
Interviewing is stressful! Here are answers to every question you can imagine about impressing your interviewer and getting the job.

how can I decide if a long interview process is worth it?

A reader writes: I recently was turned down for a job after 11 interviews over a two-month period, which included taking a day off of work to fly to an office to do three interviews in another city. I was told that I did “extremely well” in the process, but the company decided another candidate […]

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5 things you should never do while waiting to hear back about a job

Your job interview went great, and the employer said you’d hear something soon. But it’s been a week, your phone hasn’t rung, and you’re getting antsy to hear something. When you’re waiting to hear back about a job, time often seems like it’s passing incredibly slowly, and each day of silence can be agony. But as […]

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are you turning off your interviewer without realizing it?

Smart employers don’t expect job candidates to be perfectly polished interviewees, but some turn-offs that might seem minor on your end can be deal-breakers on the employer’s end. Here are five common ways that candidates turn off their interviewers without even realizing it. 1. Not speaking in specifics. Interviewers are trying to understand exactly what you’ve […]

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