bad interviewer behavior

There are lots of bad job interviewers out there! Here’s how to have a good interview even if you’re stuck with a bad interviewer.

when a prospective employer wants your social media passwords

A reader writes: I saw this article today and it made me wonder about hiring practices. In a nutshell, it’s talking about that thorny situation of social media and its use in hiring decisions. A lot of the info there is very 2006-era “duh-tastic” but one thing caught my eye: Some companies are apparently requesting usernames and passwords […]

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rude recruiters, job-hunting librarians, and more

A random assortment of stuff — 1. I loved reading all the comments about people’s secret fantasy careers — and especially seeing how drawn a lot of people are to careers that might look mundane to others. If you haven’t read them yet, do! It’s a fascinating read. 2. Speaking of things I enjoyed recently, […]

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ending an interview early when your interviewer is a jerk

A reader writes: I’ve read your “run, don’t walk” advice when you find yourself in a job interview with someone you would never work with in a million years. But I still look back in anguish at an incident that happened a few years ago. I had flown to another state for a job interview […]

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crazy hiring managers who act like Caligula

A reader writes: As a current graduate student, I am searching for a part-time job or internship. Normally when I submit a job application, I attach both my cover letter and resume (and anything else asked for) in pdf format and write a brief note in the email about all of my materials being attached, […]

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did I offend my interviewer?

A reader writes: Is asking an interviewer, “Is there anything you would change about the organization” inappropriate? A previous employer was not a pleasant fella to work for, and the organization was chaotic. After putting up with that for ten years I wanted to assess whether or not I was setting myself up for the […]

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interviewer was offended when I asked why the job was open

A reader writes: Any advice on how to “save” an interview when the hiring manager indicates your question is offensive? Case in point: at a recent interview, I was asked if I had any questions about the position and I responded with, “Why is this position available? Is is because of company growth? Someone left […]

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interviewers who suck: our next installment

I know you guys like interview horror stories — because you’re sadists? — so here’s a great one for you. A reader writes: I interviewed with a company this morning for an entry-level position. HR called me yesterday to schedule an interview with me for 10 am today. I arrived at the interview approximately 3 […]

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