my awful coworker’s employees want me to help them by Alison Green on November 14, 2023 A reader writes: My counterpart — let’s call him John — and I each manage workers who are part of various teams in the same department. Some of John’s employees recently approached me with concerns about his management style. From what I can gather, after being moved to these employees’ team to “help them out” […] Read the full article →
my boss wouldn’t work with me because she was upset I adopted from foster care by Alison Green on November 14, 2023 A reader writes: I work in higher education, and something happened to me at my last job that never sat right with me. I was hired at a large research university to work in a specialized program providing one-on-one support for students. I was a tutor, and all the tutors in my center had terminal […] Read the full article →
how can I support my Black employee who doesn’t want me to report anything, and other questions about race by Alison Green on November 13, 2023 I’m thrilled to welcome back Michelle Silverthorn to answer readers’ questions on race. Michelle is the founder and CEO of Inclusion Nation. A recognized keynote speaker on inclusion and belonging, she speaks on hundreds of virtual and in-person stages every year and her interactive e-learning suite, Inclusion LAUNCH, is in use by organizations across the world. […] Read the full article →
my boss hasn’t talked to me since his drunken striptease by Alison Green on November 8, 2023 A reader writes: What to do with a (probably) embarrassed boss? I (40s F), my boss (50s M), and a fellow coworker (60s F) all happen to share a hobby. In August, I made the mistake of going on a weekend trip with them. The outing was justified by claiming we could save money if […] Read the full article →
my boss insisted on calling a medium about my missing family member by Alison Green on November 7, 2023 A reader writes: My uncle is missing. It’s been so, so terrible. The police are still searching, but we’re all so scared. I’ve been trying not to let it affect my work, but of course I’m struggling, so on the advice of several people I finally told my boss. He’s high-up in my company and […] Read the full article →
how do I interrupt my boss in person when I need something? by Alison Green on November 6, 2023 A reader writes: I’ve found myself in several situations now where I periodically need to show up at my bosses’ office to ask them something. These are high level people at the top of the organization. Sometimes I can email or text them and get a response (but not consistently), but their offices are near […] Read the full article →
my boss keeps telling me he loves me by Alison Green on November 1, 2023 A reader writes: I have a strong working relationship with my boss, the owner of the company I work at. We clicked instantly in my initial interview, get along well, and he is consistently impressed by my work. Most importantly, I think he values me because I’m not afraid of difficult conversations, and I’m the […] Read the full article →
my coworkers resent that my boss no longer yells at me by Alison Green on October 18, 2023 A reader writes: During the interview for my current job at a small family-owned company, I was informed that one of the people I would be working with, Bob, had a strong personality and was challenging to work with. What I wasn’t told is that Bob is the owner’s husband. One of the reasons he’s […] Read the full article →
my new manager is someone I slept with years ago … and he doesn’t know we have a child by Alison Green on October 16, 2023 A reader writes: The backstory: I went back to university in my late 20s to do my PhD, and shared an office with a few other students for many years. One of the students, Jacob, completed his thesis and was moving back to his home country, so we all went out for congratulatory/farewell drinks. One […] Read the full article →
my boss made us all attend a session with his therapist by Alison Green on October 11, 2023 A reader writes: I need a reality check on whether I should weather the current company storm or jump ship. My manager, Bob, is the owner of the company, and while theoretically has people high up who could push back on him, the reality is that he makes the final decisions on most everything. Bob […] Read the full article →