cover letters

Your cover letter is where you make a case for why you’d excel at the job, aside from what’s in your resume. A good cover letter can be the thing that gets you an interview. Here’s how to write one.

how long should a cover letter be?

A reader writes: I have the most basic of questions, but I’ve received a different answer from everyone I ask. How long should a cover letter be? I tend to be more concise in my writing, so I would be okay submitting a half page cover letter. However, I feel like that appears too short […]

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how to write a cover letter that will get you an interview

If you’re like most job seekers, you’re not taking advantage of one of the best ways to get a hiring manager’s attention: writing a great cover letter. Cover letters can be what gets you pulled out of a stack of applications and called for an interview. They can make the difference between hearing nothing from […]

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something your cover letter does not need to do

I’ve seen a few people lately advising others that a cover letter needs to address every single one of the qualifications listed in the job ad. This is not true, and it will usually make for a crowded, less effective cover letter. You do want to be sure that the qualifications described in the job posting […]

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this is a resume and cover letter that work

A reader recently shared with me the resume and cover letter she used to get a new job, and I liked them so much that I got her to agree to let me share them here. Note: Do not steal these and make them your own. The reason they work is because they’ve so customized […]

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does a cover letter have to sound like an infomercial?

This post was originally published on October 25, 2010. A reader writes: I really appreciate your blog and your candor, and I have used your advice many times during my job search. In fact, the interview chapter from your e-book made a huge difference on my last interview and I really felt like I was […]

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what IS a cover letter, anyway?

A reader writes: This is a long email to ask a very short question: what is a cover letter? I know it’s really basic, but that’s why it’s throwing me so much! How would you explain what a cover letter is, to someone who had never heard of one? I just ran into this situation […]

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