yesterday I was told to stop working because the US funding has been slashed. The people in Nigeria were all running around in a panic trying to work out what to prioritise. I have been told that I will be paid for the work I have done. This client has always paid very late, which I normally don’t mind but it’ll be even more worrying now. Unless they can prove that the project is of life-saving importance (it is, but probably the lives of Nigerian babies are not very high on the list of priorities), I won’t be able to finish the project. It’s both frustrating and worrying because I was counting on quite a bit more work from this project this year.
Hearing advocate* January 29, 2025 at 2:40 pm Thank you for a concrete example of this being a worldwide problem, not just a US one.
lou* January 30, 2025 at 6:45 am I’m South African and two local places that have had to suspend services because of funding, are a clinic providing free PreP for queer men and a trans healthcare centre run by a local university. I’ve been permanently sick to my stomach since the inauguration.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 11:43 am it is indeed heartbreaking and horrifying – and i will gladly accept and welcome the sympathy. (god knows there are many people i know who are looking to bug out of the USA entirely, and i do not blame them.) in among the sympathy, i would also gently nudge y’all towards action, too. or to steal a phrase from a Canadian – because what’s more American than just casually sneaking off with someone else’s culture – “Take up our quarrel with the foe:/ To you from failing hands we throw/ The torch; be yours to hold it high.” the same forces at work in our country are also at work internationally. as we fight on our home front, as it were, let us also be like the ghost of christmas yet to come for y’all, pointing at Scrooge’s tombstone to fill him with horror that spurs him towards changing his entire life. it’s much easier to head this stuff off at the pass before it gets into such power. and, as a bonus, getting out and doing something about it is a way to fight the paralyzing fear and anxiety that this strategy is designed to control people with! am i preaching to the choir? oh, almost certainly. honestly, given Alison’s work in DC (i remember in the archives somewhere a memorable picture or discussion of a picture of her being carried out by police during a demonstration), i am the choir preaching to not just the pastor but probably the Pope. but, hey, if anyone is wondering what to do with all of this “oh my god what is happening across the pond this is so scary” nervousness, it’s a good reminder that you can do stuff with it, too. make sure your community around you is welcoming, safe, and ready to be kind to the groups that are affected by these attitudes bleeding out beyond one country’s borders. organize your local community around those goals instead of the vague idea that it will only happen in America. be loud as you can, as you enjoy the privilege of not having such, uh, ( insert your favourite non-filter-approved pejoratives here ) in power within your own government. if the anxiety is filling you with nervous energy, don’t let it curdle into despair. go out there and make it be useful. put in a few extra teaspoons for me. (it’s a hell of a time to be disabled and physically unable to do this kinda work, i’ll tell you that much, lol…) not that i’m trying to grumble at the sympathy – it is gratefully received, i assure y’all! just a reminder that if you’re feeling like this is incomplete, or wishing you could do something, there’s definitely ways to do something. until then, y’all got a lend-lease act going on the *good* Cadbury chocolates or…
knitcrazybooknut* January 29, 2025 at 11:55 am Thanks for reminding me to stock up on those sweet, sweet Canadian chocolates! And I am heartbroken and resolute at the same time.
Clogged Printer* January 29, 2025 at 12:24 pm Wait, elaborate on the protest photo?? If it’s true, I’d love to see it!
Hlao-roo* January 29, 2025 at 12:28 pm Search for the following posts on AAM: “I don’t want to be pied in the face for work” from May 13, 2024 “how to make a scene” I’ll link to them in a follow-up comment.
Hlao-roo* January 29, 2025 at 12:29 pm
sarah g* January 29, 2025 at 12:52 pm Also talked about here-
Not A Raccoon Keeper* January 29, 2025 at 1:18 pm Hey, if you really want to take a page from us Canadians, may I recommend a quick refresher of the war of 1812, ideally through the wonderful tune “The War of 1812” by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie (often misatributed to the Arrogant Worms)? If it’s government efficiency they want, surely they want a less decadent building, right? (jk I’m on my work ISP and do not condone arson)
I own one tenacious plant* January 29, 2025 at 2:45 pm I have learned something new today. I did think it was by the Arrogant Worms.
WeinerDog* January 29, 2025 at 6:06 pm Lol, I saw them in concert once and someone in the audience yelled for them to play it. He got gently razzed.
Remember 1812!* January 29, 2025 at 2:51 pm This Canadian military person gives a big thumbs up to reminders of the war of 1812. Didn’t become a US state then (despite invasion) and ain’t going to become one now!
iglwif* January 29, 2025 at 3:56 pm +1 for Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie and “The War of 1812”! … but of course do not condone arson either
Thisishalloween* January 29, 2025 at 8:28 pm The day after the election, I informed my management I’d be resigning. I’ve got a decade in federal service, am the sole breadwinner and insurance provider for my family, and decided to jump anyway.
Anonforthis* January 29, 2025 at 2:01 pm Absolutely. As another person across the pond, the government is already enacting Trump style policies for trans healthcare. A certain incompetent truck maker is trying to muscle his way into our politics. And book bans are escalating – predominantly LGBTQ books according to British librarians. We need to act in solidarity.
amoeba* January 30, 2025 at 7:29 am That guy is trying the same with our government in Germany and it’s frankly horrifying. We don’t have it as bad as in the US yet, but the tendencies are very, very much there and I agree with fighting it every step of the way. Especially given our history…
Keymaster of Gozer (she/her)* January 29, 2025 at 11:50 am It is, because I’m actually glad my grandmother is no longer with us as seeing the rise of nazis again would absolutely have broken her. To my USA cousins – do whatever you have to to stay safe.
Fragrant Moppet* January 29, 2025 at 5:34 pm I honestly think one of the reasons this is all happening right now is because the people who were old enough to remember living through those atrocities (and actively fighting in the war) aren’t alive in large enough numbers to make enough noise to stop it. If WWII vets and people who were victims of the war / lived in areas that were actively shelled / survived the camps / etc. were showing up in mass protests and had opposition representation in government, would this be happening? Maybe I’m delusional but I don’t think so.
pope suburban* January 29, 2025 at 6:29 pm I think you’re right, I’m just astonished by how quickly and how completely it happened. Feels like someone flipped a switch and suddenly, people struggled with or bristled at the basic premise that Nazis are bad. Horrifying and disappointing beyond measure.
Nessun* January 29, 2025 at 12:03 pm Canadian here – that very last link broke my heart. I have American relatives and work in an industry that’s reeling from 45’s administration executive orders already…it’s going to be a long time sorting all this out, and it hurts to think about how it’s affecting so many. All I can offer is my sincere condolences and heartfelt prayers that the best of humanity will shine through in everyone, eventually. Take care everyone.
EmF* January 29, 2025 at 12:37 pm This, from Canada. I’ve written to my MP with a “don’t you dare let it happen here, and I support anything we can do to make our American friends’ lives more secure” message, but I fear that’s going to be of limited use. It’s scary enough to watch from here – I can’t imagine what it is to be in the middle of it. I hope everything works out as well as possible.
Katara's side braids* January 29, 2025 at 2:02 pm Thank you. We’re trying to turn things around, as hard as it is to get past the doomerism. I hope Canada is able to pull back from the brink this year. Ditto for the UK, Germany, and everywhere else seemingly following in our footsteps.
I own one tenacious plant* January 29, 2025 at 2:56 pm Good for you! As a country we are really going to have to dig in and make sure we don’t add to the problem during our upcoming election. So for my fellow Canadians, think carefully about who you want representing you. And once we have voted people in, demand that they work together. All of them. Regardless of party affiliation.
Anonosaurus* January 29, 2025 at 1:28 pm if we’re not alert, this will be happening here too in a few years. Farage et al wouldn’t hesitate.
Arrietty* January 29, 2025 at 3:20 pm If you take a look at the actual content (rather than media summaries) of the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill currently in the house of common committee stage, you’ll see it has already started, but from a different angle.
Csethiro Ceredin* January 29, 2025 at 5:24 pm Ditto from your northern neighbour. <3 (Very well aware things could go wrong up here quite swiftly if the next election goes amiss).
Media Monkey* January 30, 2025 at 11:56 am i was coming to say the same so i’ll just add another +1 here. i’m so so sorry you are all dealing with this – it’s absolutely shocking and fingers crossed that there are successful legal challenges to a certain group of people’s attempts to trash what you all work so hard for. xxx
Yankees fans are awesome* January 29, 2025 at 11:10 am Solidarity like never before. My heart breaks.
Hoary Vervain* January 29, 2025 at 11:39 am That’s how we’ll get through. We all need to understand this and do whatever we can in our positions to aid others or push back. I do not understand the mindset of people who think they’re not affected right now don’t see that this affects all of us and no one is safe. (I mean, I do, our human normalcy bias is strong…but this is just so very far from normal and so chaotic)
Slow Gin Lizz* January 29, 2025 at 12:20 pm Yeah, I am not being personally targeted by any of this but it’s so heartbreaking to see so many of my friends who are, especially my trans and NB friends (some of them children). I’m not a government worker but I am fully horrified by what the gov’t is doing to their hardworking employees. To have a government that is completely in shambles is definitely going to affect everyone, even if you are a heartless soul who doesn’t have empathy towards others. To cancel a bill designed to reduce drug costs is going to affect everyone. Except, I suppose, the horrifically wealthy people who don’t have to worry about drug costs. I saw a cartoon earlier today with two figures in the pouring rain, one without an umbrella and one who had several. Can’t find a link for it (it was on FB) but wow it was so appropriate and very sad.
Arts Akimbo* January 29, 2025 at 3:02 pm Added to this, IRL the figure with many umbrellas is effectively saying to the one without any, “You’re about to owe me another umbrella.”
I own one tenacious plant* January 29, 2025 at 3:08 pm People who think they will not be affected make me both so angry and profoundly sad. On the one hand I want to say you voted for this, FAFO. On the other hand it doesn’t help to villainize people when everyone is going to be needed to correct the problem.
Kt* January 29, 2025 at 6:19 pm If we had a strong and united labor force in the US, a general strike could be quite effective in pushing back on this. At Twitter, the service went down, they had to call some people and offer them more money to come fix things, but humans have survived for millennia without social media. If the entire US government workforce carried out a work stoppage for a week, we’d see a big difference. But that requires Solidarity in a big way. I’m going back to my history to look at the Solidarity movement in Poland, the Serbian movement to peacefully overthrow Milosevic, and of course the US Civil Rights movement. All of these require human-to-human connection and trust and action.
toolegittoresign* January 29, 2025 at 11:11 am The New York Times has reported that the flurry of executive actions is designed to overwhelm people and leave them feeling like they can’t do anything. That’s why they issue them even if they’ll never stand up in a legal challenge. Hang in there. Take it one day at a time. And, if you can, unionize!
But Of Course* January 29, 2025 at 11:19 am And don’t forget – all the crap designed to sow visible chaos is designed as cover for worse. Right now, a national abortion ban and a ban on gender-affirming care for minors is advancing because we’re all reacting to the freeze. While we won’t block those, with GOP majorities, we’re also not saying much about them, making it easier for GOP electeds to support them.
Nightengale* January 29, 2025 at 2:36 pm I think some of this may be the same thing – I suspect one motive in freezing funding for Medicaid is because it may cover gender affirming health care for minors. (not a fed, a doctor who is trying to figure out what this all means for the future health care of her patients including trans patients)
LL* January 29, 2025 at 3:51 pm Let’s not do this. All of these things they want to do are bad. Freezing federal funding and gutting the federal workforce are also really bad. They are not cover for other things. They are part of the plethora of very, very bad things Trump and the Project 2025 people are trying to do.
Anonforthis* January 30, 2025 at 2:13 am We already have a ban puberty blockers in the UK. They’re trying to push through a ban on social transition unless overseen by a medical team. Our health minister is openly transphobic. (And that’s from Labour, supposedly our equivalent of the Democrats).
kicking-k* January 30, 2025 at 12:23 pm agreed, Anonforthis: the current trend is just dire and I hate it. There’s a limit to what I can do in writing to my MP and MSP because I’m in Scotland and they’re both pretty nontoxic anyway, but I guess I can encourage them to remain so.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 11:25 am unionization is a really good thing to mention! even, and especially, if you are in fields where unions aren’t usually done! the medical history (with occasional forays into more modern topics) podcast Sawbones recently did a really good episode on the history of unions for doctors, how that’s shifting culturally and why they’re needed. Dr. Sydnee’s point at the end is especially powerful to me: a union of doctors is an organization perfectly poised to fight politically against things like “a governor’s executive order that we stop all this vaccine mandate stuff and let more kids die painfully of preventable contagious illnesses because freedom means more teeny tiny little headstones”. and if you’re in an industry where the thought is that you can’t organize because if you go on strike people will die… well, doctors are pretty much the best example of that category. yet they can, have, and should organize anyway. they can, have, and should even strike anyway! there’s more ways to enforce collective action than tossing tools on the floor and walking out. there’s ways and strategies to use that collective power even when you have dismissed it as “but surely we can’t”. now is a great time for industries to learn from each other in this respect, to help each other with strategies and tactics, and to look at this not as a reason why unions are impossible in your industry but instead just another problem that a union can help figure out a solution to. i’m not going to say that every individual problem is solved so everyone should absolutely unionize – folks know their own situations better than me. the first rule of resistance is stay alive to continue the fight, after all. but if someone’s sitting there going, “gee, a union would be nice, sure, but in my industry it’s never going to happen”… well, look around, ask questions, and figure out how unions in industries with similar problems of “but we could never” are solving them. there’s ways to untangle that gordian knot!
used to be a tester* January 29, 2025 at 11:54 am I totally agree about unionizing even if you’re in a category where people might die. In Canada (and Ontario specifically) the government is arguing that pretty much any group that goes out on strike is an ‘essential service’. It’s supposed to scare the unions away from striking, but what seems to be happening is that it means the government is usually forced into mediation or binding arbitration that is more equitable than what they would have ever offered on their own.
Slow Gin Lizz* January 29, 2025 at 12:31 pm I love Sawbones, it’s my favorite podcast, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to listen to the last few episodes about current events. That said, I’m so very very glad about how they talk about these issues and I love them. I’ll have to listen to the union episode soon.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 12:35 pm As someone who has a lot of doom and gloom podcasts in her feed, Sawbones isn’t one of them. Even when they talk about hard, depressing topics, they always balance it out with discussions of what you can do to help and the realities behind the scare headlines. If you’re not ready, that’s cool- but they’re definitely more balanced than a lot of shows and more hopeful.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 12:38 pm it definitely is more hopeful by a lot for many things, but i also don’t blame someone for not being ready to listen to the hardest episodes. i’ve been putting off that history of abortion one, for instance… …thankfully the Christmas parodies of Hallmark movies got a great back to back edit lol
FedToo* January 29, 2025 at 12:36 pm This is where some of the well meaning advice on here is going to be misdirected. Federal employment already has a strong union culture and every agency has specific union(s) in place. Federal employees though cannot go on strike and strikes are not protected.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 12:59 pm it may not be applicable for federally employed government employees, but it’s something quite topical for those in the adjacent fields where they’re outside of those federal regulations but still have a culture of “oh this is how we’ve always done it” – hence why i mentioned doctors in there. and, honestly, it may be worth probing the exact things that federal employees *can* do in their unions to enforce their collective bargaining. it may be that strikes of nobody working aren’t allowed, but strikes of the work-to-rule type are. it’s questions worth asking within those unions. :)
Nesprin* January 29, 2025 at 2:29 pm +1 federal contractors are also affected- there’s tons of us in different nooks and crannys.
Kt* January 29, 2025 at 6:22 pm 1) Professional ethics and standards are very important and part of how a free society functions. 2) It is clear that laws, too, are an agreement. Federal employees are not being treated lawfully. At some point, a group must decide in a principled manner what laws they cannot abide by.
Hope* January 29, 2025 at 12:38 pm Yes to this! Hospitalits at Providence St Vincent’s hospital and the Providence Women’s Clinic (OB-Gyns, NPs) in Portland Oregon have UNIONIZED. They are also on strike bc Providence thinks it’s safe for hosptialists to cover 130 patients at night or for OB-GYNs and NPs to work insane hours per week. I live in Oregon so I’m closely following what’s happening.
Potatohead* January 30, 2025 at 11:28 am heck – Police have a union, and no one blinks at that despite (theoretically) also being a profession where a strike could Cosy lives.
Bumblebee* January 29, 2025 at 11:27 am It’s really too bad the NYT couldn’t have discovered this drive to report on things before the election.
Michelle* January 29, 2025 at 11:33 am The NYT is currently trying to manufacture a false consensus on mass deportation. And they’ve spent the last few years cheerfully and deliberately crafting an anti-trans moral panic. The NYT is not your friend. You should not trust it.
A person* January 29, 2025 at 11:39 am I am not American, so from my end, the NYT seems like one of those historic, reliable newspapers, like Le Monde, the Guardian, El Pais… Have they always been conservative ? I thought Trump hated them.
But Of Course* January 29, 2025 at 11:56 am That’s a terrible barometer. Trump loves anyone who says nice things to him and hates anyone who doesn’t. The NYT is conservative-approaching-delulu, and their editorial board has been that way for a loooooong time. The wiki list of controversial NYT articles is enlightening, and I recommend it.
Goose and Maverick* January 29, 2025 at 2:16 pm The NYT is not conservative. You’re wading into a lot of highly politicized territory here. I suggest Googling “media bias chart 2024” for as dispassionate a classification of publication ideology as you’ll get these days. May I humbly suggest that this kind of statement illustrates well why the outcome of the election was what it was.
FrivYeti* January 29, 2025 at 12:03 pm The New York Times has always been fairly centrist, but they used to be a solid paper (with a few fairly glaring errors, including their disastrous efforts to elevate the Clinton email ‘scandal’ and repeatedly promoting some truly horrific anti-trans narratives.) But over the past five years, they’ve gone drastically downhill. A summary of how editorial started pressing down on people, encouraging both-sidesing, and trying to downplay Trump can be found in veteran writer Paul Krugman’s essay on why he quit the Times to become independent:
Rotating Username* January 29, 2025 at 1:52 pm They were never a solid paper. See: Judith Miller, David Brooks, Jayson Blair, etc.
3-foot Tall Inflatable Rainbow Unicorn* January 29, 2025 at 12:32 pm Once upon a time, the New York Times was so well researched that it was one of the most respected and trusted newspapers in the country. It has been skating on that less and less deserved reputation for years now.
Clogged Printer* January 29, 2025 at 12:57 pm Imara Jones did a fantastic report on the New York Times’ slip into anti-trans rhetoric in a miniseries of the TransLash Media podcast called “The Anti-Trans Hate Machine.” I highly recommend it.
Rotating Username* January 29, 2025 at 1:49 pm The NYT has always been establishmentarian, small-c conservative. I feel obliged to note in advance that Chomsky is a problematic scholar in many ways, but with that disclaimer out of the way, his book with Herman Manufacturing Consent (1988) is a comprehensive damnation of the Times (chiefly but not exclusively). They simply do not, and never have, reported “All The News That’s Fit To Print”. They cheerfully supported the decades-long bipartisan foreign policy consensus, to devastating results for much of the rest of the world. Etc.
Kt* January 29, 2025 at 6:27 pm WIRED has been doing some good reporting. Vittoria Elliott seems dialed in on Musk’s government influence.
Need the real news* January 29, 2025 at 11:45 am Any thoughts on a reliable news source? I’m looking for one.
A Teacher* January 29, 2025 at 11:48 am Reuters, AP, ProPublica, Al Jazeera America, BBC, The Guardian (I know, I was surprised by this one).
Alice* January 29, 2025 at 11:52 am And for health and science policy, KFF and STAT. Ars Technica sometimes has good EPA coverage
bamcheeks* January 29, 2025 at 11:57 am The Guardian is at least as complicit in normalising the anti-trans panic. (though the US edition wrote the open letter to the UK side objecting to it, so that side might be more dependable!)
Starbuck* January 29, 2025 at 12:14 pm Yeah the UK side I would not trust; the US edition seems a lot more willing to report on things re: climate issues, trans rights, worker rights and abuse, etc. with a framing that is not pro-corporate & establishment interests.
A Teacher* January 29, 2025 at 12:41 pm I will keep that in mind–its on the bottom of what I’m checking. Propublica and AP are first go tos. Thank you for pointing this out!
The Prettiest Curse* January 29, 2025 at 2:02 pm This is less obvious if you’re only reading on the app or website, but much of the anti-trans content on the Guardian comes from the Observer, which is a Sunday paper with a separate newsroom under the same brand umbrella. The Guardian is currently in the process of selling the Observer, so the editorial line may change. (The Guardian did also dump a couple of long-time columnists for going in an anti-trans direction.) Also, the Guardian is owned in perpetuity by a nonprofit trust, so has never/will never be owned by an oligarch. I definitely don’t agree with all their reporting (the org where I had my first office job was once the topic of a very critical opinion column), but they do report stories that many US media outlets just won’t touch.
Able Baker* January 29, 2025 at 12:49 pm Isn’t Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatari royal family? I hardly think they’re an unbiased source.
Ally McBeal* January 29, 2025 at 1:23 pm By the Qatari government, not necessarily the royal family specifically, but they’ve insisted for decades that they’re editorially independent. The extent to which that’s true probably varies by topic, but I’ve seen some truly incredible AJ reporting on Palestine that I haven’t seen in the major US outlets.
Able Baker* January 29, 2025 at 2:57 pm I’ll be honest, I’m not going to believe that a news entity owned by an authoritarian state is independent, regardless of what they claim. I’d rather go to something else.
Hemmy* January 30, 2025 at 10:32 am Al Jazeera works hand in glove with Hamas, among other terror groups. They have produced polished documentaries with exclusive footage of Hamas’s rampage on October 7th. At least 7 employees of AJ are proven members of terrorist groups Hamas and PIJ. AJ is Hamas’s propaganda arm; just look at the exclusive footage they released of the rabid mob surrounding the hostage release this morning. One AJ journalist Abdallah Aljamal actually held THREE HOSTAGES in his home. (Talk about taking your work home with you…) The Palestinian Authority has banned(!) AJ from operating in Yesha/West Bank. They are also banned in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt. Ask yourself why.
Silver Robin* January 29, 2025 at 2:01 pm Certainly not; but they will report on stuff the US media will not or will only report one with quite a bit of their own bias. Particularly if they are reporting on domestic/internal-to-the-US news, the stuff I have read has been pretty straightforward. Granted I am an internet stranger, but I like them way better than, say, Sputnik, whose owners also have a very strong anti-US bent and whose politics I do not at all agree with. Sputnik is interesting for seeing what Russia wants to talk about, Al Jazeera does some actual journalism.
I Have RBF* January 29, 2025 at 1:56 pm MoJo has taken a rightward slant recently, they got bought by some oligarch.
Avocadoanon* January 30, 2025 at 12:30 pm I took a look at the headlines of their 12 most recent stories. They appear to be at least leaning left-of-center. Unless I’m missing something, is the critique that they are no longer far left and just left-of-center now? I don’t see evidence of a full center-right slant.
The Prettiest Curse* January 29, 2025 at 2:13 pm It’s a long time since I’ve read Alternet (so long I’m surprised they were still going), but they were fairly reliable in the GW Bush era.
Bike Walk Barb* January 29, 2025 at 6:01 pm Ah, but about Reuters… Watch out for Reuters Plus advertorial content sponsored by the oil and gas industry. Ditto other media outlets. Snippets and an extended quote from this 2023 deep-dive piece by Amy Westervelt and Matthew Green examining fossil fuel greenwashing via media “Reuters is one of at least seven major news outlets whose internal brand studio creates and publishes misleading promotional content for fossil fuel companies…. “All of the media companies reviewed — Bloomberg, The Economist, the Financial Times, the New York Times, Politico, Reuters, and The Washington Post — consistently top lists of “most-trusted” news outlets. They also all have internal brand studios that create advertising content for major oil and gas companies,… “Reuters tops the list Of all the outlets we reviewed, only Reuters offers fossil fuel advertisers every possible avenue to reach its audience. Its event arm even produces custom events for the industry, despite counting “freedom from bias” as a core pillar of its “Trust Principles,” which were adopted to protect the publication’s independence during World War II. Since Reuters News, a subsidiary of Canadian media conglomerate Thomson Reuters, acquired an events business in 2019, the distinction between the company’s newsroom and its commercial ventures has become increasingly blurred. Reuters’ in-house creative studio produces native print, audio, video, and newsletter content for multiple oil majors, including Shell, Saudi Aramco, and BP, while Reuters journalists routinely take part as moderators and interviewers and propose guest speakers for Reuters Events.”
Hedwig* January 29, 2025 at 6:10 pm The BBC and the Guardian are free so you’re not going to get a balanced sense of UK perspectives. Historically, the Guardian has always been the least popular national paper sold and is more popular online because it’s free. It’s nicknamed the Grauniad for a reason – it’s doesn’t always get its facts right and has been accused of antisemitism by its own journalists
Irish Teacher.* January 30, 2025 at 2:51 am Honestly, being least popular is probably an endorsement as papers that are sensationalist tend to sell more than those that do good research and stick to the facts as speculation and emotional content is more interesting than bare facts and deep research. Not saying the Guardian doesn’t have problems – honestly, I don’t think anything can be fully unbiased – just that being less popular is not indicative of being an issue. Nor is being free necessarily a problem.
Aww, coffee, no* January 30, 2025 at 7:16 am It’s nicknamed the Grauniad because it used to have many truly terribly typos to the extent that the joke was it couldn’t even spell its own name correctly. It wasn’t, at least at the time the name was coined, reflective of the accuracy of its facts.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 12:05 pm the real trick is probably the most boring and time-consuming one: don’t trust just one. by the time you see the BBC, AP News, and something like The Guardian go at the same subject, you’ll probably be able to spot the differences – however subtle – in what they include and what they emphasize. it’s that which will help you figure out the shape of the truth. is it time-consuming? yes. but the recs already given are pretty solid, especially taken in chorus together. there are various blind spots here and there that you’ll notice and be able to take into account. (AP and Reuters tend to be very “just the facts, ma’am” and tend to not want to delve into the controversy or obviously take sides, for example, which is a bias of its own. The BBC is of course primarily for the UK perspective and international audience, and will also incorporate some of the UK’s political bugbears – such as perhaps not being as sympathetic to trans issues as we’d like. and, of course, they’re not really going to be reporting on local issues in small-to-medium-sized towns in America because why would they.) none of them are bad sources, but there’s not really such a thing as one true source that’s all you need. it would make life much more convenient if this were so! but, alas… well, we’re seeing the effects of this in action. NYT used to be a fairly reliable source, as was the Washington Post. and both of them have flagrantly and obviously jumped the shark in that respect so hard that one starts wondering when the Fonz took up water skiing again. so now the people who trusted them as a primary source are finding themselves like Wile E. Coyote realizing he’s run straight off that cliff as he looks down and prepares to brandish a sign saying “oh no” (just to mix my comedic reference metaphors within this paragraph). it’s also worth keeping in mind a shortlist of completely unreliable news sources, though. Fox News, for instance, and then Newsmax and OANN, which is where people fired from Fox for being too biased go… if The Sun reports that it’s raining, it’s time to start doubting that rain exists and go for independent verification of this fact. any news outlet that you trust less than The Onion and Weekly World News goes in this category. and, unfortunately, sometimes it’s worth knowing what they’re saying specifically so you are aware of what kind of spin they’re trying to put on so you can spot it as it attempts to escape confinement and go on a merry spree in other news outlets. it’s tiresome work, but unfortunately, it’s necessary work. which could very well be the motto for dealing with all of this lol
I own one tenacious plant* January 29, 2025 at 3:17 pm This! Once you go looking for bias it’s pretty easy to spot across multiple sources. As long as all the facts reported match across sources that will give insight into the prevailing views of different groups of people which is useful in and of itself.
Irish Teacher.* January 30, 2025 at 6:13 am Yeah, there is no such thing as an unbiased 100% reliable source. I don’t think it would even be possible because just by choosing to report on something…well, that generally shows a bias. It isn’t possible to report on everything significant that happens in the world, so you have to make a choice and by choosing, you are saying that is more significant than all the things you choose not to report on. My advice would be to: – Compare more than one source. -Where possible/relevant, to get information from sources from more than one country. This isn’t always possible, as there are many things that are only relevant to your own country and the international press has no interest in them nor would it have much relevant to say about them, but if you are getting all your news from your own country, even if you are getting it from reliable sources that have a variety of outlooks, it’s still going to be biased towards your country’s interests and…will often give the impression that your country is more significant than it really is. It will, for example, report on research that shows your country doing really well or really badly but won’t tend to highlight issues where your country is middle of the road. -Where possible/relevant, check the original sources. Again, this isn’t relevant to everything, but like if a report is on a scientific study, it’s often possible to find the actual study online and see stuff like how big the sample size was. I would say our state broadcaster, RTÉ is generally pretty reliable, at least with international issues. It is state funded so it can tend to “toe the party line” on internal issues (not right or left, but like at the time of the bailout, it was reporting “the government say there are no plans for a bailout” while the BBC was showing the IMF arriving in Ireland) and it sometimes takes so much care to avoid influencing referenda results that it “reports both sides” even when one is not based on facts, like “the no side say this European treaty will cause x but the yes side say it won’t”. I also have a fondness for the Irish Examiner, though it has rather “nailed its colours to the mast” recently. In ways I support. It’s been quite vocal against racism and the far-right, which I’m not objecting to, but it’s definitely being less neutral than it used to be, probably just because those issues are not ones to be neutral on. Outside Ireland, I’m impressed by Deutsche Welle.
Avocadoanon* January 30, 2025 at 12:40 pm This is my approach. I avoid some publications because I’ve been burned by sensationalism too many times, but I generally poke around. My real answer is that I listen to journalists who happen to have made a living in podcasting and influencers (YouTubers, podcasters, etc. *gasp*) who actually cite journalists and scientific studies. There’s so much “I heard a story from my friend’s neighbor’s mom” and “this anonymous insider said that…” sensationalism on social media nowadays that the real journalism is totally buried. If you know how to recognize when someone has done true scientific research or investigative journalism, then you have a slightly better chance of deferring to good info sources.
Carys, Lady of Weeds* January 29, 2025 at 12:07 pm AllSides is my go to. They compile news articles about current topics and show the biases of those articles. It’s telling in a horrifying, yet reassuring, way? It’s just allsides dot com. Highly recommend.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 12:38 pm The Media Bias Chart is a great resource and they list their methodology, if you are curious.
Iceless* January 29, 2025 at 1:12 pm Looks like the NYT is rated pretty highly there. I would’ve expected they were basically InfoWars based on some of the comments here..
Rotating Username* January 29, 2025 at 1:53 pm They’re pretty good at hiding their faults from most of the people, most of the time.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 2:04 pm I didn’t check out the most recent links they used to evaluate the bias. They might have used more factual articles and less of the opinion pieces, but you’d have to check.
Goose and Maverick* January 29, 2025 at 2:20 pm “I’d hav expected they were basically InfoWars based on some of the comments here.” Wow, there be politics on this site. Shocking, innit?
Anonymous Fed* January 29, 2025 at 12:12 pm I know at least The Guardian and AP are not owned by billionaires (Guardian is a trust, I think the AP might be employee- owned) Also Heather Cox Richardson.
Flouise Belcher* January 29, 2025 at 2:38 pm Seconding Heather Cox Richardson. She is good at summarizing key points / impacts and putting into historical context.
PivotPivot* January 29, 2025 at 12:30 pm I would check out the news on PBS. It’s fair, thorough, and doesn’t seem to be influence by the presidential administration.
not nice, don't care* January 29, 2025 at 12:49 pm PBS does get a lot of funding from conservative think tanks. I used to work in capital management and was so disappointed to see that in their financial portfolios.
FrivYeti* January 29, 2025 at 11:43 am Given that the New York Times helped cause this, is driving out reporters who object to having their work watered down, and has been fundamentally wrong about everything for over a year, I wouldn’t trust their reporting in the slightest. They have a vested interest in claiming that these actions aren’t going to have an impact. The executive is not issuing executive actions to overwhelm people, they’re issuing executive actions to *do as much harm as possible* and to convince people to follow them as long as possible. If the action is eventually overturned by legal action, it will not help the people who have already been killed. Hanging in isn’t enough. You have to throw sand in the gears, fight however you are able to, and not trust that things are going to get fixed by someone else.
Meep* January 29, 2025 at 1:00 pm It is also easier to sneak the more harmful things in when there is a pile. Unfortunately, us Americans are so individualistic that we only think about ourselves. It is easier to use things like only scare his demographic to get things in that will actually hurt them down the line and leave them wondering “how” only after it is too late.
Miss Fire* January 29, 2025 at 1:24 pm Mm unfortunately my fear is that they’re being issued *so that* they can be legally challenged. With a fully captured Supreme Court, passing unconstitutional laws is a quick way to blast through former constitutional protections.
Bookworm* January 29, 2025 at 11:13 am As someone who once interned with the federal government a long time ago–I’m so sorry. Thank you all for the work you do.
it's the horrors* January 29, 2025 at 11:13 am I’m not gonna lie, as a trans person whose passport is currently with the office for a name change, that letter scared the living hell out of me. Both my inlaws are with the federal government and are sticking it out but they are not happy. Sending all my love to every federal worker out there.
Hoary Vervain* January 29, 2025 at 11:40 am That’s scary. Internet hugs if you want them. I wish I had something more helpful, though.
it's the horrors* January 29, 2025 at 12:12 pm Sure sucks being stuck in the middle of it all! I’ve been trying to just keep my head down and work on my stuff but man, it’s hard. Thanks for the hugs, love your username—I’m an illustrator and just finished up a whole exciting illustration project where I got to paint a LOT of hoary vervain!
MigraineMonth* January 29, 2025 at 11:47 am Sending love and support to you as well. I hope you get your documents back soon with your correct (a.k.a. chosen) name.
it's the horrors* January 29, 2025 at 12:13 pm I sure hope so!! I didn’t want to be a test case, but I guess we’ll see. My hope is just that they decline to update the marker, update my name, and send it back. I feel so awful for all the federal workers stuck in the middle like this, having to make moral choices they never should have had to make.
Slow Gin Lizz* January 29, 2025 at 1:01 pm I’m so so so sorry. You deserve all the love, safety, and happiness.
In A Green Shade* January 29, 2025 at 1:48 pm Best of luck with your passport! I’m also trans, and unfortunately my legal name change came through just a little too late to be able to change my gender marker with Social Security or on a passport. I could still change it locally on my driver’s license, but I decided not to right now because of the risk of having ID docs that don’t all match. I was afraid I might get stuck unable to get a passport at all, maybe unable to fly because of TSA stuff, etc. I’m in a relatively privileged position (I have a supportive workplace, I’m white, I’m not an immigrant) but it’s still scary.
it's the horrors* January 29, 2025 at 2:39 pm I hate that we have to think about this stuff and make these choices, but that sounds like a very smart choice for this moment. I wish I wasn’t stuck in the middle of all this, but of course, we don’t have a choice about that either!! Solidarity and strength. We’ve been here forever and we’ll continue to be here forever, and hopefully we’ll weather this storm.
Colorado* January 29, 2025 at 2:20 pm I’m sending much love to you too. As a mom of a transgender teen, what is happening right now is absolutely horrifying.
iglwif* January 29, 2025 at 4:00 pm Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Internet hugs if you would like them. Off to write yet another email to my senator (I am a US/Can dual living in Canada) and my MP.
Anax* January 29, 2025 at 5:31 pm Sorry. :( I’m trans too, and SUPER feel it. (Thankfully, got my paperwork done a couple years ago – and boy am I NOT regretting moving out of Wisconsin a few years ago.) Usual advice for trans folks (and any other targeted group) applies here: – Have an escape plan ready. If you need to flee the city, state, or country, know where you’d go, what paperwork and supplies you’d need, if anyone trustworthy could take you in on short notice. Have a go-bag packed with essentials, if you need to move fast. This means at a minimum, essential paperwork and medication – food/water/clothes ideally, too. Some N-95s are probably smart too. – Keep your paperwork in order. This means passport if possible, driver’s license/ID, birth certificate, court order for name change/gender marker change, social security card, any other vital records. Medical records for yourself and your family – you can probably request these online and save them digitally. Medical records for your pets. Rough inventory of your possessions, particularly those worth more than $1000, including serial numbers for electronics and appliances. 3-2-1 backup rule – at least 3 copies, in at least 2 locations, one of which is off-site. With a parent, trusted friend, or bank vault, for instance. Make sure all copies are legally valid where possible – you can’t have multiple passports but you CAN have more certified copies of your name change order or birth certificate. – If you have cats/dogs, you may want to train them for evacuation. This means “get in the travel crate right now, even if things are noisy and scary.” A good first step is getting any pets who aren’t leash/harness trained – particularly cats – comfortable with hands around their necks and adjusting leash/harness. Good second step is driving around with them or taking other short trips if you don’t drive, because you don’t want an emergency to be the first time they’ve ever traveled somewhere other than the vet. (This doesn’t have to be super dire – think of cases where gay marriage was only legal for a few days, and people had to move fast. Or heck, a natural disaster like the fires in LA – which gets way worse if you don’t have essential paperwork and meds with you. But still. Be ready if you need it.) – Network. Make sure to connect with friendly people or groups in your area if possible, and online if not. You need a support system, and you need to know what’s happening in your area. – Use caution in attending protests and other events which may attract law enforcement. Listen to the people who have been marginalized before on how to stay safe.
Definitely not a cat...* January 29, 2025 at 8:27 pm I don’t have anything particularly useful for you but I’m so sorry for everything that is happening to you. My heart goes out to everyone affected.
Aww, coffee, no* January 30, 2025 at 7:22 am I’m sorry, that sounds so scary. Sending sympathy and best wishes from across the pond.
Serious Pillowfight* January 29, 2025 at 11:15 am Alison, I’m not a federal worker but I just wanted to thank you for having their backs.
Wendy the Spiffy* January 29, 2025 at 11:38 am Yes, absolutely, thank you for this. It’s heartbreaking and scary, and hearing directly from real people impacted brings it home. I so appreciate the work you’re doing and your voice, Alison.
SGK* January 29, 2025 at 11:42 am Absolutely. A voice of reason and guidance in a time of seemingly-overwhelming chaos.
epicdemiologist* January 29, 2025 at 11:46 am Same, from someone whose job is funded by federal pass-through funds via a state grant and whose (trans) kid works for a federal contractor.
Typity* January 29, 2025 at 12:02 pm Same. Erratic, ill-informed, hostile forces are playing games with people’s futures to make … some point? I guess? I can’t imagine what that kind of uncertainty must be like. I would be a wreck, and I’m so sorry so many people are going through this.
Josephine Beth* January 29, 2025 at 12:17 pm I add my thanks as well. I’m 100% funded by a federal grant related to education. We anticipated some potential impact but the scope and speed have been exhausting. And that’s to say nothing of the impact to me and my family personally, and the families I work with. Concrete, actionable steps and resources – and a space where we can discuss it – are incredibly helpful right now. Thank you so much.
Toxic Workplace Survivor* January 29, 2025 at 12:41 pm Good, trustworthy information is more crucial now than ever. Thanks Alison for doing good work here.
Trixie Belden was my hero* January 29, 2025 at 1:40 pm Thank you Alison. For all you’ve done to help all workers and for succinctly laying out the reasons and effects of all these edicts on federal workers, and everyone else. And I mean everyone, not only in the US the but also worldwide. I’m a retired federal worker who survived the last 4 year attempt at destroying our democracy. I’ve been dreading this day since 5 November. I’ve been trying to decide since then what cause I can support to help. I think I’ve found it.
Grumpy Biologist* January 29, 2025 at 1:50 pm 100% agreed. Thank you, Alison. And thank you to the AAM community for kind and insightful commentary and suggestions in a challenging time.
K Smith* January 29, 2025 at 2:56 pm Same, thank you Alison. I’m feeling entirely demoralized and helpless right now – the intended effect of these policies, certainly. Seeing concrete ways for people to resist this has given me hope (a little hope at least).
Hedwig* January 29, 2025 at 6:19 pm Echoing this thanks. I’m in the UK and this has been really helpful to understand what’s going on
Insert Pun Here* January 29, 2025 at 11:15 am OP 3, if there is a large university near you, they may have a government relations team that would be happy to have your experience.
But Of Course* January 29, 2025 at 11:21 am Look at college associations as well, not just individual colleges. There are plenty of organizations who have government relations staff, and there’s pretty much always a need on the liberal/progressive side.
AVP* January 29, 2025 at 1:21 pm Depending on the policy area OP is an expert in, they should also look for trade groups, big conferences that cover their subject area, etc. I would also take a moment to think about any vendors or organizations you’ve worked with and that seemed friendly. It’s a lot easier to segue into a role where you’re known for being competent and responsive, so if you’ve had any interactions or relationships like that, send an email (from your private account, ofc) and see if they’re hiring.
Tiredofit all* January 29, 2025 at 11:21 am Columbia U just hired a lobbyist with connections to Trump. I think many universities are very concerned about their DEIA programs, and whether they will be punished for htat.
tomato soup* January 29, 2025 at 12:00 pm I know a college where the communications team is saying, maybe we should take the pronouns out of our email signatures. Buddy, the Trump administration and Project 2025 Does Not Like Us. Even if we threw LGBTQ people under the bus in every way possible, the administration STILL would not like us. We’d be in the same situation we are now re NIH and NSF funding and endowment taxes, except we would also be ashamed of ourselves and some great scientists would have been forced out or resigned in protest. I don’t know how to solve the problem, but I don’t think that cozying up to the administration is going to work.
But Of Course* January 29, 2025 at 1:45 pm Part of how to solve the problem is to realize that there are no good ones who aren’t currently in Trump’s ear and preemptively complying won’t save us, it’ll just normalize their control. Bring it, let’s throw down over pronouns. It’ll be a drag on the descent into f*scism.
Thegs* January 29, 2025 at 3:57 pm Do not comply in advance. Do not comply in advance. Do not comply in advance.
Moira's Rose's Garden* January 29, 2025 at 2:41 pm As Lorde pointed out, our silence will not protect us. Or, indeed, anyone who needs protection from this smash & grab operation.
WantonSeedStitch* January 29, 2025 at 11:36 am Be careful, though: there are also a lot of indications that the administration intends to make life harder for many universities. I work at one, and we have heard it is likely an endowment tax of 5-10% (though numbers of up to 35% have been floated) is going to be coming, which means many universities will have to tighten their belts on hiring–even the large ones. Additionally, cuts to government funding in certain areas of research are likely to mean more financial problems for universities.
Alex* January 29, 2025 at 11:48 am This. I work for a university and it is chaos. I doubt there will be a whole lot of hiring because of this and also a lot of positions are funded by grants from the fed.
Insert Pun Here* January 29, 2025 at 12:02 pm Yes, I also work at a university, and am aware of these issues, thanks. These things are concerning for sure, but I still think it’s a safer bet than the federal government right now.
LaFramboise, academic librarian* January 29, 2025 at 11:52 am my institution is really concerned, so not sure this may be a good idea. if they freeze financial aid for students, we’re in deep shit.
It's Me. Hi.* January 29, 2025 at 1:30 pm Most non-profits have an advocacy or policy branch. We’d love to have you!
hey hello policy analyst here* January 29, 2025 at 3:20 pm Yes, this! I’m a policy analyst at a non-profit that doesn’t rely on federal funding. Our Policy/Advocacy department is largely focused on All Things HHS (CMS, HRSA, FDA, NIH, CDC), so a HUGE part of my job right now is to analyze, communicate, and come up with strategies to push back against the actions currently being taken against and within those agencies. OP #3, given your skills, experience, and passion, I would strongly recommend looking for positions at (non-federally funded) organizations whose policy/advocacy interests align with your background.
RedinSC* January 29, 2025 at 2:14 pm Yes, universities and local government. BUT also, just something to keep in mind, the hiring processes for all of these is MONTHS. LIke up to 5 months or more sometimes. So just keep that in mind, that these types of organizations and agencies are slow moving when it comes to hiring. Good luck, and you take care of yourself.
Grogu's Mom* January 29, 2025 at 2:56 pm Higher education admin may be a very good fit for your skills (detail and research, good customer service skills, bureaucratic skills). I would be focusing on operational jobs that keep the lights on (think facilities, admissions, IT) rather than something like policy or research jobs that could be cut from the mission. These areas also have the benefit of hiring relatively quickly since they are usually critical positions to fill. In a large metro area, there should be a lot of universities to apply to, and you should apply to whatever you are truly qualified for to practice interviewing, make connections, and get your foot in the door before universities begin their own hiring freezes and layoffs. Tips for interviewing in higher ed: we are used to terrible/irrelevant resumes so you can use a version of your fed one to start (and most people will be sympathetic to your need to quickly pivot – but then work on revising it ASAP because a good resume will help you stand out), be prepared for lots of behavioral interview questions and to be judged on your interactions with assistants and future co-workers just as much as with the hiring manager, and fair warning that is it not unusual in higher ed to require references from current managers either just before an offer or as a contingency on an offer. Be prepared for a cut in salary and no clear job advancement path once you’re in, but decent job security and benefits. And the opportunity to support the education of our populace, which is sorely needed. Good luck.
Twinkle toes* January 29, 2025 at 3:22 pm I work at a large financial institution, and we’re almost always looking for people who are skilled at reading, interpreting, and helping others understand various internal policies. So while you may not want to work for a for-profit organization, it may be something to keep in mind. Large banks tend to pay well. If you’re interested, you might look for positions in Risk Management or internal governance.
ADHDFox* January 30, 2025 at 1:06 am #OP3 I agree with this and wanted to add that a part of my job at a large FMCG was policy-type research and due dilligence. Have a look for the keywords “regulatory compliance” or even analysis. The FMCG (food) and pharma industries are safe(ish) bets here – especially because these roles tend to be global/regional and with the regulatory chaos in the US there is likely to be an increased workload/need for these skills. Sending you much strength and hope.
Tiredofit all* January 29, 2025 at 11:16 am A few comments. People in unions, collective bargaining units (CBUs) may have more protections than others. Hard to say. Please don’t blame your management. Many are scared of being moved to “Schedule F” and being turned into political appointees with minimal labor protections. No one has any certainty, but I think all the recent “severance” offer does is give you the ability to work remote for 8 months. For many people, moving back to DC, on virtually no notice, is too expensive.
Llama Lover* January 29, 2025 at 11:30 am No no no. The “severance” offer is a scam to make lists of folks to cut. It’s a practical copy/paste (right down to the subject line) that Elon sent to Twitter workers when he took over there. No one got what they were promised. There is no funding for this “offer,” and Congresspeople are urging feds to stand fast. Congress has not issued any funding authority for this.
MsSolo (UK)* January 29, 2025 at 11:37 am It looks to me like an invitation to give them 8 months notice you’re quitting, and Alison has a lot of good advice on why long notice periods are a big risk.
Zipperhead* January 29, 2025 at 11:45 am Yeah, both Trump and Musk really, really, really hate paying bills or debts. They will not pay any promised severance. They absolutely should not be trusted.
Lenora Rose* January 29, 2025 at 11:43 am My impression (from Canada, so may have missed something) is the “severance” offer doesn’t even guarantee you’ll be paid for working from home. So I think it does even less than that.
AnotherOne* January 29, 2025 at 3:15 pm and it’s not clear to me what the severance offer is. i’ve heard some suggestion that if accepted, you could be expected to randomly work if you are needed, etc.
Screw project 2025 and all its minions* January 29, 2025 at 11:48 am Even if people can’t relocate they need to wait for the agency/depts/whoever to fire them. I realize this is agonizing and stressful (and deeply unfair) but making them fire you means that you’re eligible for unemployment and also makes them have to go through the motions of firing as well. And I guarantee they will mess them up. And in many cases they will walk back the rto mandates quietly too.
not nice, don't care* January 29, 2025 at 12:52 pm I’d bet anyone taking the offer will have access/passwords revoked, no paychecks, and probably put on some enemies list for unspecified retaliation.
SadandScared* January 29, 2025 at 5:29 pm Something like 80% of the Federal workforce is not in and nowehere near DC.
allhailtheboi* January 29, 2025 at 11:16 am My heart goes out to you all – I’m from a fanily of public sector (local government mostly) workers in the UK and I know that it’s civil servants who keep a country running, not politicians. Wishing you all the best luck <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
2x cat mom* January 29, 2025 at 11:16 am it’s worth pointing out this sadly also goes well beyond the fed itself, as thousands of people in dc are employed in organizations dependent on foreign aid spending, including my spouse. it’s truly beyond devastating in this city.
Sarah* January 29, 2025 at 11:24 am We had to let go hundreds of people who were contractors. And it doesn’t just affect the contractors, it also affects all the people we hired to support those contractors. It’s been devastating.
not nice, don't care* January 29, 2025 at 12:54 pm $5 says there will be a push to force fired feds & fed adjacent folks to take jobs that immigrants were previously doing.
I Have RBF* January 29, 2025 at 2:07 pm Right. Like a bunch of middle-aged computer jockeys are going to go pick produce for $2/hour? With this crap, they are planning on sacking most of the federally funded workforce, causing an instant deprerecession.
Wolf* January 30, 2025 at 3:28 am It’s an avalanche of job loss. Thousands of contractors losing their jobs means thousands of families having to cut their budget down to the necessities – leaving thousands of local businesses struggling because their customer base is gone.
Her My Own Knee* January 30, 2025 at 5:16 pm What a great way to stimulate the economy! Massive unemployment. That’s some big brain thinking there.
ferrina* January 29, 2025 at 11:50 am Not just in DC. One of my relatives is a city employee whose role is funded in part by federal funding. Their city is scrambling to figure out if they need to get alternate funding/cut staffing. Their city is not even in the same time zone as DC (is a U.S. city).
TeapotNinja* January 29, 2025 at 12:40 pm I have a feeling this will come out to bite them in the ass with the next jobs report that will state unemployment rose 5x faster than under the previous guy. The De-Facto President from South Africa will try and reframe that as working as designed, but he’ll be in a very small minority.
Charlotte Lucas* January 29, 2025 at 3:11 pm And that many state government agencies also rely on federal funds.
LL* January 29, 2025 at 4:00 pm In DC and elsewhere (I live in DC, but I have friends around the country and many of them are worried about losing federal money).
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 11:17 am thank you for putting together such comprehensive answers to these questions. it’s a genuine public service. i may not need these resources but i am relieved to have good answers from a trusted source (notably, one that ISN’T trying to be Pollyannaish “but it’ll be fiiiine!” in some manner about all this, as if happy thoughts and unicorn farts will put food on people’s tables through the power of sheer optimism alone – and also not falling off the other side of the horse by going straight to panic, gloom, and “it’s all already lost and bad everywhere so just give up”. astute thinkers will realize these are two routes to the exact same practical conclusion, one i am loathe to give in to). i am especially glad that last link is there. in terms of old resources being freshly relevant though we all wish they weren’t, if you have a family member or friend who doesn’t get it – well, by now, it’s time to ask pointed questions about how much that ignorance is a false front. but the public service film from 1943 entitled “Don’t Be A Sucker”, produced by the US Army Signal Corps, is a useful thing to know about and have in your quiver. (especially towards folks who consider objections to this behavior to be modern tomfoolery and flimflam, but may be swayed by a very firm rebuttal from the 40s.) this is a situation where we should have never been put in it again, but we are, and i am very glad to see practical, thoughtful, and moral answers being given alongside practical advice. it’s not a job that, rightfully, anyone should have had to do ever again. but we’re here now, and it is genuinely heartening to see Alison stepping up. to steal a quip straight from the Bard (so, y’know, standard practice for anyone within sneezing distance of an English department) – once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Hoary Vervain* January 29, 2025 at 11:36 am This is what I came to say and you said it a lot better than I could. I’ve been flailing trying to figure out how to make sense of all of this, and this is extremely helpful and concrete. What got me through the pandemic was finding a couple trusted voices with expertise in relevant fields to help me navigate all the info and sort out the clickbait from the important stuff. I’ve been looking for something like that for this situation.
ferrina* January 29, 2025 at 11:52 am Absolutely! Alison has such great advice and resources here. It’s also helpful to know that there are people who are fighting who know the ins and outs of how things should work. Side note- also look at CIA guidance on how to destabilize a country/decrease morale. Some of the tactics may look familiar.
Starbuck* January 29, 2025 at 5:19 pm I thought the last bits about regular workplace sabotage (p. 28 onwards) interesting and also pretty funny in the context of the many letters sent here.
Hibiscus* January 29, 2025 at 4:19 pm There is also a 1940s PSA voiced by Vincent Price played on the podcast “Down These Mean Streets” I think. In it Price warns that being a prejudiced jerk to your fellow Americans on the basis or religion is unAmerican and playing into the hands of our enemies. Another piece of history rebuttal–hmm, why was VINCENT PRICE (other than an honestly GOOD DUDE) saying that in the 40s? WHAT WAS GOING ON?
Aerin* January 30, 2025 at 11:12 am I immediately shared this article to Tumblr with some key takeaways summarized. I know there are a lot of people in desperate need of some resources and direction right now, and hopefully this information will get to the people who need it most.
Sometimes I Wonder* January 29, 2025 at 11:17 am So much compassion to the people affected by these attempts! The uncertainty is the point, to make us all afraid and to give us fewer resources to fight back. Please use your resources, reach out to your community and contacts. As an aside, I wonder how the growth in unemployment will negatively affect the midterms.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 11:29 am Well, the one thing we can be 100% certain about now is that it was NEVER about the economy- nothing that is being done will affect the economy positively. Nothing
Georgia Carolyn Mason* January 29, 2025 at 11:53 am Yeah, I’m ready for the 99-cent gas, 2-percent interest rate, and 2-dollar eggs if this admin is supposed to be so great for the economy. (Well, maybe not the 2-dollar eggs, because they’ll probably remove a lot of food-safety protections as well.)
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 12:09 pm If he can cure bird flu or make factory farming not a thing so we can have a better system than we have, I’d be all for it. But yeah, the price of eggs isn’t coming down anytime soon.
Rex Libris* January 29, 2025 at 12:38 pm I’m waiting to hear that bird flu is a hoax, assuming we haven’t already and I just missed it.
Double A* January 29, 2025 at 12:39 pm Eggs were $9.50 a dozen in my small town grocery story. And the shelf was mostly empty.
Phony Genius* January 29, 2025 at 12:57 pm I noticed something interesting in my store. Eggs were $7-ish/dozen (depending on large, jumbo, etc.), but the shelves were completely full. It seems that this customer base decided they were not going to pay these prices, so they refused to buy them. Now I wonder whether the store will have to cut prices and sell them at a loss before they expire.
Jam on Toast* January 29, 2025 at 3:01 pm In the last round of tri-lateral free trade negotiations, Trump and his negotiation team railed against Canadian agricultural management practices because he claimed it was egregiously unfair to keep American foodstuffs out of the Canadian market. He wanted supply management of things like milk and eggs completely dismantled. He talked openly about how this would allow US agri-business to intentionally undercut the much smaller Canadian market by flooding the country with heavily subsidized American agricultural products until Canadian farmers were bankrupt and forced to sell their farms to foreign buyers at firestorm prices. Now, in light of the $8/$9/$10+ a dozen price for eggs that Americans are facing, I’m even more grateful for the Canadian supply-managed system because eggs in this country are pretty much the same price as they always are. Critics of the system raise very valid points about its limitations, especially in terms of its impact on innovation and creating barriers for new entrants, but supply management ensures that the price of most staple foods are stable and reduces the risk of catastrophic supply disruptions by a significant margin. Corporate pressure in US agriculture has reduced competition into the hands of fewer and fewer companies, allowing them to gain near or total monopolies on many agricultural products. This distorts real production costs, incentivizes poor agricultural practices, and makes products like eggs especially vulnerable to climate change and pandemics.
iglwif* January 29, 2025 at 4:14 pm 100%. And of course we knew that … but I live in hope that some of the people who didn’t will be smacked in the face with the economic consequences and make different choices in future. I have to hope because otherwise I will despair.
Tradd* January 29, 2025 at 11:17 am I deal with federal employees daily, primarily CBP and FDA (customs broker). Good thoughts to all the federal workers reading this.
Lacey* January 29, 2025 at 11:20 am Thank you for sharing this. As this unfolds, I’m realizing how many people in my circle are impacted by this even if they don’t work for the government directly. It’s truly designed to create widespread fear and chaos.
Eldritch Office Worker* January 29, 2025 at 11:23 am At this point I’m at a loss for who in my circle hasn’t been impacted by one of these things in the last few weeks. You’re exactly right. It’s so intentional and so grim.
not nice, don't care* January 29, 2025 at 12:57 pm Just got official notice about grants and contracts that affect my workplace. Guess NASA doesn’t need that Mars rover after all.
Marion Ravenwood* January 29, 2025 at 11:21 am As someone who’s worked in the UK public sector for large chunks of my career (including my current job) and who’s from a family of public sector workers, it’s deeply saddening and worrying to see what’s going on in the US right now. Solidarity to those going through this and take care of yourselves.
allathian* January 30, 2025 at 12:56 am Yes, solidarity from Finland, too. I’m a public sector employee although not a civil servant, my parents worked for the public sector (environmental monitoring) for most of their careers and my sister followed in their footsteps.
Your fellow American* January 29, 2025 at 11:21 am Federal workers: I am one of the people you are defending. I know that, if you’re effectively defending me, I am likely never going to hear about it. You are being subtle and you are being quiet. You aren’t necessarily posting on the fednews subreddit or even telling family who might end up gossiping. One passage you are probably familiar with: “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”. There are so many of you who are living that oath right now, and you mostly won’t ever get to meet each other and share what you did to fulfill it. To protect me. Thank you.
Margali* January 29, 2025 at 12:04 pm Yes, thank you to all of you who are doing what you can during this ludicrous and evil timeline.
MigraineMonth* January 29, 2025 at 12:12 pm For everyone who knows their actions may put them on one of the “lists” and does it anyway: Thank you. Effective resistance isn’t made up of heroes, but of everyday people who draw a line in the sand and say: this far and no farther will I go. Who refuse to comply in advance, to let their actions be dictated by fear of our fellow workers, who follow in the steps of the great “subversives” of history. You aren’t alone, no matter what they want you to believe.
Irish Teacher.* January 30, 2025 at 6:46 am There is a quote in the Michael Collins film about how “we have a weapon more mighty than any of those in the whole arsenal of the British army and that weapon is our refusal.” And that is basically how Ireland got independence. We were never going to win a war against the UK militarily but people could and did make it impossible for the British to rule effectively. Attempts to introduce conscription here at the end of World War II had to be shelved because collective opposition meant it would take more troops to implement it than they would get from it. Now, I’m not advocating people putting themselves at risk the way Irish people did in the War of Independence. While it was effective at getting independence, it was partly by provoking the British into responding so brutally that it made them look terrible in the eyes of the world. But it really wasn’t primarily Collins and his squad that won Ireland its independence. It was the country standing together and ordinary people just…refusing to cooperate.
Lindy B.* January 29, 2025 at 11:22 am My husband works for the Veteran’s Administration and every 20 minutes he comes out of his home office to tell me something new that they are going to do. It’s a total s*** show. He’s relatively safe in his job and he’s not going to voluntarily quit like they are trying to get people to do. We need the money and insurance as I’m disabled. He was supposed to be promoted to supervisor as his retires at the end of this week. But, now they’re saying there’s going to be a hiring freeze for up to nine months. People are scared, confused and no-one really knows what’s going to happen. There’s a big meeting today at 10am with the big boss to discuss changes.
AnonAdmin* January 29, 2025 at 11:43 am Hugs from an internet stranger who knows people at the VA and has family that depends on their services.
ferrina* January 29, 2025 at 11:56 am Good luck to him, and may the bulk of the storm pass him by! The VA is so needed. Unfortunately, just because they say something will happen doesn’t mean it will. Pay more attention to the actions than the words.
AVP* January 29, 2025 at 1:24 pm IDK if your husband has looked on Reddit, but there’s a great thread on there of Fed workers who are mad as hell and choosing to stay out of spite :) It’s heartening to read!
AnotherOne* January 29, 2025 at 3:16 pm as someone whose family members use the VA, just let your husband know we all send all the internet hugs to him and his coworkers.
Anna Snyder* January 29, 2025 at 11:23 am As the wife of a federal worker, I would encourage people to stay if they can (and I know not everybody can). Federal workers get less pay than do those in similar positions outside of government, but the benefits are good and make for a much easier retirement (if you can last that long). Also, a lot of what they are doing now is unlawful and will be thrown out by the courts. Finally, this was their plan. They want to push people out like Elon did at Twitter. The federal government is not Twitter, though. Federal employees have meaningful jobs that contribute to the greater good. Also, they have union protections. I do know people are anxious – my family is horribly anxious! – but I don’t think we should leave the federal government to Trump and his incompetent yes men.
ferrina* January 29, 2025 at 12:00 pm The country and government need good people who can weather this storm. Continuing on will be hard, and there will need to be rebuilding in the future, and knowledge will be lost. There are so many people who rely on federal workers- literally the entire country! That said- put on your own oxygen mask first. If a federal worker needs to leave for mental health/financial stability/whatever reason, we understand. Thank you for everything that you have done!
Double A* January 29, 2025 at 12:45 pm Yes, people can and should prepare their job search materials but even when people in power are trying to move fast and break things (“things” in this case meaning “the federal government”), the government does not move at the speed of silicon valley for better and for worse. A lot of noise is happening, but it’s not all action and the situation isn’t clear. I know people are wondering where the “resistance” is. I think the resistance learned from last time that loud reactivity only gets you so far, so people are waiting and watching and getting the lay of the land better. People are conserving their energy and also looking to be strategic. The administration WANTS reactive chaos, so I think being as measured and slow as possible is inherently helpful. We’re already on the clock for the 2026 midterms and then the next presidential campaign is not far behind. They actually do not have much time, so running out the clock is a useful and valid strategy. Be Bartleby. Simply “prefer not to” any time that you possibly can. Minimal compliance. Malicious compliance. Gum up the works.
I Have RBF* January 29, 2025 at 2:13 pm Simply “prefer not to” any time that you possibly can. Minimal compliance. Malicious compliance. Gum up the works. This. Work to rule. Quiet quit. Say nothing to coworkers who might be snitches.
Sir Nose d'Voidoffunk* January 29, 2025 at 2:47 pm “The next presidential campaign” – crossing my fingers hard that we even have one.
Paris Geller* January 29, 2025 at 11:23 am I figured you’d have to post something like this. I can only imagine how many emails are coming in. I’m not a federal worker so I don’t have anything to add to this conversation, but for those who are in this situation: please know a lot of us are thinking of you and have your backs.
Science KK* January 29, 2025 at 11:24 am Wanted to pop in and ask for suggestions/ideas for skills to learn as someone who has a purely scientific background. When my current grant is over I have no idea if I’ll still have a job. My only skills and training is extremely neuroscience specific, by original college degree is in ecology. I can manage Google calendars, a bit of Microsoft suite, and that’s about it. Our university pays for a Udemy subscription so I can use that for free until 2026…….I won’t leave unless I have to but I don’t want to leave my head in the sand either.
JustMyImagination* January 29, 2025 at 11:44 am If you live near a biotech bubble, look for the companies working in those areas. Neuron23 in the San Francisco area, Biogen in the Boston area. There are so many! And yes, the biotech industry has been going through a contraction but there are still good jobs available.
Science KK* January 29, 2025 at 12:05 pm I work in a hub and even with referrals no one from my job has successfully made the jump in the last 3-4 years.
ZSD* January 29, 2025 at 11:49 am I have a PhD in linguistics but have had numerous jobs that have nothing to do with linguistics but make use of my general research and writing skills. Here are some skills you probably already have: -analyzing information on a new subject quickly -summarizing -writing quickly -statistical analysis -using spreadsheets That’s just off the top of my head. Here are skills you might also already have; if you don’t have these, I’d work on developing them: -Explaining technical information clearly to someone unfamiliar with the subject -Persuading people that your topic is important The other skills to develop are people-related. Working relationships in academia and other research-focused settings are very different from working relationships elsewhere. If you’re an AAM reader, you’ve probably picked up on some office norms and how they’re different from academic norms. But work on playing to those different norms.
Angry socialist* January 29, 2025 at 12:58 pm Here’s the thing: there are SO MANY unemployed and underemployed PhDs with those same skills, especially around the biotech hubs. I am one of them. I have all these great skills but the job market is flooded with extremely experienced people. I don’t get to do science anymore.
A Teacher* January 29, 2025 at 11:54 am Have you thought about going into teaching? We have a critical need for public educators–I am in a very blue state and there is a process where you can work while getting a teaching degree. Starting pay in my district with a bachelors and no teaching experience is close to 50k. It goes up if you have an advanced degree. We get decent benefits and have a good retirement package. I would NOT teach in a red state.
CeeDoo* January 29, 2025 at 12:27 pm I’m a teacher in a red state, and I would recommend anyone interested in the profession right now to run. I live near Houston, and with the government takeover of Houston ISD, there is a glut of teachers looking for jobs. And since you now no longer need to be certified to teach, they’re hiring 24 year olds with no education experience and throwing them to the wolves. (That said, I work with an uncertified teacher who is genuinely excellent at her job teaching high school math. I have tshirts older than she is, but she is both engaging and gets good results on state testing.)
What’s In A Name* January 29, 2025 at 1:04 pm I don’t have any experience with this area and can’t comment on specific skills, but in the book “Awaken Your Genius” by Ozan Varol, he has a section about combining skills sets that don’t normally go together that you might find interesting. I think his background was a rocket scientist turned lawyer turned professor turned author.
We FA and we are now FO* January 29, 2025 at 1:34 pm I made the jump out of academic neuroscience research ten years ago after a looong stretch of postdocing. In addition to the areas others have mentioned that one can argue your current role has prepared you for (eg secondary education and scientific communication), consider positions in STEM training administration at the university level (coordinating summer internships/research experience for undergrads—all big universities have offices/people that do this, sometimes in the career center, sometimes even within individual departments), “FAS” roles for biotech/pharma companies—are there fancy machines you use to do research (multiphotons, liquid handlers, patch clamping machines)? Look at the sticker on the machine with the service reps contact info and ask them if they’d be willing to do an informational interview regarding their job. These folks often (mostly?) have PhDs and they get paid to help clients troubleshoot science issues; project management—you probably use PM skills already in your daily work and there is a clear path to a broadly accepted PMP credential that would make you attractive for all kinds of science related sectors and credentials. I will also add that I had the amazing good fortune to start a job in the training area at a non profit research institute recently. We are lucky that our operating expenses are funded by a generous endowment so we aren’t vulnerable (yet) to the Trump Administration’s nonsense. There are a number of places like this that might be worth looking into, eg Jackson Labs, Cold Spring Harbor, Woods Hole, Janelia (and other HHMI related orgs). You could also look at places funded by the slightly less insane oligarchs of our era—what are Chan-Zuckerberg and Gates funding in STEM these days. My current employer has been funded by CZI in the past and we are pretty hardcore basic biomedical research so these funders can have portfolios that go beyond direct aid to the developing world, for example. Also CROs. Do you know how to do finicky mice experiments? Look into places like Charles River. Good luck to you. I was where you are now a decade ago and it was rough then. I know it’s much harder now.
Anax* January 29, 2025 at 5:08 pm If you do need to move, think tanks might be a place to look – Mitre, RAND, etc. They’re affected to some extent by federal grants, but I know some are definitely hiring PhDs in hard sciences pretty readily.
Facts are important* January 29, 2025 at 11:24 am All of this was also listed on his Agenda 47 document. So it is true that he doesn’t give a sh*t about Project 2025.
Carys, Lady of Weeds* January 29, 2025 at 11:30 am Sadly, that doesn’t matter. The people behind him are still using it as a smokescreen to push the Project 2025 agenda, and there’s a lot of overlap.
Lenora Rose* January 29, 2025 at 11:38 am You mean Agenda 47 cribbed its test answers from Project 2025 on the next beside it.
Feral Humanist* January 29, 2025 at 11:48 am This isn’t “facts,” it’s splitting hairs (and to what purpose, exactly?). Once Russ Vought is involved, it’s Project 2025 all the way down.
Anonymous Fed* January 29, 2025 at 11:49 am The alt national park fills discovered that the metadata on the original hr at opm message showed it was authored by someone who is a Project 2025 person.
Strive to Excel* January 29, 2025 at 11:56 am Does it matter what it’s called if it’s all the same thing? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it’s probably a duck. If Agenda 47 is a mirror of Project 2025, they can call it the Bunny Hugging Manifesto and that won’t change a dang thing.
Orwell Was Right* January 29, 2025 at 2:15 pm I feel like we are in 1984, with blatantly illegal executive orders given titles opposite to their contents, such as the one titled “ENDING THE WEAPONIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” that weaponizes federal government departments to go after 47’s enemies.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 12:07 pm sometimes even if the landlord paints over the cockroach stuck to the wall, it’s still a cockroach stuck to the wall. and it will remain a cockroach stuck to the wall even with that fresh paint on top of it. so the new name doesn’t really matter that much, same as the fresh paint doesn’t matter.
LL* January 29, 2025 at 4:16 pm Pretty sure Agenda 47 came from Project 2025. And he’s still working closely with those people and letting them call the shots. His claims that he had no clue what it was were lies and anyone who was paying attention knew that at the time.
Kowalski! Options!* January 29, 2025 at 11:25 am Sending sympathy and solidarity as one small worker ant who’s a Canadian civil servant. A number of us are looking at what’s going on in the US with a cautious eye, just in case that crap starts happening here. And Alison, thank you for sharing that CIA guidebook.
40 Years in the Hole* January 29, 2025 at 12:03 pm Also retired Canadian public servant.Who is just agog at the “Master Plan” unfolding. Shake-my-head, arms-linked-in-solidarity from a (not 51st State) neighbo(u)r.
Nessun* January 29, 2025 at 12:10 pm I used to have faith that we’d never elect someone similar to 45 – but then I also thought that the US wouldn’t elect him…once, and then I thought they couldn’t possibly elect him…again. Now I look at the political landscape in Canada and worry what we’re likely to do – we emulate the US so much, and this, this is not a good thing to copy…
Shadowfax* January 29, 2025 at 4:07 pm Fellow Canadian, keeping my phone handy constantly waiting for the notification that the US has invaded. Solidarity.
hypoglycemic rage (she/her)* January 29, 2025 at 11:27 am I have nothing to add, but I am sending love and thoughts and prayers and good vibes to anyone and everyone affected by this. It is horrifying and heartbreaking to watch and I cannot believe it’s happening.
CowWhisperer* January 29, 2025 at 11:28 am The CIA guidebook is great for the section on how to mess office work by being an inefficient lunatic. Also – you can make anything into a potential DEI or multiple genders trap if you brainstorm creatively – so your department may need to rewrite everything. By committee. Made of the least effective and most loquacious people.
WillowSunstar* January 29, 2025 at 11:29 am Nominating the President for worst boss of 2025. Yes, already.
Llama Lover* January 29, 2025 at 11:34 am Willow, you are a shining light at the top of a hill. I love you for this comment!
Chirpy* January 29, 2025 at 11:36 am frankly, I don’t want to know what someone would have to do to beat this…
Lenora Rose* January 29, 2025 at 11:39 am I think this year the contest will be for who comes in at second place.
Hapax Legomenon* January 29, 2025 at 11:44 am Can I co-nominate the man who is trying to do to the US what he did to Twitter?
WeirdChemist* January 29, 2025 at 12:21 pm Didn’t he already win one year? I’m pretty sure a twitter employee wrote in to Alison for advice about the chaos there, and that letter made it at least pretty far in the poll for that year!
WeirdChemist* January 29, 2025 at 12:26 pm It was in 2022!
Hlao-roo* January 29, 2025 at 12:40 pm Yes, he won in 2022!
Irish Teacher.* January 29, 2025 at 3:10 pm Yikes, I can’t believe it’s that long ago. I would have guessed 2023. I guess his sheer awfulness was so memorable it seems more recent.
MigraineMonth* January 29, 2025 at 12:25 pm Elon’s brilliant leadership moves managed to lose 80% of Twitter’s value in *just two years*; why wouldn’t we want him to run the exact same playbook on the US government and economy? Personally, I look forward to being a proud citizen of the United States of X. /s
Rex Libris* January 29, 2025 at 12:43 pm The want to devalue, underfund and understaff government services to the point of ineffectiveness, so they can justify privatizing them. Under that plan, he’s exactly the man for the job.
Shiny Penny* January 29, 2025 at 12:15 pm Who knew a shock laugh was what I needed to get a break in the tears?
Facts are important* January 29, 2025 at 11:30 am What Project 2025 actually says: “[Congress should] allow employees in the private sector the ability to choose between receiving time-and-a-half pay or accumulating time-and-a-half paid time off.” It does not propose eliminating overtime pay across the board. I oppose Trump and did not vote for him. But I don’t think it’s OK to provide false info, no matter which side of the political aisle you happen to be on.
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 29, 2025 at 11:53 am It’s functionally the same. Nearly half of American workers who have access to paid leave already take less time off from work than they’re eligible for, and many of them lose it entirely when they leave their jobs because they live in states where it’s not required to be paid out. There’s an enormous difference between “you will get time and a half via money in your next paycheck” and “you will get additional vacation time that you may or may not be able to take (to say nothing of whether it will be available to you at a time you actually want to take it).” It absolutely would eliminate overtime pay for many workers.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 12:14 pm with all due respect, facts are indeed important – but part of what makes a fact is how something is going to be used. if i call a hairbrush a dinglehopper and use it to brush my hair, it’s factual that it is a dinglehopper, but it’s also within the larger context of me using it as a hairbrush. when you fight for the facts to be lauded in a specific manner, think about the larger context. how are they being used? who benefits from an argument about these facts as an important sticking point? who is currently using that tactic of “let’s argue about exact definitions in order to ignore the larger context”, and why? to say that a fact is something floating in space unconnected to these concerns is to divorce the fact from much of its meaning, and make it not really a fact at all. so now as you’re trying the same “facts are important” tactic for the second time in this comment section… let’s remember the rest of those facts, and the rest of their meaning. and, among those facts, you have Alison as an expert as someone who knows how those rules on paper are practically translated into the real world – what their day-to-day meaning actually is. so if she disagrees with the “fact” printed on paper, it may be worth thinking about what she knows in terms of practical effect and how it’s going to impact others, instead of just dismissing her knowledge and expertise as “she’s being untruthful and must be corrected”. sometimes it’s not a lie, but someone telling you more about what the fact is.
MigraineMonth* January 29, 2025 at 12:29 pm I really appreciate this comment, especially to say that a fact is something floating in space unconnected to these concerns is to divorce the fact from much of its meaning, and make it not really a fact at all. I remember in my college statistics class, we were taught that who was counting and why was often more important than the number they produced.
Shiny Penny* January 29, 2025 at 1:01 pm Thanks for your post, Calamity Jane. You communicated that so clearly and helpfully — I’m printing it out and saving it.
Anonymous today* January 29, 2025 at 12:27 pm I’m curious about why you think this is the most important thing to say when the post is about the ways the federal workforce is under attack? and why your “important facts” seem to be apologist for Project 2025.
nnn* January 29, 2025 at 12:31 pm Facts do matter so I will note the post says “allowing companies to stop paying overtime, permitting states to opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage laws” which is accurate.
Nina* January 29, 2025 at 12:54 pm In New Zealand or Britain where your PTO entitlements are legally part of your compensation that must be used or paid out (and your employer must buy it from you at your current hourly rate if you want to do that, or pay it out to you at your current hourly rate when you leave), yes, there’s functionally very little difference. In the US, where I keep hearing employees finding ways to negotiate to have their leave paid out when they move to another job and there’s no federal requirement to have any leave at all, let alone let people take it, paid time off is not worth the paper it’s written on.
Banana Pyjamas* January 29, 2025 at 4:28 pm IANAL but I would like to point out that there’s already case law that as long as employers disclose that they *MAY* provide comp time in lieu of overtime pay in their manual, then the employee agrees to receive comp time by default of accepting the terms in the manual. In other words, it’s already not employees’ choice, it’s at employers’ discretion.
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 29, 2025 at 4:32 pm That’s not correct — the only employers who can legally do that are public agencies. Otherwise it violates the FLSA.
Banana Pyjamas* January 29, 2025 at 5:18 pm Sorry, I should have specified that. My point was that they already took the choice away from the employees it applies to, so there won’t be choice if they expand it.
jef* January 29, 2025 at 11:30 am Thanks for posting the links at the end Alison. I am not a government employee, but my job only exists due to federally funded research. Thanks for being a light during these dark times.
old curmudgeon* January 29, 2025 at 11:31 am First of all, as a retired state government employee, I want to express solidarity and immense appreciation for my sisters and brothers in the federal workforce – you don’t deserve any of this. I do want to urge caution about applying to state or municipal government jobs right now, even if you live in a blue city and/or state. Large portions of those governmental structures are federally funded, and I can pretty much guarantee you that the federally funded agencies in your city and state are pumping the brakes on any hiring plans until they find out whether or not the order suspending federal grants will be implemented. State or local agencies with an emphasis on labor, health, transportation and education would be risky to work for right now. Look for agencies that obtain their funding mostly or entirely from program revenue or from state appropriations, things like corrections, revenue, licensing, etc. Also, on the topic of unemployment, Unemployment Insurance is another federal program. I know they said that benefits to citizens directly wouldn’t be impacted by the freeze, but the UI Grant also pays the salaries of the adjudicators and administrative staff in your state. Which means that if the funding freeze is allowed to proceed, it could lead to indefinite unpaid furloughs for the folks who make it possible for unemployed citizens to receive benefits. I wish I had a happier comment to share. I wish we were not living this reality. Again, solidarity, sympathy, and enormous appreciation to you folks on the front lines.
Watry* January 29, 2025 at 11:42 am I’m municipal, and while my agency and position are safe, there are a number of grant-funded positions in other agencies that aren’t. That said, I know our job listings will actually say if a program or position is grant funded, so I guess at least you could ask who the grant is from.
Ad Astra* January 29, 2025 at 12:40 pm Yes, I’m a state employee and just got confirmation of a hiring freeze for my agency because we get federal funding for portions of our work as well.
Slow Gin Lizz* January 29, 2025 at 12:44 pm I was wondering about unemployment myself. Seems like it’s only a matter of time (and in this political climate, probably only hours) before that’s eliminated as well.
We FA and we are now FO* January 29, 2025 at 1:40 pm I read the Project 2025 chapter on workforce yesterday and there’s quite a bit of language regarding UI reform similar in flavor to the bit Alison shared about overtime vs PTO.
dulcinea47* January 29, 2025 at 11:33 am I feel like the part about “don’t take the buyout b/c you’ll never get paid” should be in all caps.
Sparkles McFadden* January 29, 2025 at 12:07 pm It is better to get pushed than to jump. The incentives to quit are always a trap, and those incentives disappear once there’s nothing you can do about it. Our government is now filled with lying liars who lie, and billionaires who will probably try to bring slavery back because it would be “good for the economy.” so yeah… DON’T TAKE THE BUYOUT BECAUSE YOU’LL NEVER GET PAID!!!
Hyena* January 29, 2025 at 2:37 pm Sorry to say it, but there’s no need to “bring back” slavery, it’s already been a thing for ages with prison labor.
Rage* January 29, 2025 at 11:33 am My husband is a disabled veteran. We do not know if he will continue to receive his monthly disability, nor do we know if his healthcare through the VA will remain in effect. Fortunately, I can add him to my (employer-sponsored) health insurance if that becomes a reality – but if we lose his income it will be very difficult for for us with just 1 income (and increased health insurance costs). From what I can tell, the Veterans Administration funding has NOT been given any exceptions (as they verbally did for Medicaid, Medicare, Pell Grants, and a few other programs). Hopefully the judge’s block on that will mean that he will receive his disability on time (this Friday) – but we really do not know.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 11:52 am My dad voted for Trump. He is also a retired postal employee and a boots on the ground war veteran. He receives a government pension; three forms of insurance through the government (postal employees’; Medicare; and VA); he also has a veteran’s benefit for potential combat related illness. My parents are both elderly and retired and rely primarily on his pension, benefits, etc. I am fascinated to see how the next few weeks and months play out.
Rex Libris* January 29, 2025 at 12:51 pm I’m always amazed by people who can so completely vote against their own interests without apparently realizing it. It’s like the automatic assumption is “obviously they won’t touch my stuff because I earned it, but all those other peoples’ stuff…” It’s kind of like the people always wanting more religion in public schools and government without ever stopping to wonder if it’s going to be *their* brand of religion, particularly.
Person from the Resume* January 29, 2025 at 1:23 pm No! That is exactly their thought process. The othering. I am not on the dole because I am a hardworking person who worked and earned my veterans benefits, social security, Medicaid/medicare, even unemployment …. But those other people are lazy loafers who didn’t earn it like I did.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 2:03 pm He was never going to vote for a woman, let alone a POC woman. But, according to him, he voted for the economy.
Avocadoanon* January 30, 2025 at 1:00 pm I actually think your dad is going to be okay. The line to use if you’re under 50 is “Dad, they are not going to mess with your social security. They’re going to eliminate mine.” It’s weird to say that to people in my parents’ generation and to watch them be stunned and… relieved…? I don’t know why this works for so many Americans over 60, but it does.
cursed frogurt* January 29, 2025 at 6:19 pm Rage, my husband is also a disabled vet & he got his payment today (our bank allows deposits to hit 2 days early). He’s also in the VRE program through the VA & talked to his counselor today; per what she told him, vet benefits haven’t been impacted so hopefully it stays that way. Thank you, Allison for the resources.
Head Sheep Counter* January 29, 2025 at 11:33 am I love the federal workers who are my friends and colleagues. I hate that their competency and value is being devalued by billionaires (and billionaire want-a-bes). Privatization of the government only benefits the wealthy. The alleged efficiency does not exist at this scale (there are always areas that can improve/lean in). What does exist? Natural resources to be pillaged. Always ask why and who benefits. The why can be hard to find but the benefits… are the common people.
AnonyFed* January 29, 2025 at 11:34 am Please do what you need to for yourself and your family OPs. I too feel guilty and would love to dig in like all the other Feds are recommending but the reality is so much more complicated. I spent years looking for a new job that would allow me to start building a safety net and a life. Started my Fed job last summer which means I’m still on probation. My name probably got put on a list. Unfortunately I also have a chronic illness and need expensive meds and good health insurance. If I get laid off I immediately have to move back in with a parent several states away, approaching 40 years old, as I haven’t even managed to save up enough for a single rent payment yet. So I’ve already started looking for a new job. It sucks, I hate it, but I also don’t want to end up homeless. Luckily really happy many are understanding that not everyone can stay to wait it out. Super appreciate that.
MigraineMonth* January 29, 2025 at 12:36 pm Of course we understand! Do whatever you need to in order to get safe and secure (as long as that doesn’t mean hurting someone else, of course). Unfortunately, there will be plenty of time for resistance and plenty of people who will need help once you’ve secured your own oxygen mask. Saving up and starting (or at least preparing for) a job search are wise precautions for all of us in government. (Just don’t believe any promises from Trump/Elon, because they’re lying liars who don’t pay their bills or workers.)
Retsuko* January 29, 2025 at 11:34 am I’m a Canadian, but can I just say that the fact that you’re sharing a CIA resource for Nazi resistance is absolutely heartbreaking, but absolutely necessary. So much solidary from the north <3
Resist the purge* January 29, 2025 at 11:41 am I suggest those of use who are outside the US jurisdiction download copies of that guide so that if / when an order comes down for the CIA to remove it, we can still distribute it. My first job out of high school was for the FDA in downtown within line of site of the capitol building. Most of my family living in the area are federal employees still or are federal contractors. My heart is breaking for my former colleagues and family who are being affected by this.
Nina* January 29, 2025 at 12:56 pm At a previous job (outside the US) we had the CIA guide printed out and laminated on the workshop wall shortly after Effective Manager was promoted away from us and Bad Manager was hired to replace him.
EggyParm* January 29, 2025 at 1:27 pm I was just thinking that if that page gets enough views, they’ll take it down. Definitely worth saving and uploading to a non .gov site.
Oh January* January 31, 2025 at 2:24 pm Printing it out as a zine for my classroom library 15 year olds already practice noncompliance on me daily, they might as well learn some decent tactics lol
Happy Camper* January 29, 2025 at 12:36 pm I’ve said it so many times since he first ran, his platform is frighteningly similar to how Hitler’s
Keymaster of Gozer (She/Her)* January 29, 2025 at 1:41 pm Divide, dissent, declare emergencies, become a dictator, start the purges. Over here in Europe we’ve seen it a LOT.
TheExchequer* January 29, 2025 at 11:39 am Your good work in bringing this to us is so very appreciated, Alison. Thank you.
Hapax Legomenon* January 29, 2025 at 11:39 am I am a federal-ish worker(federal enough to get the “Reply STOP to lose your job” email) living overseas for the last ten years. I don’t know if my job will still exist by summer. If my job goes away, I have 90 days to try to find another one as they’re probably massively RIFting, and then I have to give up my home, my car, and most of my worldly possessions in this country and move in with my parents 4500 miles away from here. There’s a good chance my job will be spared but even so, I feel like I could lose everything in the next email or executive order.
Hilar(it)y* January 31, 2025 at 4:32 am Sounds like we may be in similar-ish boats. I already lost my job due to the pause in foreign assistance. I’m also losing my home. My house here (overseas, Africa) is paid for through March and that can’t be recouped, and my home in the US is occupied by a tenant. But I still have to leave my home of multiple years, scramble to find emergency housing I can afford, because of these stupid and cruel freezes. It’s one tiny ripple effect but it’s emblematic of how wasteful and destructive the whole thing is.
Falling Diphthong* January 29, 2025 at 11:40 am Thank you for pulling this together. Shocked Pikachu face that they really did intend Project 2025 all along.
Lemons* January 29, 2025 at 11:43 am I don’t care where on the political spectrum you fall, “eliminating child labor protections” is just plain evil villain stuff. Why???
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 11:56 am 1) They believe in the concept of working your way up, so cheap labor should start when you’re young and eventually, you’ll make a living wage. 2) There is a current shortage of white workers for unskilled/poor jobs, so children will fit the bill. 3) They’re going to deport a lot of people, so there’s going to be an even worse shortage of employees and white children will fit the bill because you can’t make more white people that quickly. (Before anyone says anything, I’m white- I’m pointing out what seems kind of obvious at this point.)
pope suburban* January 29, 2025 at 12:53 pm On the subject of deportation and other rounding up of people minding their own business and contributing to society: prison labor. Prison labor will feature heavily in the plan. Slavery is still legal as a punishment for a crime, and we’ve seen that this administration has no qualms about lying or about rewriting the law and immediately proceeding with the new rules even if they’re bound to be struck down later. People will be sent to prison, forced to do these jobs as prisoners, and the private-prison folks and the companies benefitting from prison labor will get even richer. Prices for food will not go down. This is absolutely where we’re headed.
Shiny Penny* January 29, 2025 at 1:18 pm I recently learned that the daily labor of prison inmates in some Southern states is “sold” to, like, road construction companies and even fast food restaurants. “For-profit prisoners.” Thus adding a huge incentive to the justice system there, to decide that each prisoner “should” remain imprisoned. I’m in the Northwest. This seems incredibly unethical.
pope suburban* January 29, 2025 at 6:31 pm Yep. And I think that’s exactly the plan here. If other countries won’t take the deportees, as has already happened, they’ll just bring these people back here and do to them what we’ve been doing to prisoners for decades. They’ll stall and obfuscate and make up and plain old lie as much as they can to keep people in their clutches, making money for the worst people on the planet.
Starbuck* January 30, 2025 at 12:36 pm Yes. America has always, always relied on slave labor – it’s never ended, the system only changed/got relabeled enough to seem more palatable.
AnotherOne* January 29, 2025 at 4:00 pm yeah, a congressman yesterday said essentially (responding to the impacts of the White House’s federal aid freeze on school lunch programs) if some kids need money for lunch, they should get a job at McDonald’s. Quote: “When you talk about school lunches, hey, I worked my way through high school, I don’t know about you, but I worked since I was, before I was even 13 years old. I was picking berries in the field before we had child labor laws that precluded that. I was a paperboy. And when I was in high school, I worked my entire way through. I mean, how many people got their start at fast-food restaurants when they were kids? Versus just giving a blanket rule that gives all kids lunches in high school who are capable of going out and actually getting a job and doing something that makes them have value, thinking about their future instead of thinking about how they’re going to sponge out the government.” It’s been pointed out that he was born in 1968. So most major regulation regarding child working in fields was past before he was born. And that it is still legal for kids as young as 10 to work on a non-family owned farm in limited capacity. (if your family own it, there are no regulations beyond CPS I’m pretty sure.)
Anonymous Engineer* January 29, 2025 at 4:35 pm “doing something that makes them have value” Well if that doesn’t just sum it all up. The whole problem is that the folks in charge right now do not believe humans have value unless they are producing capital.
Banana Pyjamas* January 29, 2025 at 5:12 pm “3) They’re going to deport a lot of people, so there’s going to be an even worse shortage of employees and white children will fit the bill because you can’t make more white people that quickly.” It’s so much more broad-reaching than that though. I’m sure that’s what their banking on (which I agree is disgusting), but what actually happens is dramatic shrinkage of local economies where large numbers of immigrants worked. Mass unemployment ensues. Postville, Iowa, is a good case study. Business close, people remain unemployed. The article ”CBS: Immigration Raid Left Iowa Town’s Economy ‘In Tatters’” on NewsBusters is excellent. TLDR for the article: Deporting 389 people in a town of 3,000 ultimately led to population shrinkage of 1200. Most business shuttered, and those that remained open experienced significant sales loss. The town require at least $1.2 in aid as a result.
whistle* January 29, 2025 at 12:17 pm Child laborers are too tired and ignorant to fight against the state.
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 12:22 pm Oh, thank you! I forgot this point: they want to gut public education and private education is going to be either for the rich or for religious institutions that take waivers (hi from a state that is currently doing that). Also: gutting higher education. So….there are going to be a lot less people who are skilled laborers and/or have higher education, so you have to start children young to gain skills that they’re going to miss in education and/or they’ll be out of school because they can’t afford to go, so they’ll need jobs. It’s truly diabolical.
Rex Libris* January 29, 2025 at 12:57 pm An article in (I think) Psychology Today referred to many Trump voters as “intellectually unsophisticated.” They’d like that to be the norm for 90% of the nation instead of 40%, which pretty much explains every single aspect of their stances on education, public libraries, etc.
Head Sheep Counter* January 29, 2025 at 1:09 pm The entire endeavor is evil villain stuff. It makes sense though if you are a billionaire/billionaire wanna be. In practical terms it will never hurt you to have child labor if you are that level of wealthy. And if you are that level of wealthy you’ve already discovered being callously blind to the fate of others. If you had morals… you wouldn’t have that level of wealth.
Head Sheep Counter* January 29, 2025 at 6:04 pm really adds a grim color to other fights against reproductive rights… we need more workers
Resident Catholicville, U.S.A.* January 29, 2025 at 8:04 pm I mean, that’s the end goal- more white babies. There was an elected official (I can’t remember name; it’s getting late and I don’t want to hunt it down) that explicitly said that the goal was to get more white babies. Obviously she claimed she misspoke, but…
Working under my down comforter* January 29, 2025 at 11:44 am Hugs. Please do what you need to take care of yourselves and your families. Speak with your state reps and Congressmen. Make copies of all your employment documents such as many pensions or retirement plans.
paid by feds* January 29, 2025 at 11:44 am given that we get paid after the fact (ie, every 2 weeks or whatever schedule), what do we do if money is frozen and we don’t get paid for work we’ve already done?
ThisIsNotADuplicateComment* January 29, 2025 at 11:45 am I hope all those swing voters enjoy living in the america they voted for.
Falling Diphthong* January 29, 2025 at 11:53 am “I can’t believe leopards ate my face!” says person who voted for the face-eating leopard party. I expect to get constant use out of that meme. Also, everyone who could vote but didn’t? You’d better love every fucking minute of this.
Nessun* January 29, 2025 at 12:16 pm My comment the moment anyone complains about an administration when they didn’t vote and could: Shut. Up. You had the chance to make your voice heard – you didn’t. You don’t get to complain to me afterwards. You can complain if you voted and they didn’t get in, and the other guys suck. You can complain if you voted and they did get in, and they’re not doing what you wanted. You can’t complain if you didn’t care enough to exercise a right that lots of people didn’t even always have – you get to suck it up.
constant_craving* January 29, 2025 at 1:54 pm I have to disagree. It’s going to be critically important for every single person possible to speak up. Every voice speaking out against these things is a win.
Nessun* January 29, 2025 at 4:10 pm My position has usually been based on less turbulent times, and your point is well taken. It angers me that people only speak up after they’ve either allowed or voted into power those who do awful things in the name of that power, but you’re right, every voice against them is valuable right now.
Lenora Rose* January 29, 2025 at 5:14 pm It’s very hard to be generous to people who should have been in the fight years ago joining the fight late… but IF they’re fighting, not just whining ineffectually, and IF they’re listening to the people who got there first, then they need to be allowed the chance to join. If they’re only complaining, maybe offer them some concrete steps to fix things. Many will disappoint — and some will step up.
Hola Playa* January 29, 2025 at 2:58 pm If we can take a quick humor break and Laughing Instead of Crying is your brand of humor, check out Franchesca Leigh Ramsey’s phenomenal songs about this! Merch, too.
Hola Playa* January 29, 2025 at 3:00 pm Well that’s supposed to be a reply about Leopards Eating Faces.
3-foot Tall Inflatable Rainbow Unicorn* January 29, 2025 at 12:42 pm Go to the social media of Fishbourne Roman Palace museum – their Inauguration Day “Mosaic Monday” image was, literally, a mosaic of a large cat biting a gladiator’s face.
Lurker* January 29, 2025 at 11:54 am Okay? I hope voters who benefit from the programs in red states that are disproportionately subsidized by the federal taxes paid by wealthier blue state realize that when the services disappear.
dulcinea47* January 29, 2025 at 12:16 pm I’m getting really sick of this sentiment, b/c the rest of us have to live here too. We don’t get a break ’cause we didn’t vote for him.
Jessen* January 29, 2025 at 12:42 pm Not to mention there’s been ongoing efforts to make it harder for poor or minority voters to both vote and have their votes counted, especially in red states or swing states.
Box of Kittens* January 29, 2025 at 12:43 pm Same. This feeds into a tribal us-versus-us mentality, which is exactly what those in power want us to focus on, because it keeps us distracted rather than organizing against them.
Cruciatus* January 29, 2025 at 1:45 pm I 100% understand how you feel. And I don’t want to like this sentiment (and “like” is not the right word), but the truth is…they won’t understand until it hurts them too. And unfortunately it hurts ALL of us in the meantime. I get how much that sucks. But only when they can see it, feel it, experience it themselves will they (maybe) finally get it. I don’t know what else to do with my anger, sadness, frustration except to hope they understand it eventually. Because they sure don’t understand it now.
iglwif* January 29, 2025 at 4:21 pm The biggest winners in the 2024 US election were misinformation and voter suppression, IMO. Not that I’m excusing anyone who voted for that guy, because there’s just no excuse for that.
you read 15 emails and what do you get?* January 29, 2025 at 11:47 am VA remote employee here, saying: it’s amazing the difference in messaging coming in from different kinds of leadership. The ones I get from my program office are just regurgitating the talking points, including about DEI being “illegal” and all that stuff, and I feel demoralized and angry. The ones I get from my local facility can be summed up as “yep that sure is an email we just got. Yes it’s not phishing. Yes we know about it. We’re going to have a meeting about this today, send in your questions here, we’ll answer them but we might not have answers”. I feel much more lifted up by that kind of validating “yes this is fucked up but no we do not actually work for Elon Musk we all have civil service protections” messaging, rather than what program office sends out, which is just a shrug emoji and parroting talking points.
msgumby* January 29, 2025 at 4:46 pm Another VA remote employee, working in research dissemination and communication. Yes to all of this. The tidal wave of emails! The dictatorial tones of the emails from the top, then: explaining/not explaining, attempting to clarify if any action needs to be taken at this time, disclaiming carefully, “be careful what you put in writing,” and so forth from my local offices. I am utterly exhausted.
A Teacher* January 29, 2025 at 11:47 am Thank you for sharing all of this information. I am a public school teacher–we are on his list of enemies too. I wait to see what happens. He is already trying with Title I money and all federal money–I know its blocked until 2.3.25 by court order. I am also a healthcare provider as an athletic trainer. This stuff is scary, it is beyond differences of opinion. It is about differences in humanity. I got to the bottom and saw the CIA playbook and thought, “I cannot believe this is where we really are.” Thank you for keeping your site on the right side of history.
Percy Weasley* January 29, 2025 at 12:09 pm “It is about differences in humanity.” Thank you, Teacher, for spelling that out so clearly.
ecnaseener* January 29, 2025 at 11:48 am Another resource that’s been recommended a lot is “On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder. I haven’t gotten a copy yet myself, but even the table of contents has some good advice, in particular: -Do not obey in advance. -Defend institutions. -Remember professional ethics. -Be as courageous as you can.
Hibiscus* January 29, 2025 at 4:39 pm It’s a very good book. I’ve been buying copies for my workplaces book cart since 2016 and putting them out. This may be a conservative area, but they don’t stay long!
Aphrodite* January 29, 2025 at 11:49 am OUTSTANDING, Alison, even for those of us who are not federal workers. (I work in higher education in California but I can see how this might play out as time goes on.) Thank you for being such a fabulous resource and help to those who especially need it now.
Amtelope* January 29, 2025 at 11:49 am Thanks for doing this, Alison. My team is currently doing work on a federally grant-funded project that I don’t know if we’ll ever get paid for. My disabled daughter depends on Medicaid. I am not sleeping well right now.
Jessen* January 29, 2025 at 11:49 am As a federal contractor, I’m waiting to see how this runs into state law as well. Like in many cases, the contracting agency that I’m employed by is based out of the state of maryland. I’m wondering what happens if the administration orders them to do something that violates state employment law, especially for those of us who live in states that have their own protections.
Forrest Rhodes* January 29, 2025 at 11:53 am It’s only Week 2 and we already have the need to read instructions on “how to resist the Nazis.” I hate that Federal employees—and by extension, the rest of us—have to sit up nights worrying about what they and we will do if all of this ap-cray becomes real. Yeah, maybe it won’t, likely it won’t, but in the meantime … I am angry enough at all this that I could spit nails. My first impulse is to just find the Trump-Musk-Bannon-et al crowd and slap them silly—and I may be short, old, and female, but am fairly certain I can take them. But how can an ordinary-citizen clown (i.e., me) support the people who are actively having to deal with this? What can someone who’s not a federal employee and who’s well into the minimal-fixed-income stage of life do to help? Sorry about the ranting, and thank you for listening. I hate that all of this is happening, and am sending whatever support I can to those of you on the front lines.
3-foot Tall Inflatable Rainbow Unicorn* January 29, 2025 at 12:50 pm You can put pressure on politicians. Everyone in Congress should be getting feedback from their constituents right now. Lots and lots of feedback.
AnotherOne* January 29, 2025 at 4:07 pm I haven’t needed to use resistbot since the last trump admin, i totally forgot about it.
SAF* January 29, 2025 at 6:42 pm And remember, we in DC do NOT have voting representation on the hill, and we are being hard hit. Please advocate for us too.
Anax* January 29, 2025 at 5:50 pm Trans here – Community networking matters more than you think. Seriously. Having ONE person older than you who uses your pronouns, respects you, and treats you like a person – that saves lives. Like, extremely literally and directly; I’ve seen it happen. Even a pride sticker on your bumper or window – we notice those, and they MATTER. If there’s a group in your area which is interesting to you – library book club, knitting group, gardening, it literally doesn’t matter – then making sure it’s friendly to teens and twenty-somethings, and actively inviting them in will matter. If there’s no such group, making one will help. And… well, consider if you’re willing to offer your couch to someone who needs it. If so, for how long, what expenses would you need them to pay, what other boundaries would you need to set? It’s okay if that’s not in your power – but if it is, think all of that through in advance. Sometimes, emergencies happen, and someone has to move fast. (I had a kid take a greyhound to my place at dawn, on the morning of his 18th birthday – his parents had manipulated the court system to have him declared legally incompetent, mostly because he was trans, and he would have been drugged and locked up if he hadn’t been out of state before the legal papers were served. This stuff happens more than you might think, and not just in red states.)
Anonymous Fed* January 29, 2025 at 11:53 am I want to say thank you to the commenters for all the support. it truly means a lot after this week.
hereforthecomments* January 29, 2025 at 11:54 am #3. Try universities and community colleges. How you describe what you’re good at is something that I know my university department would value and be able to use and train you for our specific needs. There are a lot of positions that don’t involve teaching (if that’s not your interest) so look into that. We have to follow the same rules, both federal and state, so knowing those already gives you an advantage.
Dora la Luchadora* January 29, 2025 at 11:55 am I work for a county government in a red state and my supervision duties include several grant programs funded by the federal government. Because the employees for these federally funded programs are paid out of the administrative portion of grant funds, these employees’ jobs are now imperiled by the unconstitutional action taken by the administration. But we are fighting to keep these employees and their programs because they provide very important programs for indigent folks in our region. So, I say to all the letter writers: if you’re inclined to keep fighting, look at state and local governments for work because we need all the fighters we can get. And we will welcome you with open arms due to your knowledge of how federal grant programs (are supposed to) work. In the meantime, please know that many of us out here in what is considered flyover America appreciate your work and your willingness to persevere under difficult conditions. Onward (through the fog)!
Happy Camper* January 29, 2025 at 11:55 am As a neighbour from the north my heart bleeds for you all.
Spouse of Federal Employee* January 29, 2025 at 11:56 am My spouse is a federal employee who was planning to retire next year anyway. They are technically past retirement age at this point. It may make sense for them to go ahead and take the deferred resignation offer, which people are referring to as a buyout. While I wouldn’t trust Elon Musk as far I could throw him, if the government did renege on paying people through the end of September (the end of the federal fiscal year, for those of you who aren’t Feds), there are lawyers already lining up to sue the government if it should default on this promise. It’s a much different story for folks who are years or even decades away from retirement.
dulcinea47* January 29, 2025 at 12:15 pm More like when he renegs on paying people. He doesn’t have a plan or the authority to do so.
DC Native* January 29, 2025 at 1:38 pm It’s not a buyout, as many people are calling it, as in “take the money and run.” Most people who take the offer will be expected to work through September 30, unless their agency chooses not to require them to do so, but without the requirement to return to the office when everyone else who doesn’t take the offer will have to, which is very soon for most agencies. Elon Musk is a horrible human being in more ways than I can possibly list here, but there are actual, distinct differences between the offer to federal employees and the situation with Twitter employees.
MCL* January 29, 2025 at 1:13 pm And if it comes to lawsuits, how long will that take? Years, almost certainly. Your spouse needs to do what’s right for them and your family, I completely understand if they want to take this option. But a lawsuit take a lot of time, and this will almost certainly come to lawsuits.
Anon for now* January 29, 2025 at 10:28 pm It is a resignation and he would lose some of the benefits he’s entitled to as a retiree. Much better to just retire.
AthenaC* January 29, 2025 at 11:57 am For #2 – it’s not uncommon for not-for-profit organizations to benefit from volunteer labor, so if you wanted to volunteer a couple hours a week while you’re on a “leave of absence” or something, I would think that would be okay. Unless there’s something overriding that in labor law if you’re already an employee, which there might be – I don’t know labor law. I DO know, however, that if you do volunteer and you have some sort of specialized skill that the organization would normally expect to pay for, your labor is treated as an “in-kind contribution” … but that’s something your bookkeeper should want to know and none of this is probably helpful for your decision-making.
Eldritch Office Worker* January 29, 2025 at 12:21 pm Yeah you can’t volunteer your time to a nonprofit that employs you
Volunteer* January 29, 2025 at 1:26 pm Thanks not entirely true. You can volunteer, but it has to be in an area that is markedly different from what your paid job is. (I worked for a nonprofit museum in the finance office, but was allowed to volunteer as a “docent” – as long as I didn’t volunteer during time I was being paid to do my job, and because they were entirely different skill sets.)
Ship’s Librarian* January 29, 2025 at 11:57 am The email that was sent to civilians was titled “Fork In the Road”, exactly like the one at Twitter. This is wild.
Anonymous today* January 29, 2025 at 12:35 pm The lack of professionalism from this administration is really stunning. Feds have never sent out emails titled “Fork in the Road” because they’re adults and professionals.
CeeDoo* January 29, 2025 at 12:47 pm It is so crazy that our country elected a guy who tanked every business he ever ran. Then he chose another guy who tanked his business, too. And they’re running things. Into the ground.
crookedglasses* January 29, 2025 at 11:58 am As someone following along with what’s happening, I appreciate this post. Federal workers – are there any displays of solidarity that would be particularly meaningful for you right now? I’m going to (attempt to – TBD if they’ll take it!) deliver flowers to the federal building in my city later today, and maybe mail off a thank you card to each of the local federal offices thanking everyone that works there for all they do. Anything else that would land well and help communicate that there are people that have your backs?
Hapax Legomenon* January 29, 2025 at 12:19 pm Your local federal workers will know what applies to their particular worksites and agencies, but I know that for my area the customer feedback through the official website is taken seriously. If your local federal workers serve customers, you can send positive feedback about your experiences with them through their official channels.
not like a regular teacher* January 29, 2025 at 12:36 pm Less cards and flowers, more calling your elected officials to voice your opinion.
Non profit Pro* January 29, 2025 at 12:55 pm This! be LOUD about these issues. Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper. Call your congresscritters, flood their socials, send letters and postcards. Those in power think they can pick on federal workers (and immigrants and LGBTQ folks and and and) because no one will speak up for them. Prove them wrong.
FedToo* January 29, 2025 at 12:51 pm Call your representative and senators (even if they are republicans). While flowers and cards are a nice gesture, honestly there are offices that have people with varying opinions and not every fed thinks this is bad. Flowers and cards from the public just stokes that up.
Contractor* January 29, 2025 at 1:08 pm If you have the means/ability, practical support is really important. Pro Bono legal help, childcare support for people who are forced to RTO (or help with kid transport and carpooling), Pro Bono or sliding scale therapy/mental health services. Those kinds of things make the courage and resistance feel more doable.
crookedglasses* January 29, 2025 at 2:11 pm Are there any kinds of general support funds? Thinking of something akin to a strike fund, though that isn’t a perfect parallel. I’m not positioned to offer any of those kinds of services but would be very happy to contribute financially to a mutual aid fund or similar.
Contractor* January 30, 2025 at 9:31 am Not that I’m aware of yet. Those have to be set up very very carefully and may not be doable for federal employees bc of gifting regulations. But scroll through your contact list and think about who might be federal employees, or have had grants pulled, etc etc. Who can you reach on a personal level.
MCL* January 29, 2025 at 1:15 pm My Fed family and friends are begging us non-Feds to call our elected reps.
crookedglasses* January 29, 2025 at 2:10 pm Thank you to all who have chimed in! I should have said it in my post, but I am already all over it on calling elected officials and will continue to do so (and encourage others to do the same).
NinjaMonkey* January 29, 2025 at 12:00 pm LW#3, many companies have to deal with regulations (I work in medical software) where your skill set might be highly sought after. We struggle with parsing and keeping up with medical regulations across our software offerings.
Tradd* January 29, 2025 at 12:04 pm I was thinking that importers/exporters that deal with medical device regulations would be another option.
HelenaHandbasket* January 29, 2025 at 12:01 pm This is my understanding too – that people will be expected to work for those 8 months and therefore … not severance. I expect that anyone that signs up for this would be let go well before the 8 months is up.
megaboo* January 29, 2025 at 1:59 pm I wonder what would happen if you resign (which you shouldn’t!). What happens to your pensions?
Melonhead* January 29, 2025 at 12:03 pm Thank you so much for this help. Lots of us in the same boat, which isn’t exactly a comfort, I know.
Loki* January 29, 2025 at 12:03 pm LW 3: if you are extremely good with working within tight regulations, you may look for work in areas of Quality Assurance and/or Compliance. You could also try some kind of communication job (science communication or public relations).
Llamazoomer* January 29, 2025 at 12:03 pm Alison, thanks for always being real with us and sharing resources. I’m not in the federal government, but so much of our work in higher education is and will continue be tragically affected too. My grant-funded job ends in June, but I’m not sure what will even be there to move on to.
Giz's Mom* January 29, 2025 at 12:04 pm Also if you’re in the US – speak up! Call/email/text your congresspeople, especially at the state and local level. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle they’re on. Heather Cox Richardson on FB advised specifically to give examples of how these orders are affecting you and yours. “Anecdotes are powerful.”
Toot Sweet* January 29, 2025 at 12:04 pm All I can do is clap and thank you for doing this column. I’m not a federal employee, but this is such great information for all of them, and I support you all.
Feline Meteorologist* January 29, 2025 at 12:05 pm I’m a recent former fed and I just can’t believe what is happening. I just…I can’t imagine this, and how chaotic offices must be. I have close friends who still work at various agencies and my heart breaks for them. Some have options, but others don’t. A reminder that a lot of fed positions are not eligible to be covered by a union—as a “Professional Employee” there were no unions available to me.
Throwaway Contractor* January 29, 2025 at 12:09 pm Federal contractor here, sharing my support for all my civil servant colleagues! It’s been scary and hard – and I know it’s been scarier and harder for you – but we can all come together and support one another. Remember to be careful of what you say to colleagues on government devices as that’s all FOIA eligible. Go out for drinks if you need to discuss things. Stay safe!
Ms. Frizzle Found her Sizzle* January 29, 2025 at 12:10 pm Alison, you are a mighty power for good in this world. Thank you for all you are doing to help people.
A large cage of birds* January 29, 2025 at 12:13 pm I’m so worried. I feel for everyone affected in the immediate term. I’m downstream in that my department is made possible by federal grants to my organization, but RFK really has me worried about my job and my industry long term. It’s horrible.
LifebeforeCorona* January 29, 2025 at 12:17 pm As a Canadian, I’m watching with horror and dread. We may soon have our own version of Trump Lite but nothing will be like what you all are going through. My heartfelt good wishes to all of you during this awful, awful time.
you read 15 emails and what do you get?* January 29, 2025 at 12:19 pm What people can actually do to help: Counter the talking points being used to undermine governmental services. The government exists to provide services. It does not exist to make money. Making money is anathema to what we do, because that’s not our purpose. We are here to help, not pick your pocket. Others can chime in for their own agencies, but here are arguments I keep having to have from people in my life, the entire time I have worked at the VA, because “get rid of the VA” is a talking point that a whole lot of people have fully swallowed. “It’s cheaper to do it in the community!” -> 1) no it’s not. Contracting is always more expensive than being seen in house. 2) this always assumes there’s capacity in community hospitals to see VA patients, which is laughable to anyone who gets seen in non-VA hospitals and deals with the wait times already in place there, there isn’t extra capacity. 3) the VA patients are older and sicker than general population, they also have a lot of traumatic brain injury and amputations, which often community hospitals just aren’t staffed to see. 4) we already have ~3 programs to let VA patients be seen in the community when they want to be. It’s that many programs because every time someone comes in and wants to add community care, they just create another program rather than working with the old one. This includes that program that existed to create a middle man so the middle man could get $$$ federal money. 5) Someone in my RL once said to me that all VA patients can just be seen in Walter Reed. Which, ignoring the fact that that’s an Army hospital, that’s still one hospital in one location. The VA sees patients all over. There’s a VA clinic in Guam. And then consider accountability. When the Phoenix VA found themselves in a situation where they were going to fail a measure but weren’t functionally allowed to fail that measure, and so started keeping paper wait lists, it was a huge scandal. Uh-huh, okay. When a regular Pheonix hospital starts fudging around their wait times, or just refuses to add people to wait lists, what are the patients in Phoenix supposed to do about it? The federal government works for the people of the US. Private companies don’t.
Three Cats in a Trenchcoat* January 29, 2025 at 1:13 pm There’s also the question of the capacity of other physicians in the area to absorb that many patients, depending on the size of the local VA. I’m a psychiatrist, and we have a waitlist (2months+) to see myself or my colleagues already, in a city that has fairly good mental health availability. The local VA has some excellent psychiatrists, and I do not think any /all of the local institutions would be able to suddenly absorb all the patients that they see. And if grants/public insurances end up frozen/unfunded, then we’re going to lose even more community docs with no way to absorb all the patients affected.
you read 15 emails and what do you get?* January 29, 2025 at 1:47 pm I’m not eligible to be seen in the VA. For my current mental health therapist, I waited ten months. Meanwhile, I have to sit through meetings at work where we get exorciated for a 3 week waittime.
Hibiscus* January 29, 2025 at 4:50 pm Also, because the VA puts out fantastic longitudinal research because they have the ability to track their patients. And because of the sicker patient population, effective ideas or disease management become available to other patients.
SAF* January 29, 2025 at 6:46 pm And Walter Reed and Navy Med were merged in the last base realignment.
Jane* January 29, 2025 at 12:20 pm Not a federal worker but the fednews subreddit seems to be a really helpful place for people to commiserate and support one another. I am sure Big Brother is watching it and I hope they are afraid when they see posts with hundreds of people saying they are going to stay and fight.
Anonfed* January 29, 2025 at 12:22 pm My oath is to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I have worked for the people of the United States for over a decade, in that time earning recognition for going above and beyond what was required. I intend to continue to uphold my oath as long as I can.
Falling Diphthong* January 29, 2025 at 1:46 pm You have my deep respect, and I hope your words are influential.
Carys, Lady of Weeds* January 29, 2025 at 12:22 pm This whole thing has forcibly reminded me of the movie Hoodwinked!, wherein a small innocuous bunny has plans to destroy the entire forest to build an empire of addictive treats. All I can hear is Boingo saying “That’s where things get a *little* messy,” as he shows a powerpoint slide of the planned demolishing each section of forest. Solidarity to everyone in this situation right now, and thanks to Alison for covering it. It’s the worst, and I have no advice to offer beyond fight the good fight. (I expect that my industry will be affected eventually – but not immediately. I’m government-adjacent enough that it WILL happen, though.)
3-foot Tall Inflatable Rainbow Unicorn* January 29, 2025 at 12:25 pm we were told to snitch on anyone that we knew has tried to change such initiatives to other names and report them The one thing that really stands out to me is the amount of snitching the current administration demands. Feds are supposed to snitch on each other over DEIA. Neighbors are supposed to snitch on each other over immigration. At the state level, men are supposed to snitch on women they know seeking abortions; parents are supposed to snitch on librarians. The one big thing we can all do to push back against fostering this climate of fear and distrust is “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”
Hibiscus* January 29, 2025 at 4:55 pm I always like to tell the story about how in the early 2000s, some of my family went to visit my distant family in Slovakia. The Slovak family were the only ones in the little village who did not have indoor plumbing. Know why? Because during the Cold War, they had been a little too “friendly” with the officials. And as punishment, after the wall fell and Czechoslovakia split again, and there were infrastructure upgrades, they just couldn’t have an indoor toilet approved.
perm* January 29, 2025 at 8:11 pm That is not USSR mentality, USSR/sovok mentality is that building an indoor toilet is something that requires government permits in the first place.
Head Sheep Counter* January 29, 2025 at 1:00 pm Handily with getting rid of all the staff… there will be no one to call. So we have that sad trombone to blow. But yes… don’t. We are in an excellent moment in time to ignore and not comply.
Falling Diphthong* January 29, 2025 at 1:44 pm I’m going to recommend Harari’s book Nexus, on information networks, particularly the first half which is about those before the information age. Secret police and their snitches is a big part of enforcing order. Not getting at truth–e.g. When ordered to find the 3% who are witches, your local government will come up with a list, and it doesn’t matter that witches aren’t real. Also, it turns out that being somewhat highly placed early in the grand new order of seeking out witches means you are extremely likely to be identified as a witch later. Your perfidy is why the great plan didn’t work out as promised, but once YOU are purged….
Amber Rose* January 29, 2025 at 12:29 pm So, who all wants to pool funds, create a fancy RV caravan and disappear into the sunset? Because all I can do otherwise is say I am so, so sorry. And I’m worried about all of you.
Shiny Penny* January 29, 2025 at 12:30 pm Thank you Alison for your efforts to help us fight against the panic, and keep us all informed. Your work is a treasure, and hugely appreciated. Also, so much love and appreciation for all the civil servants and government workers and science workers and others, whose quiet daily toil has helped create our country’s years of remarkably functional and stable peace that improved a lot of lives across the globe. And sending love and best wishes as well, to our queer/trans/GNC siblings, whose intrinsic value and humanity should never be questioned. My heart breaks that you are being so targeted, and I just want you to know that there are strangers who do love and support you, and who do speak up in your defense at ground level even if we have no higher level influence.
Mcm* January 29, 2025 at 12:35 pm One other resource I would recommend for OP3 and others in similar positions is Civic Match, which connects public sector and campaign staff with local government jobs:
Ann O'Nemity* January 29, 2025 at 12:36 pm For OP #3 and anyone looking for a new position – can you transition to a for-profit? I worry that state and local governments, universities and other educational institutions, and many nonprofits are in absolute chaos right now. Most of these types of organizations are very reliant on federal funding, so they too are experiencing mass confusion, hiring freezes, and RIFs. It’s bad, probably the worst I’ve seen even including the 2008 recession.
Anonfed* January 29, 2025 at 12:40 pm I’m a fed and the most logical step for me would be to transition to a firm working with my group. Let’s say my job is reviewing Llama grooming licenses, the most logical step is to go work helping Llama groomers file paperwork. The problem is if we collapse, so would the jobs of people helping Llama groomers. Hence why I’m not jumping ship just yet. I expect I’ll have to totally change fields and my llama knowledge will be rendered useless.
Honey cocoa* January 29, 2025 at 12:39 pm Allison, I know the subject of your column is not up for popular vote, but I want to say I am absolutely in favor of multiple columns a week about civil servants and federal contractors for as long as it takes. If this column is a way to support these vital people, I am here for it. Thank you. And thank you to everyone who has to tolerate this dumpster fire.
Contractor* January 29, 2025 at 1:11 pm Agreed, and if there’s an option to support that type of content financially, please count me in.
Ann O'Nemity* January 29, 2025 at 2:50 pm I really appreciated that Alison made space for ongoing conversations when we were all in the early WFT days of the pandemic. It was a vital source of information and comfort during scary times.
boof* January 29, 2025 at 5:45 pm I want frequent columns for various DEI topics as well! They can’t stop it!
Beauty and Roast Beef* January 29, 2025 at 12:39 pm I didn’t get a chance to read this post fully yet, but will say for any fed workers on here – please check out r/fednews. There are some hopeful posts and discussions going on about holding the line and encouraging each other to stay and fight (whether that’s malicious compliance, being grains of sand in the gears, etc.). It’s been firing me up this morning, as a worker in the public sector whose agency relies on a lot of govt grants for the services we provide. Solidarity, friends. Wishing you strength and peace. Take care of yourselves.
Let me be dark and twisty* January 29, 2025 at 4:05 pm Please be careful with r/fednews. They’re being brigaded and getting a lot of trolls (to put it nicely) now so there’s a lot of new disinformation and attempts to subvert the discussion. The mods are working very hard to keep the sub managed, but do be careful about anything you read on r/fednews now.
WellRed* January 29, 2025 at 12:42 pm It’s important for everyone o speak up and let your elected representatives know you are paying attention and are unhappy. If you are in a red state, it’s doubly important. Call their offices, write letters to the editor, vote.
Kimmitt* January 29, 2025 at 12:43 pm My main advice is twofold: 1) if Elon Musk says it, it’s a lie. That’s it. Volunteer for nothing, say little, don’t chase the balls he throws. 2) Give it 3-6 months. Most of what Trump is proposing is illegal or wildly impractical. He’s already lost one court case, and he’s sure to lose more.
AnonForThis* January 29, 2025 at 12:45 pm There’s a r/fednews subReddit that has also posted some resources, including news and journalist POCs. Be careful posting anything there, though.
Nonprofit grant biller* January 29, 2025 at 12:47 pm Question for Letter Writer 2 (or anyone else who uses ASAP to draw down funds!) My org has a federal grant through ASAP and ordinarily the portal is not available during the last few days of the month. I was hoping we’d be able to draw down a chunk of funds on Monday with the news of the temporary injunction. Any idea if ASAP is not working now because it’s shut down, or just because it’s the last few days of the month?
Grant Accountant* January 29, 2025 at 3:34 pm It’s likely both. I know other federal drawdown systems such as PMS were down for “system maintenance” for the last several days. But I’m sure if ASAP wasn’t scheduled to be down for the end of the month, they would have been taken down as well. I believe I heard from my team that PMS is back up, so ASAP *should* be functioning normally on Monday. I hope.
BellStell* January 29, 2025 at 12:54 pm As noted by the commenter in Nigeria this affects literally millions of people globally. My org is in a panic because of the 100s of millions in US funding our programmes deliver globally. We have a hiring freeze now too.
Jasmine Clark* January 29, 2025 at 3:58 pm Goodness, this is just awful. I can’t get over the fact that this chaos was completely predictable and people voted for it anyway. Trump creates chaos. That is obvious. He is creating chaos and this is totally fine and okay for some people.
OP3* January 29, 2025 at 12:55 pm I’m on my break so don’t have time to read everything and maybe this has been addressed. But one of my big questions as the moment is how exactly to for job openings. I know how to look for them for govt jobs, but not for other jobs. Some people have mentioned specific job boards for specific types of positions; could anyone give some insight into that? I’ve tried looking at other govt positions (state, county, and city), and have been really discouraged. The state has a hiring freeze so has almost nothing available; the one thing I found that seemed similar to what I do was 50% of my current pay, which while better than being unemployed will not pay my bills. (As I mentioned in the letter we have a high COL so right now half my monthly earnings go to housing; unfortunately we still need to eat, use electricity, and so on.) It’s so discouraging, esp since as I mentioned I really love my job. But I’m trying to be practical about this and consider other options so if we all lose our work my family and I won’t starve or become homeless.
Hlao-roo* January 29, 2025 at 1:08 pm To get a feel for what job titles organizations use in job ads, it might be worth spending some time scrolling through a big job board like Indeed. See what posting list detail and research, customer service, etc. and make note of what the job title is. It will take some time to reverse-engineer job titles out of reading a whole bunch of job ads, but once you have a few job titles that will give you good terms to filter on. For specific job boards, this post is a little old but some of the job boards mentioned are probably still around: “what niche job boards do you use to find job openings?” from May 4, 2017 (I’ll link to the niche job boards post in a follow-up comment)
Hlao-roo* January 29, 2025 at 1:08 pm
Nonprofit Anon* January 29, 2025 at 4:46 pm Back when I was job hunting, I bookmarked a series of job boards (including USAjobs) and checked them regularly. I also subscribed to a couple mailing lists; I learned about my current position because my Masters program forwards news about job openings to alumni. Newsletters from places you like are also a good option; my org includes local job openings at the bottom of our newsletter.
Jessica* January 29, 2025 at 12:56 pm Just a quick note for job seekers…check out and the for possible job leads.
SadandScared* January 29, 2025 at 1:00 pm I am curious if theres going to be anyone tracking the rise in unemployment connected to these orders. There are many stories, including in this thread of organizations laying off contractors and employees because of the (now temporarily blocked) freeze on funding, even already allocated funds. This is going to be devastating across the board. The Federal government emplys over 2 million people. Even a 10% drop in that number is a lot of people to flood the already tight job market. The trickle down effects could leave millions unemployed.
Not today* January 29, 2025 at 10:23 pm Yeah … I’m seeing continued layoffs, especially in tech and tech adjacent. It feels like things are going to get desperate fast … which is probably also the intent … see slavery in prior comments.
Throwaway Account* January 29, 2025 at 1:01 pm I don’t know if this is menitoned in the thread but I see many federal workers in reddit (r/fednews) supporting each other and preparing to fight. The energy there is so good! I am so sorry for all federal workers and for all of us. One quote from reddit: “We are the last line of defense against fascism. If we leave, we will be replaced by loyalists.”
Beauty and Roast Beef* January 29, 2025 at 3:11 pm Yup. The one that stuck with me was “you serve a country. They serve a man.”
CzechMate* January 29, 2025 at 1:05 pm I lost my job the first time Trump was elected. Obviously it wasn’t *fun*, but it ended up being okay. I went back to school and started on a different but related career path. (Ironically, it was related to DEI and helping immigrants in higher ed, so I’m still not exactly out of the woods.) Arguably the worst thing was my therapist at the time not believing me when I said that the funding and programs were just going away because “they can’t just DO that.” Um, yes they can, Barbara. I had not started job searching when the political changes started happening, and in hindsight, I probably should have so I wasn’t SO unprepared when the layoffs eventually happened. At the same time, I think it’s important to see what forcing people out of their careers looks like–it’s more a matter of how much you want to be the face of that. On the higher-ed/immigration/DEI side, I can say that talking to colleagues both at work, at other institutions, and at other professional advocacy organizations has been helpful. It’s worth remembering that there ARE folks who are advocating for us and who ARE working to prevent this from happening, and that at least gives me the motivation to keep going to work and doing what I do.
Arabesque* January 29, 2025 at 1:05 pm My husband is a federal employee who’s been mostly teleworking up until now. We have a very active toddler and another little one due in the spring. The fact that teleworking has been ended means my husband will be forced to go into the office 5 days a week, with an hour long commute each way. The brunt of childcare, cleaning and cooking will fall to me. I also have a full time job, 100% remote. I may end up having to go part time to manage everything, which I don’t want to do. I love my job and I’m good at it. This also has major implications for my marriage – I know perfectly well it’s not my husband’s fault, but I’m resentful. It’s not fair. Meanwhile, there literally aren’t enough desks in my husband’s office to accommodate everyone. His department has about 200 people, and they have 100 desks. He’s going to be commuting to….sit in the hallway and get nothing done. I know so many people have been affected by Trump’s nonsense even worse, but I am so, so angry.
Hlao-roo* January 29, 2025 at 3:18 pm I’m sorry that you and your husband are going through this :( I worked for the federal government about 10 years ago, and one of my coworkers at that time was working 80% (four 8-hour days per week, my assumption is that he got 80% pay and full benefits). Is that still an option for federal employees? If so, it might* make more sense for him to drop to part time than for you to. *obviously there are a lot of factors I don’t know here, so it also might not
Edward Fairfax, Rochester, NY* January 29, 2025 at 1:08 pm This is blatant political speech and should be neutralized to merely point Federal employees in the direction of resources.
Head Sheep Counter* January 29, 2025 at 1:12 pm This is a private blog where the author can espouse whatever they like. Feel free to not read. Enjoy the America you voted for.
aebhel* January 29, 2025 at 1:25 pm Federal employees should be pointed in the direction of resources while coyly eliding why they need those resources, because the truth hurts conservatives’ feelings, apparently. Personally, I think it’s worth remaining aware of what is happening, who is enacting it, and what their (publicly stated!) end goals are. But that’s just me.
Falling Diphthong* January 29, 2025 at 1:32 pm To echo Jackie Daytona, are you under the impression that political speech is now illegal? Serious question, to which I expect a rational answer rooted in reality.
Keymaster of Gozer (She/Her)* January 29, 2025 at 1:33 pm It’s rather terrifying to read that someone’s words ‘should be neutralized’ on a post about how a country is showing signs of facist leadership.
BellStell* January 29, 2025 at 1:37 pm As paraphrased from The Princess Bride, regarding the phrase political speech, “I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.” Also, good luck, because the actions now in motion will affect you, too. Guaranteed.
BellStell* January 29, 2025 at 1:50 pm And another point: all of life is political, science is, work is, being a women needing health care is, etc so a blog post noting ways to challenge people taking away freedoms and sending the economy to the drain can be political in nature , as we all need to determine how to survive in a place that is surely gonna get a lot more scary for everyone in the coming months and years.
What’s In a Name* January 29, 2025 at 2:06 pm You don’t get to decide what Allison posts. Besides, the post outlines what’s happening, with hyperlinks to sources, lists the questions she’s receiving, and then has her recommendations based on her experience and knowledge. Interesting that you choose to interpret that as “blatant political speech”.
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 29, 2025 at 2:06 pm I’m leaving this here to illustrate how alarming it is that someone thinks political speech on someone’s privately owned website should be “neutralized,” but I’m closing the thread because that’s obviously ridiculous.
Ell* January 29, 2025 at 2:15 pm People are still allowed to have political opinions that differ from yours. I know your whole thing is to prevent that, but we aren’t there yet babe. We will never be neutral or complacent about the destruction of this country. Buckle up for more political speech you don’t like.
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 2:23 pm and why are you against a private citizen exercising their right to freely engage in political speech? i mean, we all know why. we all know exactly why. which is why i bring this up. this sort of rhetoric depends on lionizing certain things only for certain people, and rank hypocrisy for the rest. let’s just admit that the rank hypocrisy is in play, shall we?
Nomic* January 29, 2025 at 1:14 pm January 29, 2025 at 11:48 AM BREAKING: OMB has just issued a memo *rescinding* the previous memo freezing all federal financial assistance programs. As someone responded, this happened in 2017 with the travel ban — the courts overturned it twice, but a third version stuck. This administration will keep trying to do this until they succeed, so do keep building your support groups and planning ahead.
Ann O'Nemity* January 29, 2025 at 1:28 pm I’m so grateful for the reprieve, but this is still a five-alarm fire for everyone in public service.
Sola Lingua Bona Lingua Mortua Est* January 29, 2025 at 1:43 pm I agree; it’s almost certainly coming back with minor revisions.
Ducky worshiper* January 29, 2025 at 1:20 pm My heart is breaking for all the federal workers. As a state employee in a red state who is funded by federal dollars it’s not much less scary here unfortunately. My staff keep asking me for information and sharing their fears and I wish I could reassure them but I just can’t.
FormerScrewdriverJockey* January 29, 2025 at 1:24 pm I send my sympathies and best wishes to all who are affected by this maelstrom of insanity. Here is a link to a NYT article that was just released concerning all of this and its impact. It is a gift link – you should be able to open it.
That's a Choice* January 29, 2025 at 1:25 pm “Know the lines you personally won’t cross; support your coworkers in figuring out theirs.” As an educator, I am longing for a community where I can talk about this and strategize/plan with others about where/what lines may need to be drawn. I am mostly off social media, but does anyone know of a space like this for folks in education? One that feels safe (i.e anonymous or especially not on meta)?
Falling Diphthong* January 29, 2025 at 1:35 pm I suspect when they write the history of this time, “The billionaires took control of the media outlets, social and traditional” is going to look like rather an important step.
Ginger Baker* January 29, 2025 at 1:42 pm I would highly recommend finding people locally and keeping things off any media. Good advice for any planning for anything controversial really.
dingdingding* January 29, 2025 at 2:07 pm It’s going to have to be real-world networking: you can call it a “book club”, a “knitting circle”, a “play date”, or even a “bible study”, as long as it’s where you and your like-minded comrades put your heads together and make plans.
I Have RBF* January 29, 2025 at 2:54 pm There are various organizations for resistance, but be careful of your personal op-sec. But if you want to start a “federal XYZ workers crafting club” on your own dime, they can’t prevent it easily. I would strongly discourage any communication about any outside hobby clubs on federal systems. You don’t want the government to try to take over your hobbies that you do for stress relief, after all. In fact, I strongly encourage everyone to install Signal on their personal phones, if only to have group chats about where the next crafting meet-up will be.
Jill Swinburne* January 29, 2025 at 9:24 pm Jesus, it’s like the coins for Dumbledore’s Army. Solidarity from the South Pacific. I hate what’s happening to you all.
Anon today sorry* January 29, 2025 at 3:59 pm I don’t know where to find the community, but when you do I highly recommend using an E2EE communication app like Signal or Matrix to keep your organizing information private.
In the provinces* January 29, 2025 at 1:32 pm Just a historian’s pedant comment. The sabotage memo Alison links to was issued by the Office of Strategic Services, [OSS] the (anti-Nazi) US espionage and clandestine actions agency during the Second World War, not by the CIA. The CIA was only founded in 1947, and far from being an anti-Nazi agency, it often employed abroad lots of ex-Nazis in conjunction with its anti-communist efforts.
RedinSC* January 29, 2025 at 1:35 pm I was talking with someone from NIJ yesterday about grant funding being frozen and she sounded close to tears when I told her to take care.
Rogelio de la Vega* January 29, 2025 at 1:43 pm The fact that Alison has to share a “CIA guidebook that was distributed in Nazi-occupied countries” is absolutely horrifying.
Recovering American in Nederland* January 29, 2025 at 1:45 pm Allison, thank you for your service. I may have cleared the blast radius just in time, but I’ve got way too many friends and chosen-family on the far side of the pond to not care…. this will help a lot. You know het is niet goed when two of the most virulently right-wing pols in Europe – Wilders and Le Pen – want nothing to do with what’s going on in America… And having been watching, I can tell you this: The way you deal with this is you stand up and make a stink. Some of those executive orders affected some really vulnerable people, and their families, friends, and some lawyers all stood up and said, I DON’T THINK SO, and within 24 hours they hadda walk it back. So far as I know this didn’t reach a judge yet. Punch a bully, or just shout so loud their ears bleed, and they’ll tuck their tail between their legs and slink off back under their rock. Bin there, Dun that, got the scar. There are more of y’all than there are of Them… you just have to not forget that. You’re not alone, find your people if you haven’t already, and do like that fish poster: Don’t panic, ORGANISE.
Rae* January 29, 2025 at 1:48 pm OP 3 – if you want help with your resume, look around your community for free help. I previously worked at a public library that did this and also had a job support group. I work for a private consulting firm now and, I think your skills will transfer very well.
megaboo* January 29, 2025 at 1:51 pm There was just a breaking news thingy: he rescinded the funding freeze. It feels like whiplash every single day.
Lenora Rose* January 30, 2025 at 1:39 pm And then his press secretary claimed it wasn’t going to change the funding pulled. Then there’s been other actions indicating some money is still being withheld, which is why the lawsuits started to challenge the patently illegal parts are for now still going through as if the funding is stopped. It’s all a knot.
Engineery* January 29, 2025 at 1:52 pm It’s good that AAM readers have a high percentage of people with grant experience, as that makes this a decent forum to consolidate notes. On my end: The vast majority of scientific research in the USA is done via grant awards by entities such as the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and various other Executive groups. Using NSF as an example (as I have personal experience with the system), awards are typically drawn on a monthly or biweekly basis, to recoup actual costs of research. The NSF has ceased award disbursement, so universities need to either make up payroll (e.g. from the general fund) or (temporarily?) shut down laboratories. I’m sure there’s been instances where Fastlane (the grant management website) conked out and awards were not distributed in a timely manner. Any university worth its salt should be able to survive a few weeks by pulling from its general fund for payroll and instituting temporary purchase freezes. But for EVERY university to lose EVERY federal funding source at the same time is unprecedented. Nobody has ever *intentionally* shut down all public scientific research in the USA before, and it’s hard to imagine what the long-term effects might be.
Nonprofit Anon* January 29, 2025 at 1:57 pm I’m in a similar boat to LW2, although far less dire (adequate savings + my org is prioritizing payroll), and I’m furious! Over a *year* of funding impounded, just like that. Over two dozen projects put on hold, all of which would have helped the local community… I know my organization can’t be used to harm anyone, but it breaks my heart that the good we do will be so severely limited. (My initial plan was to play dumb and continue certain DEI measures, but I’ve been directly told to put those projects on hold until the next administration. Which is fair since we have to pick our battles carefully, but it still breaks my heart.) What really gets to me is this job is one the major reasons I stayed in the country instead of moving abroad in November. Federal employees and nonprofit workers in my field are underpaid – we’re doing this because we love the work and want to serve the community.
OP3* January 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm I wanted to add thank you to everyone for your support. It’s been a rough time, and it means a lot to me.
One more thing* January 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm Thanks to Alison for responding to this heartbreaking, overwhelming devastation, and much support and strength to all federal and federal-adjacent / dependent workers. Just wanted to add one other resource: Reddit has some tawdry parts, but this forum may offer some of those affected plentiful support and useful advice. Alison, I realize this will go to moderation, and I leave it up to you whether to approve it or add it to your list.
One more thing* January 29, 2025 at 2:01 pm And… I forgot to add the link:
Pretty as a Princess* January 29, 2025 at 2:02 pm M-25-13 was just rescinded. (This was the order basically stopping all grants, loans, financial assistance.)
One more thing* January 29, 2025 at 2:10 pm This is great news, but unfortunately, surely not the end of the matter, given the types of people in this administration…
LizB* January 29, 2025 at 4:24 pm This is good news, but the press secretary also made it clear that they only did it to get rid of the court’s injunction. They still intend to strip all funding from everything the EOs target, they’re just going to try implementing it differently.
Jasmine Clark* January 29, 2025 at 2:16 pm I’m so, so sorry to all federal workers who are being affected by this. It’s heartbreaking and unfair. At least I can say I voted for Harris. I tried to stop Trump from becoming president again, and I’m bitterly disappointed in many of my fellow Americans for making the choice to bring this disaster back into the White House. I don’t know what else to say.
wilty* January 29, 2025 at 2:22 pm I am so proud of the sabotage and malicious compliance. It is so heartwarming that people who make it their careers to help actual vulnerable people who need actual action taken to stand up for them will be willing to throw those people and that assistance under the bus in order to misrepresent and cause actual harm to those people. Love trumps hate, always.
Nilsson Schmilsson* January 29, 2025 at 2:23 pm I am almost physically ill at the recklessness of this man and his administration. And this is exactly what he wants…for people to be afraid of his lunacy. I hope these workers continue to reach out through AAM. We all want to be of help,
Name (Required)* January 29, 2025 at 2:25 pm Alison, sincerely, thank you so much for all of this. A plan in uncertain times goes a long way in staving off the debilitating despair that helps no one.
Jazz and Manhattans* January 29, 2025 at 2:28 pm I know it’s not much solace but please know that so many of us non-Fed workers know that working in the Fed government is hard work and abhor what is happening. :(
Thank you* January 29, 2025 at 2:31 pm Regular reader, first time commenter. I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. In the midst of all the terrible things happening, it is so hopeful every time I see someone using their platform, skills, knowledge, and power for good.
Moley Moley Mole* January 29, 2025 at 2:35 pm Trumper’s wife here. He wasn’t like this when we got married. Right now I’m trying to look at it like I’m a mole, so I can provide some insight into what MAGAs are thinking. The link about agents having to “report on” people in DEI positions, and also check all the job descriptions in case some woke person is trying to sneak in through the back door? I heard about that already from my husband and one of his red-hat pals. Only their take on it is, “They don’t even know what they’re supposed to be doing! They’re totally making up these jobs, just to support each other and make the workplace into an echo chamber! What a waste of taxpayer money!” Of course I don’t believe that! But look at all the letters and discussions around here. “What *is* diversity? How do I include everyone?” So that’s something to keep in mind for anyone who is trying to save their job/department, or their co-worker’s job. Have a *very* clear agenda of who’s doing what, and why, and what the long-range picture looks like. Yes, that might not be enough. But looking through the eyes of the right, they see people dithering and endlessly discussing, and that creates just enough of a weak spot for them to wedge into. Like, “You can’t even agree among yourselves, so clearly this job/department/agency is a waste of resources. Begone!” Try not to let that happen! All hang together, so you don’t hang separately. (What would Benjamin Franklin make of all this?)
Calamity Janine* January 29, 2025 at 3:22 pm while you’re able to relay some info as a mole, please take care of yourself, too. please have a safety plan in place and be on your way to getting out. i am sure you’re way ahead of me, but this is not a safe position you’re in and i wish you all safety and speed in getting out of a life entwined with someone who hid his true bigoted thinking until you two were legally entangled.
Irish Teacher.* January 29, 2025 at 4:46 pm I’m sorry about your husband. I have a facebook friend who went from being a “never Trumper,” posting about how despite being a lifelong Republican and having no love for the Clintons, she would still prefer to see Clinton in the White House than Trump because he was completely immoral to going full, “everything that criticises Trump in any way is a lie and a sign of how evil society has become and how the devil is at work.” It really is like people have completely changed and I can only imagine how upsetting it must be to have somebody you love change like that.
Moley Moley Mole* January 29, 2025 at 7:29 pm Thank you. It is upsetting, because he wasn’t hiding anything. We met in college, and now we’re in our fifties. He evolved into this. Funny thing: He’s very much pro-BLM. His MAGA-ism didn’t spring from a place of hate. More like fear, though I’m not sure of what. A while back, shortly before the inauguration, I was (re)reading The Last Battle. Remember the dwarves? They had so fully blocked their minds from Aslan that when they had a glorious feast in front of them, they thought they were eating out of a trough in an unlit barn. Then they fought among themselves, each thinking one of the others really did have the good stuff, and they ruined all the food and made themselves dirtier than before. But that was okay, because they weren’t fooled. “There’s no humbug here. The Dwarves are for the Dwarves.” “You see,” said Aslan. “They will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. The prison is only in their own minds, yet they…are so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out.” And that’s how it is with him, and his friends. The recurring them is, “Nobody’s gonna fool *us*! *We* know what’s *really* going on.” I think there’s a lot they don’t understand. I push back, most of the time. (Although sometimes I don’t even know what the f he’s on about.)
Lenora Rose* January 30, 2025 at 1:35 pm Huh. I hadn’t thought of that scene in a long time. That’s a rather sharp insight. I have been told from those who actually make reaching out to terrible people their life’s work (think, the black guy who talks to White Supremacists in jail) that you can guide people away from those beliefs most effectively by asking them from a place of genuine (or genuine-seeming) interest and delving into the deep until they themselves notice a contradiction. Then prying into that contradiction. But it’s not work for the faint of heart.
Moley Moley Mole* January 30, 2025 at 8:43 pm “I have been told…that you can guide people away from those beliefs most effectively by asking them from a place of genuine (or genuine-seeming) interest and delving into the deep until they themselves notice a contradiction. Then prying into that contradiction. But it’s not work for the faint of heart.” That’s what I try to do. Not all the time, but sometimes I think I move his needle just. tiny bit. *Avocadoanon*, the funny thing is, he just got done trying to convince me that doing away with DEI requirements will be a *good* thing for women and minorities. His reasoning is, suppose you have a crew of ten people, and to be DEI compliant, two of them are women and one is a male POC. But then, since the company has met the quota, they’ll never have *another* woman or POC, unless one of the above leaves. “So with truly merit-based hiring, the team might end up being majority women, majority POC, or both!” (Which makes me wonder if he’s secretly been reading AAM. I *know* I’ve heard people here talk about that: they’re something other than a straight white male, they’re in a position of (some) power, but if they recommend or otherwise support another person of Their Kind, it’ll look like Those People are grouping up — can’t have that!) So it sounds good on the face of it; he’s all in favor of women and minorities getting opportunities. Until I started asking difficult questions: What is merit, and who says so? Are W&M going to be the decision-makers at hiring time? How many SWMs are *really* going to give up their seat at the table? Then his phone rang, so that tabled the discussion for now.
Avocadoanon* January 30, 2025 at 1:44 pm Simple truths from sociology: it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them that they’ve been fooled. It strikes me that your husband has a vested interest in not understanding what a DEI position consists of. He’d have to change his mind, admit he was wrong, and be ostracized by his red hat pals.
Mad Scientist* January 29, 2025 at 8:01 pm That must be rough. If you’re comfortable sharing, I’d love to hear more about if/how the election affected your relationship.
Slumber party fiasco* January 29, 2025 at 2:42 pm The New York Times has reported that the flurry of executive actions is designed to overwhelm people and leave them feeling like they can’t do anything. That’s why they issue them even if they’ll never stand up in a legal challenge. Hang in there. THIS. The overwhelm is what this (REDACTED)face and his (REDACTED) minions want. Do not let them overwhelm us. Also this country was founded on a rebellion (which is what the American Revolution is, if we’re being pedantic). Juuuuuuuust sayin’.
Last Bright Route* January 29, 2025 at 2:48 pm I am not classified as a federal worker, but I am one of those who’s place of employment is dependent on federal funding. For clarity on how my job is structured: I am an archaeological curator at a cultural resource management program, which is located on site of a large federal complex and run by a U.S. Department. My program is owned and managed by State Name University, which is about three hours away from the fed site (I live near fed site) and in the same state. We ensure that the Department remains in compliance with several federal laws protecting historic and archaeological sites. The University holds the contract with the Department. My paychecks are from the University. We are an academic program and are a non-profit status through the University. We will be impacted because we are a grant program funded with federal money from the Department and paid to State Name University for our services. I am not our budget person, so I’m not privy to all of the funding allocations, etc. However, yesterday was extremely stressful. We had emails from the University- one from our Dean and one from our Research V-suite. Honestly, I didn’t hate what they had to say. They just acknowledged the difficultness of the situation and specified what the pause meant for research and program funding University wide. I know they couldn’t give us real answers. My supervisors are in contact with our federal contract handlers, but I have no idea what’s being said there. We’re just…watching and waiting. My husband, who is an archaeologist and employed by the same program, and I had a very real conversation last night about the future of our careers here.
Meaningful hats* January 29, 2025 at 10:15 pm I am in a similar boat – not a federal government employee but reliant on federal funding to do my job. I have no idea how much longer I’m going to be employed for.
Pam Adams* January 29, 2025 at 2:52 pm My sister works for Head Start- teaching low income 3 and 4 year olds. They were saved from closing down for now by the judge’s order.
Meaningful hats* January 29, 2025 at 10:12 pm My son’s preschool is partially federally funded and they have been upfront with us that they are working tirelessly behind the scenes to try to figure out a way to stay open. I have no idea what I’m going to do if they have to close. We already have a childcare shortage in our area and no preschool is going to have immediate openings. He’ll likely be on waitlists until he starts kindergarten.
Resourceful* January 29, 2025 at 3:01 pm “So, what do you do, especially if you’re affected by [an] EO as a federal contractor or an employee of a company that has federal contracts?” Britta Gustafson in (who has previously served as a federal employee) shares tips and examples.
Sch_mad* January 29, 2025 at 3:20 pm Sending love from Australia. Our hearts are absolutely breaking for you!
CV* January 29, 2025 at 3:42 pm Note that the afternoon info from the press secretary only cancels the memo, not the policy.
Aghast* January 29, 2025 at 3:47 pm And how much risk do you (Alison) think you take by publishing this advice? You have carefully attempted a supportive stance, but simply naming the actions brings them to light and could be seen as criticism. On the day that I wake up and don’t have an Ask the Manager article to read, I will absolutely know that this regime reflects the one in Germany that started coming to power in a similar manner so many years ago.
A Concerned Citizen* January 29, 2025 at 3:58 pm Alison can’t give you this advice, but I (an internet rando) can: while you’re job searching, if you have ethical concerns about what’s happening at your agency, there’s a handy guide for doing your part. The original copy lives here:, but in case they are ordered to take it down, I stuck a copy in Google Drive: — download it soon
NobodyHasTimeForThis* January 29, 2025 at 4:06 pm This is all so devastating My job is adjacent, and it remains to be seen how badly this could hurt us.
Terrible situation* January 29, 2025 at 4:06 pm LW#2 please discuss with your coworkers and your boss ASAP. Hopefully the NGO you work for are already looking, planning and preparing for several scenarios. And that they have the necessary paperwork to give you all should you need to apply for unemployment!
Terrible situation* January 29, 2025 at 4:09 pm You will need instructions and guidance from the org. Not to keep working for no pay of course but apply for unemployment, reference contacts etc. Also look at LW4’s suggestions for supporting each other
iglwif* January 29, 2025 at 4:11 pm Thank you, Alison, for being there for these folks at this time. And so much love and support from Canada for those affected by these bananapants directives. I work in science publishing and have many professional connections in the US: researchers, staff at scientific associations and science/research-related govt agencies, university folks, publishing folks. They all knew it would likely be bad and thought they were ready, but it’s turned out to be so much worse.
MariContrary* January 29, 2025 at 4:12 pm For LW3, look at academic libraries, too. You have research skills and are good with detail work – that’s reference desk of any academic library. Your policy experience will probably be a bonus, too, depending upon the university.
libraryfairyjess* January 31, 2025 at 5:16 pm I came here to say libraries. I work at a public one, but it seems like LW3 could do well there with their skill set.
AndersonDarling* January 29, 2025 at 4:12 pm To #3 -> I work for a private non-profit that handles government contracts and it is really hard to find people who understand and can manage government policies. I wanted to let you know that there are jobs out there for you! Your experience and talent is incredibly valuable! Hang in there!
Terrible situation* January 29, 2025 at 4:16 pm Alison although I’m from a different country thank you for this. My country’s public sector union and members are horrified by what’s happening and stand behind US federal public sector workers! I’ve heard that what they call DEI* hires are going to be fired. Is this true? Someone who have may have gotten their job through a program eg refugee, grad’s with disability, Indigenous people cadet program etc.
Jasmine Clark* January 29, 2025 at 4:18 pm I’m just going to point out that what dictators like to do is create chaos and then pretend to solve the problems they created. This makes them look like they’re a hero, but in reality, their “solution” is just a way to seize more control. It’s the dictator playbook. Just wanted to randomly say that for no particular reason. It would never happen in America of course…
Numbat* January 29, 2025 at 4:24 pm Appalling, heart breaking and genuinely scary. Big love and solidarity from Australia x
Terrible situation* January 29, 2025 at 4:28 pm Alison is it true that they are firing DEI* hires? *someone hired under a program eg refugee, graduate with disability, Indigenous cadet program etc Aust federal public service union and their members along with the rest of us are horrified and stand behind you
Furloughed* January 30, 2025 at 1:30 pm I can’t speak for every agency, but currently people hired under Schedule A (the disability hiring mechanism) aren’t being targeted. I’m sure they’re coming for those mechanisms, but at my agency the people who ran the DEIA programs/were percieved to run the DEIA programs were targeted. The main disability impact right now seems to be that a lot of agencies ran the disability accomodations services through the DEIA offices, so now people are having trouble getting things like sign language interpreters. Of course everything can change on a dime.
Anon Anon* January 30, 2025 at 8:25 pm We were told there is nothing “in your file” designating that you were a “DEI hire” and also because that’s not really a thing. DEI programs exist for recruitment and retention purposes. You still won’t be hired if you aren’t qualified. There’s nothing officially on file about how they recruited you, just that you were hired.
LizB* January 29, 2025 at 4:28 pm A phrase I’ve seen going around that has resonated: do not obey in advance. For anyone for whom it’s an option, don’t do anything that makes it easier for them to dismantle our institutions. Don’t take the “buyout”. Don’t quit. Wait until you are explicitly ordered to do anything, don’t read between lines or anticipate what the administration wants. I know it’s not possible for everyone, but every fed worker who does it is doing an immeasurable service to the entire country.
Maria* January 29, 2025 at 4:31 pm I feel *ill* upon seeing included at the end of this post a link to the CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual, used to resist the Nazis, which I first read in college. Read it again just now and I am just so sad and heartbroken. What have things come to? I can’t imagine how federal workers must be feeling, I’m so sorry to everyone.
?* January 29, 2025 at 6:38 pm these precious feds also went on to hire all those nazis they were warning about
Jay* January 29, 2025 at 10:13 pm Same. It’s such a scary time. I’ve been devouring everything I can find on next steps and trying to remember that we can still act to reduce the damage.
boof* January 29, 2025 at 5:44 pm Thank you allison – it’s so depressing to see a bunch of shitty businessmen attempt to pull a bunch of shitty shenanigans on the highest office/biggest system that didn’t actually work in the smaller systems they pulled them in before – isn’t twitter doing way worse than pre musk? How many times have one of trump’s business ventures gone bankrupt? I can only hope that the checks and balances step in – it’s wild to see someone eff around and find out but the president obviously isn’t supposed to be able to just order everyone to do whatever they want whenever they want – the whole point of multiple branches is to prevent /exactly this/. I take some comfort that years ago I moved to NY which I think is big and blue enough to be a decent buffer against a lot of this – ie abortion is still a fundamental right on a state level at least, etc. I am torn between knowing this dude feeds on flim flam, anger, drama, and figuring out when to grey-rock/ignore/bartleby and when to pay attention and maybe do something else. Uhhggg
Summer* January 29, 2025 at 9:46 pm I’m in a blue state too but, unfortunately, when the abortion ban comes down – and it will – it will be nationwide and the state laws won’t help. It freaking sucks. Hate isn’t a strong enough word for the absolute rage I’m in right now.
c* January 29, 2025 at 6:35 pm Federal worker here… they are going to have to pry me out with a crowbar.
AlwaysAnon* January 29, 2025 at 7:02 pm Great suggestion for the CIA Guidebook, but I don’t think government employees should be accessing it at the government website where they will leave evidence of having viewed the document. I suggest you everyone use a link to where the document is archived at the Internet Archive (go to archive dot org, then put Alison’s link in the “Wayback Machine” search box.
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 29, 2025 at 7:12 pm I just added that link to the post as well. Thank you!
AlwaysAnon* January 29, 2025 at 7:20 pm Here is a link to the document at the Internet Archive
Summer* January 29, 2025 at 9:44 pm Never before have I felt so impotent and so filled with rage than I do now. Each day brings a new and fresh hell. I have no advice here; I wish I did. I wish I knew what to do. I wish I wasn’t filled with so much loathing towards my fellow Americans who voted for this even though we were screaming from the rooftops that Project 2025 was the plan and this WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. None of this is a surprise but it sucks to be proven so right, so quickly.
Mimmy* January 29, 2025 at 9:45 pm I’m not a federal employee but I do work for a state agency, which I believe does get federal funds, at least indirectly. No one has addressed the freeze yet, which surprises me, but as they say, no news is good news. I have many friends in the disability community who are livid about all of this. It’s been a really disheartening week :(
Anon for this* January 29, 2025 at 9:58 pm Thanks Alison for all this info, especially how we non-fed workers can help. One thing that also might help is turning your phone off and on every day. I saw this on a review of a documentary about surveillance. I began doing it and after a few days, the drain on my phone battery stopped. It can’t hurt, and it might help keep us safer.
Tired Fed* January 29, 2025 at 11:06 pm Thank you, Alison, for posting this. And to everyone else for their supportive comments. I haven’t been affected yet, thank God, but I live looking over my shoulder every day now. Sleep is something that happens to other people. I’ve never worked anywhere but the public sector, and former colleagues with similar backgrounds are floundering to find purchase in private industry. I wish the federal employee unions had more standing against this. I can’t join them, but I always follow them.
Harriet Vane’s Rucksack* January 29, 2025 at 11:06 pm Someone I love works in federal law enforcement in the anti-corruption sector and is, therefore, in the very eye of the storm. Colleagues are leaving or being fired. Cases they worked very hard on and for which there is an enormous weight of evidence are being dropped because the defendants have relationships to FOTUS. Planned diversity-celebrating events are being canceled with no notice and their diversity committee, which has existed for decades, is disbanded unless it renames itself and adopts a different focus (so, y’know, disbanded either way). There’s a website already set up so that people can ANONYMOUSLY INFORM ON COLLEAGUES who a) seem to still value diversity and/or b) aren’t sufficiently loyal to the current administration. The press releases already online about their work are being rewritten or removed if they mention things like, for example, race or LGBTQ + identity being a factor in a hate crime. It’s a bloodbath. It’s a horror show. No one knows what to do. Many are determined to stay in and fight for real justice, but it’s so, so awful. And they’re all afraid of what they might be asked to do in the future.
ScaredFedEmployee* January 29, 2025 at 11:20 pm I am employed by the federal judiciary. My work has never been more important and I won’t go away without a fight. The financial ramifications are terrifying as i am the sole bread winner and health insurance carrier. But i will remain steadfast and do what i have to do to keep going.
Been There* January 30, 2025 at 2:14 am Much love from a government worker across the pond. We are under attack as well but it’s nowhere near as bad as for you guys.
Anon Again* January 31, 2025 at 1:06 pm I agree, there’s a lot of populism going on in Europe, but also major protests that are pro democracy. That helps.
WheresMyPen* January 30, 2025 at 5:12 am That CIA guidebook is a really interesting and entertaining read. My favourite idea is taking a bag of moths to an enemy showing at a cinema so they fly up and block the projector beam :D
EvitaT.* January 30, 2025 at 6:24 am Stay strong everyone. Europe is watching in awe…I hope that once the first shock passes, we will find ways to resist and react…
KC* January 30, 2025 at 7:41 am State worker here — thank you for all you do and I stand in solidarity. One additional source of support is the fednews page on Reddit. There’s a lot of encouragement there, and while its obviously been infiltrated by moles, there’s some good advice about standing strong and how to sabotage some of the work through malicious compliance and incompetence.
Roo* January 30, 2025 at 7:57 am I, like many others, have been following (from here in England) the political developments since Trump 2.0 was ‘launched’ with increasing dismay and horror. Just wanted to say that my thoughts and best wishes are with you. It’s frightening. With love. x
FPS Canada worker* January 30, 2025 at 8:26 am I’m a federal public servant north of the border, in Canada. It’s horrible to see this and I feel for my American colleagues in the US federal public service. Hoping for better times for all, soon.
Santiago* January 30, 2025 at 9:20 am Anything you regulate or administer has someone on the recipient side who engages with it. So you are highly competitive for those roles.
Jo H* January 30, 2025 at 9:27 am I’m a union rep with UNISON, the largest public sector union in the UK. Having read some of the details of the attacks to federal employees in the US, I have sent out enquiries through my union contacts suggesting UNISON start a solidarity campaign with US public sector unions, in a similar way we have in countries like Columbia. There are some really good international solidarity groups which US unions can reach out to for support and resources so I would encourage any US citizens to join your local workplace union and encourage your unions to reach out for support through their own networks or through international solidarity organisations such as
Roo* January 31, 2025 at 4:43 am That’s a good idea. After seeing on our UK news last evening about the tragic air accident in Washington, and Trump’s unfounded views that disabled people might somehow have been to blame, my heart broke anew. I was reminded of this piece by Pastor Martin Niemöller – originally an antisemitic Nazi supporter, but who changed his views when he was imprisoned in a concentration camp for speaking out against Nazi control of churches, and subsequently wrote this. First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me We need to stand together. I hope these statements by Trump don’t start leading to incidents where “patriots”, particularly newly-released ones with an axe to grind, take their weapons to air traffic control centres and similar federal establishments to take action to “secure US airspace safety”. Sending you solidarity and love, and the hope that better times will come. x
Anonymous For Now* January 31, 2025 at 8:26 pm The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) to which he was referring has about 45,000 employees. He is hoping that the MAGA Cult members are as uninformed as he is and will think that means that mentally disabled people are being hired to be air traffic controllers as opposed to such jobs as mail sorter, supplies distributor, and the like. Your comment: “I hope these statements by Trump don’t start leading to incidents where “patriots”, particularly newly-released ones with an axe to grind, take their weapons to air traffic control centres and similar federal establishments to take action to “secure US airspace safety”.” I’m sure you were being unintentionally ironic as I believe that some of the 1/6 insurrectionists actually did carry axes! Thanks for your good wishes and for including the poem which I believe every school child should be required to read and understand.
Hilar(it)y* January 30, 2025 at 9:34 am I’m a contractor in international development. Due to the pause in foreign assistance I’ve been furloughed and am being repatriated. I’m going from having a job and a home to neither. I’m scrambling to sort out my living situation in the US as my house is rented out. My entire industry disappeared overnight; there are no jobs to go to. Maybe it all starts up again or maybe this is the end. I’m suffering but the people we help will suffer much, much more. I’m just so shell shocked I don’t know what to do at this point.
BananaBread* January 30, 2025 at 10:51 am OPs: I am sorry this is happening to you. Thank you for all your do for us. This is not right.
This Is Fine* January 30, 2025 at 10:56 am “…it’s been a lot of hate directed at us for … existing, and doing our jobs.” I work in state government and this takes me back to 2011, when my state was regularly in the news for public employee labor issues. It felt like we were all on trial in the court of public opinion, just for existing and doing our jobs. No one should be treated this way. I feel for you all in federal government (and know how it can change on a dime here at home).
Potatohead* January 30, 2025 at 12:21 pm Not to be making light of what is a (literally) deadly serious situation, but a tiny part of me finds some humor in the fact that many of the CIA book’s recommended actions in the Organizations section – insisting on following protocols, rewarding incompetent employees, holding excessive meetings and conferences – would in other circumstances be the sort of bad-management behaviors we write to Allison about. Crazy how the world goes upside down sometimes.
Anon today* January 31, 2025 at 11:47 am More upside down world stuff: A young Jewish friend of the family asked me for advice on how to emigrate to Germany!
Anonymous Blue Jay* January 30, 2025 at 2:28 pm Federal worker here, we just got an email demanding the removal of pronouns from our signature blocks and the Global Address Listing. Deeply glad that I made the decision when I started that I would not be coming out as nonbinary in this job.
Forrest Rhodes* January 30, 2025 at 3:26 pm Wow, Blue Jay, they’re not wasting any time in stomping down, are they? I’m relieved that you made the decision you did (not announcing binary), and hate with the fire of a thousand suns that you had to do that. You continue to be you, stay safe, and all power to you.
FunkyMunky* January 30, 2025 at 5:02 pm as a Canadian, with our own dumpster fires on both provincial and federal level, I’ve never felt like I feel now, for everyone (except MAGA voters, they deserve this and more) south of the border. Sending a big, warm, Maple syrup scented hug to y’all. Also sorry for the cold snap! we might have left a window open
The Bobs* January 30, 2025 at 8:18 pm Another Fed here, Thank you Alison, for sharing our stories and answering our questions. It has been a scary and tumultuous two weeks. I never thought that I would receive an email at 8pm from Elon Musk threatening me into quitting my job. But I can now say that having to watch my black coworker remove every instances of the words diversity, equity and equality from our social media accounts …. if I think about it to much I’ll start to cry again. I’ll never forget that sinking feeling, of recognizing the cost to them.
Get out of Dodge* January 31, 2025 at 11:36 am Yes, this is heartbreaking. I’m currently working in Europe while my partner is in a US college. I was going to return the US. Partner doesn’t look 100% like a WASP and already was accosted by the neighbors. We are getting out. As is partner quickly finishing a degree, us packing up and pulling up our roots in the US, me applying for dual citizenship in the EU. I grieve for my country.
KBMB* January 31, 2025 at 2:30 pm To all the federal workers and the others affected – I see you. Thank you for your service. Your work is valuable and I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this chaos.
crying all night* February 1, 2025 at 7:25 am I’m joining this discussion late, but I just want to say– to the federal workers that are staying even in the face of every possible attempt to force you out, to the federal workers that are continuing to do their jobs and serve our nation, to the federal workers without whom our nation literally would not run, thank you for your service. This is a terrifying and awful time in so many ways, but if anything gives me hope, it’s getting a text from a fed friend at the NIH who said her team was all covertly job hunting until that OPM memo went out and made them mad as hell– and now they’re planning to stay until they die. You swore to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic and wow are the domestic enemies ever showing up in full force. On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service, thank you for holding the line, thank you for being the best of what America represents.