ask the readers

Looking for crowdsourced wisdom? Here are reader discussions about life at work.

working parents with little kids: how can your coworkers help you?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. Thanks for posting the letter from the overwhelmed mom last week. It obviously got a lot of traction. And it’s great that there were plenty of folks in the comments who are not in the same boat (no kids, older kids, etc.) expressing “silent solidarity” or sympathy or […]

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it feels impossible to be a working mom with little kids

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: My question is rooted in an issue I think a lot of working moms with kids under five must be facing right now. I have two small children, one who is just barely two and a four-year-old. Since Covid started when I was on a […]

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how can I advocate for workers’ rights when I’m the customer?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: My sister and I are members of a community pool/gym that is run under the umbrella of a larger nonprofit. The greater organization serves people with disabilities, but membership to the gym is open to the entire community. Both my sister and I have varying […]

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are employers really so eager to hire right now?

We keep hearing that employers are desperate, can’t find good workers, and jobs are going unfilled … so if you’re currently job-searching, how does that match up with your own experience? Based on my mail, lots of people are still getting ignored by employers … or offered laughably low salaries … or seeing ads requiring […]

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what’s your company doing for the holidays this year?

What’s your company doing about the holidays this year? Last year, many employers simply canceled holiday celebrations because of the pandemic, while others devised creative ways to celebrate — like virtual cocktail tastings and drive-in movies. This year, some parties seem back on, while others aren’t. What’s your office planning for this year?

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share your funniest office holiday stories

We have once again entered the season of forced workplace merriment, holiday party disasters, and other seasonal delights! Thus it is time to hear about your office holiday debacles, past or current. Did you pass out naked in the break room? Did your manager provide you with a three-page document of “party procedures”? Did a drunk Santa […]

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