job searching

The largest stockpile of job searching advice on the internet — more than a decade of questions and answers about how to find a job.

my brother-in-law shares TMI on LinkedIn

A reader writes: My brother in law was laid off in March. He was part of the mass layoffs in the tech industry. Since then, he has applied to a lot of jobs. Like, A LOT. As of one week ago, he has applied to exactly 700 jobs. I know the exact figure because of […]

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did this application process go overboard?

A reader writes: I’m a senior level director with 25+ years of experience and two degrees. A colleague suggested I apply for an open position at a very prestigious organization so I did. When I started the process, I was excited, but by the time I was done, I was frustrated and uninterested in the […]

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what jobs are good for a mom who wants to lean out?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: After struggling to balance it all over the past year, I have decided to join the many moms who lean out of their careers once they have children (I never thought I would be here!). I am highly tempted to stand on my soapbox explaining […]

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how can I avoid getting my hopes up for a job I’ve applied for?

A reader writes: I’ve been feeling stuck at my job for some time now, and especially trapped because I’m unhappy in my field and am considering changing careers in my mid-30s (which I know isn’t particularly late, but still daunting). I haven’t done much job-searching yet since I figure I’ll have to do some retraining. […]

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