advice about your boss

Need advice about your boss? Here are answers to all the questions you have about your manager, from how to deal with a boss who yells, to how to tell your manager you’re allergic to her perfume.

my boss wants me to do her dirty work

A reader writes: I switched to a new team at my company last year, working on a project that was understaffed until several of us were recently brought on. One of my teammates, Joe, staffs a work area that heavily intersects with mine — on which he is supposed to operate fairly independently. Soon after […]

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my boss won’t stop hassling me about my smoking and my weight

A reader writes: I am middle management. My boss has always complimented me both on the way I work and present myself, but as of late she changed her tune. Now she says she really hates that “horrible habit” of mine, which is smoking. Smoking doesn’t impact my productivity, I take little breaks, and the […]

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my new boss ran his own background check on me

A reader writes: I have worked in my department in a large organization for 17 years. A coworker was promoted to be my boss. I suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety, and while having a high-stress day, I was called to his office. I just needed a half day to take a timeout and speak […]

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is my manager the problem … or am I?

A reader writes: I’m in my second job after graduating college in 2020. My first job had a structural reshuffle, and so I was offered another role that I didn’t want. I turned it down and got this new job, which I have been at since November. The new job has a title upgrade and […]

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I can’t get my boss to give me feedback or solve problems

A reader writes: I have been with my current company for about four years, as a software developer. A year ago, a new manager was hired for my team. He seemed pretty good at first, but lately I’ve been disappointed. We have a bi-weekly one-on-one, and if I bring up an issue, he’ll just nod […]

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my new boss is changing the team culture I loved

A reader writes: I took a new job about a year ago at a major tech company with a strong culture promoting employee well-being via work/life balance, reducing meeting loads, encouraging asynchronous collaboration across flexible schedules and time zones, etc. My manager came from the military and has been at our company less than two […]

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