
Jerks at work come in all flavors — credit-hoggers, bullies, underminers, and more. Here’s help in dealing with them.

my coworker is spreading a rumor that I have bulimia

A reader writes: I really need some unbiased advice here as I am really struggling with a situation at my job but at the same time love my position and don’t want to leave. I’ve been at my current job for just over two years. Initially, I really enjoyed my job and my coworkers, but […]

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a coworker is harassing my neighbor (who is having chemo)

A reader writes: I live in a high-rise condo complex and work for a prominent and large (10,000+ employee) healthcare system. My condo complex has a listserv that gets sent to the 1,000 or so residents — unfortunately with very little moderation. Over the past few months, but particularly today, somebody who works at my […]

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the worst boss of 2023 is…

The final votes are in, and the CEO who tried to fire an employee after a DNA test revealed they were half-brothers won the Worst Boss of 2023 Award, with 60% of the vote in the final match-up. Coming in second, the company that wouldn’t do anything about an employee who was angry about an […]

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vote for the worst boss of 2023: the finals

It’s the final round of the Worst Boss of 2023 voting. We’ve narrowed the pool from eight nominees to two (see results from the first round and second round). The two finalists go head-to-head below. Voting is now closed. The results in this round were: A Monstrous Match: a DNA test revealed the CEO is […]

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vote for the worst boss of 2023: round 2

It’s round 2 of the Worst Boss of 2023 voting. In the first round we narrowed the pool from eight nominees to four (see results here). The four winners from round one are paired off in two match-ups below, as we move closer to declaring a winner. Voting is now closed. The results in this […]

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