how do I stop myself from getting overly attached in the application process? by Alison Green on March 21, 2024 A reader writes: I was in law school, but between middling grades and some very personal issues, have since decided to pivot to paralegal work. I’ve noticed that with the job applications I’ve sent out that have actually gone somewhere (no offers yet), the cycle has been as follows: – I get a request for […] Read the full article →
my brother-in-law shares TMI on LinkedIn by Alison Green on October 24, 2023 A reader writes: My brother in law was laid off in March. He was part of the mass layoffs in the tech industry. Since then, he has applied to a lot of jobs. Like, A LOT. As of one week ago, he has applied to exactly 700 jobs. I know the exact figure because of […] Read the full article →
did this application process go overboard? by Alison Green on October 19, 2023 A reader writes: I’m a senior level director with 25+ years of experience and two degrees. A colleague suggested I apply for an open position at a very prestigious organization so I did. When I started the process, I was excited, but by the time I was done, I was frustrated and uninterested in the […] Read the full article →
I lied to get out of a non-compete, and now it’s coming back to haunt me by Alison Green on October 10, 2023 A reader writes: I work in a medical/social services field, in which most employers are nonprofit organizations (think along the lines of a blood bank). My first company, a nonprofit in a mid-sized city where I worked from 2009-2012, required all employees to sign a non-compete agreement that prohibited us from working for the same […] Read the full article →
how do I find a job in another city without moving there first? by Alison Green on September 19, 2023 A reader writes: I’m actively trying to move out of my current city – it’s overpriced here, most of my friends have moved away, I hate the weather, and I’m just ready for a change. I don’t have one particular place I’m hoping to move to; I’m open to a lot of destinations, depending on […] Read the full article →
what jobs are good for a mom who wants to lean out? by Alison Green on September 7, 2023 It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: After struggling to balance it all over the past year, I have decided to join the many moms who lean out of their careers once they have children (I never thought I would be here!). I am highly tempted to stand on my soapbox explaining […] Read the full article →
is there a hidden message in that email from your interviewer? by Alison Green on August 28, 2023 “My interviewer said she looked forward to talking soon. Is that a sign I’m getting the job?” “My job interview seemed to go great – but then they said they’d get back to me even if I don’t get the job. Is that a bad sign?” “They said they were looking for someone with more […] Read the full article →
how can I avoid getting my hopes up for a job I’ve applied for? by Alison Green on July 6, 2023 A reader writes: I’ve been feeling stuck at my job for some time now, and especially trapped because I’m unhappy in my field and am considering changing careers in my mid-30s (which I know isn’t particularly late, but still daunting). I haven’t done much job-searching yet since I figure I’ll have to do some retraining. […] Read the full article →
should I even consider interviewing somewhere else if I’m happy with my job? by Alison Green on April 18, 2023 A reader writes: I am having a personal and professional struggle deciding if I should even entertain the idea of applying for an attractive job when I am fairly satisfied and secure where I am, a position I never found myself in before. Some context: My education and first few years of professional experience were […] Read the full article →
is it bad to write “see resume” in an online application system’s endless fields? by Alison Green on April 13, 2023 A reader writes: I may have flubbed a job application by doing this and am gently kicking myself, but wanted to get your opinion. I am an accomplished mid-career professional with 20+ years of experience in my fairly niche field. I’m not aggressively looking to change jobs but a role popped up on LinkedIn that […] Read the full article →