I recommended my sister for a job — and it was a disaster by Alison Green on March 5, 2018 A reader writes: I am writing in to you to ask how I can recover my reputation and the trust of the people I work with, vendors and clients after I recommended someone for a job who turned out to be a disaster. My job was hiring several entry-level and basic positions, no experience or […] Read the full article →
transcript of “The Friend Boss” (Ask a Manager podcast episode 1) by Alison Green on March 1, 2018 This is a transcription of the Ask a Manager podcast, episode 1: “The Friend Boss”. Alison: Hi, I’m Alison Green. Welcome to the Ask a Manager podcast. Some of you may know me from my website, AskAManager.org, where I answer daily questions from readers about how to navigate all sorts of sticky situations with coworkers, […] Read the full article →
the vanishing microwave and other stories of workplace romance, gone both wrong and right by Alison Green on February 14, 2018 Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are some amazing stories about workplace romance that commenters shared in years past. Please feel free to share your own in the comment section. 1. The wildflowers I once worked at a bank in a department dealing with loans for high value assets (cars with six-figure price tags, yachts, roller coasters). […] Read the full article →
employee’s dad called to see if we had “properly briefed him” on his travel by Alison Green on January 24, 2018 A reader writes: I just had a very strange phone call. An employee’s father emailed me (I’m Business Ops/HR), asking me to call him. Since the employee (who I’ll call Fergus) is currently out of the country on business, I was worried that something had happened to him, so I called Dad back right away. […] Read the full article →
ask the readers: weird job advice your parents gave you by Alison Green on January 4, 2018 Over the years, we’ve heard about some really weird job advice and other actions from parents. Some examples: * “My mom once tried to go into a job interview with me, when I was 23. I told her ABSOLUTELY NOT. (She did a lot of crazy things when I was that age, but I eventually trained her […] Read the full article →
10 Ask a Manager letters that will make you glad you’re single by Alison Green on December 10, 2017 Brit + Co. compiled a list of their 10 favorite Ask a Manager letters about exes and other romantic complications at work. It’s here. Read the full article →
my boyfriend’s horrible ex-girlfriend got a job at my company by Alison Green on November 20, 2017 A reader writes: I am a woman in my later 20’s who has been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years now. He is my best friend, I couldn’t be happier with him! The issue does not lie with my boyfriend or our relationship, but with his ex-girlfriend. My boyfriend and I used […] Read the full article →
my mom keeps sending me job postings even though I’m happily employed by Alison Green on November 8, 2017 A reader writes: I grew up with a classic helicopter Mom — overly involved and controlling of my life in every way. This has not stopped as I’ve grown into adulthood. All throughout college she would constantly send me emails filled with companies and links to apply for internships. I do, in part, have her […] Read the full article →
my department will fall apart if I get pregnant and take maternity leave by Alison Green on October 30, 2017 A reader writes: I am currently an HR generalist for a medium-sized not-for-profit (health care). I work under the HR director and am also over one HR assistant. I learned that my boss will be moving in the next few months and my company wants to promote me to HR director. I am only 26, […] Read the full article →
I overheard my girlfriend on a work call and am worried she’s a mean boss by Alison Green on October 30, 2017 A reader writes, My significant other, Beverly, is a senior consultant/team lead. From time to time, she’ll do conference calls when I’m home. I know generally how she acts at work and what her job entails. One of her new subordinates, Deanna, gave a presentation to her and her boss, Tasha. The little I heard […] Read the full article →