advice about your boss

Need advice about your boss? Here are answers to all the questions you have about your manager, from how to deal with a boss who yells, to how to tell your manager you’re allergic to her perfume.

my boss gets angry when I won’t share my food with her

I’m off for the holiday (but there’s something great coming later today!). Here’s a post that was originally published in 2016. A reader writes: My supervisor is obsessed with food! It started when I first went on a diet. I would have my lunch box packed with all of my essentials for the day. I […]

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my boss is coming back after going AWOL for 2 years

A reader writes: Since the start of the pandemic my boss has worked remotely. This isn’t a big issue except for two things. First, my team works in a lab as new product development. Due to the nature of our jobs, it’s nearly impossible to work from home full-time. Minus my boss, we’ve been in […]

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my lovely but bumbling boss is driving me crazy

A reader writes: I’ve worked for a small educational institution for two years. The job is an excellent fit for me, and I don’t consider moving on. The person I report to is the head teacher, who has worked here for 20 years. She is a gifted teacher and is justifiably loved by her pupils […]

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my office isn’t acknowledging my adopted baby

A reader writes: After a long wait, my spouse and I were finally paired with a birth family for an infant adoption and got to bring our son home! This is a complicated situation with work because I work in a position that requires coverage and the nature of the adoption process is unpredictable. Most […]

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my boss made me fire my boyfriend … and then hired her cousin

A reader writes: I have worked at a nonprofit as an executive assistant for more than three years and was hired right at the beginning, when there were only two employees. The founder is the CEO and oversees everything. This is her passion project so she’s very much involved in the operations. She’s also the […]

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my boss is unreachable when I need him

A reader writes: I’m on a team that is still working remotely due to Covid. I mention the remote aspect because this problem didn’t come up in person. Often, probably 1-3 times in a typical week, I’ll find myself in the following situation: I finish a stage in a project and need my boss’s feedback […]

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