when Satan’s intern comes to stay by Alison Green on July 24, 2011 Periodically, I like to throw out a question to readers to answer. Here’s one for you to tackle — and the story is long and juicy. Have at it in the comments… I work in a field that’s big on mentoring — at one point or another, everyone in my field had to intern. In […] Read the full article →
bad ideas from interns: using your company’s email list to promote underage drinking by Alison Green on June 16, 2011 Check out this amusing email string from a bumbling but very enthusiastic JP Morgan summer intern. The sequence of events: 1. He sends an all-staff email encouraging people to attend a happy hour that night, noting that the bar “is not strict on IDs so if you have a fake you will be fine. If […] Read the full article →
should I reconnect with coworkers from my internship last summer? by Alison Green on June 8, 2011 A reader writes: I am a recent graduate searching for my first job. I am going to apply for a position at the nonprofit I interned at last summer, but for a different department. I am confident that when HR contacts the department I interned for, I will get good reviews. On the evaluation I […] Read the full article →
unpaid internships, travel stipends, and revoked agreements by Alison Green on May 3, 2011 A reader writes: I recently accepted a position as an unpaid intern at a nonprofit. Fresh out of grad school with an MA and a significant amount of debt, at my interview I requested that I be reimbursed for travel. The person who hired me agreed to compensate me; the amount added up to about […] Read the full article →
10 tips to get the most out of your internship by Alison Green on January 17, 2011 If you’re thinking about leaving college without doing a couple of internships, don’t. You will be at a huge disadvantage if you emerge into the post-grad world without work experience. But it’s also not enough simply to do a few internships. You also need to be impressive during your time there. Here are 10 ways […] Read the full article →
don’t send poetry as your writing sample, and other suggestions for job applicants by Alison Green on December 30, 2010 I’m hiring college students for several internships right now, which means that the candidates are a mix of really impressive/prepared and really … not. Lessons from just this past week: 1. Don’t send poetry as your writing sample. It doesn’t matter how good it is; it’s not relevant to the kind of writing I need […] Read the full article →
what should I say/ask as I leave my internship? by Alison Green on December 1, 2010 A reader writes: I wrote to you about whether or not to extend my internship back in April (from the Should I Extend My Internship post) and thought I could share with you an update. After much pondering about weighing the pros and cons of doing so, I decided to go ahead and extend my […] Read the full article →
should I extend my internship? by Alison Green on April 30, 2010 A reader writes: I am currently doing an unpaid internship that I am receiving college credit for this semester. I really enjoy working with my manager and after reading your previous post on extending the length of an internship, I decided to ask my manager about it. She was fine with it when I asked; […] Read the full article →
is taking an internship on top of a job unethical? by Alison Green on September 20, 2009 A reader writes: I received my BA this May, and after searching, got a job as an Administrative Assistant. I’m really very grateful to have gotten this position as it seems like getting an entry level position right now is a bit of a crapshoot: so many people could perform this job admirably, but they […] Read the full article →
extending the length of an internship by Alison Green on July 22, 2009 A reader writes: My current summer internship is amazing. I want a full time position at this company but I do not think one is available. However, my internship doesn’t have a set “end date” and I am not sure how to bring it up with my boss (we have a good relationship). I am […] Read the full article →