ask the readers

Looking for crowdsourced wisdom? Here are reader discussions about life at work.

ask the readers: strangely dramatic responses to mundane work events

For some reason, work makes people have weirdly strong reactions to relatively mundane events — examples here over the years include an office-wide meltdown when new phones were installed with fewer speed dial buttons, or the person who threw a massive tantrum when they were told they could no longer wear pajamas to work. Maybe you’ve […]

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how do I find clothes that look businessy but not stuffy?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I have a final job interview tomorrow. My previous interviews were virtual. I asked the recruiter (male) what to wear because I noticed my interviewers were wearing jeans and t-shirts. He said, “Oh, whatever makes you comfortable. Not a blazer. Most people here wear jeans […]

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what’s your company doing for the holidays this year?

What’s your company doing for the holidays this year?  Party on a boat that you can’t escape from and which will produce a confrontational email the following Monday? Potluck with questionable contributions? Swanky hotel party complete with lines of coke? Covid super-spreader event? Please share in the comment section!

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navigating workplace Christmas overload as a non-Christian

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I’d love to hear from you and/or your readers about how you handle the ubiquitous “holiday” activities every December that are invariably just Christmas celebrations. I’m not Christian and I always find this time of year tiring. It doesn’t help that I’m an elementary teacher, […]

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share your funniest office holiday stories

We have once again entered the season of forced workplace merriment, holiday party disasters, and other seasonal delights! Thus it is time to hear about your office holiday debacles, past or current. Did you pass out naked in the break room? Did your manager provide you with a three-page document of “party procedures”? Were you given a […]

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