short answer Saturday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s short answer Saturday — seven short answers to seven short questions. We’ve got interviewing with a cold, being forced to join an emergency response team, and more. Here we go…

1. Bcc’d on a rejection email

The day after my phone interview, I received a rejection letter. It was definitely canned, but what bothered me most was that I was bcc’d. My name and email were anonymous, but I could see the full name and email of the “intended” recipient. No doubt this is rude, but I also suspect it violates some privacy rights. After all, I now know that Jane X applied to the same job, was rejected, and I can easily contact her if I so choose.

What should I do now? Let Jane X know that I (and possibly dozens of others) see her name instead of mine in the “to” field, contact the recruiter’s superior and report the error, or just let it slide? If I do email the recruiter’s superior or Jane X, should I forward the email? I don’t think emailing the recruiter herself will do anything.

It doesn’t violate any legal privacy rights, but it certainly violates common sense ones. But I’d handle it as if the recruiter made a mistake that she’d want to be aware of. Email the recruiter and say, “I wanted to let you know that I was bcc’d on this email to Jane X. I’m sure you didn’t intend that, so I wanted to make you aware of it.” If it really was an honest mistake, now she knows … and if it wasn’t, you’ve just called her on it in a polite way.

2. Being forced to join an emergency response team

I work at a chemical plant, as a process operator. I am being forced to join the Emergency Response Team at my place of employment. It requires that I must be a firefighter and a first responder for medical emergencies. Training is provided and paid for by my employer on my days off. Is this legal?

Why are they requiring it? Is it in some way linked to your job — like so that you can respond if there’s an emergency at the plant you work at? That’s totally legal and also understandable. Or are they requiring you to do ERT work for the community? If the latter, it’s really weird but I can’t think of a law it would violate. (Although I have to assume that ERT teams don’t want people who don’t want to be there, since unmotivated people would be less likely to do a good job at really important work.)

3. How to let a prospective employer know you accepted another offer

I’d been through a few interview rounds with Company A and after all rounds, they told me they would give me an answer by a certain day. I had yet to hear from them after the third round and got a call from Company B to come interview. It went well and I finally got a job offer! I’d like to accept, but what is the best way to tell Company A? I didn’t get an offer from them, but I have met with a lot of people there and feel I should tell them and also remain on good terms with those that took time to meet with me. Thoughts?

Just be straightforward! Send an email like this: “I want to thank you for the time you spent talking with me about the ___ position. However, I need to withdraw from consideration because I’ve just accepted a different position. (If you want, you can say what and with who, although it’s not necessary.) Thank you again, and best of luck with the rest of the process. It will be a great opportunity for whoever you hire.”

4. Interviewing with a cold

I recently interviewed with a cold. While it was very mild and I sanitized my hands right before I went in, I was uncertain whether I should warn the interviewers/refrain from shaking hands with them (I ultimately decided to just shake like normal). I was also worried that the congestion makes my voice sound weird (and possibly not as excited about the job as I really was). What would normal etiquette for this situation be?

If you think you’re contagious, always reschedule. Not only because you obviously want to avoid infecting others, but also because you don’t want to look like someone who doesn’t care about infecting others. But if you’re confident you’re not contagious, I think it’s fine to proceed and simply say, “I’m not going to shake your hand because I’ve had a very mild cold — I feel fine but I don’t want to risk you getting it.” You can also say, “Excuse my voice — I really do feel fine, but I know I sound a bit congested.” But really — I’d think very carefully about interviewing with a cold at all!

5. When an interviewer offers to answer questions after an interview

Several times when interviewing, the interviewer has given me their card, offering contact if I had any more questions. Normally, I ask my questions during the interview and rarely have more questions occur to me after the fact. I do use the cards to send thank you notes. Should I make of point of calling them after the interview?

No. It’s a courtesy offer, and they’re assuming that you’re probably not going to take them up on it — although they’d want you to if you realized you hadn’t asked about something truly important. But it’s annoying when someone calls to ask more questions simply because they think doing so will somehow help their chances (as opposed to having questions that are both genuine and pressing).

6. Do recruiters really use resume sites?

Do recruiters really use resume sites like CareerBuilder and to find qualified applicants? Is it worth paying the hundreds of dollars for premium membership fees to these sites?

Some do, but I don’t think the really great ones do. For a job-seeker, it’s definitely not worth paying to register there. You shouldn’t do anything to find a job that requires paying a fee; you will rarely get your money’s worth.

7. Why was this interview so short?

I recently had an interview for a position that i really wanted. I tried to prepare as much as possible by rehearsing my answers to common interview questions and focusing on the ones that I got stumped on in the past…thinking that they would at least ask me some of these questions. Well, the interview came and turns out, they only asked one of the questions that I had prepared for. I thought that the interview would last about an hour but it was only 35 minutes! They asked me a few basic questions, then had me do a roleplay with one of the interviewers (which I’ve never done before), and that was it! I had quite a few questions for them, and it seemed like my questions took up almost half of the interview.

I’m not sure how to interpret this. Is it strange that this interview was only a half hour, considering that i interviewed for a position that would give me more decision making capabilities?

There are a few possibilities: They might have ended the interview earlier than planned because they decided it wasn’t the right fit. Or maybe this is a preliminary interview and there will be additional ones where they go more in depth. Or it’s possible that your interviewer just doesn’t know how to interview thoroughly. It’s usually fruitless to try to analyze this kind of thing, because there are so many possible explanations.

{ 59 comments… read them below }

  1. Asked Question #3*

    I wrote in with question #3 and wrote something to that effect in my email to Company B. I haven’t heard from them yet, but I feel like my email was friendly, straightforward and appropriate. Thanks for the great advice and keep on dishing it out! I’ll still be reading regardless of my employment situation!

  2. Vicki*

    4. Interviewing with a cold

    Don’t do it. Aside from the question of whether you’re contagious or sound “funny”, you’re likely not in top form (mind feeling muffled). That can reflect on how you think and how you respond.

    #6. Do recruiters really use resume sites?

    If the really great ones don’t, where do they find candidates? (And also, if they don’t, then I’m only being contacted by (a lot of) not really great recruiters, because most of them are finding me on Dice, Indeed, or Monster.) I wouldn’t pay fro “premium” services, but I’d never say don’t post there. I’ve gotten jobs through these sites!

    1. ChristineH*

      I’ve been found through Monster myself, and I personally think some of those recruiters are a little shady. Not saying ALL recruiters using Monster (and similar sites) are crooked, but I’d say just be extra cautious with these.

      1. Mike C.*

        Amazing article. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten sketchy calls from people who won’t identify themselves wanting me to come in for a job interview. Those places are just one step above money laundering scams from junk emails.

        Then he tops himself over that stupid trend of “branding yourself”. It’s about time some sense was spoken about that.

  3. ChristineH*

    This set of questions was very helpful! A couple of thoughts:

    #1: I’m betting that the person who composed that email got confused with the cc and bcc thing. I know I do. Sounds like they might’ve gotten it backwards.

    #6: I’ve wondered about those sites too in the past. Also, even LinkedIn has a “premium” account that job seekers sometimes use; I think that is paid as well. I definitely agree about paying out of pocket for job searching.

    1. ChristineH*

      I forgot to add a comment about #7: Honestly, depending on the position level (e.g. entry-level vs. management), 35 minutes really isn’t that bad.

      And actually, that’s nothing. I once had an interview that was over in two minutes because the position required fieldwork, and I cannot drive. (That was my fault for going in uninformed about the essential job duties and I have since learned from that.)

      1. Sean*

        I concur. After all, McDonald’s interviews generally last 15 minutes or less. I’m thinking the person who e-mailed in was probably interviewing for something a tad more professional than McDonald’s, but I will say an interview that lasts for 30 minutes or more is impressive enough.

    2. fposte*

      From the sound of it, though, it wasn’t the cc/bcc thing; they used one applicant in the main email and bcced to everybody else rather than simply putting all the addresses in bcc. (It’s possible that some software requires an entry in the To: field to do bcc:; it’s certain that many people don’t realize that you can just use bcc for all your recipients without a To: field at all.)

      1. Pamela G*

        Really? I thought you always had to have one address in the To: field and then you could put the rest as bcc. Guess you learn something new every day! Of course, if it’s sensitive, I put my own address in the To: field so no-one can see the other recipients (although then it is very obvious that the email is going to multiple bcc recipients).

      2. Henning Makholm*

        That’s assuming the person in the To: line was actually an applicant. Couldn’t it be an internal person who needed a copy of the rejection email for some reason? (Though one might wonder how useful such a copy would be without a record of the addresses the mail was actually sent to).

        1. fposte*

          If it’s not the company domain, I’d say it’s likelier to be another candidate. But obviously there’s no knowing for sure from the information the OP has.

        2. Anonymous*

          Indeed. I’ve had one where the recruiter put himself in the TO field and copied the rest of us in blind.

          My system won’t send if I don’t have an email address in the To field.

  4. Steve*

    Regarding number 2, working at a chemical plant, as a process operator it is certainly plausible that being part of a site Emergency Response Team be part of ones employment. In the event of an industrial accident trained first responders would be needed and the company would be remiss if they did not have such a team.

    For me the red flag was the “Training is provided and paid for by my employer on my days off.”

    If it truly is a work requirement then not only should the training be paid for, but the employee should also be compensated for their time – it is “work.” Setting aside the exempt/nonexempt question.

    1. Lois Gory*

      Maybe there aren’t enough employees to cover these positions to allow each crew to train during their regular shifts. Even so, they should be paid for their hours in training.

    2. Karthik*

      Even more important, this person is a process operator. This means, if something blows up on his shift, he’s going to be the first one on the scene regardless of if he has training. Given the training, total casualties can be minimized. Without the training, he’s stuck standing around for emergency teams to respond, or doing something potentially stupid in an attempt to rescue someone.

      1. Clobbered*

        Agreed, I am required to be a First Responder for similar reasons (remote area, if something happens to someone I could be the only other person there). However it is totally unreasonable not to provide this kind of training on the job. Asking people to do it on their time off is just weird – unless it was a condition of employment (“we require you to be a First Responder for this position; if you are not already, we will pay but you have to do it on your own time”).

        That said, if your employer offers to pay for First Responder training, I recommend you take them up on it, even if it does mean taking the course in your own time. This kind of course is generic, they will cover everything from infant CPR to dealing with jellyfish bites. It is good knowledge to have, and in my experience those courses are given by EMTs with some incredible “war stories”, so they are pretty darn memorable.

    3. bob*

      #2: I wish there were a few more details but here’s my $2/100… It’s not a bad idea for the company to have an ERT because in some places they use chemicals that do weird (bad) things when exposed air, water, etc. and who knows the chemicals better than the guys who work with them every day. However, what they are asking him to do is actually a pretty major commitment in class time and assumes he’s in pretty good shape physically. Most any local community college or even local fire departments will have FireFighter 1 classes every semester but it is a significant weekly amount of time for studying, practical stuff like riding with the local FD a couple of times during the semester and they may require a physical fitness element outside class as well. In short it’s a serious commitment to do it.

      On the medical side, if the company wants him to earn the actual “First Responder” state or National certificate it’s not a huge effort, just a class or 2 per week and they’re really not that hard. However, if the company wants an actual EMT certificate that is a huge time and effort commitment to get the through the semester because it’s normally a 10 credit hour (9 +1 for your clinicals) class. Getting through the EMT class isn’t terribly difficult although it does require a lot of studying and will require several clinicals with an ambulance service and/or a local ER. The big thing with an EMT license is that you have to pass the class first, then pass the National Registry practicals, then pass the National Registry adaptive computer test THEN you should be able to submit the paperwork for your state license but in some states you may have to take another test for state license. Assuming you pass the background check also.

      Then even if you (the OP) do get your EMT creds the big question I would have is who will be your Medical Director and cover your backside should you have to spring into action? Liability is a huge deal that way. After typing all that I’m hoping the company isn’t going to require a full EMT license because of the liability issues.

      It’s nice that the company will pay for whatever they’re requiring but it will be a significant amount of time and effort on the part of the OP so I hope company recognizes that and also builds in some study time for those people being trained.

  5. Asker of #4*

    I asked #4 and I really appreciate AAM’s and Vicki’s advice. To be honest, I never even thought of asking to reschedule. Thanks for also giving me a way to gracefully not shake hands.

    As a follow-up question, what if rescheduling does not appear to be an option? This interview in question was for a position where the interviewers were in a different city each day. The company will make decisions for the second round in about a week from the interview date that was originally scheduled so that they can arrange for us to make it to the onsite interview in two weeks. For a schedule with turnaround that fast, would asking to reschedule still be a good idea?

    1. Ask a Manager* Post author

      Oooh, that muddles it a bit. I’d probably explain that I had a mild cold and ask about rescheduling, while being clear that if that wasn’t a possibility, I would come in anyway (all assuming that I wasn’t contagious).

      1. Jamie*

        If I were the interviewer I would hate to miss a great candidate on this kind of schedule due to a mild cold.

        I would appreciate a heads up and not shaking hands, but I would still want to meet with you if you were up to it.

        The flu on the other hand? If you’re up to the interview call and ask them if you can do it via Skype or other conference call. That used to be an involved ordeal, but with smartphones and the iPad 2 it’s not much more trouble than a phone call. If not, a phone interview would be fine, too.

        I’d never hire anyone who gave me the flu…but I’d be willing to risk the sniffles for a great candidate.

      2. Joe*

        Do you think that some interviewers would be put off by a candidate who asks to reschedule, even for a legitimate reason (such as illness)? It feels like the kind of thing that might stir feelings of, “If this person can’t be relied on to show up for the interview, what will it be like when they work here?” I know that’s unfair, and illness is beyond someone’s control, but if I were interviewing, I’d be worried about that.

        1. Ask a Manager* Post author

          It’s tough because yeah, I’m sure some (unreasonable) interviewers would be, but then you need to balance that against the larger number of reasonable interviewers who would appreciate you not exposing them to germs.

  6. Anonymous*

    Regarding number 7, I had an interview like this where I was in and out in less than 30 minutes when I was expecting the interview to last at least an hour or more. Worse, it was obvious from the minute I walked in the door that the interviewer had no interest whatsoever in what I had to say; as I recall the woman didn’t even take notes. As it turned out, they had an internal candidate and because it was a staff position at a major public university they were required to go through the entire interview process, including bringing in people like me they had no intention of even considering. Although I eventually got a far better position in a different department at the same institution, the whole experience with the first interview left a very bad taste in my mouth.

    On the other hand, the internal candidate they hired over me wound up getting fired for embezzlement less than a year after getting hired, and the woman who interviewed me got demoted for not paying attention to what her employees were up to. Karma’s a bitch, as they say.

    1. Natalie*

      It would be nice if people arranging these show-interviews would at least just do phone interviews. No reason to make someone get dressed up and drive/bus all the way to wherever for something that’s never going to benefit them.

      1. Anon.*

        I wish they would! I once drove for 3 hours to an interview I was excited about, only to be rudely condescended to for 15 minutes and then told the interview was over.

        My favorite part? The first question I was asked was, “So, you live in [town about 20 minutes away from the interview]? That’s nice and close!” I did work in that town several years ago, but my current address (in a completely different state from the interview) is right at the top of my resume. It’s also clear from a quick glance at my resume that I have worked in several far-away places since then. (I work in seasonal outdoor education, so having multiple jobs within a few years is normal.)

        To be fair, I was nervous and didn’t interview well, but she was literally rude to me before I had opened my mouth. I realize now that I didn’t want to work for her anyway… imagine what that would have been like on a daily basis!

        (The story has a happy ending – I like my current job & manager!)

  7. Elizabeth*

    Regarding #1, I have known people that send out an email to a large group of people anonymously by making themselves or someone close to them (e.g. coworker for business, or spouse for a social email) the “To:” addressee and bcc’ing all the “real” recipients. In fact, I’ve done this myself for things like letting a large number of acquaintances know that I’ve moved.

    This seems like a bad idea for giving out job rejections, both because it can cause confusion (like it has here) and because it emphasizes the impersonal nature of the rejection. However, it’s possible that this is what the sender was doing, and that Jane X is, in fact, her boss or colleague. Of course, if the email began, “Dear Ms. X, Thank you for your interest…” then that eliminates this theory!

  8. Chuck*

    Re: #6 – I find those who criticize job boards (like Monster) often have an agenda of selling a service of how to find “hidden” candidates through social media, Google, etc. They have an economic reason for “dissing” the big job boards.

    I’ve used Monster for years and hired many through it. A friend (headhunter) uses it to place people on jobs all the time.

    Just b/c a disreputable recruiter uses a job board for nefarious purposes doesn’t make it a bad tool for job-seekers.

    1. Jamie*

      When I was last on the market I had my resume up on Monster for about 3 days. In that time I was flooded with inquiries, mostly from agencies and some anonymous companies and 90% of the “opportunities” were for sales positions.

      There is nothing sales related on my resume, not even with the loosest possible interpretation.

      I found it really frustrating to weed through this spam filling my email box to get to the actual responses.

      Monster is a huge site used by millions of people, so the experiences will run the gamut. Just like Craigslist – some people have had very bad experiences, but I’ve gotten a good job and good candidates from there. YMMV with these types of sites even without a financial agenda.

      1. amy*

        I got calls from everywhere, all day when I started career builder. Some people didn’t even speak english to me. All I could understand was their name and careerbuilder. I got an offer to sell cell phones, candy and magazines. uuugh. Once it was to sell magazines in Minnesota and I live in Michigan.

      2. ChristineH*

        Yup, same thing happened to me and it irked the heck out of me. Since when does an MSW qualify you to work in international sales? :P

    2. Mike C.*

      I’ll criticize those boards all day long and I do nothing related to headhunting or HR. They are nothing more than folks looking to hire for commission only sales or other half-legal businesses. They are trash and they refuse to understand what employees are actually looking for.

  9. Jamie*

    #7 short interview. For my current job I had three interviews. The second one was shorter than planned and seemed very truncated.

    I over thought every aspect of that, wondering how I blew it; before I discovered the wealth of info that is AAM. I was very discouraged, but it turns out one of the C-level people with whom I was to meet was called away due to a customer issue. HR didn’t have anything else for me, because he was just planning on 15 minutes and handing me off.

    An explanation and reschedule would have saved me a lot of anxiety. I didn’t say anything at the time because I was between jobs (and temping was slow at the beginning of the econ crash) and I really needed to find something. I hate thinking of how awful it felt to really need a job and knowing that my fate was in the hands of strangers who already had jobs.

    It’s stayed with me. When I’m involved on this end of the hiring process now I make a conscious effort to be as clear as possible and get back to them when I say I will.

    I get backlogged on a lot of things…but not in getting back to applicants. There’s so much emotional investment involved I don’t want to add to the tension.

    1. Long Time Admin*

      “When I’m involved on this end of the hiring process now I make a conscious effort to be as clear as possible and get back to them when I say I will.

      I get backlogged on a lot of things…but not in getting back to applicants. There’s so much emotional investment involved I don’t want to add to the tension.”

      Jamie , on behalf of every job seeker who desperately needed a job and has sweated out the rude behavior and non-responses from interviewers and/or HR folks, THANK YOU.

      It may not be what someone wants to hear, but an answer is always better than…nothing.

  10. Jennifer*

    Re #7 – The last job I held previous to my current position (which I love) involved a 30 minute interview with the “name on the door”. Looking back on it, that alone should have been a reg flag. It turned out not be a great fit both position and culture-wise, which I might have picked up on a lot more if the interview had been more in-depth.

    I’d really examine what went on during the interview, the kind of feel you got, etc. 35 minutes, as I learned, is an awfully short time for not only them to know if they want you, but you to know if you want them.

  11. Anonymous*

    #5 Asking questions – My sister had a situation like this. She actually did need answers. She was really unsure if she would want the position and she’d forgotten to ask some crucial questions. What she did was call them up but she was ready to say no thank you to the job if she got the wrong answers. She did get the position (YAY litle sis!). But she wasn’t just calling to make the interviewer remember her.

    #7 Short interviews – I once had an interview that was sub 15 minutes. I walked out really confused, I thought I was a good fit and didn’t think of anything I’d done to bother anyone. Turns out the interviewer was good friends with someone who knew that I was about to be laid off and they already had decided they wanted me. I was offered the job. I later found out that the boss was very, odd and for him a 15 minute interview was the best part of his day.

  12. Jen*

    Regarding #1 – I was once CC-ed in an e-mail along with all of the other rejected candidates in that hiring round, and it was written as a mass e-mail (i.e., Thanks to all of you for applying, unfortunately all the positions have been filled). I could only see the e-mail addresses and not the names, but I remember thinking, “Really? I got rejected along with someone called” I like your advice here AAM; I wish I had done something like that in this case, but as it was clear that it wasn’t a mistake I didn’t know how to respond politely.

    Although around that time, there was another place that did three phone interviews with me and then never contacted me again. I was conflicted whether I’d rather have no notice at all, or a mass rejection e-mail.

    1. fposte*

      Do you mean any kind of mass email or this screwup kind? Because rejection letters are pretty much mass/form by nature.

      1. Jen*

        Oh, I mean this screw-up kind. Sorry, that was rather unclear. Honestly, even if it’s addressed “Dear applicant” and they’ve clearly BCC-ed all of us with themselves in the “To” field, I prefer being unable to see all of the other applicants (and them being able to see me).

        1. fposte*

          That’s what I figured you meant, and I totally agree, but I just wanted to be sure. And it’s not just a question of people knowing each other’s names–if they show all the addresses you’ve also got a better chance of getting spammed with an accidental autofill or a worm-generated email (or just a crazy co-applicant).

    2. ChristineH*

      I agree with fposte that rejection emails (or letters) are most likely mass emails/letters. However, I think it’s incredibly tacky to be able to see even the emails of those who were also rejected.

  13. Anonymouse*

    #2 – I see the merit of having response training, but if you are not cut out to naturally respond to emergencies, you just aren’t. There are actually very few people (I feel it’s something like 10%) who react well in emergencies. The rest panic, freeze, toss their toast etc. So, while it makes sense to have you know the drill, asking other people to put their lives in your hands, when you aren’t eager and mentally prepared for the responsibility, seems completely misguided, if not downright dangerous. I can’t tell from your question whether you are simply expected to react properly, or if you’ll be called on to lead a rescue.

    I once volunteered as a victim-actor for the local community disaster exercise.* I was stepped on twice, picked up by my hair, had to “spring back to consciousness” and cling to a friend to avoid rolling out of the bed of a fast-moving pickup truck, was sat on, and eventually expired in a gymnasium. My takeaway: You do not want to be rescued by your neighbors.

    *And we didn’t even meet any hot fireman.

    1. Anonymous*

      My takeaway: You do not want to be rescued by your neighbors

      A takeaway from university: the best public health programme possible, would be to require every family to host a medical student for a term. You won’t want to get sick after meeting the person who’s going to treat you….

  14. Steve G*


    I keep seeing this asked, and don’t understand why (with all due respect). It’s like asking, “how do I tell me mom I am coming for a visit?” It’s not that difficult . I think what is really being asked is that if there is any way to communicate to the employer you want to notify that they need to rush to make an offer or not, and/or try to counter-offer. Otherwise, the wording wouldn’t need to be so particular.

    1. Ask a Manager* Post author

      In this case, I don’t think so, since she the offer she got was from her first choice company. I think people just really struggle with how to word these sorts of things. I get a lot of questions about how to resign too.

      1. Natalie*

        I know you will sometimes answer people directly if they ask you a question you’ve already addressed in a column, but have you considered making a “frequent questions” section? I have to imagine you get some of the basic questions several times a day.

  15. Coulda been me*

    #6 My company’s internal recruiters use Monster and I landed my previous job through Careerbuilder (both in technical fields). Probably 80% of the resumes I now see as a hiring manager come from Monster. And yes through both of my searches I received a few dozen spam/scam type e-mails offering “opportunities” that had nothing to do with my background, but that was a small price to pay for the many high quality contacts those boards generated.

    I doubt that premium memberships would do anything to boost your chances of finding a job.

  16. Sandrine*

    Re: Monster

    It’s funny because I think something bizarre happened due to a job site, if it’s not a scam.

    I live in Paris, France.

    Someone e-mails me for a “meeting” at their offices… in Granada, Spain.

    I ask (in somewhat broken Spanish since I understand it but writing and speaking ? meh!) what this is about. I get a confirmation of the “meeting” date. I reply again saying I understand the date but I live in Paris and ask if this is for a job interview.

    The reply ? “Could be a misunderstanding, can you call us ?”

    I wanted to say : “DUDE, can you even READ ?” but I will refrain. Instead, I will e-mail this morning and explain that I would like more information before proceeding.

    (I have a job now anyway and probation period expired, so THERE, dude :P )

  17. Anonymous*

    I post my resume on Monster because I have received legitimate responses from employers there and it is an easy way to passively job search, however as a result of posting my resume on Monster my Spam folder is littered with ridiculous sales and/or pyramid scheme jobs and my voicemail is littered with “interview requests” from AFLAC and other insurance type agencies. I know from experience (as someone who was duped into a “recruiting internship” at AFLAC) that these insurance agencies use Monster to cold call basically anyone with a resume to come in for an “interview”, and then the interview is actually a group presentation trying to sell you on a commission-based job you have to buy into.


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