did my intern frame my coworker for credit card theft? by Alison Green on October 9, 2023 I’m off today, so here’s an older post from the archives. This was originally published in 2017. A reader writes: This past summer, the section I supervise had some interns working here. All of them were offered jobs here once the internships were over. However one of them has created a situation where she lied […] Read the full article →
my patronizing coworker interrupts meetings to explain basic things to me by Alison Green on October 4, 2023 A reader writes: My coworker, Craig (mid-40s, male), chronically interrupts discussions in meetings, ostensibly to “help” me (mid-50s, female) by explaining obvious things. Typical example: Other Coworker is proposing a plan to use to our advantage a quirk in the way our state categorizes, say, UFO sightings. I’m well aware of this quirk, because I […] Read the full article →
can I tell the office jerk not to talk to me outside of work? by Alison Green on September 25, 2023 A reader writes: The organization I work for is based in a small rural community, so it’s not uncommon to turn up to something like an exercise class, community event, or supermarket and find yourself face to face with someone from work. Quite often, that also ends up being the person at work who makes […] Read the full article →
my coworker pressures me to take his shifts at the last minute … because he knows I can’t afford to say no by Alison Green on September 21, 2023 A reader writes: When I was hired for my current job, it was for overnights, with the understanding that I would work three to four days per week. I was also trained on the evening shift. Since those training shifts, all my shifts have been overnights. I was also assured that I could move to […] Read the full article →
my coworker thinks I should be available 24/7 since I work from home by Alison Green on September 18, 2023 A reader writes: I work at a small company, almost completely from home. I go into the office about twice a month, and for the most part, it’s been a dream. I am vastly more productive and have found that my mental health has improved drastically. Since the transition, I have done everything I can […] Read the full article →
I want my coworker to stop giving me “psychic messages” from my dead family members by Alison Green on September 18, 2023 A reader writes: I’ve worked at my current company for six years. In that time, I befriended a coworker (Rebecca) who, to be honest, seemed very lonely but was sweet. We had some things in common and she sat with me at lunch sometimes. We’re completely remote now, but the two of us would still […] Read the full article →
my coworker lied about sexual harassment because he doesn’t like our new boss by Alison Green on September 13, 2023 A reader writes: I don’t live in the U.S. so what I need is advice on how to deal with the situation and not the possibly legal part. I work in a team of 20 people. Our former boss, Horace, never forced us to donate a liver to his relative, nor did he show up […] Read the full article →
my coworkers say I should hold back because I’m early-career … but am I? by Alison Green on September 11, 2023 A reader writes: I’m having a hard time figuring out my career stage. I entered a male-dominated, technical, and niche field right out of college. I worked for several years, then eventually went back to school for my graduate degree. I worked throughout school, so have been in the field for nine years. Most of […] Read the full article →
a coworker I’m helping with a project is wasting my time by Alison Green on September 6, 2023 A reader writes: I’m helping a colleague, Lucinda, with a project – something we need to do, but it’s tedious and never urgent so it’s dragged on. Lucinda is bright and does great work, but we have different styles. She talks a lot without saying much, whereas I prefer a short, direct email. I’ve heard […] Read the full article →
my coworker keeps asking me to find and re-send him emails by Alison Green on August 31, 2023 A reader writes: I have a coworker, Louis, who I’ve been fed up with since he’s joined our team. Situation: Sometimes, not terribly often, Louis asks me questions that I know he’s already gotten the answer to via email. We’re part of a larger team, but mostly it’s just us on a joint client project. […] Read the full article →