ask the readers: when workplace romance goes horribly wrong by Alison Green on February 14, 2017 It’s Valentine’s Day, so it’s time to amuse us with your real-life stories of workplace romances gone wrong — yours or other people’s. Sweet, romantic stories related to work are also acceptable, but embarrassing disasters are always the best. Share away in the comments… Read the full article →
my coworkers know I’ve been in a volatile, possibly abusive relationship — can I bring my fiance to work events? by Alison Green on February 8, 2017 A reader writes: I was in a very volatile relationship for the past couple of years. It all began around the same time that I launched into a new career with a new employer. Somehow I was able to continue my job and survive. However, my boss found out that my fiance was charged with […] Read the full article →
ask the readers: my business partner’s wife corners people at events and won’t stop talking by Alison Green on January 12, 2017 I’m throwing this one out to readers to weigh in on. Here’s the letter: I’ve been in business with my business partner for a decade, and there has been a recurring theme that is the source of all kinds of problems for me, our employees, and even my spouse: his spouse. My business partner’s wife […] Read the full article →
my husband doesn’t want to comply with my company’s trading policy by Alison Green on January 5, 2017 A reader writes: I am an accountant in Australia. Three weeks ago, I joined a global company which has an investment arm. A few days ago, everyone else in my department got an email saying that our designation had changed to make us “access persons” and we had to comply with an attached personal trading […] Read the full article →
the things job seekers are tired of hearing from family and friends by Alison Green on November 7, 2016 If you have an out-of-work friend or family member, you probably want to be helpful and supportive. But sometimes people’s initial instincts for what to say to help can be … well, the opposite of helpful. Here are 10 things that most job seekers are really tired of hearing from family and friends. Take a […] Read the full article →
I feel guilty that I got a job through family connections by Alison Green on November 2, 2016 A reader writes: So I am a year and a half out of college. I work as a Teapot Package Designer (obviously not my real field). I’ve been in my job since May of this year and I’m definitely happy to be here. I like the work, my team is great, and I’ve learned so […] Read the full article →
I’ve been covering for a friend’s work mistakes by Alison Green on November 1, 2016 A reader writes: I have a friend, “Meg,” and we both work at the same company but in different departments. Meg is one of my closest friends, and we hang out all the time. She’s a lot of fun to be around, and she’s also been there for me through some difficult times. She’s an […] Read the full article →
my mother wants to write to the newspaper about my “tragic story of shattered dreams” and nothing I say can stop her by Alison Green on October 12, 2016 A reader writes: I’m a 20something woman in tech. Since day one, I had to fight for a place in this field, convincing interviewers that I could do more than customer support, that I deserve the same opportunities my male counterparts have. To this day, I have only had three jobs (tech support, trainee, and […] Read the full article →
my husband emailed my boss about our decision for me to resign by Alison Green on October 10, 2016 It’s Columbus Day and I could use a break, so here’s an old post from 2012 that I’m making new again. A reader writes: Recently, I accepted a part-time RN position, but resigned within the 90-day probationary period due to several personal and professional factors. I had tried to re-enter the workforce after being a stay-at-home mother for […] Read the full article →
my friend is sabotaging her career by Alison Green on September 22, 2016 A reader writes: Last year, my good friend and colleague was transferred to new position at the same level. She was frustrated by the move and was vocal to just about everyone about it. She didn’t like the position, felt it was beneath her skill set, and believed she was long overdue for a promotion. […] Read the full article →