I’m frustrated that my interview got canceled because the employer found better-qualified candidates by Alison Green on February 6, 2017 A reader writes: A friend told me about a job opportunity at a local chorale group in my area, and I applied for the director of donations position. I did not have much experience, but I wrote an awesome cover letter and applied. I got emailed the next day for an interview for the following […] Read the full article →
the 8 worst questions to ask at your job interview by Alison Green on February 6, 2017 At the end of a job interview, your interviewer is likely to ask you what questions you have. This is the time for you to ask all the things that you need to know to help you decide if the job and the company are right to you. But you’re still being evaluated, so it’s […] Read the full article →
should I turn down a job offer I was excited about until I met the CEO? by Alison Green on February 2, 2017 A reader writes: I’m in my 30s, and looking to transition from teaching (English) into something more scalable and content focused — entry-level marketing, copywriting, or editing. I’ve had some positive responses to applications, including an interview with my dream company, but haven’t landed anything quite yet (I’ve only been searching for a few weeks, […] Read the full article →
can you save a bad interview? by Alison Green on January 11, 2017 A reader writes: I had my first-ever phone interview earlier this week, and it was a total disaster. A few minutes after the appointed time, my phone rang and I answered “Hello?” to which he said “Hi Anne, this is Eugene from ABC Corp.” and then I said “Great, thanks so much for calling.” He […] Read the full article →
why do interviewers act like I’m about to be hired, and then reject me? by Alison Green on January 5, 2017 A reader writes: Over the past two years, I’ve interviewed for many jobs. The most frustrating thing for me is two managers have pretended like I already had the job while interviewing me, then later told me I was not a good candidate for the position. Both of these jobs were jobs I REALLY REALLY […] Read the full article →
are my examples in interviews too negative? by Alison Green on January 3, 2017 A reader writes: Inspired by you and the commenters here at AAM, my top goal for 2017 is to launch a new career in a new industry. I’m putting together answers for potential interview questions (of the classic “tell me about a time when…” format) and I keep running into an issue: the place I’ve […] Read the full article →
how much should you listen to your gut in a job interview? by Alison Green on November 11, 2016 A reader writes: Today I met with a hiring manager who is looking for a specific area of experience that I have. I was excited about the role before the meeting, but now that we’ve talked — and even though she seemed very nice and capable — I feel like I should run screaming in […] Read the full article →
can you say you’re looking for a new job because you want “a new challenge”? by Alison Green on October 26, 2016 A reader writes: When being asked by a hiring manager “why are you looking to leave your job,” one of the common advised response is “I’m looking to take on a new challenge.” Do you think that answering with “I’m looking to take on a new challenge” can be interpreted as admitting that the candidate […] Read the full article →
I’m afraid I’m about to be offered a job I won’t be good at by Alison Green on October 24, 2016 I’m still sick so I’m pulling this post from 2012 out of the archives so I can continue resting. A reader writes: I had a second interview with a company last week and it went horribly, in my estimation. There were a bunch of technical questions, and I did my best to answer them to […] Read the full article →
you are turning off your interviewer without realizing it by Alison Green on October 24, 2016 If you’ve prepared for a job interview recently, you probably know the basics – bring extra copies of your resume, don’t badmouth your previous employers, arrive on time, and so forth. But as someone who’s interviewed hundreds of job candidates, I can tell you that there’s a lot more that goes into the kind of […] Read the full article →