let’s discuss terrible workplace ice-breakers by Alison Green on June 29, 2023 There are some truly terrible ice-breakers out there. On a recent open thread, some readers shared these: • “What is your porn star name?” For a meeting on addressing sexism in the workplace. • One really dysfunctional company I worked for did a staff retreat and made everyone go around and say what bug they would be […] Read the full article →
the faked heart attack, the very smart dog, and other (amazing) stories of pettiness at work by Alison Green on June 26, 2023 Earlier this month I asked about the pettiest things you’ve seen (or done!) at work. You offered up so many ridiculously petty stories on that post that I can’t fit them all my favorites into one column … so here’s part 1. Part 2 will be coming next week. Note: We’re not endorsing petty behavior […] Read the full article →
what are the best jobs while you’re in school? by Alison Green on June 22, 2023 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I’m attending grad school in the fall to study in a very niche yet exciting and fast-growing industry (yay!). Since I’m older than 26 but still need health insurance and to pay rent, I’m going to be looking for either a part-time job with health […] Read the full article →
what’s the pettiest thing you’ve done at work (or seen done)? by Alison Green on June 15, 2023 One of the most amusing things about work is how just plain petty it can make people. Here are some excellent stories of pettiness that have been shared here over the years: • “At one of my early jobs one of my coworkers was a, shall we say, interesting character. She was called out about […] Read the full article →
how do I start off on the right foot in a fully remote job? by Alison Green on June 8, 2023 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I recently starting working remotely at a medium-large size company after working at a smaller company for several years. I am glad for the change and everything is going well, but I am finding it harder than I thought it would to get to know […] Read the full article →
the thieving CEO, the broken lock, and other people losing their minds over free food at work by Alison Green on June 7, 2023 Last week I asked about times you’ve seen ridiculously bad behavior over free food at work — and you certainly delivered. There were so many hilarious stories left on that post that I couldn’t fit them all my favorites into one column. Part 1 was here, and here’s part 2. 1. The CEO At my […] Read the full article →
the dried apricots, the meat embezzler, and other stories of people losing their minds over free food at work by Alison Green on June 5, 2023 Last week I asked about times you’ve seen ridiculously bad behavior over free food at work, often from the highest-paid employees on staff — and you certainly delivered. There were so many hilarious stories on that post that I can’t fit them all my favorites into one column … so here’s part 1. Part 2 […] Read the full article →
people lose their minds over free food: discuss by Alison Green on June 1, 2023 People are weird about free food at work. Really weird. Free food can make some people lose all sense of decorum and manners (and interestingly, the employees who get the most vulture-like are often the highest-paid). Some reports of free food havoc that have been shared here over the years: • “I had a coworker who thought […] Read the full article →
how do I come to terms with giving up on my dream job? by Alison Green on May 25, 2023 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I have a very specific training and “dream job,” which for the sake of this question let’s say is archaeology (although it’s not). I’ve been passionate about archaeology since I was a teenager and have both an undergraduate degree and master’s degree in it, as […] Read the full article →
how can I slowly roll out a different look at work? by Alison Green on May 18, 2023 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I’m a 30-year-old engineer. For the first years of my career I was very focused on fitting in and establishing my competence. I’ve been at my current firm for five years now and I feel reasonably well established. I’ve recently started experimenting more with my […] Read the full article →