bad interviewer behavior

There are lots of bad job interviewers out there! Here’s how to have a good interview even if you’re stuck with a bad interviewer.

a tale of bad interviewer behavior, this time with reference abuse

A reader writes: After a 45-minute phone interview with a small non-profit in another state, I was invited to interview in-person. The interviewer contacted me two days prior to the interview to request that I provide the following to her, in less than 24 hours: – Phone numbers for four references, who were then subjected […]

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bad interviewer behavior

I’ve created a new tag for posts: bad interviewer behavior. So if you’re in the mood to read about interviewers behaving badly, a bunch of shocking posts are compiled here.

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HR rejected me, but interviewer said I’m still in play

A reader writes: I interviewed with a company about a month ago, and I’m not sure what the deal is with these people. I had an in-house interview on February 5th, and they initially told me it’d be a week or two before they made a decision. Everything seemed to have gone well and I […]

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and we’re going to strip-search you before the job interview

A reader writes: After filling out an online application, I received an email from the (large and well-known) employer asking that I return to their career website to provide my date of birth, social security number, and driver’s license number. They added that they will only use the information to begin a background check if […]

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the weirdest interview question ever?

This amazing story comes from one of the commenters on my U.S. News & World report post earlier this week about how to handle inappropriate interview questions. Linda R. wrote: When I was just out of college (ahem…the early 80’s, a less enlightened age), a friend went on an interview for an administrative position. She […]

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employer “appalled” by candidate’s questions to HR

A reader writes: I’ve been working in a freelance position that is project based for a few months with a medium sized company. They have been working towards hiring me on more permanent part-time basis. The position would include working on an event basis but also office hours, and include similar but not exactly the […]

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