
Interviewing is stressful! Here are answers to every question you can imagine about impressing your interviewer and getting the job.

an employer wants to take a photo of me at my interview

A reader writes: I have been invited to interview for a large global research company. This is the second stage interview, and as part of the email confirmation, I was told I would be doing a 2-hour interview with a task (normal enough) and that they would like to take a photo of me! (Exact […]

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8 lies interviewers tell job candidates

As a job seeker, you might occasionally think about padding your experience or exaggerating your role on a key project. (Don’t do this.) But has it occurred to you that your interviewers may be misleading you right back? Interviewers regularly deliver statements to job candidates that aren’t entirely accurate and sometimes are outright false – and […]

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interviewing for a job with pieces that I won’t be good at

A reader writes: How can I stop myself from focusing on the aspects of a job I know I won’t be good at? The organization has contacted me for an interview, which means they think I’m qualified. But I’m scared they’re going to smell my fear – fear that they’re interviewing someone for an administrative […]

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