advice about your coworkers

Need advice about your coworkers? Here are answers to questions from dealing with a coworker who sings all day, to interrupters, to credit-stealers, and much more.

my coworker keeps getting in my personal space

A reader writes: I have a new coworker who I mostly like. She is a little complainy and stubborn but she’s the newest person on my team and I think she is just still adjusting to our company. We are both young women and in our first jobs out of college. We sit next to […]

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how to say “it’s not okay” at work

A reader writes: Is there a professionally acceptable way to push back when someone apologizes for causing problems at work? For example, this morning, my coworker slept through a meeting we had scheduled. Since I’m on the west coast (we’re a remote team) this meeting required me to wake up at 5 am. She messaged […]

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my coworker feels entitled to my time, expertise, car, and house

A reader writes: I’ve been reading your site for a while, but I’ve not seen anything that will help me address this particular issue — when a coworker who’s your peer feels entitled to all your technical expertise, time, and other resources. Our department had about 20 of us PhD students start at the same […]

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I think my coworker is an alcoholic

A reader writes: My coworker “Sterling” has always been a hard partying guy, but recently he’s been drinking more and more, and it’s a problem. Several times a week he either comes to work smelling like alcohol or complains to anyone who will listen about how hung over he is. Sterling is in his mid-20’s, […]

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my coworker’s personal life is disrupting our shared office

A reader writes: I share my office with a woman I’ll call Katie. We generally get along, but she is an awful officemate. Despite having a desk phone with a headset, she inexplicably takes her conference calls on speakerphone. When I have nicely asked her to switch phones or quiet down, she first puts her hand […]

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I’m distracted by my coworker’s very visible cleavage

A reader writes: I am a straight, married, mid-thirties male. I work in a small company with a super-casual dress code — shorts and flip flops are regular wear during the summers for a lot of people. I interact on a daily basis with a married female coworker who semi-regularly wears shirts that go beyond […]

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