what to think about before launching your own business by Alison Green on August 8, 2012 I see this advice all the time — “Can’t get a job? Become an entrepreneur.” There’s no question that it works for some people, but it’s far from being universally applicable. Starting your own business is hard, and it’s not for everyone. It’s not as easy as just having a skill and selling it. You […] Read the full article →
approaching my employer about consulting for them on top of my regular job by Alison Green on August 2, 2012 A reader writes: Two months ago, I started a part-time job at a small company. My duties include typical front desk and reception duties and I enjoy working there. When I am not working there, I am spending my time preparing to launch my own marketing and social media business on a part-time basis. I […] Read the full article →