my brothers’ wives are interfering in our family business by Alison Green on August 30, 2022 A reader writes: My two brothers and I inherited a small family business when our parents died. We have similar visions for the future, and we get along well (most of the time!). I am the manager of the corporation, and I am responsible for all the details. I pay the bills and keep track […] Read the full article →
dealing with domestic abuse in the workplace by Alison Green on July 11, 2022 This is a reprint of a post from 2012. Someone recently suggested reprinting it annually and I think it’s a good idea. In a post about what to do if an employee is being abused at home, commenter Marie left the following comment, which I thought was so powerful that I wanted to post it here […] Read the full article →
should I let my parents help me network? by Alison Green on May 26, 2022 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: My question is about networking and family. My parents and I are in the same field, and I definitely was helped from the very beginning of my career by their experience and connections. Now that I’m finishing graduate school however, I feel that I want […] Read the full article →
my wife says my relationship with my coworker is inappropriate by Alison Green on May 17, 2022 A reader writes: I’ve been working fully remote for a large company since 2020, and work IM’s have become the new normal. I took a new position in April 2021 and a previous female coworker began directly reporting to me. She accepted a new position on another team in July. Once she accepted the new […] Read the full article →
I’m dating my boss — can I fix his conflict with another employee? by Alison Green on March 23, 2022 A reader writes: I work part-time for a small company owned by my domestic partner, Sam. We were together before he started the company about 10 years ago and it mostly works out for everyone because we have our own areas of work. Everyone who works there, including myself, is a 1099 contractor due to […] Read the full article →
my wife’s complaints about work are overwhelming me by Alison Green on February 24, 2022 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: My wife and I have a generally happy household, except for after work times: I think of this as the Airing of Grievances hour. And let me be clear in saying that it is my wife who does the complaining. She is pleasant with her […] Read the full article →
my coworker/friend keeps coming to work drunk by Alison Green on November 23, 2021 A reader writes: I have a friend (let’s call her Becky) I have known since we were in middle school, who is now my coworker. In college, it became pretty apparent that she was developing a drinking problem, which has only got worse as she’s gotten older. Because I’ve been around her so many times […] Read the full article →
I manage my daughter and someone complained about her by Alison Green on September 22, 2021 I’m on vacation today. This was originally published in 2016. A reader writes: I am the director of operations for our practice. I have a daughter who is one of our employees, and I am her manager. She has a seven-month old baby and works part-time from home for our publicly traded company, doing administrative […] Read the full article →
my friend is angry that I can’t help more in her job search by Alison Green on September 15, 2021 A reader writes: How do I align a friend’s expectations of how I can help with her job search with how much time and support I can ACTUALLY provide? I’m a career bureaucrat. Most of my connections are in government and nonprofit industries. My friend is miserable in her job, and has been for a […] Read the full article →
I’m upset that my friend wants to work for the company that laid me off by Alison Green on September 7, 2021 A reader writes: I have a bit of what I feel is an ethical dilemma and would like some help gaining perspective on how it is best to handle this type of situation. I was suddenly laid off from my dream job this past winter. And when I say suddenly, I mean one hour I […] Read the full article →