family, friends & significant others

When your family, spouse, or partner intersects with your job or work, things can go badly. Here’s advice to navigate it well.

when should I tell my friend I applied for a job she wants?

A reader writes: I made a very unlikely friend at work about four years ago — a coworker who got a job instead of me. She and I have similar responsibilities but in different parts of the organization. We bonded over the work we have in common and have gotten very close. Over the years, […]

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my well-meaning family keeps sending me terrible job leads

A reader writes: Because of the COVID-19 crisis, my job has temporarily furloughed me, and I’m not sure when (if?) it will ever come back to its normal capacity. So, I’ve been job hunting (actually, I was doing this even before the coronavirus crisis, but that’s another letter), and told my parents and sister that […]

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what to do when an employee’s spouse calls you

A reader writes: I had to reject an employee’s request for specific dates for vacation leave. Then her husband phoned me to tell me that she will not be at work and she will take the leave! What can I do from here to prevent her husband from doing the negotiations on her behalf? I […]

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my husband is my boss — and we’re getting divorced

A reader writes: I am asking for advice about how to handle my impending divorce at work. I work at a large nonprofit in a specialist capacity that is a recognized priority for the company, but organizationally belongs to one of five departments. I’ve worked here for 10 years. I was headhunted by the executive […]

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can I wear a baby during a video interview?

A reader writes: I was just asked to do a two-hour video interview this week. I am excited for the opportunity, but I am at home with a newborn and my partner is likely unable to commit to watching the baby for that long. My partner also works from home but takes frequent customer calls […]

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