how do I tell interviewers why I’m leaving my job without badmouthing my employer? by Alison Green on February 16, 2023 A reader writes: Is it badmouthing an employer if it is the truth? I have worked at my current job for almost 15 years. My boss is an attorney in a solo practice. He is planning to retire at the end of this year. In the past five years, he has gone from five employees […] Read the full article →
how to answer “why are you interested in this position?” by Alison Green on February 7, 2023 Sit down for any job interview and one of the first questions you’re likely to be asked is, “Why are you interested in this position?” For a lot of interviewers, this is a softball question: a way to ease into the interview without hitting you with high-pressure questions the minute you sit down. And to […] Read the full article →
I had to deal with a sick toddler and a vomiting dog while doing a video interview by Alison Green on January 19, 2023 A reader writes: I am a mom to a 2.5 year old and, due to the obstacles of trying to work in a pandemic with a small child, sought a part-time role and started with a new employer in March of last year. I really like this company, and recent opportunities for growth and my […] Read the full article →
10 impressive questions to ask in a job interview by Alison Green on January 10, 2023 It’s the question you’re likely to be asked at the end of every job interview: “What questions do you have for me?” As someone who’s interviewed probably thousands of job candidates in my career, I’m always taken aback by how many people don’t have questions about the job at all. After all, you’re considering spending […] Read the full article →
do I still need to wear a suit to a job interview? by Alison Green on January 9, 2023 A reader writes: I read your blog religiously and am excited to have some interviews coming up! Looking back through your archives, like these posts in 2015, 2012, and 2008, you have me convinced that my best option is to wear a suit for these interviews. But when it comes to actually shopping for a […] Read the full article →
was I wrong to be put off by interviewing on Bring Your Kids to Work Day? by Alison Green on January 9, 2023 A reader writes: I wanted to get your thoughts on an interview situation I was in a while ago. This experience sticks out in my memory as Not Good, but I wonder if I’m being a stick-in-the-mud. A while ago (pre-Covid), I had an in-person interview that ended up coinciding with Bring Your Kids to […] Read the full article →
can you ask an interviewer to stop talking so much? by Alison Green on November 3, 2022 A reader writes: I recently had a job interview where I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask about the role and the firm that were going to be pretty important in my decision with whether to continue with the process. The interview was booked for a 45-minute time slot, and the interviewer […] Read the full article →
is being offered a job too quickly a red flag? by Alison Green on October 13, 2022 A reader writes: I work in an technical aspect of healthcare. In my city I have heard there is a shortage of people in my field. A lot of people left during Covid and my small city has experienced rapid growth. I have recently decided to look for a new job. My independently owned clinic […] Read the full article →
is it dishonest to interview for a job when I’m not that interested in it anymore? by Alison Green on October 6, 2022 A reader writes: Until recently, I was looking to leave my current project management role. After being at the same title and essentially the same pay for five years, I was feeling frustrated with the lack of advancement in a job that was expanding in scope and responsibility. While I enjoyed the work, I felt […] Read the full article →
employer invited me to interview but then canceled within 24 hours by Alison Green on September 1, 2022 A reader writes: I’m in the middle of a job search, fresh out of college (I used your advice to write my first-ever cover letter, so thanks!) and I just had a strange experience. Last week, I applied to a receptionist role at a niche school in my neighborhood. I have a couple of years […] Read the full article →