my boss is impossible to reach when I need responses by Alison Green on September 29, 2020 A reader writes: I work at a small organization that’s heavily regulated (financial services). I manage the marketing projects for the organization and report directly to the CEO. He is a smart and kind man, but he is impossible to get in touch with. He never replies to my emails about large-scale projects and events, […] Read the full article →
my boss suggested I stay home once I have kids by Alison Green on September 14, 2020 A reader writes: Recently my boss (just above my immediate supervisor) called me to “share his perspective” since he knows I am getting married soon. He wanted to tell me how much he appreciates his wife staying home to care for their children and wanted me to hear that perspective since it is counter to […] Read the full article →
my boss’s kids are incredibly distracting on video calls by Alison Green on September 8, 2020 A reader writes: My job went to 100% remote so I’ve been reporting to my manager virtually for the past few months. She has three kids, all under five years old. Sometimes all of them are home and sometimes it’s just one. At first, the kids popping up were cute in our video calls. Now […] Read the full article →
my boss says it’s “not her place” to say anything to my smelly, messy coworker by Alison Green on September 2, 2020 A reader writes: My coworker, let’s call her Pippa, leaves a layer of dirt everywhere she goes. Her hygiene is terrible and as the person who sits closest to her, I have to bear the brunt of it. I feel it best to give a bulleted list of some of her hygiene issues: * She […] Read the full article →
my boss wants to be my BFF by Alison Green on September 1, 2020 A reader writes: I started a new job around the time COVID-19 hit. To take the job, I moved about six hours away from home, so I was starting over in a new city and I didn’t know anyone other than a few friends of friends. I worked in the new city for a month, […] Read the full article →
my older male manager sent me a middle-of-the-night Snapchat request by Alison Green on September 1, 2020 A reader writes: My new manager started during the pandemic. Our office is still working remote so I’ve only met him once and chatted on the phone/over email. He seems like a nice enough guy so far. However, last week I woke up to a Snapchat friend request from him (the request came in sometime […] Read the full article →
our new boss doesn’t know how awful her second-in-command is by Alison Green on August 18, 2020 A reader writes: I am an upper level manager in a mid-sized company with about 200 employees. This past year, the head of our company, Jim, who was problematic but visionary, decided to retire after decades in leadership. I used to report to Jim, but in the changeover it was decided that I would report […] Read the full article →
my boss brags about giving “clear, direct” feedback — but really is just mean by Alison Green on August 12, 2020 A reader writes: I love how often you mention direct, clear feedback! The best manager I ever had, who thankfully was also my first manager, was such a pro at giving clear feedback on the spot with the most polite and respectful tone. It made me want to perform better, and I became a flourishing, […] Read the full article →
how to disagree with your boss by Alison Green on August 12, 2020 When you disagree with your boss, it can be tricky to know whether you should speak up and how to speak up—and a lot of people early in their careers get this wrong. They assume they shouldn’t speak up at all (even when they have info their boss doesn’t have and might appreciate hearing!) or, […] Read the full article →
how much should I keep trying to coach my boss, who is drowning in his job? by Alison Green on August 12, 2020 A reader writes: My boss is like, so broken. This poor man. His own boss strong-armed him into taking a position he isn’t qualified for and can’t handle. He was comfortable and settled before a change in circumstances forced him to evolve and step up. He’s facing pressures the leadership chain above him doesn’t feel […] Read the full article →