advice about your coworkers

Need advice about your coworkers? Here are answers to questions from dealing with a coworker who sings all day, to interrupters, to credit-stealers, and much more.

my team’s assistant is grumpy and impatient

A reader writes: My team’s administrative assistant, Olga, is incredibly impatient, and expects me to quickly complete things that I don’t have any control over. For example, I work often with her on finalizing the contracts for freelancers that we work with. She will create the contract and I will email it to the freelancer, […]

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should I tell my boss about my coworker’s temper tantrum?

A reader writes: Today at work, something happened that I need some perspective on because I’m still rattled by the incident. I work in retail-based sales with roughly 50 employees, but just three people at my location (my manager, my coworker, who has about four weeks more tenure in the position than I do, and […]

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the people I train keep failing — am I the problem?

A reader writes: I’m fairly positive I’m the jerk in this situation and I’m worried I might be throwing another new hire under the bus. I know I need to be better at training but I’m not sure what else I can do. I was promoted from a coordinator job to a new position. Due […]

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new director got drunk on his first day

A reader writes: I have been with my company five years and recently had an awkward situation. In our company we have four broad levels — VP, director, associate and trainee (there are different levels of seniority at each level). Our company is around 80-90 people, and the VPs are owners and decision-makers with about […]

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new coworker is a rude know-it-all

A reader writes: I have been working on a project for over a year, and over the last six months I have taken over the lead responsibilities. For the last year, our entire team of four has been women. Several weeks ago, a new coworker, “Mark,” started. Mark has experience in our field and has […]

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my coworker berates me all day long

A reader writes: For the past four years, I’ve worked at a small company of about 40 people spread over three states. I am the only person in my type of admin role and the only person who handles all of the documents coming into and out of all three offices. Everyone who has documents […]

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