job searching

The largest stockpile of job searching advice on the internet — more than a decade of questions and answers about how to find a job.

should I apply for jobs that don’t sound great?

A reader writes: I am moving back to North Carolina from Texas, and will be living with my parents until I can find a new job. I’ve been with my current company in Texas for over four years, and it is my first job out of college. Because of this, I feel like I don’t […]

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should I go around HR and contact the hiring manager directly?

A reader writes: I’m currently job searching and when I learn about an opening, I’ll often reach out directly to department heads as opposed to HR. However, sometimes after these directors/VP’s email me back saying they’ve forwarded along my resume to HR, it goes no further. I like being proactive and cutting out the middleman […]

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what’s the best day of the week to apply for a job?

A reader writes: Is there is a certain day and time of the week that is best for applying to online job postings? For example, is it better to apply Monday morning versus Friday afternoon? I was thinking that a Friday afternoon application might be overlooked because of the weekend (applications sent in Monday morning […]

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