
Interviewing is stressful! Here are answers to every question you can imagine about impressing your interviewer and getting the job.

here’s what your job interviewers say after you leave the room

Wouldn’t it be great if you could hear what your job interviewers say about you after your interview is over? Or maybe not — although if you’re worried that interviewers are trash-talking you, they’re probably not, even if you weren’t right for the job. But interviewers do have certain ways of naming potential issues – […]

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do dogs belong in job interviews?

A reader writes: I work for a company that allows pets to be brought to work. In fact, we have a “Dog of the Day” program and a coordinator. Did I mention the pooches get their own company name/ID badges too? But I digress. Recently, I was part of a panel made up of a […]

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CEO’s wife ruined my job prospects

A reader writes: I have been going through a very rigorous interviewing process for a permanent job in a firm where I have been undergoing a two-month post-college training program/paid internship which is very prestigious and only very few trainees are offered the permanent job. It would be my first proper job after finishing university. […]

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did I lead my interviewer on?

A reader: I have been working for a company (Company A) for six months now, on a temporary contract. The pay is good and the hours are flexible, and as I would like to start studying part time soon this arrangement suits me. I don’t see a lot of potential for growth in this company, […]

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how many questions can you ask in a job interview?

A reader writes: How many questions are OK to ask in a job interview while being respectful of time? I usually try to squeeze in as many as I can while monitoring how much time my interviewer seems to have available for questioning. I have asked as many as 5-6 questions before, but I usually […]

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interview lines that make hiring managers cringe

When you’re interviewing for a job, the last thing you want to do is inadvertently say something that makes your interviewer cringe or roll her eyes – and yet some of the most common lines used in interviews do exactly that.  Here are five of them. “I’m the perfect candidate for this job.” Maybe someone somewhere […]

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how to deal with a bad interviewer

A reader writes: I recently interviewed for a position that I think I’m under-qualified for. The position is to be a dean of department at a university which requires 7+ years experience in a similar post and a great deal of knowledge about financial markets. I graduated from the top ivy league school in the […]

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