the boudoir photos, the date from Shopko, and other stories of holidays at work by Alison Green on December 18, 2024 Here are 10 of my favorite stories you shared about holidays at work over the past month. 1. The empty gifts For years we had a buffet dinner at a nice local hotel, and the room had decorations, including Christmas trees. Our Secret Santa was a version where you could choose and steal gifts but […] Read the full article →
office holiday gift-giving stories: worst gifts and weirdest gifts by Alison Green on December 12, 2024 In the spirit of the season, let’s hear about workplace gift debacles. Did a game of Secret Santa end in tears? Did a coworker throw a tantrum when she didn’t win a raffle? Did your boss try to give you Hanukkah balls? Were you given a jar of mold as a gift? These are all real […] Read the full article →
share your funniest office holiday stories by Alison Green on December 5, 2024 We have once again entered the season of forced workplace merriment, holiday party disasters, and other seasonal delights! Thus it is time to hear about your office holiday debacles, past or current. Did you pass out naked in the break room? Did your manager provide you with a three-page document of “party procedures”? Were you given a […] Read the full article →
the potluck magician, the apricot thief, and other stories of holidays at work by Alison Green on November 27, 2024 It’s more holiday stories! Tradition dictates that as we head into the holiday season, we must revisit holiday stories previously shared by readers. Here are some favorites. 1. The magic I once worked at a small nonprofit with a lot of team spirit — people truly seemed to love staff gatherings, staff outings, etc. We […] Read the full article →
the sandwich party, the goat shrine, and other unusual office traditions by Alison Green on November 27, 2024 I asked last week about unusual office traditions you’ve seen or experienced, and here are 15 of my favorites you shared. 1. The PB&J party We once had a coworker who was a young, single guy right out of college and living on his own for the first time. He always forgot to buy groceries, […] Read the full article →
the bacon monitor, the baby boom, and other tales of holidays at work by Alison Green on November 26, 2024 Over the years, readers have submitted a tremendous number of amusing stories about holidays at work. Here are some of my favorites. 1. The thief and the hero At a temp secretarial job back in the day, the owner had a buffet set up for the employees as an appreciation lunch for completing a particular […] Read the full article →
the boat party rations, the cook-off vote theft, and other food stories from work by Alison Green on November 25, 2024 All this week to get us in the holiday spirit, I’m going to be featuring holiday work stories readers have shared here in the past … and then updates season will start next week! To kick us off, here are 10 of my favorite stories you shared about potlucks and other food gatherings at work […] Read the full article →
let’s talk about unusual office traditions by Alison Green on November 21, 2024 One of the most popular “ask the readers” posts last year was on unusual but fun office traditions. Here’s some of what got shared last year: • We had The Team Plant. It was a nice ordinary office houseplant in a basket, and it didn’t belong to anyone in particular. Most of the time it […] Read the full article →
the Rolodex hoarder, the used tea bags, and other stories of territorial behavior at work by Alison Green on November 18, 2024 Last week we discussed territorial behavior at work and here are 12 of my favorite stories you shared. 1. The Rolodex I worked with a manager that kept customer information in a Rolodex to prevent any one else from making calls to them. And I mean a classic Rolodex, the big spinning thing that had […] Read the full article →
let’s discuss territory-marking at work by Alison Green on November 14, 2024 Let’s talk about territory-marking behavior at work: people with a high need to make sure you know they they own this work area or this desk or this project (whether or not they really do). Think for example, of this person who left ridiculously excessive “rules” for the person covering her maternity leave (including “do […] Read the full article →