
Internships: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

internships: stay where I am or seek out new experiences?

A reader writes: I am currently awaiting the start my junior year at a D.C. university and was fortunate enough to spend my summer in Washington, D.C. I threw myself into 50 hours of work per week – with two part-time internships and a part-time job. With the summer now in full swing, I have […]

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how to get the most of out your internship

A reader writes: I’m going to be starting a 3-month summer internship in the management consulting field for a reasonably small (~30 employees) boutique consultancy. I see it as the first step in my career goal to become a management consultant. My goals from this internship are: 1) To obtain a bunch of great contacts […]

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3 tips for managing interns

Summer intern season is approaching. Here are three tips for surviving it. 1. Don’t cut the intern too much slack just because he/she is unpaid or low paid. You might not hold them to exactly the same standards you’d hold your regular staff to, but you should at least hold them to something close to […]

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